The Effect of Economic Growth, Urbanization, and Industrialization on

Oct 6, 2016 - Rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization in China have led to extremely severe air pollution that causes increasing ne...
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Policy Analysis

The effect of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in China Guangdong Li, Chuanglin Fang, Shaojian Wang, and Siao Sun Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02562 • Publication Date (Web): 06 Oct 2016 Downloaded from on October 7, 2016

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Environmental Science & Technology

The effect of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in China Guangdong Li1, Chuanglin Fang1*, Shaojian Wang2*, Siao Sun1 1. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 11A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China 2. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Geo-simulation, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

Corresponding author: Chuanglin Fang, Shaojian Wang E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. TEL: +86-01064889101


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The effect of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in China

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Abstract: Rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization in China has led to extremely severe air


pollution that causes increasing negative effects on human health, visibility, and climate change. However, the


influence mechanisms of these anthropogenic factors on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations are poorly


understood. In this study, we combined panel data and econometric methods to investigate the main anthropogenic


factors that contribute to increasing PM2.5 concentrations in China at the prefecture level from 1999 to 2011. The


results showed that PM2.5 concentrations and three anthropogenic factors were cointegrated. The panel Fully


Modified Least Squares and panel Granger causality test results indicated economic growth, industrialization, and


urbanization increases PM2.5 concentrations in the long run. The results implied that if China persists in its current


development pattern, economic growth, industrialization and urbanization will inevitably lead to increased PM2.5


emissions in the long term. Industrialization was the principal factor that affected PM2.5 concentrations for the total


panel, the industry-oriented panel and the service-oriented panel. PM2.5 concentrations can be reduced at the cost of


short-term economic growth and industrialization. However, reducing the urbanization level is not an efficient way


to decrease PM2.5 pollutions in the short term. The findings also suggest that a rapid reduction of PM2.5


concentrations relying solely on adjusting these anthropogenic factors is difficult in a short term for the heavily


PM2.5-polluted panel. Moreover, the Chinese government will have to seek much broader policies that favor a


decoupling of these coupling relationships.

20 21



China’s rapid economic growth and urbanization since its reform and opening up has not only increased


comprehensive national power and residents’ living standards but also triggered severe ecological problems and


environmental pollution,1, 2 especially atmospheric pollution, which has recently attracted broad attention.3, 4 Fine


particulate matter (PM2.5 – particles with an aerodynamic diameter that is not larger than 2.5 µm) has been reported


as a major pollutant that threatens human health, decreases visibility, and affects the regional and global climate.5, 6


In response to severe and persistent PM2.5 pollution, the Chinese State Council declared a goal to reduce PM2.5


concentrations by 25% by 2017, relative to the 2012 level.7 To achieve this ambitious goal, an exploration of the 2

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impact of anthropogenic factors (particularly rapid economic growth, urbanization and industrialization) on PM2.5


is a prerequisite.8, 9 However, few studies have quantitatively investigated the influence mechanisms of economic


growth, urbanization, and industrialization on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations, which means that the


dynamic relationship between these variables in China are poorly understood.10 This information is particularly


important for China’s decision-makers to make policies to control air pollution and to make decisions on the


tradeoff between development and conservation.


A shortage of long-term and large-scale PM2.5 pollution data (monitoring networks have not been consistently


established in most developing countries) has also resulted in a lack of a full understanding of these complex


relationships. Estimating long-term PM2.5 concentrations through remote sensing is a feasible method to address the


problem.11 By combining satellite derived PM2.5 concentrations data and socioeconomic data, we developed a


long-term panel data from 1999 to 2011. To address heterogeneity, we divided this panel into five sub-panels based


on the industrial development level and PM2.5 pollution level of all Chinese prefecture-level cities. A set of


complete econometrics methods including the panel unit root test, the Pedroni cointegration test, the panel Fully


Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) test, the panel Granger causality test, variance decomposition and impulse


response were utilized to quantitatively examine the impact of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization


on PM2.5 concentrations over the short and long term and trends and magnitudes for the five panels.




