The Decomposition of Feldspar and Its Use in the Fixation of

May 1, 2002 - The Decomposition of Feldspar and Its Use in the Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen. William H. Ross. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1913, 5 (9), pp 72...
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Sept., 1913


d a y s a n d then were placed in a solution containing 2 5 0 grams of sulfuric acid (HPSOI)t o t h e gallon. T h e solution was changed frequently a n d the briquettes broken a t regular intervals. T h e disintegration of concrete by such acid water is shown b y t h e following: Age in the solution.. 0 days 7 days 28 days 3 mos. 6 mos. Tensile strength.. . . . . 226 299 300 280 176

1 year Disintegrated

Several years ago the question of the action of oil on concrete was brought up a t one of t h e meetings of this society in connection with a paper by Prof. Carpenter. I n his experiments oil was mixed in with t h e concrete. I n t h e discussion which followed the reading of the paper, a number of gentlemen suggested t h a t what was needed most was information relative t o t h e action of oil on concrete which h a d already hardened, in view of the employment of concrete for machinery foundations, engine room a n d factory floors, etc., where i t is subjected t o t h e oil which leaks from t h e bearings of the machinery. I went home from this meeting a n d had a lot of s a n d briquettes made a n d allowed t h e m t o harden 2 weeks in air. These were stored in air, in engine oil, in cylinder oil, a n d in black oil. They were then broken a t stated periods with t h e following results: ACTIONOF OIL O S CONCRETE Age in air.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 days Age in o i l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 days 28 days 3 mos. 6 mos.

TENSILE STRENGTHO F BRIQUETTES KEPT Engineoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Cylinder oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 . . . . . . . . . . 234

240 273 222

251 221 181

232 209 131

Air ........................





1. year


23 1 203 Brokein clips 293

It will be noted t h a t t h e engine oil a n d the cylinder oil have practically no effect upon concrete. One would think t h a t as the latter has a considerable proportion of animal oil in its composition i t would be a p t t o effect appreciably concrete exposed t o it. On t h e other hand, t h e action of t h e black oil seems strange in view of the fact t h a t i t is a straight mineral product, All of these briquettes h a d absorbed considerable oil, t h e actual gain in weight of each set a t the end of t h e year being as follows: Per cent Set in engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 Set in cylinder oil. .................... 10.0 12.0 Set in black o i l . . ......................

T h e briquettes in t h e black oil h a d not swollen perceptibly a n d seemed merely t o be weak. The experiments given above were all made upon very small test-pieces a n d hence t h e action of t h e solutions upon t h e m were much more rapid t h a n they would be upon a large mass of concrete, a n d while in most of t h e above cases a year was sufficient t o completely disintegrate t h e test-pieces, in a large body of concrete, such as a pier or wall, many years a t least would be required t o bring a b o u t this result. T h e experiments merely serve t o show t h a t even very dilute solutions of the salts of magnesium a n d the sulfates in general do have a destructive action on concrete a n d t h a t the generally proposed remedies do not appreciably retard this. T h e y indicate t h e desirability of



employing low-alumina cements for sea-water construction. T h e experiments with the oils show t h a t n o destructive action is likely t o take place where cement is used for floors in machine shops a n d engine rooms. 202 NORTHCALVERT S T . BALTIMORE


