The Condensation of Pyruvic Acid and Formamide

the. Department of Chemistry, the Tulanb University of Louisiana]. The Condensation of Pyruvic Acid and Formamide. By William Shive1 and Gwyn White Sh...
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Jan., 1946



The Condensation of Pyruvic Acid and Formamide BY WILLIAM SHIVE' AND GWYNWHITESEIIVE Since d( -)-alanine (I) has been postulated to be a precursor for the natural synthesis of vitamiri Bs2s3 (11), the preparation of a-formiminopropionic acid (111) was desirable in order to study its biotic properties. A study of the physical and chemical properties of the compound was also desirable in connection with the ozonolysis of 2-picoline which has been found to produce a substance that is hydrolyzed in dilute sulfuric acid to form pyruvic acid.* This substance is likely a-formiminopropionic acid (111) or its tautomer.



The condensation of acetamide with pyruvic acid has been shown to give a variety of:products, a-acetaminoacrylic a,a - diacetaminopropionic acid6 and a-hydroxy-aacetaminopropionic acid with two molecules of acetamide in molecular combination.6 N-Acetylala-


The hydroxyformaminopropionic acid is hygroscopic and unstable. On standing in a vacuum desiccator over anhydrous calcium chloride for a week or more; the melting point of the material rises and upon recrystallization from ethyl acetate, a good yield of a-formiminopropionic acid or its tautomer can be obtained. If the hydroxy compound is allowed to remain in a closed container, it liquefies after several days, and after standing for several weeks develops a pressure in the container. From the liquid material, dl-N-acetylalanine may be isolated. Heating the hydroxy compound to 100' under 5 mm. pressure leaves a residue from which dl-N-acetylalanine may be isolated. Heating the hydroxy compound with excess pyruvic acid at 90 to 100' produces the same result whereas a faster gas evolution from the mixture can be obtained by the addition of one molecular equivalent of water. The mechanism proposed by Shemin and Herbst' for the same type of reaction, that of benaoylformic acid with acetamide to give a-benzoylaminophenylacetic acid, postulates the loss of water before decarboxylation which is followed by hydrolysis.


CsHsC(tC0OH t







//o I /o CHICO--N-C-COOH



ninea has not been reported as product of this conN-C-COOH densation. \GHb Herbst,' reporting the formation of a-acetamino-a-hydroxypropionicacid as the molecular complex, stated that it was not found possible to obtain an analogous complex by the interaction of pyruvic acid with formamide. However, results of the present investigation indicate that equal molecular proportions of formamide and pyruvic acid react rapidly a t room temperature with evolution of heat. The reaction mixture soon begins to crystallize and will solidify totally to give the theoretical yield of crude CYhydroxy-a-formaminopropionic acid.


(1) O n leave, presenr address: Biochemical Institute, University of Texas, Austin. (2) Snell and Guirard, Proc. Nal. Acad. Sci., 99, 66 (1943). (3) Snell, J . B i d . Chcm., 168, 497 (1945). (4) Shive, Ballweber- and Ackermann, unpublished work. (5) Bergmann and Grafe, 2. pkysiol. Ckcm., 187, 187 (1930). (6) Herbst, Tma T O O ~ A L , 61, 483 (1939).



G H s C I- C \


>o ' O






This mechanism does not account for the increased rate of carbon dioxide evolution observed in the reaction of formamide and pyruvic acid on addition of water. a-Formiminopropionic acid does not evolve carbon dioxide on. heating to 90' with pyruvic acid but reacts very rapidly on addition of one molecular proportion of water, this rate exceeding that of hydroxyformaminopropionic acid with pyruvic acid alone or even with water added. The following mechanism is proposed for this reaction. The interaction of an imino acid with pyruvic acid has been proposed as a part of the biological mechanism of inversion and acetylation of amino acids, (7) Shemin and Herbst, ibid., 60, 1954 (1938). (8) du Vigneaud, Colin, Brown, Irish, Schoenheimer and Rittenberg, J . Biol. Ckcm., 131, 273 (1939).


118 0









Vol. 68

Anal. Calcd. for CIHTOIN: C, 36.09; H, 5.30; N, 10.52; neut. equiv., 133.1. Found: C, 35.71; H,5.52; N, 10.61; neut. equiv., 135.7.

