The Consistent Composition of Emersol Stearic Acids MEANS

Nov 5, 2010 - The Consistent Composition of Emersol Stearic Acids MEANS CONSISTENT PERFORMANCE! ... Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives ...
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The Consistent Composition of


...Safeguards the Performance of your Products Variations in composition from a crystalline stearic acid (55/45 palmitic-stearic ratio) can reflect serious changes in the appearance and performance of your products. That's why we control accurately the composition of Emersols 110,120,130 and 132, so you will get the same texture, melting point, tensile strength, shrinkage, and hardness, every time. In addition, the high quality of your products is maintained until time of use by the outstanding color stability, and resistance to oxidation and rancidity possessed by the Emersol Stearic Acids. This all-around protection for your products is available at no extra cost. That's why you can depend upon an Emersol Stearic Acid to safeguard the performance of your products.


can now check the composition of the stearic acid you are using, to see if it possesses this critical crystalline composition.

Fatty Acids & Derivatives Plastolein Plasticizers Twitched Oils, Emulsifiers

Emery Industries, Inc. Depf. C-6, Carew Tower, Cincinnati 2 , Ohio Please send me t h e Technical Bulletin titled, "Rapid Composition Analysis of Commercial Stearic Acids."

Emery Industries, Inc., Carew Tower,

Cincinnati 2, Ohio

EXPORT: 5035 RCA Bldg., Representatives: New York 20, N. Y. Schibley & Ossmann, Inc. Branch Offices: 33 Public Square, 3002 Woolworth Bldg., New York 7, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio 401 N. Broad St., Phrladelphia 8, Pa. Ecclestone Chemical Co. 1 87 Perry St., Lowell, Mass. 2673 Guoin 221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, Ill. Detroit 7, Mich 420 Market St., San Francisco 11, Calif. Warehouse stocks also in St. Louis Buffalo, Baltimore and Los Angeles

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