China has 337 relatively stable prefecture-level cities (a scale smaller than province but larger than county) and


was used in this paper as the unit of analysis to identify the impact of GDP (gross domestic product) per capita,


industrialization, and urbanization on PM2.5 concentrations. These cities can be used to characterize different


conditions and the regional variation of the PM2.5 concentrations in China at the prefecture level, and sufficient


socioeconomic data exists to support our study at the prefecture level (see Supporting Information Figure S1 for the


spatial units in our analysis; Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao are not included in the analyses). Based on this


spatial unit we empirically developed a panel data (panel data are data where multiple cases were observed at two


or more time periods) at the prefecture-level over the period of 1999 to 2011.


The ground-level PM2.5 concentrations used in our study were estimated by combining the data that were


retrieved from the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)


products of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Multi-angle Imaging


SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instruments with an aerosol vertical profile and scattering properties that were


simulated by the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model.11, 12 The global PM2.5 concentrations dataset contains data


for the medium- to long-term average PM2.5 concentrations (with three-year moving averages from 1999 to 2011)


with an approximate 10 km resolution.11 The validation results indicated that the satellite-derived estimates were


generally consistent to the ground-based measurements in China (r = 0.798; slope = 0.849; n = 121, see Supporting


Information Figure S2).11 Thus, this dataset can be applied to the analysis of the dynamics of PM2.5 concentrations


in large regional studies.11 This dataset can be download from the Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group


( In this study, we utilized a subset of the global PM2.5 3

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concentrations dataset that contained China’s prefecture-level cities from 1999 to 2011 (see Supporting Information


Figure S3).


The panel data of economic growth, urbanization and industrialization were derived from the China City


Statistical Yearbook and Chinese Regional Economy Statistical Yearbook for 337 prefecture-level cities.13, 14 We


used the change in GDP per capita as an indicator to quantify economic growth. All GDP per capita data were


converted to constant prices. Urbanization was measured by the proportion of the permanent population of an urban


area to the total population. We used the share of industry value-added of GDP to characterize industrialization.


The panel data were logarithmically transformed (natural logarithms) to reduce the heteroscedasticity to obtain a


stationary panel before applied to empirical tests.


Because the pace of development and the characteristics of various spatial units across China were different, the


impact of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization on PM2.5 concentrations across China may be


heterogeneous. Therefore, it can be helpful to group the prefecture-level cities into several categories and analyze


them separately to provide greater insight. We therefore grouped our total panel (panel C) into four sub-panels


including agriculture-oriented (panel I1), industry-oriented (panel I2), service-oriented (panel I3) and heavily


PM2.5-polluted (panel H) panels (see Supporting Information Table S1-4 for more detailed information).


The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of economic growth, urbanization, and


industrialization on PM2.5 concentrations, in China. To realize this goal, a panel data model was used. The


long-term relationship between PM2.5 concentrations, GDP per capita, industrialization and urbanization was


formulated as follows:


LNPM 2.5it =α + β1 LNGDPPCit + β 2 LN URBAN it + β 3 LN INDit + ε it


where LNPPM2.5 is the natural logarithm of PM2.5 concentrations, LNGDPPC is the natural logarithm of GDP per


capita, LNURBAN is the natural logarithm of urbanization and LNIND is the natural logarithm of industrialization,


i=1, …, N for each prefecture-level city in the panel, t=1, …, T refers to the time period, α is constant, β1, β2, and β3


are long-term elasticity estimates of GDP per capita, urbanization and industrialization, respectively, and εit is error





Here we used panel Granger causality to examine relationships between PM2.5 concentrations and other factors.


Variable X is said to be the Granger cause of Y if at time t, Yt+l is better predicted by using past values of X than by


not doing so (or X should help improving the prediction of Y).15 The estimation procedure included five steps (see


Supporting Information Text S1 for the detailed description):

94 95

(1) Two types of panel unit root tests from Levin, Lin & Chu t (LLC)16 and Im, Pesaran and Shin W-stat (IPS)17 were used to test whether our variables were stationary at the level or at the first difference.