T h e extensive search for sources of potash salts which has been undertaken in this country during t h e past two years has naturally led t o renewed efforts in devising methods for its extraction from feldspar a n d other silicate rocks. T h e investigations in t h e use of feldspar as a source of potash have, however, not been confined t o the past few years, b u t date back t o the time when t h e part played by potash as a fertilizer in t h e production of crops was first recognized. E v e n as early as 1847 a British Patent, No. 11,555, was issued t o Richard Albert Tilghman for a process of obtaining potassium sulfate from feldspar b y heating t o bright redness for 8 hours, z parts of feldspar with I part each of limestone and gypsum. Within a few years a number of other patents appeared in England a n d other countries outlining methods for obtaining potash not only from feldspar, but also from leucite a n d other eruptive minerals. T h e discovery of the importance of potash salts in agriculture took place also simultaneously with the discovery in 18j1 of the great salt beds a t Stassfurt, Germany, a n d in 1861 the first factory for refining crude potash minerals was established. T h e discovery a t this time of such a n enormous source of soluble potash salts naturally detracted from t h e interest which was being taken in t h e extraction of potash from t h e refractory silicates, a n d as a result n o investigations for obtaining potash from these minerals were patented for 2 9 years. The increasing demand in this. country for potash fertilizers has again turned attention t o t h e silicate rocks as a possible source. Owing t o t h e commercial application of a n y successful method which might be devised, most of the investigations have been carried on in secret, a n d before t h e publication of a n y results, patents have been applied for in almost every case covering processes which have been proposed for t h e extraction of potash from this source. T h e number of patents of this kind which have been issued during t h e past few years is surprisingly large. N o less t h a n seven have been issued during 1 9 1 2 alone, a n d i t is known t h a t a number of other patents have been applied for, b u t have not yet been issued, so t h a t t h e processes t o which they relate are still kept secret. PROCESSES F O R THE DECOMPOSITIOK O F SILICATE R O C K S

T h e total number of patents which are concerned with t h e extraction of potash from silicate rocks numScientist in Soil Laboratory Investigations, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Aar.




ber a t least 40. T h a t s o - m a n y patents should relate t o processes all distinct from each other is not t o be expected, a n d it is therefore not surprising t o find t h a t many have been issued which describe essentially t h e same process for the extraction of potash from insoluble silicates. For convenience, these various processes may be considered in 3 groups as follows: ( I ) Processes which yield potash as t h e only product of value. ( 2 ) Processes which yield potash a n d some other salable material as a by-product. (3) Processes in which t w o or more operations are combined in one, yielding a fertilizer containing t w o or more of the essential plant foods-potash, phosphates a n d nitrogen in available form. Of t h e 40 patents which have been referred to, a b o u t j o per cent make no reference t o a n y products of value which can be recovered other t h a n t h e potash. From t h e results obtained in a previous publication' i t is safe t o conclude t h a t processes of this kind cannot prove economical for t h e reason t h a t the value of t h e product obtained, if based o n t h e percentage of potash present, as is now universally done in t h e fertilizer industry, could not cover the cost of t h e raw materials, a n d t h e expense of operation. T h e desirability of devising some method of treating feldspar which would produce a t the same t i m e some product of value in addition t o t h e potash was early recognized, a n d about one-half of t h e patented processes referred t o claim t o have met this requirement. Among t h e various by-products which are considered possible of recovery in these processes may be mentioned alumina, silica, pigment, r a w materials for t h e manufacture of glass, a n d hydraulic cement. It has been shown2 t h a t when I part of feldspar a n d 3 parts of calcium carbonate are ignited t o 1300-1400' t h e alkalies in t h e feldspar are completely volatilized a n d t h e residue has t h e composition required of Portland cement. Since t h e shale or clay used in t h e manufacture of cement contains small quantities of alkalies, it should follow t h a t t h e percentage of alkalies in t h e dust which escapes from t h e kiln during the process of burning should be considerably greater t h a n in t h e raw materials. This was found t o be t h e case in most plants a n d i n t h e case of several t h e concentration of t h e potash i n t h e flue dust was very marked. I n one plant examined the content of potash in t h e fine flue dust collected b y the Cottrell precipitators, recently installed, amounts t o as much as 40 per cent, mostly in t h e form of t h e oxide. Experiments are now being undertaken with a small cement mill t o ascertain t h e practicability of recovering potash as a by-product in t h e manufacture of cement by t h e substitution of feldspar for clay or shale. It has also been foundS t h a t when I part of feldspar a n d 1.68 parts of lime are digested with water under pressure of about 1 7 atmospheres, upwards of 90 per cent of t h e potash in t h e feldspar passes into solution I

Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Agr., Circ. 11.



