The Determination of Sulfates in Soils

wild mustard from flax seed was almost absolutely pure brown mustard. It should further be noted that the volatile oil obtained in the commercial samp...
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ceedingly variable. I p all t h e samples from grain the amount of charlock was invariably greater t h a n t h a t of brown mustard, ranging from 9 j . 1 t o j 7 . 3 per cent as calculated t o t h e pure wild mustard after correcting for foreign seed and impurities. A single sample of wild mustard from flax seed was almost absolutely pure brown mustard. I t should further be noted t h a t t h e volatile oil obtained in the commercial samples was approximately proportional t o t h e percentage of brown mustard present. This relation is so uniform t h a t t h e volatile oil can be calculated from t h e botanical analysis with practically as great accuracy as b y direct determination. For this purpose, t h e following formula based on t h e determinations made on t h e samples of t h e seeds separated from commercial wild mustard may be used: T' = 2 . 4 2 B 0.Ij C in which 1- is t h e percentage of volatile oil, B is t h e percentage of brown mustard a n d C is t h e percentage of charlock. comparison of t h e percentages of volatile oil found b y analysis a n d as calculated b y this formula in the samples of commercial wild mustard seed cleaned free of foreign seeds is given in t h e last column of Table I. I t can hardly be expected t h a t a formula based on determinations made on only one sample each of brown mustard and charlock will give strictly accurate results in ail cases. b u t t h e figures obtained on t h e samples examined b y us s h o w remarkable agreement and suggest further work both on wild mustard seed a n d t h e cake. Determinations of volatile mustard oil in mustard flour may prove useful in estimating t h e approximate amount of charlock present as a n adulterant provided this determination is supplemented b y careful microscopic examination. It should not be forgotten, however, t h a t in t h e presence of white mustard, which, like charlock, yields practically no volatile oil, or of black mustard. which m a y contain more t h a n t h e brown, it would be impossible t o arrii-e a t a correct estimat.e from t h e volatile oil alone. Of special value in t h e case of such mixtures is a n estimate based on t h e amount of hulls reacting with acid chloral hydrate solution.




I n undertaking a s t u d y of t h e process of sulfofication or sulfur oxidation in soils, t h e first problem which arose was t h e selection of a n accurate method for t h e determination of t h e sulfates. Tt'iley gives directions for t h e determination without comment as t o a n y difficulties t o be met with. As he describes it, t h e method merely calls for t r e a t m e n t of t h e soil with cold, dilute hydrochloric acid, filtration and precipitation with barium chloride a n d weighing t h e sulfate formed. I n the work of t h e few investigators who have made observations on t h e formation of sulfates in soils, t h e method of extraction of t h e sulfates is usually not mentioned a n d when t h e point is considered worthy of notice, t h e rather indefinite statement is made t h a t t h e soil

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is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. I s it important t h a t a certain strength of acid should be employed in order t o accomplish complete extraction? W h a t should be t h e length of time of cont a c t with t h e acid? These are questions which immediately arise and t h e experiments reported here were carried out t o answer t h e m a n d t o develop a method which would permit of a n accurate estimation of sulfates as such in the soil E X P E RI 31E S T A L

I n the first experiments, therefore. zoo-gram quantities of soil were shaken in the shaking machine for two hours with 2 0 0 cc. of 0 . j . 1.0, 2 . 0 , j . 0 and 10.0 per cent hydrochloric acid and with 2 0 0 cc. of water. -4 comparative series was run under exactly the same conditions except t h a t 2 cc. of a j per cent solution of magnesium sulfate were added t o each Ioo-gram q u a n t i t y of soil. T h e amount of sulfate extracted in each case from the soil itself \vas thus determined and subtracting this figure from t h e total amount of sulfate obtained, t h e extraction from t h e magnesium sulfate added was found. T h e sulfates were determined in these cases by t h e usual gravimetric method using barium chloride. T h e results of these tests appear in Table I . TABLE~--CO~;CESTRATIONS




