The Effect of Concentration of Chrome Liquor upon the Adsorption of

impossible to filter in the 30 min. pre- scribed by the method, so that the action of the alkali continued in some cases for 8 or 10 hrs. This difficu...
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Jan., 1921


the unhydrolyzed sawdust, except in one or two cases where the filtration was slow, owing t o the porosity of t h e crucible. T h e results in Table V were obtained using the original untreated sawdust. TABLE V-PER

CENT a-,8-, A N D

?-CELLULOSE IN CELLULOSE PROM ORIGINAL WHITE PINESAWDUST Cellulose Sample Obtained from a-Cellulose @-Cellulose 7-Cellulose Unhydrolyzed dust through 80-100 mesh... 57.36 19.61 23.03 Mixing cellulose obtained from unhydrolyzed sawdust, 80-100 mesh, and unhydrolyzed sawdust through 55.85 lOO-mesh, respectively. ., , 29.42 14.75


..... ...

I n the case of cellulose obtained from the hydrolyzed wood, considerable difficulty was encountered, owing t o its character after treatment with the alkali. I n all cases i t was impossible t o filter in the 3 0 min. prescribed by the method, so t h a t the action of the alkali continued in some cases for 8 or I O hrs. This difficulty could not be overcome, and no definite analysis could be made. The cellulose, upon treatment with alkali ( 1 7 . 5 per cent), became semitransparent and had the appearance of collodion. T h a t portion t h a t could be drawn through the crucible reprecipitated upon mild dilution with water. This precipitate coagulated upon warming, and i t behaved and looked very much like the usual pcellulose. The coagulated precipitate was filtered on a n alundum crucible with suction, and the filtrate acidified with strong acetic acid, with the result t h a t no further precipitate was obtained. Because of the difficulties outlined above, no analytical data on the CY-, p-, and 7-cellulose from the cellulose from hydrolyzed wood are contained in this paper. It is hoped t h a t further investigations mill clarify this point. I n one case the alkali-treated cellulose from hydrolyzed wood was strongly diluted with water. The fine white precipitate was warmed, and the coagulated material filtered, washed, and dried. It had the semitransparent appearance of dried collodion and amounted t o 96 per cent of t h e original sample. Because of its peculiar properties i t is apparently a product intermediate between a- and P-cellulose. Since i t is partially soluble in alkali i t may be concluded t h a t it is more easily digested in t h e alkaline intestinal tract t h a n the true a-cellulose, especially in t h e presence of enzymes present in the intestines. METHOD F O R C R U D E FIBER D E T E R M I N A T I O S

The crude fiber was determined b y the method outlined in Bureau of Chemistry Bulletin 107, page j 6 , with minor modifications. I t is briefly as follows: Two grams of the sample are extracted with ether for 4 or The excess of ether is removed by suction and the material dried t o constant weight. It is then treated with z o o cc. of boiling 1.25 per cent sulfuric acid, and boiled under a reflux condenser for 30 min. After filtering with suction on an alundum crucible it is washed with hot water and treated with z o o cc. of boiling 1.25 per cent sodium hydroxide solution. After boiling for another 30 min. under a reflux condenser it is rapidly filtered with suction through an alundum crucible and washed with hot water until free from alkali. After drying to constant weight it is incinerated in an electric muffle a t 700' to 800' C. The loss on incineration is considered t o be crude fiber. 5 hrs. in a Soxhlet extractor.

6j .

I t is interesting t o note t h a t the crude fiber has been reduced from 14 t o 1 5 per cent. Another interesting feature is the fact t h a t the sum of the cellulose and lignin is greater t h a n the quantity of crude fiber. This indicates t h a t a t least a portion of either t h e cellulose or lignin, or perhaps some of each, is removedl b y successive treatments with dilute acid and alkali.

sU M MA R Y I-A method for the preparation of a stock food from white pine sawdust is described. n-Leaching experiments carried out on the digested dust indicate t h a t five complete washings with a quantity of water equivalent t o the weight of t h e wood are necessary t o remove the sulfuric acid. The sugars were found t o leach with somewhat more difficulty t h a n the acid. 3-It is pointed out t h a t the sugars contained in the moist product are not appreciably affected by drying a t temperatures ranging from 7 j 0 t o 8 5 ' C. While some decrease is noted in total reducing sugars, the loss is apparently due t o the removal of volatile reducing substances. 4-A complete analysis is given for eastern white pine sawdust, and for the product obtained from the same after digesting with dilute acid under pressure. Attention is directed t o the changes resulting from this treatment. 5-The cellulose obtained from the digested wood differs from t h a t from the original wood in its behavior toward alkali. I n the former practically all of the cellulose is converted into a viscous semitransparent mass by 1 7 . j per cent sodium hydroxide, while in the latter over 50 per cent is unaffected. T H E EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION OF CHROME LIQUOR UPON T H E ADSORPTION O F ITS CONSTITUENTS BY HIDE SUBSTANCE' By Arthur W. Thomas and Margaret W. Kelly CHBMICAL LABORATORIES, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORE. N. Y .

