The Compleat Coordination Chemistry - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Nov 4, 1994 - The Compleat Coordination Chemistry. What a Difference a Century Makes! Daryle H. Busch. Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, ...
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Chapter 12

The Compleat Coordination Chemistry What a Difference a Century


Daryle H. Busch Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 23, 2013 | Publication Date: November 4, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0565.ch012

Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045

Alfred Werner's coordination chemistry was remarkably broad, effectively encompassing most of the molecularly discrete compounds of the metallic elements, and the field has expanded enormously during its century-long rule. Today coordination chemistry is recognized to involve all manner of interactions between separately recognizable atomic and moelcular entities, of all possible charge variations. The coordination entity persists as the unifying concept, and the principles of the field are perceived as underlying much of the mutual organizing that occurs between unlike and even like molecular and atomic species. The common structural principles of molecular organization underlie all of those interactions that lead to the formation of a coordination entity in the various realms of receptor/receptee combinations, be it metal ion/ligand, host/guest, or intermolecular hydrogen bonding and/or stacking. Complementarity and constraint are key considerations, and their interplay is of major concern in molecular design. The presence within a molecule of multiple receptors of varied kinds has opened new vistas for chemical research and new promises for technology.

Coordination chemistry emerged in the publications of Alfred Werner in order to explain chemical substances that were, at that early time, viewed as "complex compounds" because they failed to conform to the contemporary valency rules (1, 2). The major purpose of this essay is to focus on the realization that coordination chemistry, the seminal, but highly augmented, legacy to science of Alfred Werner, is foundational to the understanding of the global issue of the organization of molecules in whatever sample of matter such relationships may occur, be it natural or synthetic. Werner's contribution included foundations for the understanding of the molecularly discrete compounds of the metallic elements, but the breadth of his view was evident in the statement "Almost all compounds of the first order

0097-6156/94/0565-0148$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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The Compleat Coordination Chemistry


(saturated hydrocarbons form the sole exception) possess the property of combining with other compounds of like nature"^). The early evolution of coordination chemistry focused on compounds of the metals, and thus the alkali metal ions were essentially excluded from consideration. During the greater part of its first hundred years, coordination chemistry focused on the concept of a monatomic, cationic, central atom bonded to Lewis bases as ligands. It has been a cation core-focused model. The cation core-focus and emphasis on metal ions as central atoms provide the point of departure from which to view the expansion of coordination chemistry into its current natural and compleat form. The discussion in this and the following sections will attempt to justify this concept of completeness that derives from pulling the totality of the field together. While the scope of coordination chemistry is now essentially complete, the fundamental understanding of the underlying principles continues to unfold. The coordination entity or complex has come to be recognized as the unifying concept of coordination chemistry. The traditional coordination entity has each of the following attributes: a central (metal) atom, a number of ligands, a coordination number, and a polyhedral structure. The coordination polyhedron often occupies center stage as the basis for structural understanding. Coordination chemistry uniquely provides and effectively maintains a stewardship over certain parts of the conceptual foundations and chemical content of chemistry. Because coordination chemistry was the home of the chemistry of transition metal compounds, certain conceptual topics were largely developed by the followers of that discipline; for example, stereochemistry of higher coordination numbers (5 and above), bonding and spectroscopy in systems having d-orbitals, and mechanisms of reactions of the metallic elements. The principles are so basic that they have immediate application as undreamed-of new substances serendipitously appear in chemistry (e.g., dihydrogen complexes, metal derivatives of fullerenes, and metal-containing liquid crystals). Coordination chemistry is a field that spawns fields: transition metal organometallic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry; and it provides a foundation for other burgeoning fields: solid state chemistry; extended and mesoscopic materials; photonic materials; models for solid surfaces; separations science; and molecular electronics, machines and devices. Those trained as traditional coordination chemists who read this might share the view that it was a truly remarkable experience to watch exceptionally creative organic chemists discover chemistry beyond the molecule. The experience is illustrative of the compartmentalization of knowledge in today's world. It takes no challenging analysis to conclude that these new aspects of the compleat coordination chemistry constitute a replay, in a different realm, of the thesis of Werner's work of an even hundred years ago. The greatest importance of these new developments is the completion of the realm of coordination chemistry. The work begun by an organic chemist, Alfred Werner, in the preceding century has been completed by modern organic chemists (3-5). The total result is a fundamental structural perspective on the intermolecular interactions between all manner of molecular partners, an extension of the notion of a coordination entity

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



to every kind of interacting pair, and the incorporation of all kinds of intermolecular forces into coordination chemistry.

