Nov 5, 2010 - Price tag on new pesticide: $1 million for research and development. This includes testing of 2000 compounds to find an effective one. B...
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THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK • Price tag on new pesticide:

$1 million for

research a n d development. This includes testing of £000 compounds to find an effective one. Biochemical a n d biophysical data on insecticidal action may decrease this cost. Page 695. • Starting i n 1804. when W i l l i a m T e r r e l l set

up a drug store in which he m a d e pharmaceuticals, Cincinnati* s chemical industry now boasts 175 firms. Page 696.

build an engineering science building. This is i the second grant the foundation has made in a year for i undergraduate science building on campus. Page 780. • American Chemical Society publishes its semiannual list of officers, committees, and chapters of student affiliates. Page 751. • "Chemical Specificity in Biological Interactions" is recommended reading, although specialists may find it out of date. Page 761.

• Three w a y s t o tackle the scientific manpower shortage are suggested at the Military-Industrial Conference in Chicago: revise curricula, improve draft legislation, establish Civilian Scientists' Corps. Page 700.

• Final program of 127th National ACS Meeting shows divisional sessions in two sectionsMarch 30 to April 2, and April 4 to 7. Page 762.

• First p r i v a t e l y financed p o w e r r e a c t o r , to

• Cincinnati will be ready for ACS'ers, thanks to the efforts of Kettering Laboratory's Joe Treon and his lieutenants. Page 767.

be built b y Consolidated Edison, will supply 100,000 to 200,000 kw. to New York a n d Westchester in about four years. Page 107. • American Machine & Foundry's reactor will be the first owned and operated by private industry for research in industrial and humanitarian fields. Cost is over $1 million. Page 708. • Is histamine the principal culprit in spreading cell destruction in stress or disease? University of Utah, research suggests it is a n d is now seeking therapeutants. Page 716. • Man-made diamonds have been made by GE scientists subjecting carbonaceous compound to high temperatures and a pressure equivalent to earth's pressure at depth of 240 miles. Page 718. • A new loyalty program to cover unclassified research is u n d e r consideration; National Academy of Sciences has been asked for recommendations. Page 722. • Reciprocal t r a d e program wins approval of

House Ways and Means Committee, despite opposition of some of the chemical industry; major battles are still promised. Page 724. • Dow is going into The Netherlands, establishing a subsidiary to import, manufacture, and distribute chemicals, plastics, and magnesium. Construction stasis in late spring. Page 726, • Norsk H y d r o ' s new compound fertilizer and

calcium nitrate works will be producing 110,000 tons annually by year's end. Page 728. • Lafayette





largest single gift made by Olin Foundation, to VOLUME

3 3, N O .




• Cyanuric





offers a new approach to many chemical fieldsplastics, insecticides, bleaches. Page 798. • Maleic anhydride yields will be increased

b y a modified reaction system developed by Scientific Design a n d now in production at Reichhold Chemical. Page 799. • Plastic foams with woodlike cell structure

which can be controlled throughout production to give uniform cellular product with brittle skin have been developed by Bakelite. Page 802. • Germanium infrared filters are being made by Baird Associates. Crystals are antireflection coated to give maximum transmission at 2.5 microns, cut off below 1.8 microns. Page 804. P Marketing mistakes are new product lines require hand. Three points of a analysis, establishment of and review and revision of

costly; potentials of much study beforestudy center around marketing program, program. Page 810.

• Copper price heads higher a s world markets grow apprehensive. U. S. and Chilean regulations are reportedly curtailing supplies of copper for industry. Page 812. (•Gains up t o 10% in 1955 sales are projected by many chemical executives. Optimism stems in part from better levels of activity in the over-all business picture. Page 814. • Du Pont w i l l buy $75 million w o r t h of G M

stock issue, thus maintaining its present interest in GM at 22.6%. Page 816. 683