a-Formiminopropionic Acid.-The dehydration of ahydroxy-a-formaminopropionic acid was accomplished by placing the compound in a small vacuum desiccator containing anhydrous calcium chloride, evacuating t o +H*O CHr$!-COOH f HCOOH CHr-C-COOH less than 1mm. pressure, and allowing the material to stand in the closed desiccator for a period of two weeks. By AH warming 2.69 g. of the resulting material with ethyl acetate and then cooling and filtering, 1.10 g. of crude a-formiminoI CHO propionic acid, which represents a 41.1% conversion, was obtained. The product on recrystallization from ethyl acetate gave microscopic needles melting with gas evolu; tion at 176.2-176.6' in a Pyrex tube and at 174.0-174.6 in a soft glass tube, both melting point determinations CH,-C-COOH CHz-C-COOH being made simultaneously. On one occasion an apparently pure preparation obtained by the above method co2 II II N N melted constantly at 160-161 O after several recrystallizations from ethyl acetate, but with subsequent preparations only the higher melting point was observed. These preparations of a-formiminopropionic acid were not hygroscopic but did decolorize bromine water. Anal. Calcd. for CS160sN: C, 41.74; H, 4.38; N, 12.17; neut..equiv., 115.1. Found: C, 41.69; H, 4.46; CHp-CHCOOH CHr-CH-COOH N, 12.28; neut. equiv., 118.7. I I By adding a small crystal of iodine to 1.01 g. of the hy< N NH droxy compound and allowing the mixture to stand for II two days in a small vacuum desiccator which had been CHz- C evacuated initially t o less than 1mm., there was obtained I I1 0.24 g. of product which was isolated as described above. OH 0 This yield was slightly higher than obtained without iodine under identical conditions. Cleavage of the Condensation Products.-To test for and a similar mechanism has been suggested for the formation of dl-N-acetylalanine from pyruvic pyruvic acid produced by cleavage of the above products, the method 9f Simon11was used. A few mg. of the comacid and ammonia.g The first indicated reaction pound to be tested was dissolved in 3 cc. of conceqtrated is likely one of equilibrium because pyruvic acid ammonium hydroxide, and 5 drops of a 10% solution of is found in solutions of a-hydroxy-a-formamino- sodium nitroprusside were added. The development of a propionic acid in dilute acetic acid and in aque- light green to a deep blue coloration, depending upon the concentrations, occurred with samples of pyruvic acid. ous ammonia. With a-formiminopropionic acid, no such coloration deComparison of a-formiminopropionicacid with veloped, but with a-formamino-a-hydroxypropionic acid dl-alanine for its ability to replace vitamin Ba a green to blue color developed, depending upon concenshowed the former to be less active than the lat- trations. The former compound on standing at room temperature in 2001, sulfuric acid for three hours gave a ter.10 Thus, if the biosynthesis of vitamin Bsfrom green test while on standing overnight before testing, a alanine occurs, it does not take place through the blue-green coloration developed. Action of Phenylhydrazine.-Addition of 4 drops of formiminopropionic acid. The activity may be due to production of dl-N-acetylalanine followed phenylhydrazine to 150 mg. of a-formamino-a-hydroxypropionic acid dissolved in 2 cc. of 5% acetic acid caused by hydrolysis to dl-alanine during incubation of immediate precipitation of pyruvic acid phenylhydrazone the test organism. which was recrystallized from dilute ethanol and identified a-Formiminopropionic acid was, found to hy- .by mixed melting point with an authentic sample. Addidrolyze in dilute sulfuric acid solution to give py- tion of 4 drops of phenylhydrazine to 150 mg. of the hycompound dissolved in 3 cc. of anhydrous ether did ruvic acid and possessed chemical properties droxy not immediately cause the formation of the hydrazone, but similar to the substance obtained on ozonolysis of after five minutes the pyruvic acid phenylhydrazone began to crystallize and after recrystallization from dilute ethanol 2-picoline. was identified by mixed melting point determination with an authentic sample. Pyruvic acid treated under identical Experimental conditions began forming the hydrazone almost immedia-Hydroxy-a-formaminopropionic Acid.-One volume of ately. formamide was thoroughly mixed with two volumes of dl-N-Acetylalanine.-In a distilling apparatus, 1.21 g. of freshly distilled pyruvic acid w?ile cooling so that the a-hydroxy-a-formaminopropionic acid was heated a t 100" temperature did not rise above 40 . The reaction mixture under 8 mm. pressure for six hours. On addition of the gradually crystallized until the whole mass solidified giving distillate to ammonium hydroxide and sodium nitropruspractically a theoretical yield of a-hydroxy-a-formamino- side, a deep blue coloration was formed. The residue was propionic acid. On recrystallization from chloroform, the dissolved in hot ethyl acetate, cooled and filtered to obtain product separated as colorless prisms, m. p. 53-55', which 0.133 g. of product which melted at 137-138' after rewere soluble in ethanol, methanol, water, ether and ethyl crystallization from ethyl acetate. A mixed melting point acetate; sparingly soluble in benzene; and practically with an authentic sample of dl-N-acetylalanine prepared insoluble in petroleum ether. The compound was hygro- by the action of acetic anhydride on dl-alanine in acetic scopic and decomposed on standing, but did not decolorize acid solution showed no depression. bromine water. Anal. Calcd. for CrHeOaN: C, 45.79; H, 6.92. Found: C, 45.73; H, 7.06. (9) DeJong, Kcc. trav. chim., IS, 259 (1900).



i-H20 A



(lo) Sncll,unpublished work.