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Expansion of the Boundaries of Coordination Chemistry The compleat coordination chemistry exists today because all of the binding interactions that yield distinct molecular species, i.e., coordination entities, by the union of two or more lesser molecular species, i.e., complex formations, can now be included within the expanded field. Quoting from Lehn (3), "the chemistry of artificial receptor molecules may be considered a generalized coordination chemistry, not limited to transition metal ions but extending to all types of substrates (receptees): cationic, anionic, or neutral species of organic, inorganic, or biological nature." At this point, please bear with the author and consider a suggestion with regard to nomenclature. The word receptor is a most general term that encompasses both ligands and hosts, and its use is to be strongly encouraged. In contradistinction, the word "substrate" is not a suitable conjugate term for truly wide-ranging applications. Substrate is appropriate when the receptor is part of an enzyme; however, the term already has two meanings (also the underlying or supporting substance in certain materials usages). The obvious conjugate is receptee, and it is recommended that this term be used (6). This new term is not otherwise burdened with context, and its conjugate relationship is obvious. The perspectives provided by Lehn's supramolecular chemistry (3,7) and Cram's host/guest complexation (4) do indeed broaden the realm of coordination chemistry, but the focus still remains on a molecular coordination entity. On the other hand, the coordination polyhedron has lost its pivotal position in the broad définition of coordination chemistry. Furthermore, all manner of intermolecular interactions and interacting pairs are included, and the forces included range from van der Waals and subtle hydrophobic interactions through strong covalent bonds. Coordination chemistry demands only that the molecular entities that unite to form the complex still be recognizable substructures within the complex (6). It is particularly instructive, at this point, to examine examples of coordination entities formed by various modes of interaction that were not recognized in traditional coordination chemistry. For many years, only a few examples of reasonably well-characterized complexes were known for the alkali metal ions, especially the larger ones. This situation prevailed until those previously ignored elements were brought into coordination chemistry by the discovery of the ionophores (8) and by the demonstration that cyclic polyglycol ethers and cyclic polyglycol-like ethers of appropriate ring size can bind to alkali metal ions (9-11). Optimized alkali metal and alkaline earth metal ion ligands were developed using macrobicyclic "cryptate" ligands (7,12) (Figure 1) and increasingly rigid ligands (4). In the second and third major developments, variants of the cryptâtes yielded early examples of receptors for such complex cationic species as N H and NH (CH2) NH (Figure 2) (14-16) and for such anions as halides (17,18), carboxylates, and phosphates (19-21). +







In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


The Compleat Coordination Chemistry


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°"~Λ^ Κ*.·.. Ν



Figure 1.

Cryptate complex of K (Reproduced with permisison from reference 13. Copyright 1985, John Wiley & Sons, Inc).

Figure 2.

Complexes of ammonium ions with hydrogen bonding receptors (Reproduced with permisison from reference 3. Copyright 1988, Kluwer.).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.





Still more complicated receptees, for example, [Co(NH ) ] , [CoCNHjCHaCHaNiyj *, [Co( 1,3,6,8,10,13,16, lC-octaazabicycloto.o.oJeicosane)]^, (in lasalocid A) (2223), and ferri- and ferrocyanide (with macrocyclic polyammonium hosts) (24,25), have been incorporated as central moieties in coordination entities. The use of complexes as receptors or receptees is, in principle, indefinitely extendable. Indeed, N H is a complex molecule that is a ligand in the hexaammine complex that is the receptee in the lasalocid complex. Placement of [Co(NH ) ](LAS) in a membrane, as receptor, is very like a fourth level of complexation. The receptor for N H - R - N H (Figure 2) is illustrative of ditopic compartmental receptors (14-16). In principle, there is no limit to the number and relative orientations of the receptee sites of polytopic compartmental ligands. The fourth expansion of the boundaries of coordination chemistry includes neutral molecules, generally held by hydrophobic interactions, and the founding receptor molecules are the cyclodextrins and the cyclophanes. The cyclodextrins (26) are cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of six or more a-l,4-linked D-glucose units (Figure 3). These molecules are roughly the shapes of truncated cones, and they have hydrophilic exteriors and hydrophobic cavities. In aqueous solutions, various poorly solvated species retreat to these cavities, forming complexes. The cyclophanes of Tabushi (29,30) and Murakami (31) are especially suited for hydrophobicly binding aromatic molecules in aqueous solutions (Figure 4). With cationic cyclophane hosts, both hydrophobic and electrostatic forces come into play, and not only aromatic molecules but their anionic derivatives are also bound (32-34). Finally, the base-pairing that occurs naturally in genetic materials has been incorporated into small molecule complexation (35-39). These developments have brought specific hydrogen bonding patterns into coordination chemistry. Specific hydrogen bonding has often been augmented by stacking interactions between aromatic groups in studies on base-pair emulative receptors. Rebek's genetic base receptor (40-42) and its complex with adenine are shown in Figure 5, along with Hamilton's barbiturate receptor (43-46), the latter being derived from a macrocyclic parent structure. 3









