the adsorption of benzene and water vapor by ... - ACS Publications

philic layer of molybdenum trioxide is found on sulfide surfaces that have been heated to 110”. ..... We have experienced a similar effect in my lab...
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Oct., 1953



THE ADSORPTION OF BENZENE AND WATER VAPOR BY MOLYBDENUM DISULFIDE1 BY E. V. BALLOU AND SYDNEY Ross Department of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York Receined March 2 , 1065

Adsorption isotherms of nitrogen, benzene and water vapor on molybdenum sulfide have been determined. A hydrophilic layer of molybdenum trioxide is found on sulfide surfaces that have been heated to 110”. The oxide layer is largely removed by treatment with ammonium hydroxide a t room temperature, or by this treatment followed by hydrogen sulfide gas a t 125”. The oxide-free surface is found to be hydrophobic. The amount of water vapor adsorbed is proportional to the extent of surface oxidation.

Introduction The hexagonal crystal structure of molybdenum disulfide has, like graphite, a pronounced cleavage of the (0001) planes, which is the source of the early confusion of the two substances and their common function as solid lubricants. But while our knowledge of the nature of the surface of graphite is extensive, little of a corresponding character is known of molybdenum disulfide. The present investigation was undertaken to answer the fundamental question of whether the surface of molybdenum disulfide is, like that of graphite, non-polar and hydrophobic. While several qualitative methods are available for obtaining an answer to this question, it was thought that by comparing the adsorption isotherms for water and for benzene vapor a quantitative account would be gained, and the effects of different treatments of the surface could be most precisely determined. Materials and Methods Molybdenum disulfide, obtained from thc natural mineral rnolybdenito, is purified by the Climax Molybdenum Company, by a method described by Killeffer and Linz.2 The purified material has an assay of 99% MoS2(complete analysis involves certain difficulties). Thib is supplied by thc Climax Molybdenum Company as Grade No. 3. In this form the powder appears to havc traces of an oily contaminant on the surface. It has a nitrogen BET area of about 3 sq. n;./g. Asamplc\vas pulverized for the authors by the Mirronizer Company, thus increasing the specific surfacc to about 1Osq. m./g. After comininution thr powder isreadily wctted by wator and appears to have lost thc traccs of oily rontamination on its surfacc. Nevcrthclrss, bcfore use in this investigation, all samples were washcd with various organic solvents, as described below. Thc apparatus for nitrogen adsorption was based on the design of Bugge and Kerlogue.3 Nitrogcn gas, obtained as 99.9% purc from the Matheson Company, h e . , was further purified by heating to 300” in thc presence of copper turnings, and then leading it through a liquid nitrogen trap. The helium was a spectroscopically pure grade from the Air Reduction Company. Water vapor and organic vapor adsor tion were measured by use of an apparatus described by !&arkins and Jura.4 Since this apparatus has stopcocks in the adsorption system, some care had to be taken to minimizc adsorption of the organic vapor by the stopcock grease. The satisfactory use of fluorocarbon oils as lubricants in contact with organir vapors has been described by Davis, Grossman and Harris.6