The concentration factor in the combination of hide substance with chromic oxide and sulfuric acid in chrome liquor has previously been reported by Miss M. E. Baldwim2 She studied the adsorption from various liquors containing 0.038 t o 6.640 g. of chromic oxide per I O O cc. of liquor, and found t h a t the adsorption reached a maximum a t concentrations of 1.5 t o 2.0 g. of chromic oxide per I O O cc., beyond which concentration the adsorption by the hide substance decreased. Results obtained by J. A. Wilson and E. A. Galluns in their investigation of the retardation of chrome tanning by neutral salts, led them t o believe t h a t , had Miss Baldwin's liquors been carried t o higher concentrations (to about 1 2 g. of chromic oxide per I O O cc.), a minimum point might have been obtained beyond which increasing concentration would have caused 1 Presented before the Leather Chemistry Division a t the 60th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Ill., September 6 t o 10, 1920. 2 J . Am. Leather Chem. Assoc.. 14 (19191, 433. s I b i d . , 15 (1920). 273.




greater fixation of chrome. The experiments reported in this paper were conducted t o test this assumption.


The various diluted liquors in 200-cc. portions were poured into bottles containing 5.766 g. of hide powder, equal t o 5 g. of dry hide powder. Another portion of each solution was set aside and at t h e expiration of 48 hrs. t h e Hf-ion concentration of t h e solutions was determined. The bottles were shaken a t intervals, and a t the end of 48 hrs. filtered off by suction. The filtrates were set aside for analysis (the Hf-ion concentrations determined immediately), and the chromed hide powders, washed free of adhering liquor, were air-dried. The methods of analysis were t h e same as those reported by us in our earlier communications.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


The hide powder was American Standard (1918) of the same lot as used and analyzed by US.^ The chrome liquor contained 2 0 2 g. of chromic oxide per liter. It was practically identical t o t h a t used by Miss Baldwin. Eleven 200-cc. portions of chrome liquor of various dilutions were made up from this stock liquor.

Vol. 1 3 NQ. ~ I

0,0096 0.0510 0 4464 1,2586 2.8577 4.7587 7.4350 10.0215 12.5820 15.4000

The H+-ion concentrations of the filtrates and of the liquors (after 48 hrs.’ standing) are t o be found in Table I11 and charted in Fig. I . Those values which are considered unreliable are in parentheses. I n some of t h e concentrated liquors we had difficulty in measuring t h e H+-ion concentrations. The values obtained show removal of hydrogen ion from the liquors up t o the solution of concentration of 7.4 g. chromic oxide per I O O cc., beyond which t h e curves join and run along together, indicating t h a t if hydrogen ion was removed t h e buffer action of the chromic sulfate could take care of it. The solution which gave the maximum adsorption of chrome in two days showed a Hf-ion concentration of 0.00056 mole per liter, which checks Miss Baldwin’s experience, where the maximum adsorption of chrome in two days was found t o be from a solution of 0.0005 t o 0.0006 mole per liter concentration of hydrogen ion. TABLE 111-HYDROGEN-IONCONCENTRATIONS O F SOLUTIONS Filtrate from Liquor ia Liquor after Standing Contact with Hide Powder 48 Hrs. for 48 Hrs. Mole Der Liter of H + Mole Der Liter of H + Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.00029 0.00039 (0.00060) 0.00056 0.00115 (0.00182) 0.00204 (0.00214) 0,003 16 (0.00661)



..... 1

I I. .

We have not been successful in measuring the Hf-ion concenttatlsns in such strong liquors. 1

Table I V and Fig. z show t h e adsorption of chromic oxide and sulfuric acid calculated t o t h e basis of one gram of dry hide substance.


The moisture was determined in each portion of t h e chromed hide powders and all other figures calculated to the water-free basis. The results are given in Table I. TABLEI-COMPOSITION


G. CrzOa per 100 c c . of Liquor before Adsorption



Number 1


2 3 4

Protein Per cent

CrzOz Per cent 1.30 7.86 10.58 10.85 10.25 9.36 7.85 5.92 3.86 2.35 2.10

SOs Per cent

Ash Per cent 1.59 8.84 11.82 12.12 11.23 10.09 8.62 6.50 4.89 3.82 2.45

The analyses of t h e filtrates are given in Table 11. An aliquot part was taken in each case, t h e chromic oxide in i t determined and calculated t o t h e basis of roo cc. of liquor, assuming, erroneously, t h a t no water had been adsorbed by the hide-the common practice in calculations of adsorption. 1


J . A m . Leather Chcm. Assoc., 16 (1920), 487.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

O F CHROMIC OXIDE AND SULFURIC ACID A D S O R B E D ONE GRAMO F DRYHIDE SUBSTANCE Mg. CrzOa----Mg. So3 From Analysis From Analysis From Analysis of Powder of Liquor of Powder


