The Acetolysis of Trimethylene-D-mannitol. 2,5-Methylene-D-mannitol

2,5-Methylene-D-mannitol. A. T. Ness, Raymond M. Hann, and C. S. Hudson. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1943, 65 (11), pp 2215–2222. DOI: 10.1021/ja01251a059...
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The Acetolysis of Trimethylene-%mannitol. 2,5-Methylene-D-rndtol BY A. T.NESS,RAYMONDM. HA"


In a previous communication' from this Labora- mation of a tetraacetyl-di- (acetoxymethyl) -dulcitory it was shown that 2,5-dibenzoyl-1,3:4,6-di- tol. The like results in the two casea thus indibenzylidene-dulcitol could be converted in high cate that in these compounds only one of the oxyyield to 2,5-dibenzoyl-1,3,4,6-tetraacetyldulcitol gen linkages of each methylene acetal grouping is by acetolysis with a 2% sulfuric acid acetylation ruptured and that the resulting potential hymixture. No migration of the benzoyl groups droxymethyl groups undergo acetylation. Alcould be detected. We have since2employed the though the rupture could conceivably occur at reaction with several benzoylated benzylidene any of the oxygen atoms involved in the acetal acetals and have obtained corresponding isomeric structure, the absence of a complicated mixture dibenzoyl-tetraacetyl polyhydric alcohols which of products, as shown in each case by the high are suitable reference slibstances for the deter- yield of each pure crystalline di-(acetoxymethyl) mination of the structures of the acetals of certain compound (quantitative from the dibenzoate, of the sugar alcohols. It seemed of interest to 76y0 from the &acetate), lends support to the test the action of this acetolysis mixture on view that the rupture is primarily confined to methylene acetals of sugar alcohols. Recently we3 either the secondary linkages at carbon atoms have shown that the dimethylene-dulcitol of three and four or the primary linkages a t one and Weber and Tollens is 1,3:4,6-dimethylene-dulcitol. six of the dulcitol moiety; should such be the case Its dibenzoate (2,5-dibenzoyl-1,3:4,6-dimethyl- the resulting compounds would possess either ene-dulcitol) (I) was subjected to the action of the structure I1 or 111, in which R represents the benacid acetylating reagent in the expectation that zoyl or acetyl group present in the original com2,5-dibenzoyl-1,3,4,6-tetraacetyl-dulcitol might be pound. As indicated in the formulas, these formed. The reaction gave a different product structures, insofar as the acetoxymethyl groups however, a substance which corresponded in com- are concerned, may be considered as acetylated position with a dibenzoyl-di-(acetoxymethy1)- hemiacetals of orthofotmaldehyde in which one diacetyl-dulcitol. Similar treatment of 2,5-di- hydroxyl group of the orthoaldehyde has been acetyl-1,3 :4,6-dimethylene-dulatolled to the for- acetylated and the second has been condensed with some hydroxyl group of the dulcitol molecule. H%C--O-CH, True hemiacetals of formaldehyde are unknown I I H-C4R H& H-C-OB2 OAC and the stability of the two dulcitol compounds is to be ascribed to the presence in their molecular L L H AcSL-H structure of acetylated rather than free hemiaceI I tal groups; in agreement with exp cration it was AcO-C-H found that upon saponification dibenzoyl-diacetylI HsC H- -0Bz H-C--OR OAC di-(acetoxymethy1)-dulcitol consumed six molecuH 2 L A c IH 1 lar equivalents of sodium hydroxide and formed L L H * dulcitol and formaldehyde. The instability of (1) (11) the methylene hemiacetal to alkali is in striking 2.5-Dibenzoyl1,6-Di-(acetoxymethy1)contrast with the full stability to alkali of the true 1.3 :4.6-dimethylene2,5disubstituteddulcitol 3,4-diacetyl-dulcito1 methylene acetals of sugar alcohols. R = CHsCO or W a C O Since the isolation of either a 1,6- or a 3,4-diHzC-0 AC (hydroxymethy1)-dulcitol which would allow a decision between structures I1 and I11 was not OAc H-L-OR possible through deacetylation, tetraacetyl-diI I (acetoxymethy1)-dulcitol was subjected to mild HzC4-C-H acid hydrolysis to determine whether the acetyl 1 H&-O-C-H and acetoxymethyl groups might be hydrolyzed I a t sufficiently different rates to permit the isolation of a substance that could provide an answer OAc . Hz P O-0Ac R to the structural question; formaldehyde was al(111) ways observed as a product of the hydrolysis and 1,6-Diacetyl-2,5-disubstitutedno crystalline substance other than dulcitol was 3,4-di-(acetoxymethyl)-dulci to1 found. Evidence was therefore lacking to distin(1) Haskins, Hann and Hudson, THISJOURNAL. 64,134 (1942). guish between I1 and I11 at this stage of our work. (1) (a) Haskins. Hann and Hudson, ibid., 64, 137, 139 (1942); (b) Recourse was then taken to an independent apWolfe. Hann and Hudson. ibid.. 64, 1493 (1942); ( c ) Haskins. Hann proach, namely, the action of the acid acetylating and Hudson, ibid., 66, 1419 (1943). solution on the trimethylene-D-mannitol of Schulz (3) Hnnn. Haskins snd Hudson. ibid.. 64, 988 (1942).





