The dialyzer

What progress has been made with the cultivation in the United States of thetung- ... Are there any opportunities for American chemistry students to s...
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3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Who was America's first great scientific publicist? (pp. 5-7, 198-9.) (For questions 2 4 see pp. 11-26.) What is tung oil? What industries are dependent upon it? What country has been the source of the world's supply of tung oil? What progress has been made with the cultivation in the United States of the tungoil tree? Does the condition of the soil affect the growth and productivity of the tnng-oil tree? What are the criteria for an optimum soil? From what is India ink made? Arrange the aqueous solutions of the salts of the (1) heavy metals, (2) alkalies, and (3) alkaline earths in the order of their conductance ability. (pp. 30-34.) (For questions 8-11 see pp. 35-44.) To what woman do we owe the discovery a t the beginning of the 18th century of a very productive source of electricity?

9. What is "voltaic electricity?" 10. What investigator isolatcd the elements, potassium and sodium? 11. Does the size of the electrode cause any variation in the chemical action of a givcn quantity of electricity upon water? 12. How may the thermochemistry of high temperatures be taught graphically? (PP. 45-9.) 13. Are you interested in elcctrochemical education in England? (pp. 5040.) 14. In what fields of electrochemistry is an analytical training invaluable? (pi. 64-i.) 1.5 What electrical measuring instruments arc availahle for use in laboratory work in electrochemistry? (pp. 71-82.) 16. What are the educational activities of the Mellon Institute? (pp. R3-96.) 17. What is phosgene? Describe its properties. Would you choose winter or summer to bc placcd in an area drenched with mustard gas? (pp. 97-110.) 18. Are you interested in a lecture-demonstration method for presenting the subject of water of crystallization? (pp. 111-8.) for American chemistrv students to studv abroad? 19. Are there any opportunities ~(pp. 132-9.) (For. oztestions 20-22 see up. 14042.1 20. Do crystal planes really rejled X-rays? ~



21. Why does a pencil of monochromatic X-rays give rise to "reflection" only when i t meets a crystal plane a t certain definite angles? 22. Assuming the commonly accepted crystal structure for rock salt, how could one calculate the distances between atomic centers? 23. Name several factors that (1) increase and (2) decrease the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (pp. 153-64.) What shall we teach our chemistry majors? (p. 179). Are you acquainted with the "Code of Ethics" of the teaching profession aformulated by the N. E. A,? (p. 183.) 26. What is the program for the Third Organic Symposium? (pp. 209-10.) 8

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