Milligrams sulfur Not extr. ncm ULI 6%s Ifilligrams S extracted as Added from Lab. *Su!iates SOa from a s hIgSO4 S O . i .$" ' Duplicates Av. MgSOa M g S O i added I , z.... 0.5 0.97 None 1.18 0.77 ... 3, 4.., . 0.5 24.19 26.04 25.11 0.1 2.1:i 4 2 6 : 6 3 2.49 1.10 1.76 5, 6.... 1.0 S o n e .... 1.43 7, s.... 1.0 0.1 23.94 26.38 25.16 23.i 3 26: 63 2.90 1.i4 0.91 1.32 9, 10 , . . 2.0 N'one . ,. 24.47 24.47 24.47 1 1 , 12 .... 2.0 0.1 zi: is 2 6 : 63 3.48 13, 14 . . . . 5 . 0 1.44 2.04 None .... 1.74 30.92 31.46 31.19 15, 16 . . . . 5.0 0 . 1 29:45 26:63 Excess 1.10 1,. 18 . . . . 10.0 S o n e 1.40 1.25 ... .... 36.52 45.38 40.95 19,20 . . . . 10 0 0.1 39:jO 26.63 Excess 4.00 4.12 21, 22 . . . . Water NTone 4.06 .... 23. 24 ..... Water 0.1 30.70 30.34 30.52 26:46 26: 63 0.1;

$t g,

Upon examination of these results it is found t h a t treating a soil with hydrochloric acid in any of the strengths used did not permit of t h e determination of sulfates known t o be contained in t h e soil. The weakest acid used allowed only a partial recovery of t h e sulfate added and as t h e concentration was increased u p t o 2 . 0 per cent acid the recovery became gradually smaller. With j and I O per cent acid, however, t h e recovery was entirely too high, t h a t with t h e I O per cent acid being greater t h a n t h a t with t h e j per cent. I t is evident from these tests t h a t there are some disturbing factors which prevent t h e extraction of sulfates from soils b y hydrochloric acid. Van Bemmelenl observed t h a t with hydrochloric acid much humus substance and iron oxide were dissolved and t h a t these interfered with t h e determination of sulfates, causing low results. H e found further t h a t it mas impossible to remove these substances without obtaining high results because of t h e oxidation of t h e sulfur in the dissolved organic matter. Furthermore, with j or I O per cent acid there is undoubtedly some solution of silica a n d this would make t h e results too high, a s t h e y have been shown t o be. I t m a y be concluded, therefore, from these results 1

L a n d v . V e r s . Sla., 37, -184.

Aug., 1915

T H E JO17RS.4 L OF I S D L - S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

t h a t dilute hydrochloric acid is quite unsatisfactory for t h e extraction of sulfates from t h e soil because of t h e ferric oxide a n d organic m a t t e r dissolved b y t h e acid a n d because increasing t h e concentration of t h e acid makes t h e results t o o high on account of t h e interference of silica. Examining t h e results where t h e soil was t r e a t e d with water. i t is found t h a t rather complete extraction of t h e sulfates present in t h e soil was secured. Almost four times as much was extracted from t h e soil itself as with a n y of t h e hydrochloric acid solutions a n d t h e magnesium sulfate added t o t h e soil was practically entirely recovered. F u r t h e r tests t o ascertain t h e efficiency of water for extracting sulfates were. therefore, planned. I n t h e first place it was deemed advisable t o determine whether t h e a m o u n t of sulfates extracted from soil with water could be increased by longer periods of shaking. T h e same soil used i n t h e preceding t e s t s was, therefore. shaken for 2, 4 , a n d 6 hours i n t h e shaking machine a n d t h e results secured, which a r e given in Table 11, show t h a t just as much sulfate was extracted in t w o hours as i n t h e longer periods TABLE11-EFFECT OF TIMEOF SHAKING o x EXTRACTIONS Lab. Hours Milligrams sulfur as SOa in soil No. shaken Duplicates Av. 1 , 2 ...................... 2 3.42 3.51 3.46 3 , 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.54 3.62 3.58 5 , 6 ...................... 6 3.04 3.64 3.34


