The chemical bond (Lagowski, J. J.)

Page 1. BOOK. REVIEWS. Physical Chemistry. Farrington Daniels and Robert. A. Alberty, both of the ... but one chapter and 41 pages. ... is still compl...
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Phyricd Chemistry

Farington Daniels and Robert A. Alberty, both of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. 3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1966. xiii 767 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 24.5 em. $9.95.


The authors hrtve shown cognizance of the remarkable changes that have occurred in all areas of chemistry in the past few years. Notable among these is the marked upgrading of first year college chemistry, which has definitely had its effect on the rest of the undergraduate courses, particularly upon physical chemistry. Much of whet was formerly part of the physical chemistry text has now found its way into the first year books. Consequently, much of the elementary ttnd descriptive physical chemistry has been relegated to preceding courses in chemistry, but most of the time-honored principles have been retained. Perhaps the most obvious change in the new edition is in its organization. I t has been divided into five sections whose relative contributions can be estimated by a compl~risonof the number of chapters and pages in each. Thermodynamics consists of eight chapters and 298 pages. Dynamics is three chapters and 117 pages. Quantum Chemistry requires six chapters and 216 pages. Structure has only two chapters and 59 pages, while Nuclear and Radiation Chemist,ry has but one chapter and41 pages. The second edition (1961) showed a. considerable compression of the material

of the first edition (1955) in order to include new material in spectroscopy, kinetic theory, and statistical mechanics. Further compression has heen again necessary to make room for two new chapters on Symmetry and Molecular Electronic Strueture. The material in these two chapters, particularly molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory, will be s. welcome addition. By combining c h a p ters, the total number has been reduced from 24 to 20, as in the first edition. The book still has the large number of excellent tables that have made the earlier editions so attractive and useful. Graphs and diagrams have been generously s u p plied and effectively utilized. The same useful Tables of Constants and Symbols and Abbreviations are found at the front, and the appendix includes all the previous material plus a. new section on Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers for use in statistical mechanics. The authors have indicated their a p preciation of the role of problems in learning physical chemistry. Over 300 new problems have been supplied. Some chapters have as few as 25 problems, hut the average is closer to 50, with an o e cssiond one that has over 100 (Chemical Equilibria). Answers are provided for about a third. This is as real a revision as can he expected in a book as successful as this. It has kept up to date the tradition of excellence that ddates beck over 50 years to the original book by F. H. Getman in 1913, that evolved into the Getman and Daniels series, and lately into Daniels and Alherty. This reviewer suspects that,

Farrington Daniels and Robert A . Alberly, Physical Chemistry J . J. Lagowski, The Chemical Bond Thor A . Bak, Mathematics for Scientists Mary L. Boas, Mstbematical Methods in the Physical Sciences Jay Martin Andersa, Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry Robin M . Hochtrassw, Molecular Aspects of Symmetry Kenneth Dabigh, The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium Paul D. G a n , Thermortnalytical Methods of Investigation Frank J . Wekhw, Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. Volume 3, Instrumental Methods, Parts A and B Henry F. Holtzclow, Jr., Inorganic Syntheses. Volume 8 E. H . E. Pietsch and the Gmelin Inslitute, Gmelins Hmdbuch der Anorganischen Chemie. 8. Auflage, System Nummer 60, Kupfer. Teil B, Lieferung 4, Koordinations-Verbindungen mit Neutralen und Innerkomplexbildenden Liganden 24. L. Miller, The Structure of Polymers John Read, Prelude to Chemistry: An Outline of Chemistry Harold I. Sharlin, The Convergent Century Foster Dee Snell and Clifford L. Hillon, Encyclopedis, of Industrial Chemical Analysis. Volume 1, General Techniques, A-E

as was true of its predecessors, this latest is still complete enough to get many a graduate student through his compre hensive examinations, which is a good recommendation in itself. More than that, however, it has the marks of s. very teachable, interesting, and inspiring book that will be welcomed by chemistry students and faculty alike.

TOMR. THOMSON A~izonaState University Tempe The Chemical Bond

J . J . Lagowski, University of Texas, Austin. Houghton, Mifflin Co., Boston, 200 pp. Figs. and tables. 1966. vii 15 X 23 em. Paperbound. $2.95.