A sample of Fluorolube Grease GR-8/32 was supplied by the kindness of the Hooker Electrochemical Company and found, on testing, to be satisfactory for organic vapors in the relative pressure range below 0.5. At higher relative pressures a slow absorption of organic vapors by the grease could be detected. The water used as adsorbate was distilled and boiled conductivity water. The organic solvents were each distilled and dried over sodium immediately before use. The temperature at the sample was controlled by circulation of water around the sample holder from a confitant temperature bath. The temperature at the sample was adjusted to i ~ 0 . 0 5 ’by means of a thermoregulator in the main bath. The thermometer was compared to an N.B.S. calibrated thermometer. Preliminary Treatment of Adsorbent .-Preliminary expcriment,s were performed on adsorbent 1 as described bclow. When it was suspected that oxide coating covered the sample, other treatments were introduced to rcmove the oxide coating. All the experiments were made with the “micronized” material of ca. 10 sq. m./g. Adsorbent 1.-The sample was extracted for an hour with acetone, then for a n hour with water in a Soxhlet apparatus. I t was then dried in air for six hours a t 110”. Adsorbent 2,-The sample was extracted for an hour with carbon tetrachloride, a n hour with benzene, a half-hour with acetone and an hour with water in a Soxhlet apparatus, with vacuum drying a t room temperature after each extraction. The sample was then made into a slurry with a dilutesolution of ammonium hydroxide (1.44 meq. wt./g. solid). I t was thcn washed with distilled water by stirring, centrifuging and decanting until the pH of the supernatant liquid was lcss than 7. The solid was dried in a vacuum a t room tempcrature. Adsorbent 3.-A port,ion of adsorbent 2 was placed in a glass tube inside a furnace and dry hydrogen sulfide gas passed through it for 12 hours at 125’. This treatment, was based on a method reported for thc preparation of MoSz from MOO^.^'^ The sample was then maintained in a vacuum for 12 hours at 175’. Adsorbent 4.-To detcrminc if any residual sulfur was present on adsorbent 3, a portion of it, was washcd with carbon disulfide, by stirring, centrifuging and dccanting. I t was then washed in a similar way with benecne, end dried at room ternpcrature in a vacuum. Adsorbent 5.-To ascertain the effect of prolonged drying at, 110”, a sample was treated wit,h dilute sodium hydroxide solution (1.44 meq. wt./g. solid), then washcd with water in a Soxhlet apparatus until the extract was neutral. This solid was then dried in air a t 110” for 45 days. Samples described as “activated” were desorbed a t mm. or less a t 200” for 3-6 hours. “Non-activated” samples were desorbed a t mm. or less a t room temperature, after a series of sorption-desorption cycles to saturation with the vapor.

Results (1) Part of a Thesis presented by E. V. Ballou to the Graduate School of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy. (2) D. H. Killeffer and A. Lins, “Molybdenum Compounds,” Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, N. Y.. 1952, pp. 196-197. (3) P. E. Bugge and R. €1. Kerlogue, J . Soc. Chem. Ind., 66, 377 (1947). (4) W. D. Harkins and 0.Jura, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 6 6 , 1356 (1944). (5) P. T.Davis, J. H. Grossman and B. L. Harris, Anal. Chem., 21, 194 (1949).

The experimental results are presented in a series of figures in which the water vapor and benzene vapor adsorption isotherms are compared for each adsorbent. Figures 1 and 2 refer to adsorbent 1, activated a t 300” (Fig. 1) and (6) E. H. M. Badger, R. H. Griflith and W. B. S. Newling, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London). 8197, 184 (1949). (7) Treatment of adsorbent 2 with dry hydrogen sulfide gas at 1 2 5 O

does not necessarily convert all of the Ma01 to MpSz. extent of thtl ourfaoe oxidation is thereby reduced.

However the

Vol. 57



5 2.0


Adsorption of Benzene Vapor


'0 1.5

3.0 of Watsr Vapor


Adsorption of WaierVapo


I 1.0 -





2 2.0





.2 .3 A Relotivc P r e w u r e









Fig. 3.-The adsorption of water on non-activated adsorbent 3 ( A = adsorption, 0 = desorption) and activated and non-activated adsorbent 4 (a), and of benzene on activated adsorbent 3 at 20.0'.

Relufive Proarure

adsorption of water at 25.0" and benzene at 26.0" on activated adsorbent 1.

Fig. 1.-The







i e



Adsorption of Water Vapor


Adiorpllon of Benzene Vapor

.05 .IO Relotiw Pressure






Fig. 4.-The adsorption of benzene, n-heptane and toluene on activated adsorbent 1 and 2oluene on water-treated, nonactivated adsorbent 1 at 26.0





Rdativo Pr~ssurr

Fig. 2.-The





adsorption of water a t 25.0" and benzene a t

2G.O' on non-activated adsorbent 1.

non-activated (Fig. 2 ) . Figure 3 shows the two isotherms for adsorbent 3, activated at 180" for benzene, and for water, non-activated, after a single sorption-desorption cycle to saturation with water vapor. Certain points on Fig. 3 refer to adsorbent 4. Figure 4 shows isotherms for benzene, toluene and n-heptane on adsorbent 1 , activated a t 300' and for toluene on adsorbent 1, non-activated after a single sorption-desorption cycle with water vapor. Results for isdsteric 'heats of adsorption were obtained from isotherms at two different temperatures, by application

of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The temperatures were 10" apart. These results are plotted as a function of V/V,, where V , refers to the point of monolayer coverage as found by the BET equation, applied to each adsorbate. The isosteric heats of adsorption for benzene on adsorbents 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 5, and are seen to coincide. The isosteric heats of adsorption for water on adsorbents 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 6. Since the water isotherm for adsorbent 2 has a hysteresis loop, both the adsorption and desorption branches are used.

