The Dispersion of Testosterone in Aqueous Bovine Serum Albumin

The Dispersion of Testosterone in Aqueous Bovine Serum Albumin Solution. Fritz Bischoff, and Royce D. Stauffer. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1954, 76 (7), pp 1...
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from 177-181O for all determinations. Gas was evolved on melting but no discoloration was observed. (Done and Fowden reported melting with decomposition in a sealed tube between 174183O.) 4 s further proof of these relationships, y-methyleneglutamine from the tulip was hydrolyzed to the y-methyleneglutamic acid which in turn was hydrogenated and proved to be chromatographically identical with the synthetic 7-methylglutamic acid as furnished by Dr. Fowden. Through the interest and cooperation of Dr. Alton Meister of the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, it was possible to investigate the enzymatic oxidation of the isolated y-methyleneglutamine. The effect of L-amino acid oxidase of rattle snake venom was followed manometrically by the method of Meister6 and it was found to be oxidized to the extent of 65% as compared with 85% for ( 5 ) A. Meister, J . Biochem., 200, 571 (1953).



L-glutamine and 88% for L-asparagine. The isolated material may tentatively be considered to have the L-configuration. As a result of the evidence documented above, it is now possible to conclude that the substance recognized and describedl as Unknown No. 12 in the tulip bulb is identical with the substance described as y-methyleneglutamine by Done and Fowdene4 Also the substance described as Unknown No. 4 in the tulip bulb is to be regarded as y-methyleneglutamic acid. Both of these substances exist free in the tulip plant and their metabolic role will be of great interest. This work is part of investigations which are supported by the Grasselli Grant to Cornell University for work directed by F. C. S. and for which grateful acknowledgment is made. BOTANY DEPT. CORNELL USIVERSTIY ITHACA, N. Y.


The Dispersion of Testosterone in Aqueous Bovine Serum Albumin Solution BY FRITZ BISCHOFF AND ROYCE D. STAUFFER RECEIVED JULY 13, 1953 By means of dialysis through a semipermeable membrane it is shown t h a t the distribution of testosterone between mater and aqueous bovine serum albumin solution follows the classic laws of distribution between two phases, based on the ratio of solubilities in these phases, over a sixfold concentration of albumin, a shift of pH from 5.2 t o 7.4 and a twelve-fold change in testosterone concentration. At PH 5 2 and saturation, the albumin adsorbs a maximum of 3 moles testosterone per mole albumin, a t PH 7.4, 4 moles. According t o the Scatchard concept, there is one class of adsorbing points, the number of points being large. Under the conditions of dialysis the testosterone in the water phase is in a metastable state i n which the solubility exceeds t h a t previously reported; albumin thus brings about an increase in the fugacity of testosterone in the water phase. The conditions under which the two solubility equilibria are attained are described and considered according to the Gibbs concept. The extinction coefficient for testosterone, not previously reported in aqueous solution, was ascertained.

gated. In the case of progesterone, solubility Introduction The marked dispersive action of serum albumin depended upon two equilibrium phases in aqueous non-protein solution. An analog was therefore solutions upon testosterone and other is undoubtedly a governing factor in the transport sought in the case of testosterone and found. of steroids in body fluids and has led to the preparaExperimental tion of solutions suitable for intravenous injecEquilibrium between Water and Albumin.-Armonr t i ~ n . ~ Testosterone -~ appeared idealy suited for bovine serum albumin and Schering testoqterone study of the nature of the attraction between al- crystalline were used in these experiments. The dialyzing chambers bumin and an un-ionizable steroid, since its solu- were replicas of those described by J o r g e n ~ e n . ~The juncbility in water is sufficiently high to assure accuracy tion between the two chambers and the dialyzing membrane in analysis. The orientation by adsorbents of was sealed with paraffin, which is ideally suited for the purpose as i t was shown not to adsorb testosterone from aqueous organic ions of various sizes, as well as inorganic solutions. ions has been the subject of intensive in~estigatioii.~,' The dialysis was carried on in a cabinet a t 37.5' with The original plan, which was successfully con- rocking by a mechanical shaker. Preliminary experiment.; summated, sought to obtain the equilibrium con- indicated t h a t equilibrium in dialysis was established in 24 hours. This was confirmed by the experiments in which centrations of testosterone in water and in an the results for transfer from albumin t o water and water to albumin solution separated by a semipermeable albumin are in substantial agreement. membrane. The results were such that the soluThe membrane used was a vegetabk parchment supplied bility of testosterone in water had to be reinvesti- by Central Scientific Company and was selected because the (1) F . Bischoff a n d €1 R. Pilhorn, J. B i d . Chem., 174,663 (1918). (2) F. Bischoff and R. E. K a t h e r m a n , A m . J . Piiysiol., 152, 189 (1948). (3) F. Bischoff and R. E. K a t h e r m a n , Psderals'on Puoc., 11, No. 1 , 188 (19~52). (4) F. Bischoff, R. E. Katherrnan and V. F a v a t i , A m . J . Physiol., 165, 687 (1951). ( 5 ) C. D. West, Endocrinology, 49, 467 (1081). (6) I. Rothchild, i b i d . , SO, 583 (19.52). (7) A . Grollman, J . B i d . Chem.,64, 111 (1925). ( 8 ) 1 . I.angniiiir, T H r R J O I I H N A T . . 40, 1361 (1918).

