The Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co. - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - The Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (9), pp 146A–146A. DOI: 10.1021/i651400a823. Publication Date: ...
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In the


of Condition

CHAΡMAN MOTOR UNITS We've done one thing for you. Chapman's M o t o r Units . . . for operation of valves, floorstands and sluice gates . . . are in the best of condition for ac­ curate performance and longer, lower cost life. We've made them as you like them . . . simplified them . . . streamlined them . . . taken off all the fat. In fact, when you look at a Chapman M o t o r Unit today, you can only find approximately half as many parts as on any other unit. This simplicity, combined with Chapman's tra­ ditional ruggedness, means less trouble and lower maintenance over a longer period of smooth, accu­ rate performance. H o w can you g o wrong? With Chapman M o t o r Units, the simplified design . . . the sturdy construc­

tion . . . mean no drift ; less slash, accurate microm­ eter-controlled limit switch for predetermined seat tightness; quiet motor driven operation at all times. All at the lowest overall cost. N o trouble with operating positions. Operation is assured at any angle. Rugged stub-tooth gears need no grease or oil. N o trouble with operating conditions. All units are weatherproof . . . steam tight. N o trouble even with installations. When used with floorstands they are completely wired at the factory . . . ready to connect with your leads. Easy and simple to install. Get our new catalog . . . Catalog 51 . . . on Chapman motor units today.

The Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co. I N D I A N O R C H A R D , MASSACHUSETTS For further information, circle number 146 A on Readers' Service Card, page 139 A 146