c. s. HUDSON

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and Tollens.' Although the structure of this methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose (V) which is formed triacetal had not been established, its acetal link- by the oxidation of methylene-Dmannitol with ages must involve two primary and four secondary Fer-iodic acid. Although this dialdehyde could hydroxyl groups. If the acetolysis reagent causes not be crystallized, its reduction by hydrogen and predominant rupture of the linkages formed Raney nickel gave a quantitative yield (based on through primary hydroxyl groups and has much less effect on those formed through secondary hydroxyl groups, the rupture will occur mainly a t LO-C-H positions one and six and a 1,6-diacetyl-diI (acetoxymethy1)-monomethylene-=mannitol will HO-C-H I be obtained, unless the very improbable assumpCHO CHzOH H---C-OH tion of a 1,bmethylene grouping in the triacebl be I I I made, in which case a molecule of formaldehyde J - - -O- -C-H H-C--O-CH~--O-C-H would be liberated and a 116-diacetyl-di-methylI HsCOH I I CHO HzCOH ene-D-mannitol will result. On the other hand, if (IV) (V) the acetal linkages which are more &ly ruptured 2,5-MethyIeneMethylene-bis-2are those formed through secondary alcoholic D-mannitol n-glycerose groups, a molecule of formaldehyde will be lost CHzOH CHzOH and a 1,6-di-(acetoxymethyl)-2,3,4,5-tetraacetylI I D-mannitol will result. Treatment of trimethylH-C-O-CHz--O-C-H I I ene-D-mannitol with the acetylating solution under controlled conditions gave an 81% yield of a crystalline compound (m.p., 129-130'; [CZ]~~D Methylene-bis-2-glycerol +57.6' in chloroform) which showed correct carbon] hydrogen and saponification values for a di- the methylene niannitol used) of a crystalline acetyl - di - (acetoxymethyl) - monomethykne - substance which proved to be methylene-bis-2D-mannitol. The isolation of this derivative in glycerol (VI). This glycerol acetal of formaldesuch a predominant yield is proof that under the hyde, which melted a t 85-86' and showed no roexperimental conditions employed the secondary tation in aqueous solution (formula (VI) contains hydroxyl linkages of one of the three acetal group- no asymmetric carbon atom), was hydrolyzed by ings are relatively stable; it further suggests that hot 2 N sulfuric ac.d with the liberation of formif the same degree of stability applies to the re- aldehyde; a nearly quantitative yield of glycmaining secondary hydroxyl linkages the rupture erol was obtained from the hydrolysis solution. of the other two acetal groupings does indeed ocFurther evidence of the correctness of the struccur a t the primary hydroxyls a t positions one and ture (IV) was obtained by study of the 1,6-disix, and the resulting compound may be consid- benzoyl-2,5-methy~ee-~-mannitol that is obered tentatively as being a lJ6-diacety1-di-(acet- tained from methylene-D-mannitol by differential oxymethy1)-monomethylene-D-mannitol. Sodium benzoylation a t positions one and six; the limited methylate converted the compound quantita- oxidation at 25' of this dibenzoate by lead tetratively to a crystalline methylene-D-mannitol (a acetate proceeded with the consimption of one new substance) melting at 173-174' (cor.) and molecular equivalent of oxidant in thirty hours rotating [ffJmD-51.4' in aqueous solution. This and from the solution it was possible to prepare acetal upon oxidation by lead tetraacetate in the crystalline di-semicarbazone of methyleneglacial acetic acid solution reduced only slightly bis-2-(3-benzoyl-~-glycerose) (VII) in a yield of more than one equivalent of the oxidant, indicat- 60%; the experimental result is in agreement ing that the methylene-D-mannitol contained a with that expected for a 2,5-acetal structure solely. single glycol grouping. Upon oxidation with so- It is to be observed that this di-semicarbazone dium periodate in aqueous solution only sIightly shows optical activity, as is to be expected from more than one molecular equivalent of oxidant formula (VII), which contains two asymmetric was consumed and no formaldehyde or acid was carbon atoms and is not a meso structure. produced. The absence of formaldehyde proves HGN-NHCONHn HzCOBz tbat the glycol grouping is formed from two secI HI'-0CH-0CH ondary hydroxyl g~oupsand the absence of formic I I acid shows that the carbon atoms adjacent to the NHzCOHN-NSH HzCOBz glycol grouping are concerned in the acetal link(VII) age. The only monoacetal of D-mannitol which Methylene-bis-2-(3-benzoyl-D-glycerose)-di-semicarbazone can conform to these structural requirements is a It was also possible to confirm the structure of 2,5-acetal and the mclhylene-D-mannitol is therc- 215-methylene-~-mannitol by a synthetic procefore 2,5-md~y~ne-~-znannitol (IV). dure. The known 1,6-dibenzoyl-3,4-benzylideneAn independent proof of this structure (IV) was D-mannitol,' an acetal in which only two hydroxyl readily obtained through the reduction of the (6) Brig1 nod Grtiner. Bur., 6S, 641 (1982); 66,931 (19333; cf. (4) Sehulr and Tollens, Ann.. 189, 21 (1896)

Hutins. Hann and Hudson. Ref. 2 (e)

Nov., 1943