Discussion of Results The variation of the water vapor and benzene vapor isotherms with the pretreatment of the adsorbent, particularly as the treatment was designed to remove a suspected layer of molybdenum trioxide



Oct., 1953


, , ,












0 Adnorbent 0 Adsorbant


Fig. 5.-Isosteric heats of adsorption of benzene on activated adsorbent 1from 26.0 and 36.0" adsorption isotherms, and on activated adsorbents 2 and 3 from 20.0 and 30.0" adsorption isotherms.




- I :4



on the surface, confirms an interpretation of the results based on that supposition. Adsorbent 1s h o w a much greater adsorption of water vapor than of benzene vapor. Although the pretreatment with water in a Soxhlet apparatus may have removed what oxide is originally on the surface, it is restored by the drying a t 110' for six hours. The oxide makes the surface hydrophilic arid is also responsible for the large hysteresis loop on the activated sample (Fig. 1). Both the size of the loop and the amount of benzene adsorbed is reduced in the nonactivated sample (Fig. 2). In this figure, the water isotherm was obtained after 10 consecutive sorption-desorption cycles to saturation with water vapor, and then pumping off a t room temperature. The benzene isotherms were obtained after saturating the same sample on which the water adsorption had been determined for 3 days with benzene vapor, followed by pumping off for a week. A second isotherm was determined on the same sample after its exposure to benzene vapor, with only ten minutes pumping off. The two isotherms coincide. This benzene isotherm shows less benzene adsorbed than the benzene isotherm of Fig. 1. In this connection an analogous effect is to be observed with toluene adsorbed on a mater-treated, non-activated sample (Fig. 4),where the amount of adsorption of the organic vapor is again reduced. Presumably the non-activated surface contains bound water in the form of hydrated oxide. There is a dramatic reversal of the situation when the original oxide on the surface is removed by treatment with ammonium hydroxide and further oxidation is kept low by drying the sample at room temperature in a vacuum (adsorbent 2). The adsorption of water vapor is now reduced and the adsorption of benzene vapor is increased. The nonhydrophilic surface of the adsorbent is materially increased. The adsorptioii of water vapor is still further reduced by the treatment of the sample with HzS (Fig. 3). Since this treatment may have caused deposition of sulfur on the sample, the solid was washed with carbon disulfide and after activation for 7 hours at 1 9 5 O , some points on the water vapor isotherm redetermined. They were found t o lie on the same isotherm as the non-activated adsorbent 3 (Fig. 3). Adsorbent 5 was heated at 110' for 45 days, after the original surface oxide had heen removed by reaction with sodium hydroxide.

0 Desorption



for Benzene.

2 3





P yo\o-o-o~ ~/o-o-=



lesser extent, benzene adsorb on a portion only of the total surface (as determined by nitrogen adsorption). The proportionality between the specific surface covered by the water and the acid numbers shows that the oxidized portions of the surface chiefly account for the adsorption of water vapor. Benzene vapor is more catholic in its choice of adsorption sites, but when the surface is heavily oxidized (adsorbents 1 and 5) covers less than the total area. TABLE I SPECIFIC SURFACE AREAS(Sa.M./G.)OF MOLYBDENUM DISULFIDE AS DETERMINED BY NITROGEN, BENZENE AND WATERADSORPTION ISOTHERMS Nitrogen (u =


15.4 .&.e)

1-Activated 9.9 1-Non-activated .. 2-Activated 11.8 3-Activated 9.1 . 3-Non-activated Activated .. 4-1' Non-activated 5-Activated ..


Benzene (u =


Water (u = l O . d . 2 ) Acid no., Adsorp- Desorpmeq. tion tion wt./g.