13.2 94.1 138.3 143.1 130.9 116.9 93.7 69.9 43.1 26.0 23.1

10.7 (94.8) 131.0 117.6 91 .O 19.5 -51.2 -118.0 -162.6 -258.4


11.0 71.8 106.9 114.4 113.5 103. I 86.1 72.3 57.9 49.5 (32.0)

Solutions 3 and 4 showed t h e optimum concentration for a a-day reaction with hide powder. The chromed hide substance formed indicates a tetrachrome collagen, based on the equivalent weight of collagen as 7 5 0 , as suggested by Wilson.1 This again checks Miss Baldwin’s results quite closely. The values based on analysis of t h e liquors, from which t h e adsorption of water was ignored, show lower values throughout, and from Solutions 7 60 1 1 1

J . Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 12 (1917). 108.

Jan., 1 9 2 1


negative values are obtained, owing to t h e liquors becoming more concentrated than they were originally, on account of the collagen abstracting water from them. 150

I20 90


8" 4


$ 0

& -30


4 -60

* -90 &

.' \8

concenffafion of Lipwin Grams PIG.

cr203 per Liter


We would state our belief, based upon our experience as presented in this alid earlier papers, t h a t t h e reaction between chromic sulfate solutions and hide substance is chemical and not physical, as contended by A. W. Davison.1 If the adsorption were a simple physical process, i. e., merely a partition of t h e chromic oxide and sulfuric acid between t h e solid hide substance phase and the solution phase, t h e curve should follow Freundlich's adaptation of Henry's law: CI = KCzn, which is parabolic in shape; whereas Miss Baldwin's and our experiments show t h a t in a 2-day adsorption the curve begins t o slope steeply downward after t h e concentration of t h e liquor exceeds approximately 16 g. of chromic oxide per liter in a solution of the composition of Cr(OH)S04, and reaches a minimum when the concentration of chromic oxide is 147.5 g. per liter, this minimum being maintained at a concentration of 2 0 2 g. per liter. This minimum confirms the prediction of Wilson and Gallun in part. The most concentrated chrome liquor which we used was very thick and about as concentrated as is possible t o handle; and therefore, we do not find i t possible t o test further their prediction t h a t increasing concentrations beyond this minimum would cause greater fixation of chrome. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Acknowledgment is made of Mr. S. B. Foster's assistance in t h e analytical work. We wish t o express our great appreciation of the generous support of RIessrs. A. F. Gallun and Sons Company in this investigation. J A m Leather Chem. A s s o c , 12 (1917). 2 5 8



One of the early patentsZ for the use of synthetic nitrogenous organic substances in the vulcanization of rubber refers t o t h e dissociation constant of I X 1 0 - 8 as the dividing line between accelerating and nonaccelerating bases. On the other hand, Peacheys has pointed out t h a t certain other substances which are not basic, or but slightly so, are also exceedingly active as accelerators. The number of examples i n this class, however, is relatively small. I n the course of the experimental work described i n . this paper we have made a comparison of t h e sulfur coefficients of a type mixture vulcanized with the assistance of a number of accelerators closely related t o aniline and for which the dissociation constants are known. We have also employed the hydrochlorides of two of these substances, relatively weak and strong bases, in order t o observe t h e effect of the acid portion during t h e vulcanization. The results obtained and the conclusions drawn led us t o employ t h e sulfides of ammonia as accelerators and vulcanizing agents. Briefly summarizing these results, i t was found t h a t with t h e substances tested there was apparently no direct relationship between their dissociation constants and their excess sulfur coefficients or physical properties after vulcanization. I n a closely related series, such as aniline and its methyl derivatives, t h e substance with the largest dissociation constant was found t o be t h e most active. However, t h e relative activities of t h e members of this series were not proportional t o their dissociation constants. Generally speaking, the activity of all of the substances could be traced t o the amino group, and depended t o a large extent upon whether or not substitution had taken place in this group. I n this respect, they should probably be regarded as substituted ammonias, rather than as the more complex derivatives of other substances. One effect of t h e basicity of two of the substances, methylaniline and +-toluidine, was determined with t h e hydrochlorides of these two substances. Our results showed t h a t with substances of this type, t h e first effect of the base is t o neutralize the retarding action of the acid formed in the decomposition of t h e salt during vulcanization. We had previously suggested this in a footnote in a former paper.4 We also found t h a t when the acid liberated in t h e decomposition of such a salt is neutralized by other substances in t h e mixture, the activity of the hydrochloride is very close t o t h a t of t h e free base. These results are of particular interest, as Van Heurns has shown t h a t , whereas ammonium carbonate is moderately active as an accelerator in a mixture of rubber and sulfur, 1 Presented before the Rubber Division at the 60th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Ill., September 6 to 10, 1920. D. R. P. 280,198 (1914). 3 J . Soc. Chem. Ind., 36 (1917), 950. 4 Chem. b Met. Eng , LO (1919), 420. 6 Comm. of the Netherlands Government for Advising the Rubber Trade and Industry, Part 6 , 202