groups (those a t positions two and five) are avail- representation, the space positions of the groups able for further condensation, was heated with attached to asymmetric carbon atoms 4, 5, 6 and paraformaldehyde and drierite in benzene a t 150' ; 7 of the dioxepane ring are those pertaining to the from the reaction mixture a substance melting a t corresponding carbon atoms 2, 3, 4 and 5, respec151-152' and agreeing in composition with that tively, of D-mannitol. Viewing the carbon atom required for 1,6-dibenzoyl-2,5-methylene-3,4-ben6 of the ring, H is above the plane of the ring and zylidene-D-mannitol was isolated. The same sub- OH is below. stance resulted from the condensation of the preIn the course of the work an interesting example viously mentioned l,Gdibenzoyl-2,5-methylene- of what appears to be an intramolecular aldol D-mannitol with benzaldehyde through the action condensation was observed? An oxidation of 2,of fused zinc chloride; the condensation product 5-methylene-~-mannitol was performed with aquemelted a t 151-152' and a mixed melting point ous per-iodic acid and the resulting solution of with the product from the other synthesis showed methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose(V) was made alkaline with hot saturated barium hydroxide solution no depression. On the basis of the established structure of 2 , s followed by the addition of acid to neutrality, to methylene-D-mannitol and the prior considera- precipitate the barium salts; after removal of the tions regarding the stability of the secondary al- salts the solution was found to be levorotary coholic acetal linkages, it seems highly probable whereas it had been dextrorotary before the addithat the diacetyl-di-(acetoxymethy1)-methylene- tion of alkali. It was concentrated in the presD-mannitol from which the methylene-D-mannitol ence of barium carbonate to a small volume, is derived is 1,6-diacetyl-3,4-di-(acetoxymethyl) clarified with carbon and reduced with hydrogen 2,5-methylene-~-mannitol.Similar considera- and Raney nickel. The crystalline reduction tions in the case of the products obtained by the product was not the methylene-bis-2-glycerol acetolysis of the 2,bdiacetyl and 2,5-dibenzoyl- (VI) melting a t 85-86' which has been described 1,3:4,6-dimethylene-dulcitolsindicate that they earlier, but a substance which melted at 139correspond in structure to formula I11 and may be 140'. The composition of the compound agreed tentatively assigned the structures of 1,2,5,6-tetra- with that expected for a 2,5-methylene-~-manniacetyl-3,4-di-(acetoxymethyl)-dulcitol and 1,6-di- 'tol, but in contrast to the latter substance, which acetyl - 3,4 di (acetoxymethyl) - 2,5 diben- rotates -51.4' in water, it showed a specific rotazoyl-dulcitol, respectively. tion [cuImD +39.7' in aqueous solution. Further, The acetal ring structure of 2,5-methylene-~- it was not oxidized by sodium periodate or lead mannitol is noteworthy; it appears to be the first tetraacetate and hence its structure does not inexample of an acetal in the carbohydrate group clude a glycol grouping, a conclusion which exwhich contains the CSOZdioxepane ring, previous cludes the possibility that this substance is a acetals being C302 and C ~ Oring Z types. A related derivative of a stereoisomer of mannitol. Upon known acetal of the same l,&dioxepane ring type acetylation it formed a crystalline acetate which is the ethylidene-1,4-tetramethylene glycol of melted at 93-94' and rotated [ C Y ] ~ D+12.4' in Hill and HibbertS6 It is possible, though not chloroform solution; this acetate showed the same proved, that the dimethylene acetal of tartaric content of carbon, hydrogen and acetyl that is acid7 contains the l13-dioxepane ring. The for- found for a tetraacetyl-methylene-mannitol;both mula of 2,5-methylene-~-mannitol, previously substances possess the formula C7HloOs(CH&O)r. written as (IV), may be written in the alternate A molecular weight estimation by the Rast form (IVa) that applies to 4,7-di-(hydroxy- method gave a value of 313 (theory, 362) indicatmethyl)-5,6-di-(hydroxy)-l,3-dioxepane;in this ing that the tetraacetate and the parent comformula, which is to be viewed as a perspective pound from which it was derived are monomeric substances. It seemed likely that the compound CHzOH was formed by an internal condensation of the I methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose(V) It could not have resulted as a product of a condensation of the benzoin type, since the reduction of the ketone obtained in such a reaction would yield a methylene-hexito1 which would be oxidized by glycolsplitting reagents. The products of a Cannizzaro dismutation of methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose, CH~OH except the methylene-bis-2-glycerol obtained in H this investigation and shown to be devoid of opti(IVa) cal activity, would be acidic in nature. Consid2,5Methylene-D-mannitol (IV) shown as 4,7-di-(hydroxymethyl)-5,6-di-(hydroxy)-l.3-dioxepane' eration of these facts led to the hypothesis that under the slightly alkaline conditions of the ex(6) Hill and Hibbert, THISJOIJI~NAL,45, 3115 (1923). periment the primary oxidation product, methyl(7) Lobry de Bruyn and Van Ekenstein, Rec. COD.dim., 10, 385