7.5 6.8 8.9 9.1


6.3 7.0 2.0 1.2 0.95 1.0




7.4 7.0 1.9

1,3 0.35

1.2 1.0






The other organic vapor isotherms shown in Fig.

4 are of interest in affording a comparison of molecular covering areas on the same surface. To correspond with the area o,f 7.5 sq.m./g. as found from benzene with u = 32.3 A.2,the corresponding values would be toluene 50.2 and n-heptane 49.0 The isosteric heats for the adsorption of benzene vapor on adsorbents 1, 2 and 3 are plotted on the basis of the specific surfaces given in column 3 of Table I, Le., V, from the benzene isotherm of each adsorbent. On that basis it is found that there is a good agreement for the adsorbents 2 and 3 (Fig. 5). The isosteric heat of adsorption of benzene is not affected by the difference in treatment of the sample, which merely provides more or less hydrophobic surface on which the benzene adsorption can take place. The general trend is for a rapid drop of the isosteric heat at V/V, = 0.5, where it is approximately equal to the heat of liquefaction. After V/V, = 1.0 the isosteric heat becomes Constant and then rises toward the heat of liquefaction. The heats on adsorbent 1 show very different behavior, but the isotherms were not carried far enough to enable us to ascribe much significance to this difference. The isosteric heats for the adsorption of water vapor (Fig. 6 ) are complicated by the presence of the hysteresis loop. For adsorbent 3, where the hysteresis loop is small, the heat drops in value until V/V, = 1,then levels off and rises gradually. The heat of adsorption is well below the heat of liquefaction at V/Vm = 1and rises only gradually toward it as V/V, increases. V, from the water isotherm of this adsorbent actually represents only a fraction of the total available surface, probably the small residual hydrophilic fraction. The remainder of the surface is hydrophobic and because of that influence the isosteric heat, which is averaged over the whole surface, rises only slightly toward the heat of liquefaction even for relatively large amounts adsorbed.

Vol, 57

It is of interest that the heats of adsorption of water on the oxide surface are similar in general behavior to those of benzene on the hydrophobic surface, and the actual magnitudes of the heat values are not far apart. It is this circumstance that accounts for the clear-cut transition of the surface from hydrophilic to hydrophobic when most of the oxide layer is removed. Acknowledgment.-The authors gratefully acknowledge the aid given to this work by a grant from the Kennecott Copper Corporation. DISCUSSION TODDDOSCHER.-DO you know how much of the surface must be converted to the oxide before the material becomes hydrophilic? SYDNEY Ross.-No. J. C. ARNELL-I would like to suggest that the small residual hysteresis loop which is found after repeated cycling with water vapor is due to the swelling of the adsorbent caused by penetration of the crystal lattice by the water molecule. We have experienced a similar effect in my laboratory in the low temperature adsorption of nitrogen on an Acheson graphite and we feel this can be interpreted on the same basis. Such a penetration might also explain the decrease in isosteric heat with increasing coverage to V / V , = 1. A. C. ZETTmI\IoYER.-We recently calculated the isosteric heats of adsorption of water on Graphon from the measured heats of immersion, using the Thermistor calorimeter described here earlier today. Graphon has about 0.01% of its surface available for water sorption against the 10% for Dr. Ross's Adsorbent 3. Oxygen complexes on the surface of raphite play an analogous role in water sorption to the mofybdenurn oxide on the surface of molybdenum sulfide. O w calorimetric heats of adsorption plotted against volume water vapor adsorbed, as shown in the accompanying

0 0.0

I 0.01

I1 0.02







0.04 0.05 0.06 ADSORBED MLJG.

I a07



I 0.09

Fig. A. graph (Fig. A.), are very strikingly similar t o Fig. 6; similarities include the general shape of the curve, the large negative net heats, the minimum just beyond the Vm for water vapor, and the magnitude of the heats of adsorption. The first sites covered appear to be more energetic than the later ones, and the heat rises somewhat for the second layer, apparently because water molecules sorb more energetically on the previously adsorbed molecules. Cluster adsorption would explain the findings in both cases. Both graphite and molybdenum disulfide have strongly hydrophqbic surfaces that have little tendency to sorb water vapor; in both cases the water that does sorb a t low relative pressures is picked up by traces of oxidized material on the surface. This dual coincidence is responsible for the striking similarities between Fig. 6 of Dr. Ross's paper and our diagram for water sorption on Graphon. SYDNEY Ross.-Another similarity of graphite and molybdenum disulfide i s in their application as solid lubricants. Dr. R. H. Savage of the General Electric Company has