An article entitled "The Extraction of Potash from Sllicate Rocks." giving a more detailed account of the results here referred to, is expected to be published shortly.


j, No. 9

in t h e form of t h e hydroxide. I n this form t h e potash is worth per unit about 1.8 times t h e value i t commands in t h e form of t h e chloride. T h e residue remaining insoluble has t h e composition required of Portland cement a n d would simply require ignition for its manufacture. T h e cost of t h e raw materials required for t h e process is estimated t o be about $6.70 per ton of feldspar, while t h e products obtained would have a value of about $13.90, assuming for the feldspar a n average potash content of I O per cent. T h e percentage of silica in feldspar is usually about double the combined percentages of potash and alumina present. When consideration is taken of t h e other reagents added in a n y treatment of t h e feldspar, i t therefore follows t h a t the insoluble residue remaining a t t h e end of t h e process will amount t o several times the quantity of potash, or potash a n d alumina present; consequently, in order t h a t t h e residual material may find a market, when a n y considerable amount of potash is produced, i t must be of such a nature t h a t i t can be used on a very large scale. Such may be said t o be the case of t h e raw materials used in the manufacture of glass, of which upwards of one a n d a half million tons are required annually, but t h e process which produces cement as a product in t h e extraction of potash from feldspar has t h e advantage in t h a t the quantity of cement used in this country is more t h a n I O times as great. Several of the patented processes of t h e second group which offer most promise are now being tested out on a comparatively large scale under t h e direction of t h e patentees. The results of these trials will determine conclusively t h e practicability of recovering potash from feldspar b y these methods. Some experiments have also been made in this laboratory on several of t h e remaining processes of this group, b u t t h e preliminary results obtained did not offer sufficient promise to justify continuing t h e work a n y further. T h e first U. S. Patent ( N o . 16,111)dealing with t h e decomposition of feldspar was issued t o Charles Bickell for a process which consisted in heating in a reverberatory or other suitable furnace t o a light red heat for about 2 hours, I part feldspar, 0 .j part phosp h a t e of lime, a n d 3 or 4 parts of air-slaked lime, all in a finely powdered condition. According t o t h e patent, both the potash a n d the phosphate become available b y this treatment. This process t h u s belongs t o t h e third group into which processes for decomposing feldspar have been divided, a n d a t first sight seemed t o be particularly attractive, for if both the potash a n d phosphoric acid were rendered soluble a s claimed by the patent, t h e method might be a n economical one since, when used as a fertilizer, no separation of t h e constituents would be necessary a n d t h e mixture would be of value for its phosphoric acid as well as for its potash content. It was found, however, t h a t t h e calcium phosphate has a passive effect in this treatment of the feldspar a n d t h a t no greater decomposition was produced in this way t h a n when it was treated with calcium carbonate alone. T h e process was further investigated by W. H.

Sept., 1913

T H E J O 1 7 R A Y A LOF I . Y D U S T R I d 4 L 4-YD E.YGI-\-EERI-YG

Waggaman of this laboratory who has shown in work soon t o be published t h a t when t h e ignition mas made in a n open vessel about 56 per cent of t h e potash mas lost b y volatilization, a n d of t h a t which remained very little was water-soluble. None of t h e phosphoric acid was lost b y volatilization under this treatment, b u t only 40 per cent was rendered citrate-soluble. X better result was obtained when there was added to t h e mixture about 0 . 2 part each of hematite a n d manganese dioxide for each p a r t of feldspar, a n d t h e whole ignited t o about 1400' for three-quarters of an hour. =1 limpid fusion resulted which, on cooling, was found t o contain all of t h e potash a n d phosphoric acid in a citrate-soluble state, b u t neither was water-soluble. FIXATIOS