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(1901). (8) Ring Index No. 248 of Patterson and Capall, "The Ring Index." Reiahold Publishing Corporntion, New York. N. Y..1940.

(9) Examples of diddehydea undergoing en intramolecular aldol condenantion nre numerous. See Wohl nnd Schweitzer. B n . , SS, 896 (1906); Read and Hibbert. TEISJ O U R N A L . 46, 990,1281 (1924).






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ene-bis-2-~-glycerose(V), was converted by an the outlined conditions thus supports the hypotheintramolecular aldol condensation to the isomeric sis that first an intramolecular condensation takes cyclic aldehyde, 4-hydroxymethyl-5-hydroxy- place in the alkaline solution, resulting in the for6-formy1, hydroxymethyl-l,3-dio~ane~~ (VIII), mation of a l$-&oxane ring to which a formyl group is attached, and that in the second stage this formyl group is then reduced to the hydroxyCHiOH methyl group. The stability of the dioxane ring H-Cappears to be the factor responsible for this intraI molecular aldol condensation. CH20H CHO The isolation of 2,5methylene-~-mannitolas a saponification product of the diacetyl-di-(acetoxymethy1)-methylene-&mannitol that is obtained by the acetolysis of the trimethylene-* mannitol of Schulz and Tollens indicates that HOCHS s o one of the acetal groups of the trhethylenemannitol is attached to the 2,5-positions. I t seems reasonable to assume that the other two (VIII) acetal groups occupy the 1,3- and 4,&positions 4-Hydroxymethyl-5-hydroxy-6-formyl, and that the trimethylene-D-mannitol is 1,3:2,5:4,hydroxymethy1-1,3-dioxa~ie~~ which was then reduced to form 4-hydroxymethyl- 6-trimethylene-~-mannitol.While a definite proof 5 - hydroxy - 6 - di - (hydroxymethyl) - 1,3- dioxane of this hypothesis is l a c k g at piesent, some sup(IX),an isomer of 2,5-methylene-~-mannitol (IV), port for it is available. First, it has been shown'? both substances possessing the empirical formula that a dhethylene-D-mannitol (m. p. 204-208" (cor.); -91.0' in water) which is limited in structure to 1,3:4,6 or 1,3:5,6dmethylene-~mannitol, can be isolated in a yield of 12.6% from the mother liquor in the preparation of triHOCH o methylene-D-mannitol by the method of Schult and Tollens. Second, it has been found that this dimethylene-D-mannitol, upon solution in a mixture of ten parts of concentrated hydrochloric acid and (IX) twelve arid one-half parts of formaldehyde at 50°, 4-Hydroxymethyl-5-hydroxy-6-di(hydToxymethyl)formed a precipitate of trimethylene-D-mannitol l,a-dioxane C,H&. To test this hypothesis a neutral solu- in forty-five minutes while 2,5-methylene-~-mantion of methylene-bis-2-~-glycerosewas adjusted nitol and D-mannitol itself under the same experito 0.1 N alkalinity with sodium hydroxide and the mental conditions first showed precipitation of the changes in rotatory power of the solution were ob- triacetal in one hundred and five and one hundred served. In a typical experiment it was found that and ejghty-five minutes, respectively; at a tema t 20' the specific rotation of the aldehyde solu- perature of 25' and the Same acid and formaldetion chariged rapidly from an initial value of 10' hyde concentrations the precipitation of the trito a maximum negative value of -54.6' in one acetal from solutions of dhethylene-D-mannitol, and 0-mannitol was first hundred and fifty minutes and then decreased 2,5-methylene-~-mannitol slightly to a value of -52.9', at which it remained observed after three, twenty-one and forty-five constant for sixty minutes; a t this time the solu- hours, respectively. The relatively short time tion was neutralized and reduced with hydrogen periods required for the formation of the triacetal and Raney nickel; from the reduced solution a from the diacetal suggest that the latter substance yield of 40% of the crystalline substance which we is the usual precursor of the trimethylene-D-mannibelieve to be 4-hydroxymethyl-5-hydroxy-6-di-tol. Since trimethylene-D-mannitol contains a 2,5(hydroxymethyl)-l,3dioxane (IX) was obtained. methylene union its rapid formation from the diIn a comparable experiment the neutral solution acetal supports an inference that dimethylene-Dof methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose was reduced with- mannitol is 1,3:4,6- rather than 1,3:5,6-dimethylout addition of alkali and an 80% yield of crystal- ene-D-mannitol, and also supports the previously line methylene-bis-2-glycerol was obtained. The expressed view that Schulz and Tollens' trimethisolation of the two different compounds under ylene-9-mannitol is 1,3:2,5:4,6-trimethylene-~(10)The numbering is that of the dioxane ring rather than that of manni to1. the original mannitol. It will be noticed that in formula (VIII) the Experimental carbon atom to which groups H and OH are attached has become


asymmetric as a result of the aldol condensation; two forms of (VIII) are, therefore, possible, each of which on reduction passes to the corresponding form of (1x1. We plan t o study further this condensa tion and its stueochemxal aspects, the discussion of which is post. poned for the present (11) R ~ n gIndex No. 189 of Patterson and Capell. "The Ring Index I'

The Acetolysis of Z,S-Dibenzoyl-1,3:4,bdimethylenedulcitol.-A suspension of 1.0 g. of 2,5-dibenzoyl-1,3:4,6dimethylene-dulcitols in 25 cc. of an acid acetylating mixture, prepared by adding 2 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid dropwise t o an ice-cold mixture of 70 cc. of acetic anhydride (12) Haskins. npnn and Hudson, Tars J O W R N ~ 66. . 67 (1943).

