Textbook errors index: Numbers 73-138 - ACS Publications

Georgia Institute o( Technology. Atlanta, GA 30332. Textbook Errors Index. Numbers 73-138. The Textbook Error Column has beenin existence since. 1955...
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W. H. Eberhardt Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332

T h e Textbook Error Column has been in existence since 1955. I t was orieinated hv Professor Karol J. Mvsels who contributed many of the early articles a n d nurtured the Column for over ten years. An Index was published in J u n e 1967, in a n attempt t o make reference t o these topics easier and, hopefully, more valuable for hoth authors and teachers. This Index is intended t o supplement the previous one and has the same purpose and limitations. We make no claims or even t o finding letters or other articles relating t o these topics h u t simply list them here in a fashion we hope will he valuahle. Thr s e l c ~ t i ~d m material to i n c l u d ~in the C ' < h m nhas heen rhe SUIV reil)oniil,ilit\.