(2) The Pedroni cointegration test was applied to explore whether there was any long-term relationship between


PM2.5 concentrations, economic growth, urbanization and industrialization. Pedroni conducted a series of tests for


panel cointegration and included two alternative hypotheses types, namely, the homogeneous alternative and the


heterogeneous alternative.18


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(3) For the Panel Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) estimates, if the four variables were cointegrated, the


Panel FMOLS regression19 can be utilized to estimate whether LNGDPPC, LNIND and LNURBAN (independent


variables) had a positive or negative long-term relationship with LNPM2.5 (dependent variable).


(4) For the Panel Granger causality test, if the variables were cointegrated, the Vector Error-Correction Model


(VECM) was employed to investigate the short- and long-term bidirectional or unidirectional Granger causality


between the variables.20 According to the general VECM model, short-term Granger causality, also referred as


“weak Granger causality”, “short-term fluctuations” or “short-term disequilibrium”, usually concerns a period of


1-2 years according to relevant lags selected in the test, whereas long-term Granger causality, also referred as


“long-term equilibrium relationship”, concerns the whole study period from 1999-2011 in this test. However, if the


variables were not cointegrated, the Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) was utilized to identify the short-term


Granger causality.


(5) As the panel Granger causality tests indicated only the causality among the variables, we employed the


variance decomposition method to capture the amount of information that each variable contributed to the other


variables in the autoregression.21 We also used an impulse response function to examine the response of one


variable to an impulse in the other variables.22




Panel unit root test results. The panel unit root test was applied to the natural logarithm of the four variables,


PM2.5 concentrations, GDP per capita, industrialization and urbanization, in two models (intercept alone and


intercept and trend) to test the stationarity of the variables. Table 1 reports the Levin, Lin & Chu t (LLC) and Im,


Pesaran and Shin W-stat (IPS) test results, which indicate that at levels not all of the variables were stationary.


However, four variables were stationary at the first difference. Thus, the null hypothesis can be rejected at the 1%


level of significance, which indicates that the four variables contained a panel unit root. Supporting Information


Table S5 shows the results for the four sub-panels, all of which contain a panel unit root.


Table 1. Panel unit root test results of variables for panel C. Level First difference Intercept Intercept and trend Intercept Intercept and trend Levin, Lin & Chu t LNPM2.5 -36.8901*** -12.8776*** -40.1577*** -43.3925*** LNGDPPC 7.9962 -34.4917*** -34.2228*** -24.3503*** LNURBAN -2434.59*** -2566.27*** -2580.75*** -47.5252*** *** *** *** LNIND -24.6527 -20.835 -17.8525 -18.1678*** Im, Pesaran and Shin W-stat LNPM2.5 -18.9786*** 9.853 -19.3127*** -23.9887*** *** *** LNGDPPC 33.5389 -14.4999 -18.014 -3.4653*** LNURBAN -162.689*** -75.4164*** -195.06*** -16.289*** *** *** LNIND -0.1877 -5.6757 -10.743 -1.7616** Notes: The panel unit root tests with intercept and trend are carried independently; the optimal lag lengths are obtained automatically with the Schwarz information criteria (SIC). *** Indicates significance at 1% level. Variable

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Pedroni cointegration test results. Because the variables were stationary at the first difference, the Pedroni


cointegration test was used. The results of the Pedroni cointegration test for the panel C data are given in Table 2.


The results reveal that ten statistics were significant for rejecting the null hypothesis of no cointegration, which


shows the existence of a long-term relationship between the independent variables, economic growth,


industrialization and urbanization, and the dependent variable PM2.5 concentrations, in China. Supporting


Information Table S6 also indicates the same result for the four sub-panels.


Table 2. Pedroni cointegration test results for panel C.

135 136 137

Alternative hypothesis: common AR coefs. (within-dimension) Statistic Panel v-Statistic -0.3908 Panel rho-Statistic 8.3586 Panel PP-Statistic -11.0098 Panel ADF-Statistic -20.6232 Panel v-Statistic (Weighted statistic) -6.4642 Panel rho-Statistic (Weighted statistic) 9.5352 Panel PP-Statistic (Weighted statistic) -16.6866 Panel ADF-Statistic (Weighted statistic) -28.8429 Alternative hypothesis: individual AR coefs. (between-dimension) Group rho-Statistic 16.9664 Group PP-Statistic -24.4278 Group ADF-Statistic -32.2108 Note: we use the automatic selection based on Schwarz to choose the optimal lag length.

