Temperature Dependences of the Rate Constants and Branching

Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Directorate, Ionospheric Effects DiVision (GPID), 29 Randolph Road,. Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731-3010. ReceiVed: ...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 14397-14402


Temperature Dependences of the Rate Constants and Branching Ratios for the Reactions of OH-(H2O)0-4 + CH3Br A. A. Viggiano,* Susan T. Arnold,† Robert A. Morris, A. F. Ahrens,‡ and P. M. Hierl§ Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Directorate, Ionospheric Effects DiVision (GPID), 29 Randolph Road, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731-3010 ReceiVed: May 1, 1996; In Final Form: June 14, 1996X

Various effects of solvation, isotopic substitution, and temperature on the reactions of OH-(H2O)n)0-4 with CH3Br are reported. Increasing solvation is found to decrease reactivity dramatically as has been observed previously. For n ) 0 the rate constant is large, and the temperature dependence is small, T-0.58; Br- is the only product. For n ) 1 the rate constant is about a factor of 1.5 smaller than that for the n ) 0 reaction, and the temperature dependence is T-1.6. This reaction produces about 90% Br- and 10% Br-(H2O), with this ratio roughly independent of temperature. The rate constant for the n ) 2 reaction is almost 2 orders of magnitude lower than that for n ) 1. The n ) 2 reaction is complicated in that the low-temperature behavior depends on the identity of the buffer gas. In a He buffer at all temperatures, only Br- and Br-(H2O) products are observed, while in a H2 buffer another product, OH(H2O)2CH3Br-, is observed at low temperatures in addition to the above products. The temperature dependence of this reaction is flat in a He buffer over the entire experimental temperature range and in a H2 buffer in the range 300 K and above. The temperature dependence in a H2 buffer is about T-4 for temperatures below 300 K. The n ) 3 reaction is about a factor of 10 slower than the n ) 2 reaction at 163 K and proceeds entirely by association. For n ) 4 an upper limit for the rate constant of k e 2 × 10-13 cm3 s-1 is found at 163 K. For the reaction of OH-(H2O) with CH3Br eight isotopic variants were studied: OH-(H2O) with 0-3 deuterium atoms and both CH3Br and CD3Br. No isotopic effect was found between CD3Br and CH3Br. For OH-(H2O) isotopic substitution, the reactivity order was H2DO2- g HD2O2- > H3O2- g D3O2-. The ions group into two categories: those incorporating both hydrogen and deuterium and those with only hydrogen or deuterium. The former group was found to react about 10% more rapidly than the latter group.

Introduction Gas phase nucleophilic substitution reactions, SN2, have been the subject of a large number of studies in the past several years. A good review of previous work is presented in Wang et al.1 and will not be repeated here. Several aspects of gas phase SN2 reactions have been studied in our laboratory, including temperature dependences, internal energy dependences, competition with other reactive channels, isotope effects, and solvation effects. A number of studies have focused on the SN2 reaction of OH- with CH3Br.2-5 The reaction of methyl bromide with the unsolvated OH- ion is fast, approaching the collision rate. However, solvation substantially decreases the reactivity of this system. The effects of solvation on this reaction have been studied by Bohme and colleagues6,7 at 300 K in a flowing afterglow and by Hierl et al.8 in a beam apparatus over the translational energy range between 0.1 and 5 eV. At 300 K, the first water molecule reduces the reactivity to about 60% of that for the unsolvated ion and the second water molecule further reduces the reactivity to only 0.2% of the unsolvated ion value. In addition to studying the effects of solvation on this system, Hierl et al. observed that increasing kinetic energy decreases the cross section for both the unsolvated and the singly solvated OH- ion. Bohme and Raksit have also measured the reactions * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. † Air Force Geophysics Scholar. Permanent address: 2133 Rayburn, House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. ‡ Permanent address: Topeka High School, Topeka, KS 66604. § Permanent address: Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-0046. X Abstract published in AdVance ACS Abstracts, August 1, 1996.

S0022-3654(96)01250-6 CCC: $12.00

of both OH-(H2O)n and OD-(D2O)n with CH3Br.7 However, their error limits for these reactions are too large for any conclusions to be drawn about an isotope effect. We have recently added a supersonic expansion cluster ion source to our selected ion flow tube to study better the effects of solvation on reactivity.9 In this paper we report on various effects of solvation, isotopic substitution, and temperature on the reactions of OH-(H2O)n)0-4 with CH3Br. We have studied the temperature dependence of the rate constant and the branching fraction for n ) 0-2. For the n ) 2 cluster reaction, we observed an association channel in addition to the SN2 channels which produce Br- and Br-(H2O). For the n ) 1 cluster reaction, we studied deuterium substitution in both OH-(H2O) (fully and partially substituted) and CH3Br (fully substituted) as a function of temperature. For the larger cluster ions, n ) 3 and 4, measurements were made at 163 K only. The former ion reacts only by association, and the latter ion was found to be totally unreactive. Finally, we have examined the temperature dependence of the OH-(H2O)n)1-2 reactions in both He and H2 buffers, and we found a substantial difference in the n ) 2 reaction, indicating the buffer gas plays a role in this reaction. Experimental Section The experiments were performed in a variable temperature selected ion flow tube. Most of the apparatus is standard,10,11 and only details pertinent to the present experiments will be discussed. Two different sources were used to produce the OH-(H2O)n cluster ions in this study. For all of the cluster data taken in a He buffer and for all of the OH- data, a standard © 1996 American Chemical Society

