The Carborundum Co

COMPLETE TEST KITAVAILABLE. Representative sam- ... or to order the test kit, write Dept. AC-6, Refrac- ... 29 on Readers' Service Card. These Lindber...
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Looking for better

These Lindberg quality " H - F " INDUCTION units and


CARBON and SULFUR DETERMINA» provide fast, efficient, dependable apparatus for HIGH TEMPERATURE

combustion analyses.

Type SD-2 Sulfur Determinator

Type CD-I Volumetric Carbon Determinator Type DS-C Combined Sulfur-Carbon Determinator

Here's your answer from

CARBORUNDUM Virtually every requirement in catalyst carriers can be met with Carborundum's complete line of ceramic-bonded crystalline materials. Various shapes, sizes, densities, surface structures and porosities provide a wide choice to meet individual needs. Materials include fused alpha aluminum oxide, hexagonal (alpha) silicon carbide, silica and fused mullite, Exacting controls insure uniformity.

COMPLETE TEST KIT AVAILABLE Representative samples of symmetrical and poly-surface pellets in a variety of compositions a n d pore sizes are contained in the test kit illustrated, available at a nominal charge of $15. Kit contains 16 80 cc vials.

Lindberg Laboratory Equipment is sold only through


Circle No. 29 on Readers' Service Card


For full information on applications

of Lindberg "H-F" Induction units or Carbon and Sulfur Determinators ask your


The units are shown with the Lindberg single-station "H-F" Combustion Unit Type LI-502B. A two-station unit, Type U-502B-2, also available, is ideally suited for laboratories where volume of analyses is large. This provides two combustion stations for alternate burning of samples and eliminates need for changing carbon and sulfur determinators. Both induction generators are instantly available for operation, require no warmups. Operation on 115V, 60 cycle; develops temperature in excess of 3000°F. dependent on sample material and weight.


A request on your company letterhead will bring a complete brochure covering chemical and physical properties, test procedures and prices. For your copy or to order the test kit, write Dept. AC-6, Refractories Division, The Carborundum Co., Latrobe, Pa.

84 A


dealer for Lindberg Bulletin No. T-1067. Laboratory Equipment Division, Lindberg Engineering Company, 2455 West Hubbard Street, Chicago 12, Illinois.

LINDBERG H e a t for i n d u s t r y Circle No. 170 on Readers' Service Card