Prob. 0.6520 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

The Panel Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) test results. Giving that the variables were cointegrated,


the panel FMOLS was employed based on equation (1), and the results are presented in Table 3. All of the panels


showed that economic growth, industrialization and urbanization had a positive long-term relationship with PM2.5


concentrations. This result is the most important finding in this test. It suggests that an increase in economic growth,


industrialization and urbanization will increase PM2.5 concentrations in the long term in China for these


prefecture-level cities. A 1% increase in the GDP per capita, industrialization and urbanization will increase PM2.5


concentrations by 0.12%, 0.12% and 0.20% respectively, for panel C; 0.11%, 0.15% and 0.17% for panel I1; 0.16%,


0.26% and 0.21% for panel I2; 0.09%, 0.12% and 0.55% for panel I3; and 0.15%, 0.49% and 0.27% for panel H. A


trend was evident for the effect of LNIND on LNPM2.5; specifically, the heavily PM2.5-polluted panel had the


strongest effect, which was closely followed by panels I2, I1 and I3. For panels I2 and H, the effects of economic


growth on LNPM2.5 were stronger. Moreover, urbanization had the greatest impact on LNPM2.5 for panel I3.

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Table 3. The Panel Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) test results with LNPM2.5 as the dependent variable. Panel

150 151 152

LNGDPPC LNIND LNURBAN Coefficients t-statistics Coefficients t-statistics Coefficients t-statistics 0.1212*** 13.2792 0.1186*** 4.1601 0.1993*** 5.1120 C 0.1111*** 9.4880 0.1521*** 4.4084 0.1745*** 3.8037 I1 0.1551*** 7.7861 0.2550*** 2.4208 0.2068** 2.3129 I2 0.0913*** 4.2139 0.1249** 2.0429 0.5463*** 3.8644 I3 0.1482*** 6.3403 0.4947*** 8.6743 0.2714*** 3.0225 H ** Indicates significance at 5% level. *** Indicates significance at 1% level. Note that the coefficients value is the coefficient estimates of equation (1) for the log- transformed variables.


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Panel Granger causality test results. The panel FMOLS tests provided a relatively reliable result that identified


the effect of four independent variables on LNPM2.5; however, the directions (bidirectional or unidirectional) of


possible causal relationships between variables remained untested. Because the variables were cointegrated, we


used the Vector Error-Correction Model (VECM) to test the panel Granger causality, and the results are presented


in Table 4. Two types of tests were considered for panel Granger causality. The first type was long-term causality,


which depended on the significance of the error-correction terms ECT (-1). The second type was short-term


causality, which was determined by the joint significance of the coefficients of the lagged terms of each


independent variable. If the variables, LNPM2.5, LNGDPPC, LNURBAN and LNIND are cointegrated, then it is


expected that at least one or all the ECTs have negative coefficient and should be significantly non-zero. Short run


Granger causality is determined by implementing a Wald test of the significance of the lags of each of the


explanatory variables.


Table 4 indicates that the coefficient of ECT (-1) is completely negative and significant at the 1% level for panels


C and I1, which indicates bi-directional long-term causality (i.e., a feedback effect) among PM2.5 concentrations,


economic growth, industrialization and urbanization for these two panels. Moreover, a bi-directional long-term


causality was found between PM2.5 concentrations, urbanization and industrialization for panels I2 and I3, and a


bi-directional long-term causality was found between PM2.5 concentrations, economic growth and industrialization


for panel H. In addition, a one-way causal relationship was found running from economic growth to the other


variables for panels I2 and I3 and running from urbanization to the other variables for panel H.


The short-causal relationship indicates a bi-directional positive causal relationship between PM2.5 concentrations


and other factors including economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization for panels C and I1. The


short-causality also identifies a bi-directional positive causal relationship between LNPM2.5, LNURBAN, and


LNIND for panel I2. Moreover, a unidirectional short-run causal relationship was concluded running from


economic growth to PM2.5 concentrations for panel I2, and from industrialization to PM2.5 concentrations for panel


I3. Figure 1 shows the long- and short-term causal relationships among the four variables for the five panels. It is


worth noting that all the links built between PM2.5 concentrations and social-economic factors are based on the


statistical test (i.e., the Panel Granger Causality test). These links represent Granger causality showing statistical


causal relationships between variables, which may not be “true causality”.