adsorption of testosterone by i t was nil. The blank was appreciably reduced by washing with distilled water and air drying, In testing for albumin leakage across the membrane, it was found that the foam test was more sensitive than chemical tests. A concentration of 1 part albumin in 100,000 parts water is detectable by the foam test. In a11 the experiments reported, the leakage of albumin, if any, into the water phase did not exceed this concentration. I t was necessary to reject a considerable number of experiments because of imperfect parchment. (9) K . S. Torgelisen, A r l n Phnmlnrol. T o r i r n l , 1, 263 (194.5)


.Ipril 5 , 1054











i2lljumin. :: ' I 0 0 fill


5 .4 5.1 5 1 5.2 5.3 5.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 5.2


93 93



1 .oo 0.96 0.95 1.i)O (1.92 0.93 6.2

concn testosterone i n mole 'I , alb side

x 104 4.20 3.99 3.18 2.88 0,


0 ,332

3.41 2 64 0 , ,565 5.6

CH.0 ... . concn. testosterone in rnole.'l., H?O side

x 10' 1.47 I .Xi 1 .Oh 0.936 .21 . 125 ,972



,183 .43

Starting side

Alb Alb Alb All] H;10 HsO Alb All, HIO Alb


$6 100 101 99


I .94 1.83 1.84 1.92 1.90 2.08 1.92 1.88 2.01 1.95

97 99 100 90 n

$ 5 .1 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.9 5.7 4 ,0 3.7 4.4 5.1

1 4 1.5 1.5 I .5 I .4 1.2 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.4

1 . 9 5 r t 0 . 0 2 5 PH 5 . 3 , 5 . 0 =!= 0 . 1 2 pH 7.4, 4.0 Experiments assayed by the Zimmermann reaction for which acknowledgment is given to Mr. Yee Sing Yee.

I n order t o determine testosterone in water and in aque-

ous albumin solution, the optical densities were measured a t 249 and 239.5 mp in a Beckman spectrophotometer with silica cells, 1 cm. path. Controls for both the water and albumin phases served as blanks and were subtracted to obtain the testosterone level. The densities of testosterone and albumin in the same aqueous phase were found t o be additive. At a concentration of albumin of 0.243 and 0.121 g. per 100 ml., the recoveries of testosterone (6.5 and 3.25 y per ml.) were complete within the error of experimentation. Seither the extinction coefficient nor the wave length at maximum extinction had previously been reported for testosterone in aqueous solution. The maximum extinction was found to be a t 249 mp with a molecular extinction coefficient of 15,800. In order t o determine the shift of water t o the albumin side, a sample of 0.96 g. albumin per 100 ml. was dialyzed against water and against itself for 24 hoursat 37.5'. A oneto-eleven dilution was read at 249 mp. The O.D. of the undialyzed solution read 0.271, the phase dialyzed against water read 0.288 and the phase dialyzed against itself read 0.286. There is no significant dilution of the albumin concentration. The difference between the dialyzed and undialyzed samples is the membrane blank. Since crystalline bovine serum albumin contains approximately 1 mole fatty acid per mole alburnin,'0 it was necessary to establish that this compound or any others that may be adsorbed by the albumin did not dialyze through the membrane and affect the distribution of testosterone in the aqueous phase. B solubilitv determination of testosterone was made in the aqueous phase which had been dialyzed against a n albumin solution for 24 hours. The conditions' were those mole/liter which previously gave a solubility of 1.26 X in water. At 70 hours equilibration, the results for the aqueous phase of the dialysate were 1.20 X 1 0 - 4 a t PH 5.3 a t PH 7.4. and 1.10 X The results of the dialysis experiments are given in Table

In experiment 5 solubility is approached from supersaturation. The high solubility value is not attained. The m.p. of the solid phase which crystallized out was 154.0-151.2'. On heating this residue to 150' and equilibrating with new solvent, the high value of 1.81 is obtained. The unheated residue gave a value of 1.40. Experiments e and 7 demonstrate that with only gentle stirring the equilibrium value is approached with time.

