The 159th at the Houston - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Mar 2, 1970 - First Page Image. Clothes make the man, so the saying goes, and this man is determined to prove that he's a chemist. Tie depicts chemica...
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The 159th

Clothes make the man, so the saying goes, and this man is determined to prove that he's a chemist. Tie depicts chemical equipment and formulas

Taking t i m e out f r o m busy schedules, ACS members stare appreciatively at local scenery in the Albert Thomas convention and exhibit center

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Fay Pearce sang about women's rights at Women Chemists' luncheon while fans listened attentively: Gladys Swope (left), a Madison, Wis., consulting chemist; Houston, Tex., chemist Alice Church; and Dr. Ruth Benerito, 1970 Garvan Medalist Having a chat at President's reception for award winners are Dr. Milton Harris (left) and Dr. Max Tishler, who received the ACS Priestley Medal "for distinguished service to chemistry." Dr. Tishler retires from Merck on May 1

Enjoying themselves at reception held by Dr. Milton Harris, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ACS, are ACS President-Elect Melvin Calvin (left), Executive Director Frederick T. Wall, President Byron Riegel, and ACS Past-President Robert Cairns

Wife of meeting participant registers for ladies' program that included shopping tours, tours of Texas Medical Center, several museums, NASA, various colleges and universities in the area

MARCH 2, 1970 C&EN