Table 4. Panel Granger causality test results. Panel C




Independent variables Short run causality (χ2-Wald statistics) ∆LNPM2.5 102.2109*** 22.2378*** 5.9045** 148.7444*** 8.2102*** 9.1660*** 1.2085 4.7504*

∆LNGDPPC 130.0746*** 5.3372* 0.9662 105.5832*** 0.5290 7.1769** 11.8464*** 0.0480

∆LNIND 144.7306*** 16.6776*** 1.5789 49.9758*** 34.6976*** 4.9426* 54.6176*** 0.1202 -

Long run causality ∆LNURBAN 20.5743*** 20.1023*** 3.2116 29.1685*** 2.9033 1.6523 4.8906* 18.8542*** 11.5163***


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ECT (-1) -0.7266*** -0.1325*** -0.1250*** -0.0022** -0.6648*** -0.2456*** -0.0462*** -0.0053*** -0.3865*** -0.0160 -0.7321***

t-statistics -32.2161 -12.4810 -11.4274 -2.2359 -26.0327 -16.0701 -4.5380 -3.0820 -9.7787 -1.4186 -13.6546

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∆LNURBAN 9.6533*** 8.6323*** 35.1574*** -0.0078** -2.1015 ∆LNPM2.5 3.0907 27.9483*** 0.6320 -0.9489*** -12.4027 ∆LNGDPPC 2.3047 0.9927 2.8455 -0.0146 -1.1418 ∆LNIND 1.0513 3.3080 0.1709 -0.1456*** -4.4493 -1.9100 ∆LNURBAN 3.1847 0.4452 1.5146 -0.0122* ∆LNPM2.5 1.8454 0.2696 3.6301 -1.2241*** -13.2509 H ∆LNGDPPC 19.9780*** 4.9678* 2.2613 -0.0501*** -6.0574 ∆LNIND 13.3850*** 1.3965 0.2137 -0.0160*** -3.3911 ∆LNURBAN 0.4424 4.7330* 1.8989 -0.0111 -1.1034 Note: The null hypothesis is that there is no causal relationship between variables, and ∆ represents the difference operator. ECT (-1) is the error correction term lagged one period. * Indicates significance at 10% level. ** Indicates significance at 5% level. *** Indicates significance at 1% level. I3

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One of the most important findings in the panel Granger causality results is that industrialization significantly


increased PM2.5 concentrations more than economic growth and urbanization for panels C, I2 and I3 in the


short-term. For panel I1, however, economic growth had a greater effect on PM2.5 concentrations than the other


variables. The lack of causal relationship from economic growth and urbanization to PM2.5 concentrations for panel


I3 indicates that slowing economy and reducing urbanization in short term will not necessarily decrease PM2.5


concentrations in these prefecture-level cities. In panel H, economic growth, industrialization and urbanization did


not have a short-term effect on PM2.5 concentrations. However, a bi-directional long-term causal relationship was


found among PM2.5 concentrations, industrialization and economic growth, which implies that the increasing PM2.5


concentrations was a long-term process driven by an increase in both industrialization and economic growth. This


also suggest that a rapid reduction of PM2.5 concentrations relying solely on adjusting these anthropogenic factors is


difficult in a short term for the heavily PM2.5-polluted panel.

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Figure 1. Long-run causality and short-run causality between PM2.5 concentrations (PM2.5), economic growth (GDPPC), industrialization (IND) and urbanization (URBAN).

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The results of variance decomposition and impulse response. Figure 2 shows the results of the variance


decomposition analysis for panel C, which indicates that PM2.5 concentrations were mostly explained by its own


innovative shocks (60.12%), whereas the contributions of economic growth, industrialization and urbanization to


PM2.5 concentrations were equal to 16.13%, 23.67% and 0.08%, respectively (see Supporting Information Table


S7). Thus, the contribution of industrialization to PM2.5 concentrations was important and was closely followed by


economic growth and urbanization. Additionally, economic growth was principally self-explanatory (88.21%).


Moreover, 22.42% of industrialization was explained by one standard deviation shock in economic growth. Most of


the effects on industrialization were explained by its own standard shocks (69.01%), but the contribution of


urbanization was negligible (0.004%). The results also reveal that 99.72% of urbanization can be explained by its


own innovative shocks, whereas the contributions of economic growth and industrialization to urbanization were


equal to 0.02% and 0.008%, respectively. Supporting Information Table S7-11 and Figure S4-7 show detailed


results for the variance decomposition of the four sub-panels. In general, the variance decomposition results


indicate that the contribution of industrialization in explaining PM2.5 concentrations was the most important for


panels I2, I3 and H, whereas economic growth was crucial for panel I1, and urbanization had a negligible effect for


all panels.

217 218

Figure 2. Variance decomposition of four variables for panel C.

219 220

The impulse response analysis results for panel C are shown in Figure 3. This impulse response analysis revealed


the responses in one variable due to shocks that originate from other variables. PM2.5 concentrations first decreased


then stabilized because of shocks from decreasing economic growth and urbanization, whereas the response in


PM2.5 concentrations to shocks originated in industrialization increased in the earlier four years. The response of 9

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economic growth fluctuated because of shocks from increasing industrialization and urbanization and decreasing


PM2.5 concentrations in the previous four years. The response in industrialization first fluctuated then stagnated


because of shocks from increasing economic growth and PM2.5 concentrations in the earlier four years. The


response of urbanization increased in the previous two years because of shocks of increasing PM2.5 concentrations


and economic growth. Supporting Information Figure S8-11 provides the detailed results for the impulse response


analysis of the four sub-panels.

230 231

Figure 3. Responses of variables to one S.D. innovations for panel C.




Previous research has shown that an increase in PM2.5 concentrations has been affected synthetically by natural


and socio-economic variables.8 However, to simplify these variables, we have chosen the three variables, economic


growth, industrialization and urbanization. We assumed that these three variables are the most important


socio-economic factors that affect PM2.5 concentrations and that these variables can indicate the overall trend and


condition of China's socio-economic development because socio-economic development is a complex interactive


system. The results of our analysis confirmed our hypothesis. These three variables had strong explanatory power


for the increase in PM2.5 concentrations (for example, the results of the FMOLS analysis indicated that all R2 of the


regressions were greater than 0.95).


All of the long-term causal relationships that we identified were consistent with our expectations and accorded to


the economic and environmental reality in China. We deduced that if the development mode in Chinese cities keep


unchanged, controlling PM2.5 concentrations has an adverse effect on economic growth, urbanization and


industrialization or at least on two of these variables for most of the panels based on the long-term causality results. 10

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Conversely, under current mode of development, increases in economic growth, urbanization and industrialization


will inevitably lead to increased PM2.5 emissions. This implies that the feedback effect exists between PM2.5


emissions and economic growth, urbanization and industrialization in the current setup. Thus, when establishing


policies to control PM2.5 emissions, policymakers should carefully make trade-offs between reduction of PM2.5


concentrations and increased economic growth, urbanization and industrialization under the current economic


development mode. Even more important, the Chinese government will have to seek much broader policies


(including transforming economic growth pattern, upgrading industrial structure and adjusting urbanization process)


that favor a decoupling of these coupling relationships. Our findings also indicate that the relationships between


PM2.5 concentrations and economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization across China were heterogeneous,


which was exemplified by the differences in the agriculture-oriented panel (I1), industry-oriented panel (I2),


service-oriented panel (I3), and the heavily PM2.5-polluted panel (H). We found that bi-directional long-term


causality exists between PM2.5 concentrations, economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization for panels C


and I1. Moreover, bidirectional long-term causal relationships between PM2.5 concentrations, urbanization, and


industrialization were found for panels I2 and I3, and bi-directional long-term causality was found among PM2.5


concentrations, economic growth and industrialization for panel H. Therefore, different regional policies are


necessary to establish corresponding strategies to reduce PM2.5 emissions.


The short-term Granger causality tests indicate that most of the results were consistent with the long-term results


for panels C, I1 and I2. Moreover, we found that industrialization was more significant than economic growth and


urbanization in increasing PM2.5 concentrations in panels C, I2 and I3 in short-term causality, which suggests that


reducing industrialization is probably one of the most effective countermeasures to reduce PM2.5 concentrations in


the short term for these panels. However, for panel I1, economic growth has a greater effect on PM2.5


concentrations followed by industrialization and urbanization, which implies that a stronger coupling relationship


exhibits between economic growth and PM2.5 concentrations in agriculture-oriented cities. In panel H, economic


growth, industrialization and urbanization did not have short-term effects on PM2.5 concentrations, which indicates


adjusting these three anthropogenic variables in short term will not significantly reduce PM2.5 concentrations. In


addition, compared with economic growth and industrialization, reducing the urbanization level will not effectively


reduce PM2.5 pollutions in the short term for all panels. This finding was further validated by the results of the


variance decomposition for LNPM2.5. For example, a one standard deviation shock in urbanization explained only


0.08% and 0.003% of the PM2.5 concentrations for panels C and H, respectively.


The impulse response analysis results do not show a decreasing linear relationship between PM2.5 concentrations


and economic growth. However, the variance decomposition results demonstrate that the contribution of economic


growth in explaining PM2.5 concentrations was higher than urbanization. Even for panel I1, economic growth has a


greater effect on PM2.5 concentrations than the other variables in the short term. This result again indicates that


there was a tight relationship between PM2.5 emissions and economic growth in China. In contemporary China,


economic growth is generally the most important target of the central and local governments. The 13th Five Year


Plan of China is a vital program document that sets goals and guidelines covering many social, economic and


environmental issues and informs Chinese policymaking from 2016 to 2020. The plan proposes that an annual 11

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growth rate of approximately 6.5% is still China's minimum requirement to maintain economic growth and improve


peoples’ livelihood.23 Thus, the tight relationship between PM2.5 emissions and economic growth indicates that


China needs to urgently explore a new pathway that uncouples the effects of economic growth on PM2.5 emissions


in order to avoid air pollution aggravation due to economic growth. In this context, for central and local


governments of China, the transformation of the economic growth pattern is necessary to mitigate PM2.5 emissions.


Hence, one of the priorities is to accelerate the transformation of the economic development pattern changing from


the extensive pattern relying on large amounts of resources and energy consumptions (with inefficient growth and


increased PM2.5 emissions) to the intensive pattern mainly based on technical progresses and efficiency


improvement (with efficient growth and reduced PM2.5 emissions). The transition from the extensive economic


growth pattern towards intensive pattern helps reduce PM2.5 emissions. Although this transformation is not likely to


happen in the short term, such a change is necessary and urgent, because it is an indispensable and fundamental


step in reducing the PM2.5 pollutions.


As expected, industrialization caused PM2.5 emissions in both the short and long terms as indicated by the


Granger causality test. The close linkage between PM2.5 emissions and industrialization indicates that the current


industrial development pattern was highly dependent on the energy use and resource consumption, leading to high


pollutions. In recent years, China has experienced a period when economic development has been driven


dominantly by heavy industry, especially the heavy-chemical industry contributing more than 70% of the total


industrial value since 2006.24 However, we conclude that China’s economic growth will not continue to rely on


heavy industries in the foreseeable future. On the one hand, China has severe overcapacity problem after rapid


development of heavy-industrialization in recent years, especially steel, aluminum and cement industries. This


problem will get worse if China still relies on heavy industries as an economic driver. On the other hand, both the


central and local governments in China have realized that economic development relying on heavy industries is


unsustainable and it needs to be altered. While progress has been made, there is still a long way to go before


industrial development transformation can be reached. The following measures may help speed up the


transformation which benefits the mitigation of PM2.5 emissions: 1) to transform the main industrial development


driver from traditional resources and energy consumptions to innovation and technical progresses; 2) to upgrade


China’s industrial structure by encouraging the tertiary industry development; 3) to limit and eliminate heavy


pollution industries. In addition, to raise industrial PM2.5 emissions standards and to improve energy use


efficiencies are among the more direct control measures to reduce PM2.5 pollutions.