TABLE I1 THE SOLUBILITY O F TESTOSTEROVE I N WATER A T 37.5" (0) Refers to testoiterone previously used'; ( t i ) refers to new batch of testosterone; V indicates vigorous agitation with mechanical shaker; G indicates gentle agitation bv slow rotation; N indicates no agitation h k per 100 Expt. ml. 1 35(0)


2 . lD(0)




(10) E J C o h n , 69, 1771 11447)


I,. Hiipheq, J r , and J H weare, THISJ O U R N A L ,



Pretreatment of srrlrite and snlvent


None Viltrate of nhove New solvent with ahovr residue

tion time in hr. 04V 7G 175G 1 R2V


Solution a t 80-90' New solvent with ahove residue Solid phase heated t o l i n ' plus new solvent Filtrate of above, seeded Hit11 in)




Solution at 80-'100

7 . 0 ( n ) Solution a t 80-90'


hilit).. mole/l.

X 104 1.23

1.76 1

. *so

1.38 1.80

24 in2 270 305

1.62 I .47 1.3; 1.33

4G 5 237iY 4,;3 220 '46


77 %(n)


Solubility in Water.-The experiments are recorded in Table 11. Experiment 1 was a repetition of the original equilibration conditions,' using the original testosterone, m.p. 153.7-154.2", but assaying by ultraviolet extinction instead of by the Zimmermann reaction. T h e agreement 1.23 X 1 0 - 4 mole/l. v s . 1.26 X 10-4 mole/l. is excellent Experiment 2 shows that the original testosterone has a higher solubility on a short equilibration period with gentle stirring, but the low solubility is approached with time and vigorous shaking. The other experiments are with a new batch of testosterone, m.u. 153.4-154.2". The results of experiment 3 are much liki those of experiment 2. Experiment 4 shows that the high solubility is reached in about 5 hours and that the filtrate remains supersaturated. The insoluble residue does not give the high solubility value.


solute .~ ~~~~

I .nn 2.05 2 n4 1.21 1.5!) 1.34

li4G 1q2 110

1.44 1 43

l(l4 21

1 81 1 82


1 4n

1 83


I ..x

456 023 48G 312

1.45 1.32

2.24 1.31

In order to demonstrate t h a t the high solubility values for testosterone obtained under certain conditions were not due to a n impurity or to a hydrated or enol form, the followinn exDeriment was Derformed. %or&-nine mg. of testosterone with 250 mI. of water was equilihrated for 4 hours in a 37.5" h i t h with gentle stirring.

T h e optical density of a filtrate was scanned in the range 226 ( 0 27.1 n i p : t1ie nnlv peak w:w foutid a t -319 m p . 210 nil. of the filtrate was evaporated to dryness in a weighed .500 ml. florence flask, hy hoiling a t atmospheric pressure and finally drying over CaC12 a t atmospheric pressure and room temperature. A similar control flask with 240 ml. of water was carried through all operations as a tare. The weight of the testosterone was ascertained. The flasks were then heated t o 98' for 20 hours with no change in weight of testosterone. The extinction coefficient by this method was 15,400 and the concentration in the original filtrate 2.02 X lo-* mole/. The m.p. of this residue was 152.6-153.2'. There is no evidence from these data that the higher solubility was due t o an impurity. The or ~I~8~-eriol forms are definitely ruled out, as the maxima for these forms would be closer to 270 and 230 mp, respectively. Although the solubility in the water phase as calculated from the distribution coefficient and solubility in albumin exceeds the solubility in water obtained on prolonged equilibration with solid testosterone, the actual concentration obtained experimentally exceeded this lorn solubility only in the experiments performed a t the higher concentration, tliz., with saturated steroid solution. I n order t o establish that the high solubility was not due t o aggregate crystals of testosterone in colloidal solution the following experiment was performed to increase the testosterone concentration in the water phase and test the state of aggregation: A saturated albumin solution containing a suspension of testosterone was equilibrated against water under the usual experimental conditions. After 24 hours equilibration the undiluted water phase and a 1:l dilution were read in the spectrophotometer at 270 mp. The optical densities were 0.692 and 0.343, respectivelv, indicating no aggregation of particles. The concentration of testosterone was 1.67 X mole/. liter in the undiluted water phase or a 3,574 increase over the low water solubility. Colloidal suspensions of testosterone, prepared by adding an ethanol solution of testosterone t o water, did not follow Beer's law on diluting the sample so that solution was complete.

