The Architecture and Properties of Matter (Ormerod ... - ACS Publications

Cassette Taped Commentary For Ele- mentary Series of Slides Sets, Scientific. Educational Aids, Uxbridge, England. ,. "It is the business of the man o...
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book reviews The Architecture and hopertles ol Matter Milton B. Ormerod, Brunel University, Uxhridge, England. Edward h o l d Limited, London, England, 1970. Crane Russak &Company, New York. vi 154 pp. Figs. and tables. 19.5 X 25.2 cm. $14.75. Peel Introductory Model Set, Messrs. A. Gallenkamp and Co. Ltd., London, England. Slide Sets On The Architecture And Properties Of Matter, Scientific Educational Aids, Uxhridge, England. Cassette Taped Commentary For Elementary Series of Slides Sets, Scientific Educational Aids, Uxbridge, England. ,


"It is the business of the man of science t o symbolize and fix and represent to our mind in some readily recallable shape the order and the symmetry and the beauty that prevail throughout nature." This illuminating quotation from T. H. Huxley beautifully describes and refledsProfessoa Ormemd's own philosophy regarding the teaching of ehemistry with three dimensional models. Not since the oublieation of R. T. Sanderson's "'l'mchiny Ctwmisrry with .Mcdels" has such a welcome addition toany rhemwtry teacher's library brpn published. T h ~ b s w k cunb i n s pertinent pedagogical ideas for the teacher of high school as well as college ehemistry. In a real sense this publication is a ohilosoohical view of how chemistrv can be mndetonmealive in thrrlsssrourn with the ure of the arcumpsn)ing model kit, rolor sl~der,and a taped ct,mmenrary. 'l'h~rhwk h e g m with a detailed account oi the prychoh~eicdbasis fur using models. slides,.&d cassette commentaries t o more effectively communicate chemistry to the student. The author certainly believes in student involvement in constructing and utilizing molecular models to enable him to understand a wide variety of seemingly unrelated facts. Student understanding is further enhanced hy the very effective use of post-organizer slides in the slide portion of this media package. This product represent.1


the first commercial venture reflecting Ausuhel's theory of classrwm learning. The teat is divided into six major parts. Part one contains a succinct review of the major principles of modern structural chemistrv foeusine " on the central idea that to understand chemical reactivity one must under~tandthe 9rructural barisofa molecular system. Parts two and three present a thoroughly enjoyable discussion of species found in the second period of the periodic table. Lewis structures and orbital drawings of second period molecules and ions nicely demonstiate how models can he utilized to pmture simple mderules, ions, and reactions drhec**prne~.Very effective useaf effective nuclear charge is made in explaining proton migration reactions in inorganic and organic systems. This part concludes with a chapter on hydrogen bonding and uses timely examoles from both inoreanic and oreanic chemistry. The fourth p& contains chapters on douhle- and triple-bonded species. Part five is a survey uf struclurrs involving complete delocalilarion of electrons l'w noteworthy frntures of thissection inrludeanerplnnatrm of the properties and reactivity of sodium and copper and a useful chart summarizing the atomic complexity of these elements. Part six is certainly a unique feature of this baok as i t presents a set of drawings useful in clearly presenting what actually occurs during an electrode reaction in an electrolysis cell. The models presented in this section could he utilized to present a unit an electrochemistry, This part concludes with a comparison of the nrooerties associated with the four maim ~,