The ChiroChem Collection - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem. Eng. News 76, 22, XXX-XXX · First Page Image. Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Ch...
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The ChiroChem Collection

series 3:

single enantiomer amines NH 2 Cyclohex-2-enylamine

1-Aminoindane NH 2 Sourcing diverse building blocks is re pleased to iimiounce

novel. . single enantiomer FOR .amines drug discovery a v a i l a b l e in 1 g - 2 5 g q u a n t i t i e s , e x s t o c k

the Iminch of series 3 of the ChiroChem

Collection comprising «i

unique set of single en.mtiomer amines M i u i y other amines c«ni he synthesised usine] our t e c h n o l o g y «nut custom synthesis enquiries iire iilso w e l c o m e As w i t h previous series (iimiiio «inids 4iii(l «dkyl succinates) these compounds «ire (losujned to a l l o w t?lech

2-Amino octane

^NH 2

Λ Mm.I..·. .ι» tin- UiiM.M.irm.i· Γ.πιιψ nf ϋιπιιρ.ιιιιι•·.

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