It would seem, therefore, t h a t t h e conclusion might b e drawn t h a t complete extraction of sulfates may b e accomplished b y shaking with water for t w o hours. It was felt, however, t h a t in some cases quite considerable a m o u n t s of sulfates might be present in soils a n d i n t h e sulfofication tests which it was purposed t o carry o u t there was no d o u b t b u t t h a t it would be necessary t o encourage a rather large accumulation of sulfates t o permit of t h e securing of definite d a t a . Furthermore, magnesium sulfate, which was used in t h e previous series, is readily soluble, much more so t h a n sulfates, such as calcium sulfate, more likely t o be present in t h e soil. Consequently experiments were arranged t o determine t h e ability of water t o extract calcium sulfate from soils. I n t h e first tests, dehydrated gypsum was employed a n d t h e extraction with water was found t o be quite incomplete t h e discrepancies being rather large when t h e larger amounts of gypsum were used b u t still appreciable with t h e smaller amounts. Gradually increasing t h e time of shaking with mater permitted an increasing extraction of t h e sulfate, t h e largest proportion of t h a t added being obtained when t h e period of shaking was eight hours. Still, however, t h e recovery was incomplete. T h e same a m o u n t s of gypsum as were used mixed with t h e soil were shaken alone with water for varying lengths of time a n d t h e results showed t h a t while mixing with soil retarded quite considerably t h e r a t e a t which t h e sulfate went i n t o solution in t h e water, t h e extraction was incomplete in t h e absence of soil even where only very small a m o u n t s of t h e gypsum were used. T h e pure, dehydrated gypsum used in t h i s work has been found t o be very much more difficultly soluble t h a n t h e hydrated calcium sulfate a n d


hence t h e tests were continued using chemically pure calcium sulfate containing t w o molecules of water. This compound is not only more readily soluble b u t i t is believed t o be more nearly like t h e compounds present in t h e soil t h a n t h e dehydrated gypsum. Tests of t h e solubility of t h e h y d r a t e d sulfate u n mixed with soil showed complete solution in t w o hours' shaking. Varying a m o u n t s of t h e material were t h e n added t o t h e soil a n d t h e mixture shaken for varying lengths of time with water. T h e results given in Table I11 show t h a t t h e extraction was complete in six hours. Other results using ground a n d unground soil showed t h a t while t h e extraction was somewhat quicker in t h e ground t h a n in t h e u n ground samples, shaking with water for 6-8 hours accomplished in all cases t h e complete extraction of t h e sulfate added. T h e a m o u n t s of sulfate added mere much greater t h a n would ordinarily occur in soils. a n d calcium sulfate is probably t h e most difficultly soluble of a n y sulfate which might occur in t h e soil. Hence t h e solution of t h i s material in t h e a m o u n t s tested m a y be regarded a s indicating t h a t sulfates in t h e soil m a y be estimated readily b y shaking with water for a period of six t o eight hours. TABLE111-EXTRACTIONSWITH WATER Milligrams S extracted MG. SULPCR N o t extr. -5" Hrs As sulfates From Added from Lab. $ $ S shaSO4 as sulfate NO. ken Duplicates Av added SO4 added 1, 2 . . . . . . . 0.25 4 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 4 6 . 0 0 46.50 0 . 5 0 3 , 4 . . . . . . . 0.25 6 5 0 . i 2 5 0 . 4 6 5 0 . 5 9 46.59 4 6 . 5 0 . . . 5, 6 . . . . . . . 0 . 2 5 8 50.38 5 0 . 1 2 50.25 46.25 46.50 0.25 7, 8 . . . . . . . 0.05 6 13.36 13.12 13.24 9.24 9 . 3 0 0.06 9. IO . . . . . . . N-one 8 4.00 4.00 4.00 . . . . . . . . . .


One point further was tested in this work a n d t h a t was t h e use of t h e sulfur photometer. Gravimetric determinations of sulfates are very tedious a n d i t was almost essential t h a t a more expeditious method be employed j f large numbers of determinations were t o be made such as are necessary in studies of sulfofication. T h e photometric method was tested a n d compared with t h e gravimetric a n d it was found t o be quite as accurate a n d much quicker. I t s use for t h e determination of sulfates i n soils should be strongly advised.

c 0s c L L- SI0 N s I-Sulfates cannot be extracted from soils b y t r e a t ment n-ith dilute hydrochloric acid because of t h e interference of organic substances a n d iron compounds. 11-Shaking soil with twice its weight of water in t h e shaking machine for six t o eight hours extracts sulfates completely. 111-The sulfur photometer is a rapid a n d accurate means of determining sulfates. '






Occasion having arisen for recalculating t o t h e conventional combination t h e results i n t h e analysis, in I Scientist in Soil Laboratory Investigations. Bureau of Soils, U . Dept. Agriculture.