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Molecular Organization The most general function of coordination chemistry is to organize molecules (47). In the simplest possible case, the binding of water molecules to a metal ion, e.g., nickel(II), in aqueous solution, the ligands (water molecules) are placed in a totally organized state when compared to their usual condition as free solvent molecules. It is, in fact, true that the study of coordination chemistry has revealed a stream of generalizations, each of which is a manifestation of molecular organization. The abilities of receptors and receptees to recognize each other and the strength of their interactions depend on a few simple structural factors that underlie the phenomena of molecular organization. The structural factors that are fundamental to molecular organization are size, shape, electronic relationships, topology, and rigidity. The first three (size, shape, and electronic) combine to constitute the phenomenon of receptor/receptee

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

The Compleat Coordination Chemistry


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Figure 3.

The iodine complex of dimethyl-a-cyclodextrin: (a) side view; (b) view from above opening (Reproduced with permisison from reference 26. Copyright 1991, Academic Press.).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


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Figure 5.

Specific hydrogen bonding receptors: a) Adenine complex; b) barbiturate complex (a Reproduced with permisison from reference 37. Copyright 1990 V C H ; b Reproduced from reference 45. Copyright 1988, American Chemical Society).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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The Compleat Coordination Chemistry


complementarity. Complexation will occur when complementarity is adequate. The fit of metal ions into low energy conformations of macrocycles, a subject that has been much discussed, exemplifies complementarity. Furthermore, the necessity for a favorable binding force requires an additional complementarity, which may be exemplified by charges of opposite sign or by the hard and soft donor and acceptor atoms. Rebek (36) states, "the principle of molecular recognition: identification is most effective with surfaces of complementary shape, size, and functionality." Expanding on this and Lehn's wordsfij, complementarity is a congruence of shape and size factors and energetic or electronic compatibility between receptor and receptee, host and guest, or central atom and ligand. Additional constraints represented by topological and rigidity considerations may contribute greatly to the strength of the receptor/receptee interaction. Thus topological and rigidity constraints are the design factors available for arbitrarily enhancing affinity (Figure 6). It is particularly instructive to see how classic developments in coordination chemistry emphasize the structural factors that define molecular organization. For polydentate ligands, the role of molecular organization is strikingly evident in the various so-called "effects" that have been found to give stronger metal complexes: the chelate effect, the macrocyclic effect, the cryptate effect, and pre-organization or multiple-juxtapositional fixedness. The chelate effect was the first major phenomenon that attributed enhanced stability of a complex to a general structural characteristic of a ligand—the ability to form a chelate ring. For complementary ligands, increasing the number of chelate rings increases the stability of complexes (48). This phenomenon is of topological origin. If a donor atom of a potentially chelating ligand is not attached to a metal ion while other donor(s) of the same ligand are attached, then the free donor atom is held close to the metal ion, as if it were present in very high concentration. The kinetic manifestation of the chelate effect occurs as an abnormally rapid rate of binding of the free ligating atom of a chelate ligand, whereas the rate of dissociation of the terminal donor atom may be quite similar to that of a corresponding monodentate group (49). Thus the chelate effect arises from topological relationships and is manifested in an abnormally rapid rate of binding as chelate rings are closed. The macrocyclic effect produces increases of two to four orders of magnitude in the stabilities of complexes over those of comparably complementary acyclic chelating ligands (50-52). This is again a reflection of increased topological constraint In order to remove a macrocycle from a metal ion it is not possible to start at one end of the ligand and dissociate a terminal donor since rings have no ends. Instead, the ring must fold or contort in some other way in order to increase a metal-donor bond distance. Like the chelate effect, the macrocyclic effect also has a topological origin, but the macrocyclic effect is characterized by both slow rates of binding and dissociation, and the rate of dissociation is more greatly diminished (50-52). The cryptate effect, which provides additional orders of magnitude of stabilization of complexes, arises from a still more constrained topology. These relationships are summarized in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows that the effect of increasing the rigidity of the ligand framework on the labilities of transition metal complexes with amine ligands (49,

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Size Complementarity



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+ Constraint

topology OPTIMIZED AFFINITY rigidity

Figure 6.

Molecular organization in complex formation (Reproduced reference 6. Copyright 1993, American Chemical Society).

Topology and the Chelate, Macrocycle and Cryptate Effects

Increasing Topological Constraint COORDINATION









U Figure 7.



•C ) ) HN


Topology and the chelate, macrocycle, and cryptate effects (Reproduced with permisison from reference 53. Copyright Battelle, 1993).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



The Compleat Coordination Chemistry

Increasingly Rigid Structures

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Cu(en) + H t = .006 sec 1






Ni(dien) H t = .07 sec 1

Figure 8.