Nov., 1943



and 30 cc. of glacial acetic acid, waa agitated on a shaking and rotated [a]% -104.2' in chloroform (c, 2.19),1.4g. machine a t 25' and when solution of the dibenzoate was of the previously describedl3 dimethylene-D-mannitol complete (thirty minutes) the reaction mixture was poured melting at 204-208' (cor.) and rotating [a]% -91.0' in upon crushed ice; the crystalline precipitate (1.5 g.; water (c, 0.9)and 3.0 g. of a sirup which could not be quantitative) was separated by filtration and upon re- crystallized. Increasing the amount of formaldehyde to crystallization from ten parts of alcohol it formed prisms 12.5 cc. (3.54 molecular equivalents) increased the yield of which melted a t 87-88'. The compound is insoluble in triacetal to 7.0 g. (58%); further increase in the amount of water, readily soluble in cold chloroform and acetone and formaldehyde did not improve the yield, presumably bewarm methyl and ethyl alcohols, and relatively insoluble in cause of the resulting lowering of the acid concentration; cold alcohol. An analysis for carbon and hydrogen agreed however, when the last named proportions of reactants with that required for a dibenzoyl-diacetyl-di-(acetoxy- were allowed to stand a t 50' for four days the ield of trimethyl)-dulcitol. Upon saponification by the method of acetal was9.l g. (76%) and a further 0.4 g. (3%70f product Kunz'a the compound consumed six molecular equivalents was obtained by allowing the mother liquor to stand an of 0.1 N alkali; this analytical result is in agreement with additional four days at 50'. The above results indicate the observation recorded in the following paragraph that that in the liquid phase, several mutually dependent redulcitol is obtained in quantitative yield by the action of versible reactions move toward an equilibrium in which sodium methylate on dibenzoyl-diacetyl-di-(acetoxy- mannitol and its various methylene acetals are present; one of these (the trimethylene acetal), being of relatively methyl) -dulcitol. Anal. Calcd. for CK,HMOM:C, 58.25; H, 5.54;theory low soluoility and readily crystalline in habit. soon begins for six saponifiable groups, 9.75 cc. 0.1 N NaOH for 0.1005 to crystallize and the system becomes a heterogeneous one. g. substance. Found: C, 58.26; H, 5.56; 0.1005 g. With sufficient time, and in the presence of sufficient catalyst (acid), the heterogeneous system reaches the substance consumed 9.68cc. 0.1 N NaOH. that holds for the temperature of the system; The Action of Sodium Methylate on 2,5-Dibenzoyl- equilibrium the triacetal is present in the pure state as the crystalline diacetyl-di-(acetoxymethyl) -dulcitol.-To a solution of 2.0 phase; the liquid phase contains an equilibrium mixture g. of 2,5-dibenzoyl-diacetyl-di-(acetoxymethyl) -dulcitol in of some of the triacetal (corresponding to its 20 cc. of chloroform, 2 cc. of 0.2 N sodium methylate was consisting solubility a t the particular temperature), and the amounts added and the reaction mixture was allowed to stand at of the other acetals and mannitol, all of relatively high room temperature for eighteen hours; the dulcitol (0.6g.; solubility, are in equilibrium in solution with this m. p. 1%-185'; quantitative) which had deposited was amount of that triacetal. The only one of these separated by filtration and recrystallized from 8 parts of other acetalsdissolved that has been identsed through isolation 50% alcohol; the recrystallized product (0.5g.; &?%) from the solution dimethylene-D-mannitol. Our melted at 187-188' and a mixed melting point with dulcitol experiments relatingisto the this equilibrium have been directed showed no depression. The chloroform mother liquor only to the practical question of *ding suitable conditions from which the dulcitol had been separated was poured obtaining high yields of trimethylene-D-mannitol; into water and the chloroform removed by concentration for they are summarized in Table I. The first crop of triin ww, (bath temperature 35'). An aliquot of the solu- acetal was obtained by heating the reactants a t 50' for five tion, equivalent to 0.25 g. of 2,5-dibenzoyl-diacetyl-di- days, cooling the mixture to 5 ' and filtering; the filtrates (acetoxymethy1)-dulcitol, upon neutralization and treat- were then kept at 50' for four days to obtain the second ment with dimethone, formed 0.2161 g. of formaldehyde di- crop. A yield of 94% of triacetal was obtained by using a methone, corresponding to 1.83 molecular equivalents of mixture of 10 g. of D-mannitol, 20 cc. of formaldehyde formaldehyde. solution and 20 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The Acetolysis of 2,5-Diacetyl-l,3:4,6dimethylenedulcitol.-A solution of 2.0 g. of 2,5-diacetyl-1,3 :4,6TABLE I dimethylene-dulcitol in 20 cc. of the acid acetylating mixture was allowed to stand for six hours a t 20" and then YIELDSOF TRIMETHYLENE-D-MANNITOL FROM D-MANNITOL poured upon crushed ice; the precipitate which formed was (10 C . ) WITE VARYING CONCENTRATIONS OF FORMALDEHYDE separated by filtration, washed with water, and recrystalAND HYDROCHLORIC ACID lized from ten parts of alcohol; the yield of recrystallized product was 2.6 g. (76%). The substance, which agreed in 37% Trimethylene-D-mannitol composition with a tetraacetyl-di-(acetoxymethy1)- Formalde- Coned. hydrochloric 1st crop, 2nd crop, hyde, CC. acid, cc. g. B. ?4 dulcitol, crystallized in well formed prisms of melting point 93-94'; it showed no rotation in chloroform solution (6, . 0.9 23 12.5 6 ( + ~ c c HzO) 1.9 1.0); it was readily soluble in chloroform, ethylene di12.5 6.7(+3.3CC. HIO) 3.9 1.3 43 chloride, ethyl acetate and warm alcohol, and insoluble in 1.0 42 5 4.0 12.5 water. Upon saponification by the KunzlS method it 79 9.1 0.4 12.5 10 consumed six molecular equivalents of 0.1 N NaOH, and upon saponification with sodium methylate it gave a .1 78 12.5 20 9.2 quantitative yield of dulcitol. -03 90 15.0 20 10.8 Anal. Calcd. for C&IwOl~: C, 48.58; H,6.12;theory .03 93 17.5 20 11.1 for six saponifiable groups, 16.09 cc. 0.1 N NaOH for 12.2 .06 94 20.0 20 0.1326 g, substance, Found: C. 48.80;H. 6.22; 0.1326 g. substance consumed 16.14cc. 0.1 N NaOH. Diacetyl-di-( acetoxymethyl)-2,s-methylene-D-mannitol Trimethylene-D-mannitol from D-Mannitol, Formaldehyde and Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid.-Schulz and from Trimethylene-D-mannitol.-Five grams of finely Tollens' prepared trimethylene-D-mannitol by heating powdered trimethylene-D-mannitol was dissolved in 25 CC. "equal parts" of D-mannitol. formaldehyde and concen- of an ice-cold acid acetylating mixture prepared by adding trated hydrochloric acid on the steam-bath for forty-five 1 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid to an ice-cold mixture of minutes; the yield of product, which melted a t 227' and 70 cc. of acetic anhydride and 30 cc. of glacial acetic acid. rotated -103.9' in chloroform, was not stated. A n ex- Within fifteen minutes the reaction mixture set to a magma periment conducted under these reaction conditions with of needle-like crystals. The mass was broken up, poured 10 g. of D-mannitol, 10 cc. of commercial formaldehyde into 6 W cc. of ice water, and after standing for eighteen hours in the refrigerator the precipitate (7.3 g.; 75%) was (specific gravity 1.09; 0.468g. of formaldehyde per cc. 2.84 molecular equivalents) and 10 cc. of concentrated separated; a chloroform extract of the mother liquor hydrochloric acid gave a yield of 4.8 g. (40%) of tri- yielded a further 0.6 g. of product to make the total yield methylene-wmaanitol which melted at 232-233' (cor.) 7.9 g. (81%). The substance was recrystallized from 12 parts of alcohol or 20 parts of 50% alcohol; the needles melted at 129-130" and rotated [a]% +57.6' in chloro(la) Kuns, Tnn J O ~ A L 48, , 1982 (1926).