The object of t h e present in\-estigation \vas t o test the efficiency of ignited feldspar in bringing about t h e fixation of nitrogen through t h e agency of the combined alumina or silica present, while there was t h e possibility t h a t t h e potash would be set free a t t h e same time. This would t h u s constitute a process which: like t h e foregoing, belongs t o t h e third group. Experiments in t h e fixation of nitrogen m a y be said to date back t o t h e year 1;8j, when Cavendish first noted t h a t a n acid was formed when electric sparks were passed through a confined volume of air. T h e nature of t h e reaction, however! mas a t t h a t time unknown. Fifteen years later Sir H u m p h r y Davy observrd t h e formation of nitric oxide when air was passed over platinum wire heated b y an electric current. T h e function of t h e platinum in this reaction i n acting as a catalytic agent mas demonstrated by Gay-Lussac in 1864. Since then a n immense amount of work has been done along this line. The popular literature on the subject is very extensive a n d a surprisingly large number of patents have been issued i n Germany! Norway, United States, a n d other countries, on processes a n d equipment for fixing nitrogen b y different methods. T h e various processes recommended m a y be conveniently divided into four groups according as there is produced: ( I ) nitrates or nitrites; ( 2 ) ammonia; (3) nitrids; a n d (4) cyanids, or related compounds, as cyanamid. Processes representative of all these groups have been or are being carried out on a large scale. The first a n d fourth have already developed into large industries. Extensive experiments are now being carried out in this a n d other countries on processes n-hich relate t o t h e third group, a n d there is a possibility t h a t t h e fixation of nitrogen in t h e form of nitrids m a y ultimately prove more profitable t h a n in a n y other way. 'That certain metals, when heated. will combine with nitrogen t o form nitrids has long been known. Lithium is t h e most marked in its action in this respect, a n d takes u p nitrogen t o form Li,N even when exposed t o moist air. K h e n heat is applied in an atmosphere of nitrogen a violent reaction takes place. lfagnesium ranks next t o lithium in t h e tendency t o combine with nitrogen. This property of magnesium



is made use of in t h e well-known method of removing nitrogen in t h e preparation of argon from t h e air. ilmong other metals which possess a marked affinity for nitrogen m a y be mentioned calcium, titanium, silicon a n d aluminum. Instead of using t h e metal directly in t h e fixation of nitrogen, there m a y be used in preference a mixture of t h e oxide a n d carbon. I n this way reduction of t h e oxide and fixation of nitrogen may be brought about in t h e same operation. The most noteworthy experiments in this direction have been made b y Ottokar Serpek, who has worked out a technical process for fixing nitrogen on a large scale b y igniting bauxite with carbon a t I ~ O O - ~ O OinO ~a n atmosphere of nitrogen.' For this purpose a furnace was devised somewhat after the fashion of a rotary kiln having a n electric furnace inserted in one section. The rotation of the kiln: while conveying t h e mixture t o the electrical part of the furnace Tl-here t h e reaction takes place, acts also t o bring t h e bauxite a n d carbon intimately together. The current of nitrogen under slightly increased pressure is passed through t h e kiln in a n opposite direction t o t h e mixed alumina a n d carbon. ; I s t h e latter reaches t h e heated part of t h e furnace the reaction takes palce. whereby there is formed aluminum nitrid (,41S) a n d carbon monoxide. It is supposed t h a t t h e aluminum carbide which first has a tendency t o form reacts with t h e alumina t o form carbon monoxide a n d free aluminum which in t h e nascent state, a t t h e temperature used. readily conibines with nitrogen. T h e compound t h u s formed is of a bluish gray color a n d on issuing from t h e furnace may contain upwards of 2 6 per cent of nitrogen. When boiled with alkaline hydroxide or sodium aluminate solution, or with water under pressure, t h e nitrogen present m a y be liberated as ammonia, while t h e aluminum is changed t o hydroxide. This m a y be used over again, b u t a t present t h e use of fresh bauxite seems t o be more economical. I n either case t h e material is rendered anhydrous before passing into t h e electrically heated kiln b y calcining in a separate kiln with t h e carbon monoxide evolred from t h e reaction in t h e furnace kiln a n d which m a y be enriched with other combustible gases if necessary. I n some of his patents Serpek suggests t h a t there should be added t o t h e mixture of alumina and carbon about j peq cent of some metal such as copper or iron n-hich is capable of forming a n alloy with aluminum. I n other patents a n increased yield of nitrid is reported t o be brought about b y mixing with t h e nitrogen about 0 . I per cent of some acid gas such as hydrochloric acid or sulfur dioxide. I t is further stated t h a t instead of using pure or impure alumina, such :IS natural bauxite, aluminum borates or silicates may be used for carrying out t h e process, b u t no rcsults are given on t h e use of these minerals as in t h e case of bauxite. Experiments along t h e same line as those outlined in Serpek's patents on t h e use of alumina for fixing 1 'c. S. Patents 867.615; 884,423; 888,044; 987.408; 996,032; l , 0 0 7 , 4 ' 1 5 ; 1,016,326; 1,030,929; 1,040,439; 1,C44,?2i; 1,044,928; 1,037,28 O , S l l l j ; 1,060,6411.