(11) Simon, ComPl. rend., iSS, 634 (1897).


fan., 1946

A sample of a-formamino-a-hydroxypropionic acid was tightly stoppered in a sample bottle and allowed t o stand two months. The material liquefied after several days and developed considerable pressure which was released occasionally. On dissolving the material in hot ethyl acetate and cooling, dl-N-acetylalanine, which was identKed by mixed melting point determination, was obtained. Heating 0.4 cc. (0.05 9.) of pyruvic acid with 0.1 ec. (0.11 g.) of formamide for two hours at 100' under atmospheric pressure, warming the reaction mixture with ethyl acetate, cooling and filtering gave 0.156 g. (49%) of dl- N-acetylalanine . Rate of Formation of dl-N-Acetylalanine.-Heating 0.4 cc. of pyruvic acid with 0.1 cc. of formamide a t 100' and measuring the volume of gas evolved gave the values in Table I under the listed conditions. TABLE I Vol. gas

- . --


a t 30' cc.

Time, min., with no added material Run 1 Run 2

10 20 30 40

7:15 16:15 26:15 41:45

(760 mm.),

Time, m i ~ . , Time, mh., 0.05 cc. of 0.05 cc. of dioxane added water added

'7 :45 16:45 27:05 42:30

7:30 17:20 27:45 40:30

2:45 6:15 9:15 17:40

Heating 118.0 mg. of a-formiminopropionic acid with 88 mg. of pyruvic acid under the same conditions gave no appreciable gas evolution, whereas addition of 18 mg. of water followed by heating at 100' gave 10 CC. of gas in 4:15 minutes and 20 cc. in 11:10 minutes. Attempted Isolation of Intermediates.-Addition of four volumes of pyruvic acid to one volume of forrnamide re-




sulted in the slow formation of crystals. This mixture was warmed to 50" for several minutes and allowed t o stand overnight. After warming one portion of this material slowly until the temperature at which gas evolution just began (80-90°), and then cooling, crystallization from chloroform gave a small amount of material melting at 173-174'. A mixed melting point with a-formiminopropionic acid showed no depression. A small portion of the original mixture was dissolved in chloroform and cooled to obtain a sample of material melting at 50-52'. A mixed melting point with a-formamino-a-hydroxypro. pionic acid showed no depression.

Summary 1. Condensation of pyruvic acid with formamide has been found to form a-hydroxy-a-formaminopropionic acid at low. temperatures. 2. a-Hydroxy-a-formaminopropionic acid has been shown to be unstable, slowly decomposing a t room temperature under an anhydrous atmosphere to form a-formiminopropionic acid or its tautomer; however, it has also been found that if the hydroxy compound is allowed to stand in a closed container or is heated, dl-N-acetylalanine is formed. 3. Some physical and chemical properties of these compounds have been reported; and a few proposals concerning the mechanisms of their formation have been made. NEW ORLEANS, LA.



The Role of Neighboring Groups in Replacement Reactions. VIII. The Reaction of Stilbene Dichlorides with Silver Acetate BY S. WINSTEIN AND DEXTER SEYMOUR We are prompted by the work of Reulos' on the steric result of some reactions of stilbene halohydrins to report at this time the results of sope related work which has remained interrupted by the war since 1942. In connection with one phase of our work on the participation of neighboring groups in replacement reactions,2we treated the stilbene dichlorides I and I1 with silver acetate in acetic acid and scrutinized the products as to configuration. The necessary assignment of configurations to the stilbene dichlorides is certain from the synthesis of both optically active stilbene dichlorides by Weissberger and Bach.s Also, the configurations of hydrobenzoin (meso) and isohydrobenzoin (dl) VII, the esters of which are the products derived from the stilbene dichlorides, are clear from similar work by Read, Campbell and Barker.' (1) (a) Reulos, Conr9L. vend., 916, 774 (1943); (b) Reulos and Le Tellier, i b i d . , 917, 698 (1943) (Reprint received February 2, 1945); C. A , , S9,926 (1945). (2) For preceding paper in this series, Winstein and Henderson, THISJOURNAL, 66, 2198 (1943). (3) Weissberger and Bach, Bcv., 64B,1095 (1931). (4) Rcnd, Campbell and Barker, J . Chcm. S O L ,2305 (1929).

We found the meso-dichloride I in dry acetic acid gave rise to nearly pure meso-diacetate IV, while in moist acetic acid containing more than the stoichiometric amount of water it yielded nearly pure dl-glycol VI1 after saponification of the ester product, a process which we know does not affect configuration. We estimated that the products were 93% meso and 92% dl, respectively. The dl-dichloride I1 gave rise to quite similar products, which, however, appeared to be less pure stereochemically. We estimated the diacetate produced in dry acetic acid was 77% meso and the glycol obtained from saponification of the product from the treatment in moist acetic acid was 86% dl. Zincke6 had previously studied the reaction of the stilbene dichlorides with silver acetate in glacial acetic acid and with silver benzoate in xylene and obtained what, in his time, were very puzzling results. The two dihalides gave rise to substantially similar products, which were, however, largely dl from the first reaction and largely meso from the second. We know now from our pre(5) Zincke, A n n . , 198, 115 (1879).