The Defect Solid State. - ACS Publications

dad Nacional de la Plata—Universidad Tecnológica. Nacional Facultad Regional de Buenos Aires, Colegio. Militar de la Nación, Director de Indoquímica S...
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Oct. 5, 1957


journals has increased and the job cannot be delegated or some of which are already dealt with by Dr. Bergmann in replaced b y reliance on abstracts. Chemists should have his last chapter. I n the reviewers opinion the unity and compactness of the book would have been improved if the this book in order to become thoroughly acquainted with first chapter of the “Appendix” were integrated with the sources of information and methods of searching. last chapter of Bergmann in the same manner in which MarTHECHEMICALLIBRARY amplified the first five chapters of the original work. F. LOWELLTAYLOR quez THEDOW CHEMICALCOMPANY The second chapter of t h e “Appendix” is entitled “Isotopes MIDLAND,MICHIGAN in Organic Reactions” and is a n extremely useful and up to date review of the uses of isotopes in the study of organic compounds. Included in this review are numerous isotope Isomerism0 E Isomerizacion d e 10s Compuestos Organicos. effects studied in recent years, nuclear transformations caused BY ERNSTD. BERGMANN, Director del Instituto de by irradiation of organic compounds, and the use of isotopes Ciencias Weizmann. Transposiciones Moleculares Y in the elucidation of the mechanisms of organic reactions. Combinaciones Organicas Con Isotopos. BY ANIBALR. This last chapter is without doubt the most significant conMARQUEZ, Profesor titular de Quimica OrgBnica, Universi- tribution which Dr. Marquez makes to the book under disdad Nacional de la Plata-Universidad Tecnolbgica cussion. Sacional Facultad Regional de Buenos Aires, Colegio T h e book is well presented except for the unfortunate use Militar de la Nacibn, Director de Indoquimica S.A., ex- of poor printing ink which causes several pages to be blurred. Director de Galeno Quimica, Ind. Quim. Arg. Yatay, The scarcity of modern chemistry texts in the Spanish Fea. Sacional de Productos Quimicos de la Nacibn, etc. language makes the appearance of this book especially noteLibrcria Hachette, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South worthy. It will have a stimulating effect on the much America. 1956. xiii 288 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price needed development of modern organic chemistry in Latin rn$ii. arg. 110.--. America. Also, it may help many . h e r i c a n chemists to This book is a translation and enlarged edition of the orig- learn chemical Spanish, a language of increasing importance in view of the growing investments of U. S. chemical industry inal work “Isomerism and Isomerization of Organic Compounds” (Interscience Pub. Inc., New York, N. Y., 1948) below the Rio Grande. and the reviewer may thus consider the contributions made UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIENTE first by Dr. E. D. Bergmann and then by Dr. A. R . H. HARRYSZMANT SANTIAGO DE CUBA,CUBA Marquez. The original work of Bergmann consists of six chapters in The Defect Solid State. BY T. J. GRAY,D . P . DETWILER, which the following topics are discussed: the phenomenon D. E. RASE,W. G. LAWRENCE, R. R. WEST AND T. J. of resonance in organic molecules; cis-tram isomerism and JENNINGS, State University of New York, College of cis-trans isomerization; isomerization of olefinic structures; at Alfred University. Interscience Publishers, Ceramics mechanism of substitution reactions, racemization and Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y. 1957. vii Walden inversion; isomerization of paraffins and related 511 pp. 16.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, $11.00. phenomena; mechanisms of intramolecular rearrangements. The discussion of the above-mentioned topics is stimulating This work attempts t o explain phenomena associated because it is based on numerous personal observations, and with reactions in the solid state such as sintering, catalyses i t includes many literature references and suggestions for and corrosion processes in terms of the defect nature of future investigations. The chapter on resonance does not solids. T h e presentation of the material associated with pretend to be a profound physico-chemical treatment but these topics is detailed enough to make the book worthwhile rather is descriptive in nature. It is unfortunate t h a t the for those interested in this specialized field. The book author retains several structural formulas with pentavalent cannot be read, however, as a general exposition on the denitrogen atoms on pp. 27-29,47,49 and 147. I n the second fect nature of solids. The chapters on the general properchapter the discussions of allenic systems and of thermoties of solids, such as semi-conductivity, ionic conductivity chromism are noteworthy. The heading of the third chap- and magnetic properties are too brief and the material in ter is somewhat misleading since here the author cites a them has been presented in a more satisfactory mariner series of reactions of olefinic substances in the course of which elsewhere. the initial, classical double bonds become dislocated. rlside INSTITUTE OF OPTICS from 1,4-addition reactions t o dienes and the Diels-Alder K. TEEGARDEN UNIVERSITY O F ROCHESTER reaction, the author employs a number of examples which ROCHESTER, NEW YORK are seldom encountered in other texts. The chapter dealing with the mechanism of substitution reactions, racemization and Walden inversion is not as stimulating as the preceding Vapour P h a s e Chromatography. Proceedings of the chapters. This is probably so because i t deals descriptively Symposium Sponsored by the Hydrocarbon Research with a subject which has received so much emphasis in most Group of the Institute of Petroleum held at the Institution of the modern textbooks of organic theory. Also, the of Electrical Engineers, London, on 30th May-1st June, arguments cited on p. 94 to explain the two different de1956. Edited by D. H. DESTY. Assisted by C. L. A. hydration products of diphenic acid are not convincing. Harbourn. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, The fifth chapter deals mainly with reactions of alkanes and New York 3, N. Y. 1957. xv 436 pp. 16 X 25.5 alkenes studied by Ipatieff and his successors, although a cm. Price, $12.00. few reactions involving free radicals also are mentioned. This volume is a collection of the 36 papers presented a t The last chapter reviews a number of intramolecular rethe Symposium on Gas Chromatography held in London arrangements some of which, such as the Claisen rearrangeon May 30th and June l s t , 1956, together with the disment of allyl aryl ethers, t h e pinacal-pinacolone rearrangement, and the rearrangement of 1,2-aminoalcohols in the cussion by the participants at the symposium, and the presence of nitrous acid, have been subject to careful studies recommendations on nomenclature proposed by a committee since the publication of the original text. of scientists prominent in this field. More than half of the Dr. Marquez has supplemented the descriptive text of papers are from England, but contributions from workers of Dr. Bergmann with lengthy footnotes in which he presents seven other nations testify t o the universal and growing the physical aspects of atomic and molecular structure as interest in gas chromatography. well as summaries of more recent studies. Noteworthy A wide range of subjects is covered by the articles preamong the latter are the comments concerning the chemistry sented. Dr. Martin’s introductory paper outlines the diof cyclooctatctraene, ferrocene, triphenylmethyl radicals, rections for future developments of the field. The succeeding t h e activation energies of trans-cis isomerizations, the reacfour papers deal with the factors determining the separation tion of osmic :tcitl with aromatic hydrocarbons, the reactions of materials by gas chromatography. Eight papers are of peroxides, as wcll as the little kuown studies of Marquez concerued primarily with the properties of various types of ant1 students concerned with the reactions of organic halides detectors, including Scott’s flame detector, the Martin gas with sodium arsenite. Dr. Marquez also contributes to the density balance, and the beta ray detector. Other topics original bibliography by citing numerous recent literature considered in various contributions are apparatus for high references. Finally, Dr. Marquez has added a n ample, 100 temperature chromatography, large scale and continuous pages long “Appendix” which consists of two chapters. operation, and for the use of programmed column heating. I n the first of these he discusses molecular rearrangements T h e analysis of specific mixtures, descriptions of new coluni