Results The mathematical treatment of the adsorption from solution of a solute by proteins, either in or out of solution, has involved the testing of the goodness of fit to the Freundlich" adsorption isotherm, to derivations of Langmuir,s which take into account the lattice surface structure, and ' t o derivations of Scatchard'? for determining the equilibrium constant for ions bound to points on the protein molecule, the number of such points, and the number of classes of points. Our data are unique in that in addition to the distribution data we have the solubility data for each phase, so that :kccording to the classic distribution coefficient, olir distribution between the two phases should be i n proportion to the solubilities in each phase. Tjrnvided the activity coefficient is 1.0. Since we have the distribution data in each phnse, and the solubility in the alhuniin phxw, the solubility in the water phase I I I : he ~ ~ c : h h t e t l accortlinq to this concept. where S is the solubility and C is the concentration of testosterone in water or albumin solution as indicated by the subscripts. The solubility of testosterone at 37.5' and a t pH 5.3-5.5 in 1.00 g. of albumin per 100 ml. of solution was 5.9 X mole,/l.; at PH 7.4, 0.7 X mole/l. In 0.92 g. of albumin per 100 ml. (11) I€. Freundlich, "kapillarchemie," L e i p i c , 2nd edition, 1922, p. 789 (12) G. Scatchard, I. H Scheinherg and S TI. Armstrong, THIS J O W R N A I . , 111, 535 (1950).

i t was 5.3 X a t pH 5.3. In the treatment of the data the relation 1)etwceii tkstost croiir solul)ilily and albumin Concentration was assumed to be linear over this sinall range. The solubility of testosterone a t 37.5" in 6.2 g. of albumin per 100 ml. is 25 X I O p 4 mole, '1. at pH 5.2. The calcuhtion of solubility in water, &%o, is given in coluniii 7 , Table I , and the agreement is remarkably close. The solubility in H 2 0for values obtained over a twelve-fold concentration of testosterone, a six-fold concentration of albumin and shift of pH from 5.2 to 7.4 varies from 1.83 X mole,& to 2.08 X loF4with a mean value of 1.95 0.025. I t should be noted that this solubility value is considerably higher than the value obtained on equilibrating water and testosterone until an equilibrium value is obtained.' The qgreement of the distribution data is also good 'when the exponential constant n in the Freundlich equation is equal t o 1.0. The value which deviates most is the one for the low concentration of testosterone, in which range the experimental error approaches the deviation. Grollman7 found the equation to be a good approximation in the study of phenol red adsorption by blood proteins when n was 1. In our experiments the influence of pH is noted, k depending upon the PH.


X / m = kP1"

where X/mis millimoles testosterone adsorbed per g. of albumin and C is concentration testosterone in millimoles per liter in the water phase a t equilibrium. I/k for this equation is given in column S, Table I, with n equal to 1. Ji'hen n is 1 in the Freundlich equation the amount adsorbed is proportional to the concentration in the aqueous phase. Langmuirs has pointed out that the Freundlich constant n approaches 1 a t low concentrations and that the Langmuir equation for simple adsorption approaches the Freundlich equation under these conditions. The general Scatchard equation isI2

The above equation simplifies to >/(A) = k




under our evperimental conditions because (1 the activity coeficient of testosterone' is 1.0, ( 2 ) ZA is zero because testosterone is not ionized, and ( 3 ) there is only one class of points on the albumin molecule, since ;/(A) is a constant over the range of our experimental concentrations (see Table I ) . Since o/(A) is constant giving a curve parallel t o the abscissa when plotted against D, n, the number of adsorbing points, must he large in relation tq the maximum ii observed ( 3 moles testosterone,' mole albumin, pH 5.3, 4 moles testosterone/mole albumin, pH 7.4, both a t saturation). This result is not unique. JVe have taken the liberty to plot data obtained by Klotz and Ayers13 for the distribution of p-aminoambenzene and chrysoidin between crystalline bovine serum albumin solution and aqueous buffers. At pH 9.2, 0' in glycinate huffer p-aminoazobenzene gives a curve similar to ( 1 ' 3 ) I ht Klotz and J Ayers, i b i d , 74,

GI78 ( 1 S i Z ) .