Chemical theory is advancing at a tremendous rate; hence, although chemistry is an experimental =science, it is t,aueht., todav. " ,mainlv from the standmint of theory. student$ are learning kueh about the theoretical equations which describe chemical phenomena. However, there is a. real danger that students may learn the "jargon of theory'' and how to manipulate the equations, yet fail fully to grasp the real significance of the connee tion between theory and experiment. If this should happen chemistry would become a sterile science and might even revert back to the time of Aristotle in its approach to the solution of chemical problems. One of the best ways to avoid this possibility is for the chemist to understand the basis of chemical theory. One way to gain such understanding is to read something of the development of the history of chemistry. The difficulties of understanding the original literature, because of unfamiliar expression, excessive detail, and lack of background for following the arguments, would discourage all but the most

have been designed to aid the student in gaining an insight into the historical development of chemical theory. The first book was designed to acquaint the reader with some historical aspects of the development of a theoretical descrip tion of the structure of the atom. The second book, the subject of this review, is designed to acquaint the reader with some historical aspects of the development of the theory of the chemical bond. The author poses the crucial qnestions and develops the various answers in the words of the original investigators themselves. He is especially effective in pointing up some of the key problems and pointing out successes and failures of various theories in meeting the arguments. In the words of the author his goal is, "to organize these investigations and ideas which have contributed to our knowledge and understanding of the nature of the chemical bond!' The book begins with a. discussion of Early Theories of Atomic Combinations and proceeds with an extended discussion of Affinity. A quotation of Professor Nicolas Lemery (1645-1715) is very descriptive af the thinking of this period. (Continued un page 246) Volume 44, Number

4, April 1967



". . .I shdl affirm, that the Acidity of any Liquor does consist in keen Particles of Salts, put in motion; and I hope no Body will offer to dispute whether an aeid has points or no, seeing every ones Experience does demonstrate it, they need but taste an acid to be satisfied of it, for it pricks the Tongue like anything keen, and finely cut; but a demonstrative and convincing Proof that an Acid does consist of pointed Parts is, that not only all acid Salts do Crystallize into Edges, but 511 Dissolutions of different things, csused by aeid Liquors, do assume this figure in their Crystallization: these Cry&ls consist of Points differing both in Length and Bigness from one another, and this diversity must beattributed to the keener or blunter Edges of the different Sorts of Acids. "As for Alkali's, they are known by pouring s n aeid upon tbem, for presently or soon after, there rises a violent Ebullition, whieh remains until the aeid finds no more bodies to rarifie. This effect may make us reasonably conjecture that an Alkali is a terrestrious and solid matter wbosepores are figured after such a manner that the aeid points entering into tbem do strike and divide whatever opposes their motion.. "There me as many different Alkali's, as there are bodies that have different pores, and this is the reason why an aeid will Ferment with one strongly, and with another not at all; for there must he a due proportion between the acid points, and the pores of the Alkali!'


This section is especially useful for informing the student that many other investigators other than Rutherford, Bohr, and Moseley made significant contributions to our knowledge of atomic structure. The last four chapters deal with the chemical hond. Its electrical nature, the significanceof electron pairs, the geometry of electron groupings, and electron waves, all are discussed. An informative discussion of the Lewis and Bohr controversy over the static vs. the dynamic nature of the atom is given in considerable detail. A lucid discussion on how Lewis was led from the view of s cubic carbon atom to thst of a. tetrahedral atom is given. The arguments that required the introduction of such concepts as the wave nature of material particles, quantum numbers, the uncertainty principle, and orbital and spin angular momentum are clearly treated. Although the text introduces students to chemistry from the historical viewpoint, the treatment is quite close to the current method of treatingmmy topics: coordination compounds, valence band theory, molecular orbital theory, bond geometry, bond order, and isomerism. The book is highly recommended as supplementary reading for serious students specializing in chemistry.

MODDIE D. T.LYMR Howard University Washington, D. C.