14398 J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 100, No. 34, 1996 electron impact ion source was used with pure water as the source gas. For the experiments done in a H2 buffer, the OH-(H2O)n ions were produced using a new supersonic expansion ion source, which is described in detail elsewhere.9 Briefly, ions were formed by expanding a mixture of H2O and Ar, held at about 4 atm, through a 25 µm orifice and then ionizing the gas just downstream of the expansion with an electron filament (ThO2/ Ir). To form larger clusters, the source was heated to 60-70 °C to increase the percentage of H2O vapor in the expansion. The ions were sampled by a blunt skimmer and passed into a quadrupole mass filter. Although the cluster sizes reported here are relatively small, the source is capable of producing clusters as large as the mass spectrometer can detect (∼680 amu). The mass-selected cluster ions were then injected into a buffer gas flow. The OH-(H2O)n)1-4 clusters made using the supersonic expansion source were injected into a H2 buffer, while the reactions of OH-(H2O)n)0-2 clusters made by electron impact were studied in a He buffer for comparison. The ions are quickly thermalized in thousands of collisions with the buffer gas before encountering any reactant gas. Typical operating pressures are 0.2 Torr for the H2 buffer experiments and 0.4 Torr for the He buffer experiments. To study the reactions of OH-(H2O)n)1, we injected that particular cluster ion into the flow tube and obtained signals of >90% purity. To study the larger clusters, we typically injected the n + 1 cluster ion because one solvent molecule would dissociate upon injection. This worked reasonably well; nearly 80% of the signal was the ion of interest, while ∼10% of the signal was present as n + 1 and ∼10% was present as n - 1. To the best of our knowledge, no breakup of the clusters occurred during sampling. This was tested by varying the sampling voltages and observing no change in the ratio of the ion signals. This is consistent with all of our previous work on water clusters. The decay plots were linear, and no evidence of excited states was observed. The presence of more than one primary ion has no effect on the rate constants. A problem would occur only if one primary ion produces another primary ion. That is not the case for the present experiments. The presence of more than one primary ion does complicate the branching ratio determinations. One must subtract the known amount of product for the small clusters to derive the branching fraction for the larger ones. This works well in most cases but would lead to large errors in the smaller products. Because we can make a >90% pure beam for n ) 1, we believe the n ) 1 results to be essentially unaffected, the additional error being on the order of a percentage point, i.e. 10% of 10%. This is supported by the data in the He and H2 buffers being in excellent agreement. For the isotopically labeled OH-(H2O) experiments, a mixture of H2O and D2O was added to the supersonic expansion source, and all masses from 35 to 38 amu were simultaneously injected into the flow tube by using low resolution in the upstream quadrupole. A H2 buffer gas was used for these experiments. Rate constants for the four isotopic variants, H3O2-, H2DO2-, HD2O2-, and D3O2-, were measured simultaneously, thereby reducing all systematic errors to very low levels such that the relative rate constants could be measured to within a few percent. The CH3Br and CD3Br reactant gases were added without purification. At low temperatures the reactant inlet was heated to prevent freezing in the inlet line; this technique has been described previously.12 We measured relative rate constants for the CH3Br and CD3Br reactants by rapidly switching between the two gases; CH3Br rate constants were measured, followed by CD3Br rate constants, and finally CH3Br rate constants again. We believe relative rate constants could be measured to within

Viggiano et al.

Figure 1. Rate constants for the reactions of OH-(H2O)n with CH3Br as a function of temperature. Open points refer to data taken in a He buffer and solid points to data taken in H2. Squares with crosses, circles, squares, triangles, and inverted triangles refer to n ) 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Twenty-five percent error limits on each point are shown.

TABLE 1: Comparison of Rate Constants for the Reaction of OH-(H2O)n with CH3Br rate constants (cm3 s-1) 300 K

collision rate constant (300 K)

previous results (300 K)


2.2 × 10-9

2.79 × 10-9


3.1 × 10-9 1.2 × 10-9

2.09 × 10-9

1.0 × 10-9 (ref 6) 9.9 × 10-10 (ref 2) 1.9 × 10-9 (ref 3) 2.2 × 10-9 (ref 5) 6.3 × 10-10 (ref 6) 1.7 × 10-9 (ref 5) 2 × 10-12 (ref 6)