Routinely performs measurements of. Riboflavin .0001 jug/ml, Quinine Sul- fate .0001 /ig/ml, Catecholamines .0002 yug/ml . . . with the sensitivity of...
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the Ultimate




Transfer System

Satisfied users in over 1,000 laboratories throughout the world.

Model 1402 Flexo-Rabbit pneumatic transfer system uses a flexible plastic tubing to transport samples to and from radiation sources. The tubing system has an aluminum irradiation section at one end and a special receiver at the other. Gas pressure, provided by a standard cylinder, drives the sam­ ple capsule through 50 feet of tubing in less than 1 second. Reactor Experi­ ments, Inc., 140 Harbor Blvd., Bel­ mont, Calif. 416

UNEQUALLED SENSITIVITY Routinely performs measurements of Riboflavin .0001 / x g / m l , Quinine Sul­ fate .0001 / i g / m l , Catecholamines .0002 / i g / m l . . . with the sensitivity of the instrument not the limiting factor. ALL QUARTZ OPTICAL SYSTEM Features collimated light at both filter positions, essential for narrow band Interference Filters.

HIGH EFFICIENCY LIGHT SOURCE Excellent stability and spectral con­ tinuum are provided by the High Pres­ sure Mercury Arc Lamp. SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Accurate, repeatable, linear measure­ ments over a wide dynamic range. Recording capability. ACCESSORIES Tungsten Source, Continuous Flow Cell, Temperature Control Chamber, Surface Fluorescence Adapter for tur­ bid solutions. Micro and Ultra Micro Cells.

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So. 5th Avenue O P T I C A L 538-A Mount Vernon, New York 10550 C O . , I N C . 914-668-9393/Cable Address: F0CIUS NY The Pioneers in Fluorometry Circle No. 248 on Readers' Service Card

Dilutor has an accuracy of ± 0 . 5 % . Three plastic pipets, 20, 50, and 100 μ\, and one graduated glass pipet, sili­ conized and calibrated at 20, 50, and 100 μ\, are supplied with the unit. The sample is drawn into the pipet to the mark, then the sample is dis­ pensed by preset diluent. There is a built-in light behind the pipet to per­ mit easy reading of the meniscus. Misco Scientific, 1825 Eastshore Hwy., Berkeley, Calif. 94710. 417

Flame Detector

A I D t D I i M L Q T H M C f o r 7 5 years t h e only permaf t L l i T t i l l b l l b Ο I U I N C nently satisfactory material f o r c h e m i c a l l a b o r a t o r y t a b l e t o p s , s h e l v i n g , sinks, splash backs, d r a i n boards a n d f u m e h o o d s . P r o m p t delivery. ALBERENE S T O N E - A D I V I S I O N OF T H E GEORGIA M A R B L E C O M P A N Y . F o r FREE l i t e r a t u r e a n d t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e a d d r e s s : T H E ALBERMAR COMPANY, 3 8 6 PARK AVE. S O U T H , NEW YORK, N.Y. 1 0 0 1 6 , DEPT. C Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card 202 A



In a modified stacked flame detector, the alkali emission grid is placed above the top flame and the alkali emission coil is heated by passing electrical cur­ rent through it. Organo phosphates and organo halides can be detected in quantities as low as 5 ng. For reliable quantization, the phosphate detection range is between 25 and 1000 ng.; the halide range is between 50 and 2000 ng. After the burner gas flow parameters are adjusted and the top coil is coated with an alkali salt, current can be ap­ plied to the coil to raise the background current in the top flame to between 1 X 10~9 and 1 X 10~8 ampere. Micro Tek Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box 15409, Baton Rouge, La. 418