The dedication of scientists is embodied in the quotation of Professor T. 0. Bergman (1738-1784) "The tables which we have at present contain only a few substances, and each of these compared only a with afew others. There is no reproach to the authors of them, for the task is laborious and long. Although, therefore, I have been employed opon it with all the diligence I could exert, and as much as my many other engagements would permit, yet I am very far from venturing to assert, that that whieh I offer is perfect, since I know witb certainty, that the slight sketch now proposed will require above 30,000 exact experiments before it can be brought to any degree of perfection. But when I refleoted on the shortness of life, and the instability of health, I resolved to publish my observations, however defective, lest they should perish with my papers, and I shall relate them as briefly ss possible. In itself it is of small consequence by whom science is enriched; whether the truths belonging to it are discovered by me or by another. Meanwhile, if God shall grant me life, health, and the necessary leisure, I will persevere in the task whieh I have begun.'' The book continues with a disoossion of Structure, Three-Dimensional Chemistry, and The Elements and Their Compounds: Pemdlcity. The dualistic theory of Berzelius and his introduction of symbolism is discussed. I t is noteworthy that the symbolism introduced by Berzelius is e s sentially that which is still used today. The next three chapters are concerned with Electrons and Atomic Structure, Electrons and Periodicity, and The Structural Units of Matter. The tetrahedral carbon atom of vm't Hoff and Le Be1 is discussed.



Journal of Chemical Educofion

Mathematics for Scientists

Thor A . Bak, University of Copenhagen, and Jonas Lichtenberg, Royal Danish College of Education. W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, 1966. xiv 487 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $12.50.


Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences

Mary L. Ems, DePanl University, Chicago. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 778 pp. New York, 1966. xiw Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 em. $11.95.


Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry

Jay Martin Andemon, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn M a w , Pennsylvania. W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, 154 pp. Figures. 14.5 X 1966. x 22 em. Clothbound, $8.50; paperbound, $3.95.


Many teachers are convinced that mathematics has not yet found its proper place in the education of chemists. In his inaugural lecture (1965) at the University of Queensland, "What is Applied Mathematics," Professor A. F. Pillow placed this question in a broader context when he noted that "throughout the world there is a growing concern a t the widening gulf between modern pure mathematics and the sciences. Modern pure mathematics encourages mathematicians to create new fields of activity whieh are exciting and esthetically pleas-

ing in their own right without reference, either general or specific, to scientific or engineering problems. The probability of such mathematics becoming applicable in reasonable time decreases. One cannot help feeling that mathematics, science and engineering form basically a coherent body of intellectual pursuits which are subdivided because of human limitations. If intellectual hedonism is to be avoided, it becomes important to maintain an even development. The crucial step for this purpose is. to recognize applied mathematics as a legitimate self-propagating discipline of scientific activity, side by side with pure mathematics, the sciences, and engineering." The program envisaged by Professor Pillow would include the development of special interdisciplinary undergraduate programs between applied mathematics and chemistry. The University of Toronto has already initiated a program of this kind which deserves to be more widely studied and perhaps copied. The gulf between pure mathematics and chemistry is so wide thst our present practice of simply sending our chemistry students to take courses in the department of mathematics does not, and cannot reasonably he expected to produce acceptable training. Books like those under review probably arise from the recognition by scientists that the student needs help in order to bring his mathematics closer to scientific applications. One can suppose tbat such b o k s are designed for three possible uses: (1) as textbooks in formal courses (2) for independent study (3) as references. The book of Bak and Lichtenberg is the result of a collaboration between a theoretical chemist and a mathematics teacher. I t is based on a one-year course given by the authors for chemists, biochemists, and M.D!s doing basic research. In such a course, the teachers would doubtless have emphasized particular scientific problems related to the textbook material. The book itself does not do this and hence fails to capture the interest of the scientific reader. I t is almost incredible tbat one reaches page 212 of this 487 page book before finding the first mention of a scientific s;pplication of mathematics in either text or problems. Nor are there more than half a doxen further references to scientific problems in the remainder of the book. The rather difficult style would tend to discourage use of this book for reference or independent study. For instance, here is a typical definition: "A tensor (linear vector funct,ion) in N-dimensional space is an operator which in every (usual right angle) coordinate system appears as a square matrix of order N." Thus despite the promising nature of the collaboration, this hook does not provide a. well-lighted bridge between applied mathematics and science. The book by Boas is written by an experienced college teacher of mathematics and physics. Designed for science students with one year of calculus, it is consistently readable witb a nice balance between the mathematics and its applications. Usually the author introduces a topic in physical terms and then brings in


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