The case of the REJUVENATED OIL WELLS - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: July 17, 1950. Copyright © 1950 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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REJUVENATED OIL WELLS how Mgj^gikrodt helDe^^^Huctiofl^saart ^sfflees=^s=iKi3§^ To increxfse ;the f low-~ of " "sluggish weMs^ petroleum engineers recently devised α new process of fracturing '_, the surrounding underground formations by hydraulic pressure. It required a unique gelling agent: one that would { 1 ) quickly gel petroleum fractions (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) at outdoor temperatures with ordinary mixing equipment . . . ( 2 ) hold the gel for a few hours when pumped down the well under pressures extreme enough to crack rock and carry suspended sand deep into the fissures . . . ( 3 ) then allow the mixture to re-liquefy, leaving the sand to prop open the newly-made oil channels. To meet all three tough requirements, Mallinckrodt laboratories developed an entirely new gelling agent. Result: higher oil production. Whatever your products, you too may be able to cut costs, improve quality, increase output, if you utilize our 83 years* experience with more than 1500 fine chemicals. W h a t is your problem?

MALLINCKRODT CHEMICAL WHIMS Mallinckrodt St., St. Louis 7. Mo. ·

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