The dawn of a new era in chemicals marketing - C&EN Global

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The dawn of a new era in chemicals marketing

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Now there's a buyers' guidefor60,000 technii managers & profession! staff members. The American Chemical Society has created Chemcyciopedia...a chemicals guide for 60,000 te nical managers and professional staff members.. .a! industrially employed...a new market not previous^ reached by your guide advertising.

A state-of-the-art advance: It's not only new, it's better. Rather than being just another listing of chemicals and makers, Chemcyclo provides all the information needed to actually allow selection decision to be made...12 major overview sectii each with a long breakdown of related chemicals show! suppliers, trade names, product types and physical forms purchasing quantities and packaging, shipping and han­ dling, applications, and special properties.

And Chemcyclopedia prompts action: It's the only chemicals guide with reader service reply cards. And it reaches a technical audience qualified to evalu ate your chemicals and respond. For you, it's tangible proof that your catalog advertising is working hard. And for your sales staff, it's hundreds of solid leads to increased business.

Closing Date: July 15,1982 Issue Date: September, 1982 For the full story, contact your nearest Centcom office or call Ben Jones, vice presi­ dent advertising sales, at 215-667-9666.

Centcom Ltd., 25 Sylvan Road South, P.O. Box 231, Westport, CT 06881 · Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications