The Action of Aluminum Bromide on Benzyl Phenyl Ether

be an intermediate in the rapid formation of phenol from benzyl phenyl ether. ... zene from aluminum bromide and benzyl phenyl ether or benzyl bromide...
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results from the fact that both the benzoyl and phenylsuffonyl groups have their maximal absorptions a t about t h i s position13 and in this particular structure the two chromophoresshow little interaction. The spectrum of the corresponding hydrazone is more complex since in addition to the maximum a t 245 mp there is also apparent an inflection point a t about 270 mp. The corresponding azine has an extremely strong absorption peak a t 247 mp (e 45,500) which is almost equivalent to a double hydrazone peak, but there is also present a second peak a t 295 mp. The breadth and intensity of this secondary peak, suggests the presence of a masked absorption band a t about 320 mp which could be attributed to the typical benzalazine absorption. While the spectrum of 2-thienyl phenyl ketone has two well-defined maxima a t 263 and 295 mp,14 (13) The absorption spectra of various sulfones have been recently studied by Fehnd and Csrrnack (THISJOURNAL, 71, 231 (1949); 72, 1292 (1960)); and Koch ( J . Chcm. SOL.,408 (1949)). (14) H.H.Szmant and A J. Basso, THISJOURNAL, 73,4251 (1951).



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there are found in the spectrum of the corresponding hydrazone two similar bands, but they overlap to a great extent, The absorption curve of the corresponding azine is of great interest since it presents two distinct bands a t 277 and 353 mp. The first of these bands resembles closely the 277 mp band of the azine of benzophenone and the 265 mp band of the azine of 2-thienyl methyl k e t ~ n e . The ~ second band, however, differs in position from the benzalazine band in benzophenone azine (ca. 310 mp) and also the 335 mp band of the azine of 2-thienyl methyl k e t ~ n e . The ~ large difference in the maxima of these two thiophene ketazines suggests that the chromophoric system in the azine of 2-thienyl phenyl ketone contains one thiophene and one benzene ring each. Acknowledgment.-We wish to acknowledge the aid of the Research Corporation in defraying a part of the cost of this project. PITTSBURGH 19, PENNA.



The Action of Aluminum Bromide on Benzyl Phenyl Ether BY D. STANLEY TARBELL AND JOHN C. PETROPOULOS Benzyl phenyl ether has been found to be converted very rapidly by aluminum bromide in chlorobenzene solution to a mixture of about 40% phenol, 65% o-benzylphenol and dichlorodiphenylmethane. The ratio of the phenolic products is the same at -40' as a t 26". and isunaffected by the use of benzene or nitrobenzene as solvent. The o-benzylphenol produced in the initial rapid reaction is converted to phenol at a slower measurable rate, the first order rate constant of which is identical with the rate constant obtained from pure o-benzylphenol under the same conditions. p-Benzylphenol has been shown not to be an intermediate in the rapid formation of phenol from benzyl phenyl ether. The o-benzylphenol is believed to be formed from the ether by an intramolecular process, and the contrast between the action of the aluminum bromide on benzyl phenyl ether and the corresponding sulfide (previously studied) is discussed. The dichlorodiphenylmethane,formed in chlorobenzene from aluminum bromide and benzyl phenyl ether or benzyl bromide, is shown to be a mixture of roughly equivalent amounts of 3,3'- and 3,4'-dichlorodiphenylmethane.

We have studied the reaction between benzyl phenyl ether (BPE) and aluminum bromide, in order to compare the action of this strong Lewis acid on the oxygen ether with its action on the sulfur analog, benzyl phenyl sulfide.' In the initial experiments, the rate of formation of phenol from BPE by aluminum bromide in chlorobenzene solution was followed; the phenol was extracted from a mixture of chlorobenzeneethyl ether with 20% alkali, after quenching the reaction, and was determined by the bromate method.2 By this procedure, there was observed an extremely rapid formation of about 40% of phenol, followed by slower measurable increase in the amount of phenol, until phenol formation was virtually complete. This unusual behavior was eventually traced to the fact that there was an initial very rapid reaction to form about 40% phenol (11) and about 55% of o-benzylphenol (111) ; the latter was not extracted by alkali under the conditions mentioned above, and hence had not been determined. By a slight change in the procedure, it was possible to determine both phenol and o-benzylphenol in the same solution.

It was shown that the slow production of phenol was due to conversion of o-benzylphenol to phenol, with transfer of the benzyl group to the solvent The scheme shown below was established by isolation experiments, in which BPE and aluminum bromide in chlorobenzene were mixed under conditions comparable to those used in the rate runs; the reaction was quenched within a few seconds, phenol (11) and o-benzylphenol (111) were isolated, and were identified by comparison of crystalline derivatives of authentic samples. The possibility that thel initial rapid formation of phenol occurred through p-benzylphenol as intermediate was ruled out by showing that, al-


(1) (a) Harnish and Tarbell, THIS JOURNAL. 70,4123 (1948); (b) WiIson and Tarbell, ibid., 73, 5200 (1980). (2) Redman, Weith and Brock, Ind. Eng. Chem., 6, 389 (1918); Day and Taggart, ibid.. 20, 54; (1928).

C1H,CdX, 111

Jan. 5, 1952


though the latter formed phenol under the cmdit i m s of the experiment, the reaction was too slow to account fcr the results; na p-bemylphend could be obtained in the isolation runs, and it could have been present only in traces, if a t all. The ratio of phenol to o-benzyfphenol (;.e., II/III) produced in the initid rapid reaction was not affected appreciably by a change in temperature from 25 to -40°, and by changing the solvent from chlmobenzene to nitrobenzene. Even a t -40°, the rapid reaction was complete in less than five seconds, In nitrobenzene, the slow reaction (conversion of 0-benzylphenol to phenol) did not occur. '€%e data are given in Table I ; the isolation of dichlorodiphenyhxethane derivatives, which are discussed in detail below, is also indicated in the table.


in benzene, apparently being favored by a solvent of higher dielectric constant; the reaction did not occur in nitrobenzene solution, however, presumably because the solvent could not be alkylated by the benzyl group. The rate in chlorobenzene was not much affected by increasing r (the [A1Br3]/ [BPEIratio) from 4.4 to 8.9, but when r was less than 2, the rate was extremely slow. The rate of the conversion was measured on two different systems. A pure solution of o-benzylphenol (111) in chlorobenzene was treated with aluminum bromide ([AIBra]/[III] = 3), and the rate of appearance of phenol was found to depend on the first power of [111],the constant being 1.6 X The rate of production of phenol in a solution of BPE af similar concentration and aluminum bromide ( r = 3) in chlorobenzene was found TABLE I likewise to depend on the first power of the oACTIONOF ALUMINUM BROMIDEON BENZYLPHENYL ETHER benzylphenol Concentration known to be present in this solution from rapid rearrangement of the (BPE)" 0-Btnzvl. . ~ _ BPE. The first order constant for phenol formaPhenol phend tion was 1.7 X calculated by correcting the (BPE) (AIBrs) Time, Te,mp., (II), (111) mole/l. mole/l. sec. C. z % phenol concentration for the 40% formed in the 0.0257 0.11