The Columbus meeting - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

The Columbus meeting. J. Chem. Educ. , 1929, 6 (3), p 525. DOI: 10.1021/ed006p525.1. Publication Date: March 1929. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this ...
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VOL. 6, No. 3



THE COLUMBUS MEETING Attention is called to the preliminary notice which appears on page 10 of the January issue of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION. The Symposium on Lecture Experimentation will afford an unusual opportunity for the following types of displays: (a) exhibits by manufacturers and distributors of lecture demonstration and other apparatus for chemical laboratories; (b) exhibits of high-school and college student laboratory projects, including graphs, charts, and photographs; (c) exhibits of new or unusual charts and apparatus set-ups used in the teaching of chemistry. Free space in the chemistry building of the Ohio State University will be reserved on request, provided wall or desk space is specified. The local committee will also be glad to receive and put on display any exhibit and will do its best to guard against breakage or loss although it cannot assume responsibility. Exhibitors will be expected to bear the cost of transportation in both directions and for the packing. All exhibits to be mounted by the committee should be in its hands not later than Thursday, April 25th, and no exhibit, except by special arrangement, is to be removed from the display earlier than Thursday noon, May 2nd. All communications relative to the above exhibits should be addressed to the Local Secretary of the Division, Dr. Jesse E. Day, Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. A breakfast meeting of the Executive Committee has been scheduled for S A.M.,April 29th, and a breakfast meeting of the Senate of Chemical Education for 8 A.M.,April 31st. The editors and contributing editors EDUCATION will meet at 5 P.M., Wednesday, of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL April 31st. On either Wednesday or Thursday of convention week, the Division will have as its guests a t luncheon the local high-school teachers of chemistry. As has been the custom, the Division of Chemical Education will attempt to provide at nominal cost lodging for all graduate and undergraduate students of chemistry who attend the meeting. Requests for accommodations should be directed to Professor C. E. Boord, Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Light Fan to Guide Aviators to Safe Landings. Rotating fans of vari-colored light such as will guide future aviators to safe landings at night are now in operation at the Cleveland municipal airport. The airport beacon by rotating reaches the pilot at any angle at which he m a y approach the field. Half of the beam is white and half red, producing alternate flashes to distinguish the beacon from the brilliant lighting of parks, railroad yards, or streets. High candlepower is used in order that light may penetrate fog as effectively as possible. Color is produced by special cover glasses placed over the incandescent lamp projectors-Science Service