The results of the Granger causality test confirm that urbanization caused PM2.5 emissions for most of the panels


with the exception of panels I3 and H in the short term, although the effect was weaker than other variables.


Therefore, a gradual slowdown of urbanization may actually help reduce PM2.5 pollutions for these panels.


However, this deceleration of urbanization is not likely to occur, because a high target for increasing urbanization


to 60% in 2020 was established in the New-type Urbanization Plan (2014-2020)25 that was recently released by


China’s central government. Moreover, Chinese cities usually have more densely populated urban areas in


comparison to cities in developed countries. As the result shows, a city with a high urbanization level tends to have


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high PM2.5 concentrations in current China. Hence, limiting population influx into densely populated urban areas is


probably a practical strategy to reduce PM2.5 emissions.


It is worth noting that future scenarios may be totally different from the current state. Inevitably, China will, like


other developed countries, enter a different economic state. For example, people will no longer find it desirable to


further crowd into large cities. And heavy industry will no longer add enough value to the economy to fuel further


growth, which will further result in a move to lighter industries and finally services. A changing economic state


will certainly change causality between PM2.5 concentrations and other variables. Hence a simple extrapolation of


the future trend based on current relations may deviate from the reality. This, again, requires Chinese government


to seek much broader policies (including transforming economic growth pattern, upgrading industrial structure and


adjusting urbanization process) to decouple relationships between PM2.5 concentrations and other socio-economic


factors towards a more sustainable development mode.


One limitation of this study is that the spatial unit of this analysis is the prefecture-level city, a relative large


spatial scale in China. Although several different panels were utilized to address heterogeneity in this study, we


should investigate this heterogeneity and the differences more deeply. Moreover, different areas of a


prefecture-level city have different PM2.5 concentrations, especially in urban and rural areas. However, It would be


difficult to obtain long-term data of PM2.5 concentrations and social economic variables for a panel of a more


refined spatial unit. Therefore, if these data can be obtained (from a PM2.5 observation station, for example), this


research would be helpful for future study. Second, this study found that economic growth was more important in


explaining PM2.5 concentrations than urbanization. Future studies that employ GDP per capita as a proxy for


economic growth and PM2.5 concentrations as a proxy for environmental impact may provide a deeper insight into


the interactive relationship between environmental impact and economic growth and Kuznets’ environmental curve


can be tested. Third, exploring the causal relationships between PM2.5 emissions and other potentially related


variables, such as heavy industry development, automobile use, exports and dust pollution, may be an important


direction for future studies. Much evidence exists that the increased development of the construction, metal and


machine production sectors, exports and urban expansion has exacerbated PM2.5 emissions.8, 9

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Supporting Information Supporting Information Available: Prefecture-level divisions in China for period of 1999-2011 (Figure S1). The validation result of satellite-derived estimates and ground-based measurements in China for PM2.5 (Figure S2). Spatial distribution of mean PM2.5 concentrations in China from 1999 to 2011 (Figure S3). Descriptive statistics for five panels used in this study for the period 1999-2011 (Table S1). The mean changes of PM2.5 concentrations, per capita GDP, urbanization and industrialization for five panels in 1999 and 2011 (Table S2). The list of prefecture-level divisions for four sub-panels (Table S3). A list of baseline characteristics for the major prefecture-level divisions in China (Table S4). The detailed description for the estimation procedure (Text S1). The detailed estimation results of the four sub-panels (Tables S5-S11, Figures S4-S11). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at 13

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*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +86-01064889301. Fax: +86-01064889301 (C.F.).

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Notes The authors declare no competing financial interest.



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This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 41590842, 41501175 and 71433008).



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Corresponding Author *E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +86-02064111475. Fax: +86-02064111475 (S.W.).


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Figure 1. Long-run causality and short-run causality between PM2.5 concentrations (PM2.5), economic growth (GDPPC), industrialization (IND) and urbanization (URBAN). 339x222mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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Figure 2. Variance decomposition of four variables for panel C Figure 2. Variance decompositi 190x154mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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Figure 3. Responses of variables to one S.D. innovations for panel C Figure 3. Responses of variabl 190x162mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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