Oct., 1953


tested graphite, boron nitride, mica and molybdenum disulfide as solid lubricants at very low pressures. He found that molybdenum disulfide differed from the other solids in continuing to act as a lubricant even in the presumed absence of an adsorbed layer of water. It is difficult, however, to obtain a specimen of molybdenum disulfide that is en-


tirely free of oxide, and it is even more difficult to free molybdenum trioxide of its strongly bound water. I therefore suggest that molybdenum disulfide is not exceptional in its ability to lubricate in the absence of sorbed water, but exceptional in the difficulties that it poses to the removal of the last traces of water.

HEATS AND ENTROPIES OF ADSORPTION ON A HOMOGENEOUS CARBON SURFACE1 BY JOHNMOOI,CONWAY PIERCE^ AND R. NELSON SMITH Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Pomona College, Claremont, Cal. Received March 8, 1959

Isotherms are reported for ethyl chloride adsorption on a carbon of unusually homogeneous surface. Six ifiotherms taken a t temperatures from -78 to 75" are shown. Isosteric heats and differential and integral entropies have been calculated from the isotherms.

In a recent publication Pierce and Smith3 have reported data for the adsorption of ethyl chloride on a new sample of Graphon which seems to have an unusually homogeneous surface. The adsorption isotherms were of unusual shape, being convex to the pressure axis in the region below V,, and the isosteric heats calculated from them showed a maximum near V,. It seemed worthwhile to obtain additional data for this system. Isotherms have now been obtained over a wide range of temperature, and energies and entropies have been calculated from them.





Experimental Ethyl chloride adsorption isotherms were determined a t -78? -25, 0, 25.2, 50.5 and 75.2'. Adsorption was determined by a gravimetric method. The apparatus and procedure were identical with those described previously.3~4 The Graphon sample used was the same 13 g. as in earlier I I I I I measurement^.^ Before starting the measurements the sample was pumped 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 to a McLeod vacuum and baked out a t about 400' with Relative pressure, p/po. pumping for a t least two hours. This was increased to six Fig. 1.-Ethyl chloride adsorption isotherms for Graphon hours if the sample had been exposed to air. Temperatures above 0' were obtained by use of a water thermostat and mercury regulator. Zero degrees was maintained by a n ice-bath. To obtain -25" melting carbon tetrachloride was used. Solid CCI, was obtained when required by the addition of small amounts of Dry Ice to the liquid; Temperature was controlled by this method to f0.5 This fluctuation made necessary a measurement of PO for each adsorption measurement. An ethyl chloride vapor pressure thermometer was constructed for this purpose. Although very little temperature fluctuation was observed during the measurement of a single point of the isotherm, the vapor pressure was found to fluctuate from 141.5 to 148.5 mm. between the various measurements. The temperature of -78" was obtained by surrounding the sample with powdered Dry Ice. Either by the use of a stream of COZ gas through the bath or by the use of a 0.5-watt heater a t the bottom of the container it was possible to control the temperature to zkO.05". For the temperatures from 25 to 75", for which the ethyl chloride has a vapor pressure above 1 atmosphere, no attempt was made to measure PO directly. The values of po used were obtained by interpolation from the data given by Stull.6 At 0 and -78" measurements of PO were made giving values of 472 and 3.37 mm., respectively, in excellent agreement with the Stull data. Measurement of POa t -25" 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 is mentioned above. Relative pressure, p / p ~ . Fig. 2.-Low pressure portion of ethyl chloride isotherm8 for (1) This is a report of work conducted under Contract N8onr54700 Graphon. with the Office of Naval Research.




( 2 ) University of California, Riverside, Calif.

(3) W. C. Pierceand R . N . Smith, J . Ant. Chem. Soc., 75,846 (1953). (4) R. N. Smith, ibid.. 74, 3477 (1952). ( 5 ) D.R. Stull. Ind. Eng. Chem. 39, 517 (1947).

Results and Discussion The adsorption isotherms obtained are sliown in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the isotherms com-