Cu(bipy) + -> t ~ .02 sec 3.3



Ni(tach) + H t = 7 min 6X10 3

Cu(spartiene) t = 295 min 3xl0







+ H



Ni(TRI) + H t > 90 days 1x10



Ligands whose complexes are stabilized by multiple juxtapositional fixedness (preorganization). (Reproduced from reference 6. Copyright 1993, American Chemical Society).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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54-59) can be as great as 10 to 10 , an observation that was labeled multiple juxtapositional fixedness (59-60). A similar dramatization of the benefit of increasingly rigid or preorganized (61) structures is shown in Figure 9, where estimated free energies of binding to a metal ion are given for families of cyclic ethers having differing levels of flexibility (4). The rigid single-ring spherand ligand binds the lithium cation more strongly than does the topologically more constrained, bicyclic, but flexible, cryptand. The recurrence of the word constraint is central to this analysis of the structural factors contributing to the affinities of the bound pairs in coordination entities. Size and shape lead to optimized complementarity when the receptor and receptee enjoy the best fit; in terms of classic stereochemistry, nothing more can be done to enhance the binding affinity when this optimized mutual compatibility has been achieved. However, the addition of topological and flexibility constraints can enhance affinity a great deal more as long as their addition does not interfere with complementarity. These conclusions elaborate slightly on Cram's statement, "Just as preorganization is the central determinant of binding power, complementarity is the central determinant of structural recognition" (4). The relationships among the structural factors of molecular organization (6, 47) are surnrnarized in Figure 6. Multiple Varied Receptors Within a Single Coordination Compound In the simplest case, ditopic, tritopic,... polytopic receptors would repeat identical receptor sites along a chain, sheet, or 3-dimensional matrix after the fashion of functionalized polymers, especially resins. Compartmental ligands continue to be of great interest for such functions as receptee separations, conducting polymers, ferromagnetically coupled molecules, and the like, but far more intricate levels of molecular organization now exist among the ambitions of coordination chemists. The inventory of receptor sites includes the following, and examples of any or all might be incorporated into the design of a single multireceptor supramolecular system: macrocycles, macrobicycles,..., macropolycycles, fixed but open cleft structures, and flat platforms, whose binding is based on (a) donor atoms, (b) hydrogen bonds, (c) charged groups, (d) hydrophobic interactions, and (e) stacking interactions. Many examples exist of the pairing of disparate receptors. A few early examples are crown ether face-to-face with a porphyrin (62) (Figure 10) to provide an alkali metal site near a transition metal site; porphyrin appended to a cyclodextrin (64) (Figure 11); a picnic basket porphyrin (65) (Figure 12); and a vaulted cyclidene (66-69) (Figure 13) to locate an oxidizing center near an receptor site for an organic molecule; and Rebek hydrogen bonding receptors on porphyrins (70) (Figure 14) to bind complementary molecules near metal site. Enzymes, especially metalloenzymes, offer a compelling challenge to those who would like to apply multiple receptor site systems. A n example of a possible set of receptors follows: (a) metal ion site, (b) substrate binding site, (c) environment at the active site, (d) nucleophile or electrophile as cofactor, (e) electron transfer system, and (f) proton transfer system. The greatest importance of coordination chemistry in the future will almost certainly be in bringing higher levels of molecular organization into the design of

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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The Compleat Coordination Chemistry




L i + L -» A G ° > -6 kcal no ring






+ [2.2.1]

one ring



L i + L —» AG° < -23 kcal


AG° = -17.7 kcal two fused rings Figure 9.

+ L ->

AG° = - 1 2 . 7 kcal

A G ° = -16.6 kcal Na


one rigid ring

Preorganized ligands (multiple juxtapositional fixedness) (Reproduced from reference 6. Copyright 1993, American Chemical Society).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Figure 10.

Multiple-varied receptors: face-to-face porphyrin/crown ether. (Reproduced with permission from reference 69. Copyright 1989, Kluwer).

Figure 11.

Multiple-varied receptors: porphyrin/cyclodextrin (Reproduced with perrnission from reference 63. Copyright 1985, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).

Figure 12.

Multiple-varied receptors: macrobicycle with sites for metal ion and substrate (Reproduced from reference 65. Copyright 1990, American Chemical Society).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Figure 13. Multiple-varied receptors-macrobicyclic cyclidene with sites for metal ion and substrate: top, sketch of ternary complex; right, side view of substrate complex; left, view into cavity that contains substrate. (Reproduced with permission from reference 69. Copyright 1989, Kluwer).

Figure 14. Multiple-varied receptors: porphyrin/Rebek receptor. (Reproduced with permission from reference 36. Copyright 1988, VCH). In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



molecules and complicated molecular systems. The key intellectual tools for the design of remarkably complicated, highly ordered molecular systems exist today, and these concepts provide reason for great excitement for the present and following generations of chemists. Acknowledgment

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RECEIVED December 6, 1993

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.