THE CHEMICAL NEWS PARADE - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 4, 2010 - Above. At Βuffallo Foundry & Machine Co., 150 tons poured in casting in 8 minutes. Below. Τ. Ε. Browne, Jr., and Dr. Slepian, of West...
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THE CHEMICAL NEWS Above. At Βuffallo Foundry & Machine Co., 130 tons poured in casting in 8 minutes. Below. Τ. Ε. Browne, Jr., and Dr. Slcpian, of Weetinghou*e.


Above. Dorr Torq thickeners. Below. G. E.'s Dre. Kingdon and Pollock, with oven used in i*olating U-235.

Right. Photograph of arc in water and bubble* liberated, taken by the Wcstinghotiec apparat u* above. Below.

Tank* of cot ton need oil. couwtftr r. t. A.

manager of synthetic research division, is stretching raw Ameripol particle. Curds, a d d - coagulated, have risen to top of the vat. Left. Two polymeriisers.

All pictures on this page show production of Ameripol, B. F. Goodrich "synthetic" rubber.

Below. Workman holding sheet of unvulcanixed o* raw Ameripol at t h e left and natural rubber, wathed crude No. 1 smoked sheet, at right.

Below. Workman removing Ameripol sheet from wash mill. [ Under heat and pressure, moisture was wrung out and material squeezed to thin sheet, ready for cutting and drying. Ameripol is handled on standard rubber processing equipment.

Left below. Mill man cutting 110-pound raw Ameripol block and placing chunks on wash mill. Right below. Goodrich tire development engineer, W. E. Phillips, Inspects one of finished Ameripol tires.