April 5, 1954


the one obtained by us for testosterone. Any adsorption data for proteins, which follow the Freundlich isotherm, when n = 1, and the simple Langmuir equation, would give this result with the Scatchard treatment. The conclusion therefore to be reached is that in the case of a neutral molecule like testosterone the adsorption by albumin is quite non-specific. A summary of our solubility studies indicates that testosterone added to water and equilibrated for a comparatively short period of time produces a supersaturated solution ; the maximum amount is dissolved in about 5 hours. After this peak there is a slow fall to the solubility value, 1.26 X mole/l., provided some solid phase is present. If no solid phase is present solutions as concentrated as 2.05 X lov4mole/l. can be maintained without crystallization for weeks. If the solvent is changed after 5 hours of equilibration, the residue does not again produce a supersaturated solution. Heating the residue to slightly below the melting point restores the form of material required to produce a supersaturated solution. According to the Gibbs concept of solubility, solubility is dependent on particle size and the energy of the solvent-solute interface; the final equilibrium is attained with a single large crystal. l 4 A number of observations in our experiments would support this hypothesis as an explanation of the dual solubility values obtained: (1) The smaller (14) E . J. Cohn a n d J. T. Edsall, “Proteins, Amino Acids a n d Peptides,”Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, N. Y., 1943, p. 51.



particles would dissolve rapidly giving an initial high solubility; (2) the residue consisting of larger particles would give the lower equilibrium value; (3) heating crystals, which gave the lower solubility, shatters them and produces a product giving the high solubility; and (4) the high solubility in the water phase of the dialysis experiments, in which the solid phase size may be looked upon as the albumin molecule upon which the testosterone is adsorbed. Attractive as these arguments may appear, actual measurement of particle size by microscopic examination showed particles of from 1 to 10 microns in the low solubility solute, as well as in the high. A quantitative estimate of the distribution of particle size was not made, so that the Gibbs theorem cannot be completely ruled out. The only other explanation would be the existence of polymorphous forms of testosterone. In either case, regardless of the interpretation, the albumin increases the fugacity of testosterone in the water phase, a phenomenon which may have biologic implications. Acknowledgments.-We are indebted to the Schering Corporation for the highly purified batches of testosterone used in these studies. This investigation was supported in part by research grants from the Donner Foundation, Incorporated, Cancer Division and the National Cancer Institute, of the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, C 1176. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA


Molecular Structures of fuans-1,2-Dihalocyclohexanes BY KUNIOKOZIMA, KIYOSHISAKASHITA AND SHIROIIIABDA RECEIVED AUGUST14. 1953 An investigation of dipole moments and Raman spectra of the addition products of chlorine or bromine t o cyclohexene leads to the following conclusions: (1) the compounds are trans-1,2-dihalocyclohexanes;(2) their solutions or melts contain the two inverted isomers ( l p , 2p)*( le, 2e) in a dynamic equilibrium; (3) the structure ( l e , 2e) is more stable in dilute benzene solution than in dilute heptane or carbon tetrachloride solution; and (4)in the solid state the dichloro derivative exists only in the (le, 2e) form, but the dibromo derivative exists only in the ( l p , 2p) form. The potential energy differences of both structures were estimated for various dilute solutions of trans-1.2-dichlorocyclohexane and of trans-l,2-dibromocyclohexane.

The possible existence of cis-trans isomers of 1,2- of the carbon atoms of the cyclohexane ring maindihalocyclohexanes which has been assumed for tain their normal value. These two stable strainseveral decades by organic chemists has in recent less structures, the “inverted isomer^"^ of the years also been suggested on the basis of structural trans-l,2-dihalocyclohexanes,are represented by considerations of the cyclohexane ring of D3d the symbols (lp, 2p) and (le, 2e) and should be in symmetry. dynamic equilibrium, provided the energy differOnly one isomer, however, is obtained by adding ence between the inverted isomers is not too large. chlorine or bromine to cyclohexene. The com- For the cis-1,2-dihalocyclohexanesthe two stable pound prepared from bromine and cyclohexene is strainless structures (le, 2p) and ( l p , 2e) are idenaccording to Rothsteinl the cis isomer, while tical and therefore only one isomer can be expected. according to Mousseron and Granger2 the addition This difference between cis and trans isomers, in of chlorine or bromine to cyclohexene leads to the connection with measurements of Raman spectra and dipole moments, has enabled us to determine trans isomer. It is highly probable that the trans-1,2-dihalo whether the actual compounds are cis or trany isomers, and to study the equilibrium of the inderivatives, like the trans-l,4-dihalocy~lohexanes,~ possess two structures in which the valency angles verted isomers in solution. Recently, Rnc;tixnsrn and Hasse14concluded from (1) B. Rothslein, A n n . c h i m . , 14, 401 (1930). (2) M. Mousseron a n d R. Granger, Comfit.r e n d . . 206, 327 (1937). (3) K . Kozima and T. I’osliino, Tlirs J O U R N A I . , 76, 106 (1953).

(4) 0. Bastiansen a n d 0. Iiassel, T d s Kjftiw, Berguescn M e t , 8 , Ob (1046).