nitrogen have been made by Tucker a n d Read.' T h e reactions were carried out in a stationary graphite electric resistance furnace. A t temperatures below 1600' the yield of combined nitrogen was small, amounting t o less t h a n 3 per cent. T h e addition of hydrochloric acid gas or of sulfur dioxide t o t h e nitrogen in the furnace gave lower results t h a n when pure nitrogen was used, from which i t was concluded t h a t these gases are harmful rather t h a n beneficial. The largest yield of nitrid, amounting t o 2 2 . 7 per cent calculated as nitrogen, was obtained a t a temperature between 1900' a n d 2oooo. E X P E R I hl E N T A L


In undertaking a n investigation on the use of feldspar in fixing nitrogen a cylindrical gas furnace was used in the preliminary experiments. This was provided with holes in opposite sides through which was passed horizontally a glazed Royal Berlin porcelain t u b e 6 0 cm. long with a n internal diameter of 2 cm. With this arrangement the portions of the tube inside the furnace could be repeatedly raised t o 1 2 0 0 O , inside temperature, b u t as t h e temperature was increased t o about 1400°, the tube soon became brittle a n d cracked. T h e tube was connected a t one end with a hard glass combustion tube containing copper gauze over which, when heated t o redness, the nitrogen was led under slightly increased pressure in order t o remove the last traces of oxygen. The other end of the tube was closed with a stopper through which passed a glass tube t h a t dipped into a flask containing water. This served as a trap t o prevent a n y back flow of air a n d also indicated t h e rate of flow of nitrogen through the apparatus. T h e nitrogen used in t h e experiments was prepared b y dropping a strong sodium nitrite solution into a hot saturated ammonium chloride solution. The gas t h u s formed was stored in a gasometer a n d before using was dried by calcium chloride a n d sulfuric acid. The feldspar used in the experiments was ground t o pass a I O O mesh sieve a n d analyzed as follows: Si02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AlzOa. . . . . . . ............... ............... FezOa. . . . . . . C a O . . ............................. MgO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



NazO ..............................

64,32y0 19.64 trace 0.16 0.08 13.72 2.18


This was mixed with sugar cane carbon in different proportions, wrapped in filter paper a n d inserted in the portion of the tube within the furnace, a n d then ignited in a current of nitrogen a t temperatures up t o about 1400'. The fixation obtained in a n y case was slight, amounting a t most to about I per cent of the feldspar in the mixture. Since, as already stated, the potash in feldspar may be set free by igniting with calcium carbonite, a number of experiments were made in which this compound was added to the mixture of feldspar a n d carbon. When this was done, not only was potash set free by volatilization from the feldspar, but the amount of nitro1

Tba American Ferlilizev. 37, No. 9, p. 39.


Vol. 5 , No. 9

gen fixed a t the same time was greatly increased. The porcelain tube in which the ignition was made extended for about 13 cm. outside t h e furnace, a n d this portion was therefore comparatively cool. T h e volatilized potash, however, was found t o extend as a deposit not only along this length of the tube, b u t a portion even passed beyond the tube a n d was collected in the water trap through which the current was led; as the water contained a little phenolphthalein it acquired a deep pink color as t h e potash collected. The percentage of the total potash in feldspar which is volatilized when t h e latter is ignited in a n open vessel for a n hour a n d a half a t about 1400' with varying amounts of lime is given in the following table: Proportion of feldspar t o lime

Percentage of potash volatilized

5 t o 3 .................................. 5 to 4 .......... 5 to 5.................................. 5 t o 6 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 16 27 61

