The chemistry of art - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

An overview of resources for chemistry instructors interested in describing the connections of chemistry to art. Keywords (Audience):. High School / I...
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mnething new horn the pwt Introduction Because of the singleness of purpose of this issue of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICALEDUCATIONdevoted to the ChemistrylArt theme, this editor has chosen to modify the presentation sliehtlv more like a biblioeraohv .. . to aooear .. .. . . with minimum annotatiun. To rsti~l~iirh n viiuni Chemistry Art reiationshi~the render i referred 10 the tirst uicture\ " ~ 1 c h e m y : ~ hPleantiful e Vintage," in the textbook T h e m istry," (G.R. Choppin, B. Jaffe, 1965, pp. 22-30, Silver Burdett, Morristown, New Jersey). Through the work of artists, the essay shows the promession of chemistry startinp: with the Chinese alchemist,. S& Po, and the ~ m e r a l dTablet of Hermes Trismegistus, legendary father of Egyptian alchemy and ending with the painting by Joseph Wright, "Hennig Brand's discovery of Phosphorous." Incidentally, the picture in the text was accidentally printed backward. Of particular importance to the reader is the map of the earlv Mediterrane& region showing the physical pr&ression of &hemy from China, Egypt, and Mesopotamia up to the European continent. It is interesting to note that the history of art and artists which preceded Alchemy traces a similar route. For it was the artists who were among the first users of "earths," for colors and pigments. The color picture essay lends itself to he photographed easily on to slides for use in classroom presentation.

The Chemistry of Art The April 1980 issue of THISJOURNAL (Volume 57, Numher 4) includes a large number of articles on the chemistry of art.


"Chemistry and Artists' Colors, Part I. Light and Color," M. V. Orna, pp. 256258. "Why Ohjeets Appear as They Do," T. B. Brill, pp. 259-263. "Chemistry and Artists' Colors, Part 11. Structural features of colored compounds," M. V. Orna, pp. 264-266. "Chemistry and Artists' Colors,Part 111. Preparation and properties of artists' pigments," M. V. Orna, pp. 267-269. "Paints and Pigments," R. Schiek,pp. 27W271. "The Case of the Isotopic Artist," R. O'Connor, p. 271. "Chemistry for Potters," A. A. Denio, pp. 272-275.


Journal of Chemical Education

Edited by: JOSEPHS. SCHMUCKLER Chairman of Science Education Temple University 345 Riner Hall Philadelphia. PA 19122

"Artifacts and the Electromotive Series," C. D. Mickey, -~ pp. 275276. "Corrosion and Preservation of Bronze Artifacts," R. Walker, pp. 277-280. "Chemical Hazards in the Arts," G. Wheeler, pp. 281-282. ~

Chemistry and Art "Chemistry in Art, Radiochemistry and Forgery," F. E. Rogers, J. CHEM. EDUC., 49 [6], 41-19 (1972). "Chemistry and Art, Thermoluminescence and Forgery," F. E. Roeers. (1973). " . J. CHEM. EDUC.,50 1121.388 . . "Carbon-14 and Art Forgeries," Chemistry, 46 [6], 18-19 (1973). "Wedgewood-A Living Tradition," H. C. Wedgewood, J. CHEM. EDUC.,630-631 (1955). Shall the dinnerware he "china" or earthenware?

This feature inciudesannatationsof allicles from previous issues of the JOURNAL. and other science teaching journals. Topics will be presented in the issue prior to when the topic is taught in a typical high

Joseph S. Schmuckler is currently the chairman of the Department of Education and a Professor of Chemistry at Temple University. He was formerly a chemistry teacher at Haverford Township Senior High School in Pennsylvania where he taught for 15 years. Dr. Schmuckler received his BS degree in 1952. MS dearee in 1954. and PhD in 1968 from the Universitv of Pennsylvania n 6 n.mer0.P U d r O E in rrcugn t on of nsr aemcat on lo Wachlng an0 .nru cr?lea.ulan inc & h swcc p10i me A w r ran Chem w Socw, .irme~Bnanl Conilnl A w r d m riaor8 Scnm Chem a l r . T w m nu n lqGR That yea; he also received the and chemlcailndustr& Caunctl awards. He is one of me co-authors to the Silver Burden Company program in chemistty and was an original pallicipant and contributor to the CHEM Study Program for High School Chemistry: he has published anlcles in i o u r n ~inl ~science and science education.


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Mosaics," Henry M. Leicester, J. CHEM. EDUC., 46 [5], 295-298 (1969).

Lamonosov, the Russian scientist (1711-1765) who contributed greatly to the kinetic theory of heat, was also an excellent technician in the art of glass coloring and mosaics.

Courses in Chem/Art "The Molecdar Basis of Form and Color, a Chemistry Course for Art Majors," Mary Virginia Orna, O.S.U., J. CHEM. EDUC.,53 [lo], pp. 638-639 (1976). "An Interdisciplinary Course in Art and Chemistry," Paul J. Ogren and Dale L. Bunce, J. CHEM. EDUC.,48 [lo], 681482

"Chemicals in the Manufacture of Paints," Walter C. Weber, J. CHEM.EDUC.,37 [6], 322-324 (1960). "Nature's Geological Paint Pots and Pigments," Robert C. Brasted, J. CHEM.EDUC.,48 [5], 323-324 (1971). "Colour and Chemistry, The Colour of Gems and Minerals," C. E. Holloway, Chemistry 13News, 5-6 (May 1973). "Pigments from Some Marine Specimens," C. W. J. Chang, J. C. Moore, J. CHEM.EDUC., 48 [6], 408-409 (1971). "Ancient Purple" Editors, Chemistry, 46 161, (June 1974).

Some Theory


Note: Mv literature collection also shows a course. "Chemistrv for thors addresses: Mary Virginia Orna, College of New Rochelle, New York 10801 and P. J. Ogren and D. Bunee, Maryville College, Tennessee, 37801.)

Student Experiments "New Vat-Dyes Suitable for Student Experiments," R. Shapiro et al., J. CHEM.EDUC.,37 [lo], 426-529 (1960). "Color from the Fields," Carolyn Crowell, Joan 2. Majternyi, Chemistry, 46 [9], 14-17 (1973). "The Preparation of Paint," Miriam C. Nagel, "Chemistry-Principles and Processes," Avon High School, Avon, CT 06001, Topic #1.

"Use of Metal Complexes in Organic Dyes and Pigments," 0. Stallmann, J. CHEM.EDUC.,37 [5], 220-230 (1960). "Color and Chemical Constitution," Norman J. Juster, J . CHEM.EDUC.,39 [ll], 596401 (1962). "Color in Nature," Paul G. Seyhold, Chemistry, 49 [9], 7-11 (1976).

"Colors of Transition Metal Complexes," A feature article question, J. CHEM.EDUC.,46 [lo], 675-676 (1969).

And Finally

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"Science Mirrors Art," Chemistry, S(December 1976). "Inside Color Photography," J. R. Thirtle, Chemtech, 9 , 2 5 3 5 (January 1979).


Number 4

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