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form (c, l.l).14 It was insoluble in water, ether and hep- The analytical results indicate that 2.5-methylene-& tane, moderately soluble in benzene, and readily soluble in mannitol contains one glycol grouping in its structure. acetone, glacial acetic acid and dioxane. Sodium Periodate Oxidatiw of 2,5-Methylene-~an ice-cold solution of 1.0056 g. of 2,5Anal. Calcd. for C I B S O ~ ~C, : 48.34; H, 6.20; madtol.-To theory for four saponifiable groups, 15.02cc. of 0.1 N NaOH methylene-&mannitol in 25 cc. of water, 15 cc. of a 0.570 for 0.1586 g. substance. Found: C, 48.44; H, 6.19; M sodium periodate solution (1.65 molecular equivalents) was added; the solution was allowed to warm to 20' and 0.1586 g. substance consumed 15.04 cc. 0.1 N NaOH. the volume was adjusted to 50 cc. with water. Analysis of 2 , 5 - M e t h y l e n e - ~ - ~f~ro lm Diacetyl-di-(aeetory- 5 cc. aliquots at the end of twenty and forty minutes and a t methpl)-2,5-mee-~-m~tol.-A solution of 10 g. nineteen hours indicated that 1.10,1.14 and 1.10 molecular of diacetyl-di-(acetoxymethyl)-2,5-methyiene-~-mannitolequivalents of oxidant had been consumed. No formin 100 cc. of chloroform was cooled to ' 0 and 10 cc. of 0.2 N aldehyde could be detected in the oxidation solution by the sodium methylate was added; in one hour the solution de- sensitive dimethone reagent and no acid was produced. posited a crystalline precipitate and after standing for As previously mentioned, facts prove that the glycol eighteen hours at 5 O the product (4.6 g.; quantitative) grouping is formed by twothese hydroxyl groups and was separated by filtration and recrystallized from 15 that it is situated betweensecondary the carbon atoms of the Dparts of alcohol. The acetal crystallized as prismatic mannitol moiety which are involved the acetal Linkage; needles which melted a t 173-174' (cor.) and rotated hence the methylene-D-mannitol in is 2,5-methylene-n[ ~ ] * O D -51.4" in water (c, 1.2). It was readily soluble in water and hot methyl alcohol, moderately soluble in mannitol. (VI) .-To a solution of 5.0 g. pyridine, and nearly insoluble in cold ethyl and methyl of Methylene-bis-2-glycerol 2,5-methylene-~-mannitol in 60 cc. of water, 40 cc. of alcohols, chloroform, acetone and ether. 0.675 M per-iodic acid (1.05 molecular equivalents) was Anal. Calcd. for C&4Os: C, 43.29; H, 7.27. Found: added. Analysis of 5 cc. aliquots a t fifteen and sixty C. 43.38; H, 7.35. minutes showed that 0.53 and 0.98 molecular equivalent, 1,3,4,6-Tetraacetyl-2,5-methylene-~-mannito~.-The respectively, of oxidadt had been reduced. After six hours tetraacetate was obtained by acetylation of 2,5-methylene- the solution was cooled t o 0" and after careful neutralizaD-mannitol in pyridine solution with acetic anhydride. tion with N sodium hydroxide, avoiding any alkalinity, a The yield was 57%. The compound crystallizes from its slight excess of barium chloride solution was added; the solution in 6 parts of alcohol in the form of prismatic need- mixture was allowed to stand at 0' for one hour and then les melting a t 117-118" and rotating [ C Y ] ~ D -1.3" in filtered to remove the precipitated barium salts. The chloroform (G, 1.2). I t is insoluble in water, fairly soluble a t r a t e was strongly reducing to Fehling solution and it in methyl and ethyl alcohols, and readily soluble in chloro- showed a specific rotation [CY]% $10.5" based on the calculated content of methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose (V) . form and acetone. Anal. Cslcd. for ClbHtrOlo: C , 49.72; H, 6.12; The solution was agitated a t room temperature for eighteen CHBCO,47.5. Found: (2.49.71; H,6.02; CH~C0.47.4. hours in a bomb with Raney nickel and hydrogen under a pressure of 133 atmospheres. The catalyst was separated 1,3,4,6-Tetrabenzoyl-2,5-methylene-~-~tol.-The by atration and the filtrate, which did not reduce Fehling benzoylation of 2,5methylene-~-mannitol in pyridine solution and was optically inactive, was concentrated in solution with benzoyl chloride gave an 235% yield of the vacuo to a thick sirup which crystallized completely on desired tetrabenzoate. The compound was recrystallized standing a few hours. The compound was recrystallized from 25 parts of alcohol; it formed needles which melted at from 5 parts of absolute alcohol, farming fine needles which 107-109' and rotated [ C X ] ~ D-7.5' in chloroform (c, 1.6). melted at 85-86"; the yield was nearly quantitative. The I t is insoluble in water, cold methyl and ethyl alcohols and substance is o p t i d l y inactive in aqueous solution (c, 1.3); soluble in chloroform, acetone, pyridine, benzene and di- it is soluble in alcohol, pyridine and warm dioxane, and inoxane. soluble in ether, acetone, benzene and chloroform. Anal. Calcd. for C&~oOlo: C. 68.84; H. 4.95; Anal. Calcd. for CtHlsOs: C, 42.85; H, 8.22. Found CbHbCO, 68.8. Found: C, 68.79; H, 5.01; CSIsCO, C, 42.91; H, 8.22. 68.9. Hydrolysis of Methylene-bie-2-gIycerol.-A solution of 1,3,4,6-Tetratosyl-2,5-methylene-~-mannitol.-Ice-cold 1.0 g. of the acetal in 25 cc. of 2 N sulfuric acid was alsolutions of 2.0 g. of 2,5-methylene-~-mannnitolin 20 cc. of lowed to stand a t room temperature for eighteen hours and pyridine and 12.0 g. of p-toluene sulfonyl chloride in 20 cc. then boiled under a reflux for six hours; the solution, of pyridine were mixed and the reaction mixture was which then had a strong odor of formaldehyde, was freed of allowed to stand at 20' for six days; the addition of 800 cc. sulfate ions by treatment with barium hydroxide, and conof water caused the deposition of a heavy sirup, which centrated in vacuo to a dry sirup. The sirup was dissolved gradually crystallized. The product was a mixture, but in 10 cc. of pyridine, the solution was cooled to 0' and 4.5 after two recrystallizations from 20 parts of 1:1 chloro- cc. of benzoyl chloride (3.6 molecular equivalents) was form-alcohol, pure 1,3,4,6-tetratosyl-2,5-methylene-~-manadded dropwise; after standing eighteen hours a t room nitol was obtained in the form of fine needles melting at temperature the mixture was poured into 400 cc. of ice 177-178' (cor.) and rotating [CY]*~D f3.5' in chloroform (c, water and the crystalline precipitate (4.1 g.) which de1.1); yield, 2.5 g. (30%) Further recrystallization did posited was recrystallized several times from ten parts of not change these constants. methanol; the product (2.3 g.; M%),which melted at 73Anal. Calcd. for Cd&01&: C, 51.84; H, 4.72; S, 74', gave a correct analysis for tribenzoyl glycerol and did not depress the melting point of an authentic sample of this 15.81. Found: C, 51.99; H, 4.87; S, 15.80. Lead Tetraacetate Oxidation of Z,S-Methylane-~-man- substance. Anal. Calcd. for G~HwOS:C, 71.28; H, 4.99; nito1.-To a solution of 0.1040 g. of 2,5-methylene-~-mannitol in 15 cc. of glacial acetic acid, 30 cc. of 0.0581 M soh- Cd.IbC0, 78.0. Found: C, 71.27; H, 5.06; CIHICO, tion of lead tetraacetate in glacial acetic acid (3.25 molecu- 78.4. Tetrabenzoyl-methylene-bis-2-gIycerol.-The tetrabenlar equivalents) was added and the volume was adjusted to 50 cc. with glacial acetic acid. Analysis of 5 cc. aliquots mate was prepared by benzoylation of methylene-bis-2at the end of one, three, nineteen and seventy hours indi- glycerol in pyridine solution by benzoyl chloride. The cated that 0 14, 0.45, 0.99 and 1.07 molecular equivalents, product, which separated as a sirup upon pouring the reacrespectively, of lead tetraacetate had been consumed. tion mixture into water, did not crystallize a t this stage; it was then dissolved in 5 parts of methyl alcohol and the solution was allowed to evaporate slowly in the refriger(14) AI1 the crystalline compounds described in the experimental part were recrystallized to constant melting point and specific rota- ator; after two months crystallization occurred. The tion [ul'eO; c is the concentration in grams in 100 ce. of solution; the compound was recrystallized from 15 parts of methanol i; tube iength was 1 dm. the form of elongated thin plates which melted at 69-71