5 t o 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


When carbon, however, was added t o the mixture of feldspar a n d calcium carbonate, or its equivalent of lime, and the ignition made in a current of nitrogen, instead of in a n open vessel, t h e proportion of potash volatilized was found t o be very greatly increased. Thus, when a mixture of j parts of feldspar, j.4 parts of calcium carbonate, or 3 parts of lime, a n d 2 . j parts of carbon were ignited in nitrogen for one hour a t I zoo O, upwards of jo per cent of t h e potash i n t h e feldspar was volatilized, while a t 1400' the loss of potash by volatilization was found t o be complete. The amount of nitrogen fixed a t t h e same time in this a n d other mixtures was kindly determined b y Mr. T . C. Trescott of the Bureau of Chemistry, using t h e Kjeldahl method. T h e results given in t h e following table represent the mean of several determinations: 4 J


1. . . . . . . 4

2....... 3....... 4....... 5....... 6....... 7....... 8. . . . . . . 9....... 10 . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . 12


6 4 2 4

2 4 4 4 4 4 2

2 3 2 1 4 4

2 2 2

2 2 4

0.0 6.4 4.3 2.15 4.3 2.15 2.15 12.0 0.0 2.15 4.3 6.0

about about about about about about about about about about about about

1200' 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1400 1400 1400 1400



.., 55.7

.... .... 38.0

.,., 78.0 41.3 98.0 100.0 100.0

Nitrogen fixed in percentage of

0.20 0.83 1.27 1.44 1.40 1 45 0.50 0.44 1.00 1.68 6.10 5.21

1.9 8.0 12.2 13.8 13.4 13.9 4.8 4.2 9.6 16.1 58.5 50.6

I t mould seem from these results t h a t varying the proportion of carbon between the limits given does not have much effect, under t h e conditions of t h e experiments, on the amount of nitrogen fixed. T h e minimum quantity of carbon taken was sufficient t o combine with all the oxygen in the feldspar. Duplicate results, however, did not agree closely. This was no doubt due t o the fact t h a t it was not possible, with t h e arrangement in hand, t o maintain a uniform tempera-

T H E J O C R S A L OF I S D U S T R I A L A S D E - Y G I X E E R I S G C H E M I S T R Y

Sept., 1 9 1 3

t u r e at all times a n d a comparatively small rise in temperature produced a considerable change i n t h e a m o u n t of nitrogen fixed. T h e calcium equivalent t o t h e silica, as found b y analysis, in 4 parts of t h e feldspar is equal t o 4.3 parts of calcium carbonate. This proportion seems best suited in the fixing of nitrogen since smaller yields were obtained when t h e proportion of lime t o feldspar was increased or decreased beyond this limit. The same results were obtained starting with t h e oxide of calcium as with t h e carbonate. Only a very slight a m o u n t of nitrogen was fixed when a mixture of lime a n d carbon were ignited a t 1400’ in t h e absence of feldspar. T h e increase of fixation with time of ignition is shown in t h e following table, when J. parts of feldspar, 2 parts of carbon a n d 4 . 3 parts of calcium carbonate mere ignited for diffeqent lengths of time. T i m e of ignition Hours

. 2. . . . . . . 4........ 1. . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .. . 1. . . . . . .

Potash Nitrogen fixed in volatilized in percentage of percentage of total feldspar aluminum in present taken feldspar


Temperature about 1200’



a b o u t 1200’




a b o u t 1200’


1 68

16 1

a b o u t 1400’


6 10


a b o u t 1400’

100 . o




Since t h e nitrogen in aluminum nitrid amounts t o j 1 . 6 per cent of t h e aluminum, i t follows t h a t t h e nitrogen fixed i n t h e last t w o experiments is greater t h a n what would correspond t o t h e aluminum in t h e feldspar. K O direct experiments have yet been made t o determine i n what form t h e nitrogen is combined, whether as nitrid or carbo-nitrid of silicon or aluminum. When boiled with water t h e material gave off ammonia very slowly, a n d even slowly when boiled with sodium hydroxide solution although in this case t h e ammonia was evolved more rapidly t h a n when t h e digestion was made with water alone. Equipment is now being installed t o carry on t h e experiments on a larger scale a n d at higher temperatures. I n t h e meantime i t was thought advisable t o publish t h e preliminary results obtained. BUREAUOF SOILS U. S. DEPARTMENT OB AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON




Received June 27, 1913

Drift, kelp usually has a very low content of potash


or’ rather potassium chloride. It has been currently reported t h a t t h e loss of potassium chloride from t h e freshly cut plant proceeds quite rapidly. Theoretically, there should be a distribution of t h e base between t h e plant a n d t h e water in which i t lies, a n d this redistribution might reasonably be expected t o commence at once, a n d even t o be much augmented or accelerated because of t h e relatively high content of sodium chloride in sea water. This problem is one of considerable economic importance, since i t has been proposed in t h e harvesting of kelp as a raw material for t h e production of potassium salts, t o tow the cut kelp from t h e groves t o t h e landing a n d t h u s avoid lifting t h e material upon a barge or boat. I n order t o obtain some information a n d d a t a bearing directly on this economic question, Professor W. C. Crandall, of t h e Scripp’s Biological Station, a t La Jolla, California, collected t w o large samples of M a c v o c y s t i s on a recent cruise of t h e yacht, “ i l g u x i ” , of t h a t station, towing these samples a n d taking subsamples from time t o time which were forwarded t o t h e laboratory of t h e Bureau of Soils, in Washington, for analysis. One of t h e large samples for t h e leaching espcriment was collected near Pt. Loma a n d t h e other near Coronado Island. T h e subsamples, on their receipt i n Washington, had commenced t o ferment. This fact, however, could not h a r e a n y particular influence on t h e d a t a here given. T h e tables which follow are self-explanatory. The analytical methods employed have been described i n THIS J O U R N A L , 4, 431 b y Turrentine, a n d acknowledgment is here made t o N r . T. C. Trescott, of t h e Bureau of Chemistry, who kindly made t h e nitrogen determinations for us. F r o m this examination i t is evidently a matter of considerable difficulty t o obtain a fair average sample of wet kelp. I t also appears t h a t freshly cut kelp, when immersed in sea water, does not, at least at first, lose i t s potash content very rapidly. Attention is called t o t h e analysis of “sea lettuce” in Table 11. This is not a kelp b u t a rock weed rather common on t h e Pacific coast. Algae other t h a n t h e giant kelps have not usually shown a high potash cont e n t , b u t this analysis indicates t h a t t h e matter is worthy of further investigation. ’rhe difficulties t o be apprehended in harvesting rock weeds, however, do not leave much promise for their economic importance a t present, even though they should be found t o have a high content of potash or other valuable

TABLE I-SAMPLE TAKEN NEAR CORONADO ISLANDS No. lm.. ... . . . . .. 1ex. . . . . . . . . , , 1A.. . , . . , . . . . 1B... . . . , . . , , 1 c . ., . . . , . . . 1 D . . . ... . . . . . 1E.. , . . . . . . . . IF.. .. . . . . . . 1 G . ., . . , . . , . .

T i m e exposed


) fresh c u t

3 hrs. 6 hr5. 14 hrs. 1 7 1x5. 20 hrs.

Per cent Kz0 12.48 13.47 15.56 17.30 17.61 13.35 10 74 18.28 9.90

P e r cent Per cent P e r cent sol. salts org. m a t t e r ash 31.46 31.26 34.00 38.26 38.30 31.96 26.36 36.78 25.94

65.38 65.98 62.38 58.66 58.30 54.96 T0.66 60.86 70.18

3.16 2.76 3.62 3.08 3.40 3.08 2.98 2.36 3.88

1 Scientist in Soil Laboratory Investigations, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Agr. 2 Scientist in Fertilizer Investigations, Bur. of Soils, U. S. Dept. -4gr.

Per cent KC1 19.72 21.28 24.59 27.33 27.87 21.10 16.97 28.89 15.64

Per cent

Per cent



0.98 0.79 0.95 1.00 1,07 0 83 0.90 0.51 0.84

0.16 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.06 0 10

0.13 0.13 0.07

Remarks Dried and sent b y mail Wet, sent b y express in j a r Wet, sent b y express in jar Wet. sent by express in j a r \Vet. sent b y express in j a r Wet, sent b y express in jar Wet, sent by express in j a r Stems only, dried a n d sent b y mail Leaves only, dried a n d sent b y mail

constituent, and t h e importance of t h e matterprobably lies in showing that their occasional O r