Texture Refinement in a Sheared Liquid-Crystalline Polymer

Introduction. There has been much recent interest in the optical properties of textured anisotropic materials. Birefringence has been used to study th...
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Macromolecules 1994,27, 2327-2329

Texture Refinement in a Sheared Liquid-Crystalline Polymer

polarization induced by a single grain is characterized by its 2 X 2 Jones matrix?

Mj = W. R. Burghardt' and K. Hongladarom Department of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evamton, Illinois 60208 Received October 5, 1993 Revised Manuscript Received January 26, 1993


Analysis We adopt the problem description and notation of Balsara et al.7 A composite sample consists of N optically uniaxial grains,each oriented at polar and azimuthalangles Oj and +j with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system where light propagates along the z axis. Here we treat the case where grains are only slightly misaligned away from the 2 axis, SO that +j is small, and Oj = z/2 + 9,where pj is small. Keeping only terms O(+?), the change in

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.



For small birefringence IAnl = In, - n,l