Nov., 1943



and showed no rotation in chloroform (c, 1.0). It was in- and rotated [PI% 4-61.2" in chloroform (c, 1.1). I t was soluble in water and cold ethanol and soluble in chloroform, readily soluble in cold acetone and benzene, warm methyl ether, benzene, acetone and dioxane. The yield was and ethyl alcohols and was insoluble in water. quantitative. Anal. Calcd. for ctsH~Ot.: C, 68.56; H, 5.34; WSAnal. Calcd. for C~d&OlO: C, 68.62; H, 5.27; CO, 4 . 0 8 ~of~ 0.1 . Nalkali for 100 mg. substance. Found: COHSCO,68.6. Found: C, 68.41; H, 5.22; CsHrCO, C, 68.49; H, 5.30; W & O , 4.04 cc. of 0.1 N alkali con68.6. sumed for 100 mg. substance. 1,6Dibenzoyl-2,5-methylene-~-mannitol.-Asolution of 1,bDibenzoyl-2,5-me~ylen~3,4-benzyliden~~-~tol and Parain 50 cc. of pyridine was from 1,6-Dibenzoyl-3,4-bmzylidene-~-mannitol 5.0 g. of 2,5-methylene-~-rnannitol cooled in an ice-bath and 0.0 cc. (two molecular equiva- formaldehyde.-A mixture of 1.0 g. of 1,6-dibenzoyl-3,4lents) of benzoyl chloride was added dropwise. After benzylidene-D-mannitol: 1.0 g. of paraformaldehyde which standing a t 20' for three hours the reaction mixture was had been dried over phosphorus pentoxide, 5 g. of drierite poured into 400 cc. of ice water and the precipitated di- and 50 cc. of benzene was heated in a bomb a t 150' for benzoate (7.4 g.) was separated by filtration; an additional eight hours; the drierite was separated by filtration and 1.4 g. of product was obtained by extracting the mother the residue remaining after evaporation of the benzene was liquor with chloroform, the total yield of crude product dissolved in 5 cc. of warm alcohol; as it cooled the solution being therefore 8.8 g. (85%). The compound crystallized deposited 0.2 g. (20%) of impure 1,6-dibenzoyl-2,5in the form of silky from its solution in 5 parts of methyl alcohol as fine needles, methylene-3,4-benzylidene-~-mannitol which melted a t 119-120' and rotated [ U ] ~ O D -70.3' in needles which melted a t 144-145'. Four recrystallizations chloroform (c, 1.1). I t was insoluble in water, but dis- from alcohol raised the melting point to 151-152' and a solved readily in chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate and mixed melting point determination with the previously described diacetal prepared from 1,6-dibenzoyl-2,5ether. methylene-D-mannitol and benzaldehyde showed no deAnal. Calcd. for ChH,tOs: C, 02.68; H, 5.51; WSpression. CO, 62.2. Found: C, 62.45; H, 5.42; W S C O , 52.0. 4-Hy&oxymethyl-5-hy&o~-6-~-(hy&o~ethyl) -1,sLead Tetraacetate Oxidation of 1,6-Dibenzoyl-2,5- dioxane (IX)from 2,5-methylene-~-m~tol.-(1) A solumethylene-D-mannitol.-To a solution of 0.1011 g. of 1,6- tion containing 10.0 g. of 2,Smethylene-~-mannito1in 50 dibenzoyl-2,5-methylene-~-mannitol in 20 cc. of glacial cc. of water and 100 cc. of 0.675 M per-iodic acid (1.3 acetic acid, 25 cc. of 0.058 M lead tetraacetate (5.77 molecular equivalents) was allowed to stand at room molecular equivalents) solution in glacial acetic acid was temperature for twenty hours; the specific rotation [ u ] ~ D added, and the volume adjusted to 50 cc. Aliquots of 5 of the solution, calculated on the basis of the expected cc. were analyzed at the end of three, six, twenty-four and oxidation product, methylene-bis-2-~-glycerose(V), was thirty hours and 0.20, 0.40, 0.92 and 1.00 molecular +lo' (dextrorotation). Hot saturated barium hydroxide equivalents of oxidant were found to have been used pro- solution was added in slight excess and the mixture then gressively. After a further forty-two hours, 1.44 equiva- carefully neutralized with dilute sulfuric acid, cooled to O', lents had been consumed and an analysis after one month and filtered to remove the precipitated barium salts; the showed a consumption of 4.92 equivalents. The latter which was strongly reducing to Fehling solution figure compares favorably with that expected, namely, 5.00 liltrate. and now showed a specific rotation of 14' (levorotation), equivalents, if .the primary oxidation product, the 3-benz- was concentrated in vacuo in the presence of barium oyl-D-glyceric aldehyde acetal of formaldehyde, had been carbonate and yielded 8.5 g. of a sirup which did not cryshydrolyzed and completely oxidized. tallize. The sirup was dissolved in 50 cc. of water and Di-semicarbazone of the Formaldehyde Acetal of 3- agitated in a bomb for eight hours at 100' with Raney Benzoyl-D-glyceric Aldehyde (VII).-A solution of 0.6481 nickel and hydrogen under a pressure of 133 atmospheres; g. of l,6-dibenzoylS,Smethylene-~-mannito1 in 20 cc. of the catalyst was removed by filtration and the filtrate, glacial acetic acid was added t o 30.5 cc. of a 0.058 M acetic which did not reduce Fehling solution and exhibited a acid solution of lead tetraacetate (1.1 molecular equiva- rotation of +ao. was concentrated in vacuo and it delents) and the oxidation allowed to proceed for thirty posited a sirupy of crystals (8.2 g.). The product hours at room temperature. At the evpiration of this time, was recrystallizedslurry several times from 5 parts of alcohol and 0.8 g. of semicarbazide hydrochloride and 2.0 g. of sodium yielded 3.7 g. (37%) of prisms, melting a t 139-140' and acetate were added and the reaction mixture was again allowed to stand for twenty-four hours. The precipitated rotating [o]%D +39.7' in water (c, 1.1). (2) To a solution containing 1.49 g. of methyleno-bis-2lead chloride was separated by filtration and the filtrate D-glycerose in 75 cc. of water, 10 cc. of 1.0 N sodium was diluted with 50 cc. of water and, after standing for hydroxide was and the volume was adjusted to 100 several days a t 5', it deposited 0.2 g. of the di-semicarba- cc. with water.added observation of the solution zone. An additional 0.3 g. of the compound was obtained at the end of five, Polarimetric thirty, sixty, ninety, one-hundred by evaporating the acetic acid filtrate to dryness and r e fifty, two-hundredfifteen, ten and two-hundred seventy minutes crystallizing the residual solid from dilute acetic acid. readings [a]% -43.6, -48.8, -51.1, -53.4, The total yield was 60%. The di-semicarbazone was re- gave -54.0, 754.6, -52.9 and -52.9', respectively. Sulfuric crystallized from 40 parts of 25% acetic acid as well formed acid equivalent to the alkali was added and the solution was prisms which melted a t 193-195' (cor.) and rotated [a]% adjusted in volume to 200 cc.; it was reducing to Fehlin: +83.6' in glacial acetic acid (c, 0.9). The substance is solution and showed a specilk levorotation of -27.9 practically insoluble in chloroform or water. based on the original aldehyde content. The solution was Anal. Calcd. for CBHPSOSNS:C, 53.69; H, 5.09; N, agitated with hydrogen and Raney nickel at 133 atmo16.34. Found: C, 53.6?; H,4.94; N, 16.12. spheres pressure for eighteen hours at room temperature. 1,6-Dibenzoyl-2,5-methylene-3,4-benzylidene-~-maUni-Following removal of the catalyst, the solution, which was to1 from 1,6-Dibenzoyl-2,5-methylene-~-mdtol, Benz- found to be non-reducing to Fehling solution and to be aldehyde and Zinc Chloride.-A mixture of 1.0 g. of 1 , 6 dextrorotatory (+20.8'), was concentrated in vacuo and dibenzoyl-2,5-methylex1e-pmannitoI,1.O g. of fused zinc yielded 1.5g. of a sirup; a solution qfthe sirup in 15 cc. of chloride and 5 cc. of benzaldehyde was agitated on a absolute alcohol deposited 0.0 g. (40%) of the crystalline This subshaking machine at room temperature; solution of the di- 1.3-dioxane derivative melting at 139-140'. benzoate occurred with notieeable slight warming and after stance was not oxidized by lead tetraacetate or sodium thirty minutes fine needles began to deposit rapidly from periodate. It corresponded in composition with 2,5the solution and the reaction mixture set to a sludge; methylene-D-mannitol and, as described in the next paraafter standing overnight, the mass was thinned with 5 CC. graph, it formed a crystalline tetraacetyl derivative, as of alcohol and filtered. The yield was 1.0 g. (83%). The does the latter substance. These properties are in agreemixed diacetal was recrystallized from five parts of alcohol ment with the structure of 4-hydroxymethyl-5-hydroxy-6and it formed long silky needles which melted at 161-162O di-(hy&oxymethyl)-l,a-diorPne assigned to the compound




Vol. 65

suggests the tentative structural assignments of 1,2,5,6 - tetraacetyl- 3,4 - di - (acetoxymethyl)- dulcitol, 1,6-diacetyl-2,5-dibenzoyl-3,4-di-(acetoxymethyl)-dulcitol, and 1,6-diacetyl-2,5-methylene4-Acetoxymethyl-5-acetoxy-&di-(acetoxymethy1) -1,3to the acetolydioxane.-A solution of 1.0 g. of the substituted 1,3-di- 3,4-di-(acetoxymethyl)-~-mannitol oxane in a mixture of 10 cc. of pyridine and 15 cc. of acetic sis products. anhydride was allowed to stand overnight at room temProof of the structure of 2,5-dimethylene-~perature and then poured into 500 cc. of ice water. The mannitol has been obtained (1) through its oxidaaqueous solution was extracted with chloroform and the washed and dried extract upon concentration yielded 1.7 g. tion by per-iodic acid to form sirupy methylene(89%) of a sirup which crystallized readily. The com- bis-2-~-gIycerose,which upon reduction is conpound, which is soluble in acetone, chloroform, ether, verted into a crystalline methylene-bis-2-glycerol, pyridine, benzene and dioxane and insoluble in water, was ( 2 ) through the lead tetraacetate oxidation of its recrystallized from 10 parts of alcohol in the form of rods, melting at 93-94' and showing a specific rotation [ a I z 0 ~l,6-dibenzoyl derivative to produce the formal+12.4" in chloroform (c, 1 0 ) and +20.4' in acetone (c, dehyde acetal of 3-benzoyl-~-glycericaldehyde, which was characterized as the crystalline di 1.O) Anal. Calcd. for CISH~OIO: C, 49.72; H, 6.12; CHJ- semicarbazone; and (3) through the condensation CO, 47.5; molecular weight, 362. Found: C, 49.73; of its 1,6-dibenzoyl derivative with benzaldehyde H, 6.24; CHsCO, 47.3; molecular weight (Rast), 313. to yield 1,6-dibenzoyl-2,5-methylene-3,4-benzyliSummary dene-D-mannitol which proved to be identical The acetolysis of 2,5-&acetyl and 2,5-diben- with the mixed diacetal prepared by condensing zoyl- 1 3:4,6-dmethylene-dulcitols yields a tetra- the known 1,6-dibenzoyl-3,4-benzylidene-~-manacetyl-di-(acetoxymethy1)-dulcitol and a 2,5-di- nitol with paraformaldehyde. Evidence is presented for the assignment of benzoyl-diacetyl-di-(acetoxymethy1)-dulcitol, reas the strucspectively. The acetolysis of the trimethylene- 1,3:2,5:4,6-trimethylene-~-mannitol D-mannitol of Schulz and Tollens yields a diacetyl- tural formula for the long known trimethylenedi-(acetoxymethyl)-methylene-D-mannitol. Upon D-mannitol of Schulz and Tollens. An interesting reaction, apparently an intrasaponification of the latter compound 2,5-methylene-D-mannitol, a new type of acetal of a carbo- molecular aldol condensation of methylene-bishydrate, is formed. The isolation of this sub- 2-D-glycerose to produce 4-hydroxymethylstance indicates that under the conditions of ace- 5-hydroxy-6-f ormyl , hydroxymethyl- 1,3-dioxaneI tolysis employed, the methylene hemiacetal link- which upon reduction yields crystalline 4-hyages that are formed through primary hydroxyl droxymethyl - 5 -hydroxy - 6 - di - (hydroxymethyl)groups are more easily ruptured than those 1,3-dioxaneJhas been described. formed through secondary hydroxyl groups and BETHBSDA, MARYLAND RECEIVED AUGUST16, 1943 but they exclude the possibility that it could be 2,5rnethvlene-~-mannitolor a stereoisomer of that substance. Anal. Calcd. for CtHlrOe: C, 43.29; H, 7.27. Found: C, 43.15; H , 7.27.



2,4-Diamino-S- (4-methyl-5-p-hydroxye thylthiazolium chloride)-methylpyrimidine Hydrochloride, a New Analog of Thiamin BY WOLFGANG HUBER

Within the last seven years well over two score ringssT5; (4) change of the carbon bridge conhomologs and ahalogs of thiamin have been pre- necting the pyrimidine and thiazole ringsP; (5) pared. These compounds can be conveniently replacement of either the pyrimidine or thiazole n phar. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ classified into the following groups indicating the ring by another ring ~ y ~ t e r The place of change in comparison with the original macological and biochemical evaluation of a large aiamin molecule: (1) change of substituents in number of t h i d i n homologs and analogs has J ~ J ~canthe pyrimidine ring1~2~3,4,s; (2) change of substit- been reported in the l i t e r a t ~ r e . ~ . ~ One uents in the thiazole ring1~6JJssbs;(3) change of not fail to draw the conclusion from these reports substituents in the pyrimidine and the thiazole that the antineuritic specificity of the vitamin is shared by a surprisingly large number of more (1) Todd and Bergel, J . C k m . Soc.. 1559 (1936). or less related compounds although the actual ac(2) Andersag and Westphal, Em.,70,2043 (1937). (3) Schultz, Z . fihysid. Chcm., 268, 113 (1940). tivity of the vitamin is duplicated only in the very (4) Perina and Ziegel, Proc. Sd Inst. Yiiamin Research. U.S.S . R , closely related homologs and some of the esters. 8, No. 1, 94 (1941): C. A . , 86, 3008. (9) Schmelkes and Joiner, ibid., 61, 2582 11939). (5) Stein, Sampson, Cline and Stevens, THISJOURNAL, 68, 2039 (10) Finkelstein and Elderfield, J . Org. Chem., 4, 366 (1939). (1941). (11) Tracy and Elderfield, ibid., 6, 54 (1941). (6) Buchman and Richardson, lbid., 61, 891 (1939). (12) Baumgartrn and Dornor, Ee7.. T8,44, 353 (1940). (7) Slobodin and Ziegel, J . Gcn. C k m . (U. S . 9. R.), 11, 1019 (1941). ( 8 ) Price mal Phkd, Tms J O ~ * A I . , W, 1061 ( 1 0 1 L ) .

(13) Totn pnd Elderfield. J . Orc. Chcm., 'I, 301, (1942). (14) Robbin., Proc. Not. Aced. Sci, U.S., I T , 419 (1841).