The Effect of Sodium Silicates on the Absorption Spectra of Some

R. C. Merrill, R. W. Spencer, and R. Getty. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1948, 70 (7), pp 2460–2464. DOI: 10.1021/ja01187a047. Publication Date: July 1948.Mi...
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the following relation is obtained

standard hydrogen electrode at 25’. Extrapolating to a PaH of zero and a pyrophosphate concentration of unity on the basis of experimental data previously presented yields a value of 4-1.15 v. as the “formal” oxidation potential for the reaction in equation (9) a t 25’. Strictly speaking this potential is not the formal potential, since the hydrogen ion activity and not its concentration was extrapolated to zero. Nor is it the standard potential since the concentrations and not activities of the complex ions and pyrophosphoric acid are used. As the activity coefficients are not known, the standard potential cannot be solved but is probably close to 1.15 v. Although the data will not permit an accurate evaluation of the instability constants, an approximation may be made of their ratios. On the basis of the standard potential of 1.51 v. for the aqueous manganese(III)/manganese(II) couple determined by Grube and H u b e r i ~ h ,the ~~~ following relation between the instability constants KIII for tri-dihydrogen pyrophosphatomanganate(II1) complex and K I for ~ di-dihydrogen pyrophosphatomanganate(I1) is obtained 1.15 V. = 1.51 1.51 v.


Mn(HzPz07)~-~ 4- H4PzO.r Mn(H2Pz07)8-8(violet)

+ 2H+ f e


The potential of a platinum electrode in a solution containing equal concentrations of manganese (11) and manganese(II1) in a solution 0.4 M in pyrophosphate having a paH of 2.06 is f1.013 * 0.003 v. versus the standard hydrogen electrode. The standard potential for the reaction indicated in equation (9) is Eo = (ca.) -1.15 v. (Lewis and Randall convention). As the paH approaches 7, the manganese(II1) complex becomes increasingly brown amber in color, due to the ionization of additional hydrogen ions from the complex. In an alkaline solution, the manganese(II1) complex is unstable disproportionating to form manganese dioxide and manganese(I1) ion. A new method for determining manganese by means of a potentiometric titration of tripyrophosphatomanganic acid with iron(I1) sulfate is described.


Since the standard potential is calculated for all substances in the last term a t unit activity (8) G. Grube and K. Huberich, 2. Elektrochcm., 99, 17 (1923). (9) W. M. Latimer, “Oxidation Potentials,” PrenticeHall, Inc., New York, N. Y , 1938,pp. 221.



The couple tripyrophosphatomanganic(II1) acid/dipyrophosphatomanganic(II) acid was shown to behave reversibly a t a platinum electrode. The inhence of the total pyrophosphate concentration, ratio of manganese(III)/manganese(I1) concentrations, and PaH were studied. At a PaH near zero, the equilibrium was shown to be essentially



= 10-6 KII (GU.)


Mn + 0.0591 log aaMn+’

I n a M n I I I C aHhP2O78volts + 0.0591 log KKIIQMn’IC aH4P20$

Vol. 70



The Effect of Sodium Silicates on the Absorption Spectra of Some Dyes BY R. C. MERRILL,R. W. SPENCER AND R. GETTY That certain dyes change color in the presence of various colloids has long been known. Familiar examples are the variation in color of a biological stain depending on the nature of the stainable substrate, which P. Ehrlich called metachromasy, and the protein error of indicators. Micellar solutions of colloidal electrolytes, such as cetyl pyridinium chloride’ and long chain sulfonates and sulfates2Ss change the color of pinacyanol chloride and other d y e ~ . ~ This J paper reports the effects of another group of colloidal electrolytes, the sodium silicates, on the absorption spectra of the dyes, pinacyano1 chloride, toluidine blue 0, Rhodamine 6G,

and the sodium salt of 2,6-dichlorobenzenone indophenol. Experimental All of the sodium silicates used were commercial products of the Philadelphia Quartz Co. Their composition is summarized in Table I. The sodium metasilicate pentahydrate was in the form of pure white f;ee flowing crystals which have a melting point of 72.2 The “E” and “Star” silicates are clear, transparent, aqueous solutions and the “S” is an opalescent solution. The sodium oxide content is determined by titration with standardized hydrochloric acid t o the methyl orange end-point. Silica



(1) S. E. Sbeppard and A. L. Geddes, J . Chcm. Phys., 18, 63

(1945). (2) M. L. Corrin, H. B. Klevens and W.D. Harkins, ibid., 14, 480 (1948). (3) M. L. Corrin and W. D. Harkins, THISJOURNAL, 69, 678 (1947). (4) G. S. Hartly, Trans. Faraday SOC.,80, 444 (1934). (5) J. 1%.Smith and H. L. Jones, J. Phys. Chcm., 88, 243 (1934).

NazO, Formula

M. W.




Metso crystals Star E

Na9iO~5HzO Naz0.2.6SiOz Naz0.3.3SiOz Naz0.4.0SiO~

122 217 262 305

29.1 10.5 8.6 6.3

28.2 26.3 27.7 24.6








Hz0 0.020 M NaOH .020 M Na2Si03 .020 J'i Sa20.2.6Si02 .020 h'i Na204.OSi02 2 X 1 0 - 6 J'i Na20.3.3SiOi 2X M ?;a20~3.3SiO2 2 X l W 3 41 Sa20 3.3Sioz 6 X M Saz0.3.3SiOz 2 X 1 1 Y 2 A'i Naz0.3.3Si0z




5.92 12.24 12.23 11.02 10.83 6.78 9.17 10.20 10.40 10.85

599 599 599 593 584 599 599 584 582 587


em X IO4

5.94 5.65 3.90 3.49 2.62 5.87 3.07 2.48 3 45 3.47

is determined gravimetrically. The sodium hydroxide was J. T . Baker analyzed C.P. grade. The dyes were all commercial products and used without further purification. The pinacyanol chloride and sodium salt of 2,6-dichlorobenzenoneindophenolwere purchased from the Eastman Kodak Co. Rhodamine 6G (C.I. No. 752) was obtained from the National Aniline division of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. The toludine blue 0 was the certified dye stain sold by the Coleman and Bell Co. which contained 66% dye. The molar concentrations of the solutions are given on the basis of actual dye content, assuming that the first three dyes were pure. The pH of the dye solution was determined with a Beckman PH meter. The absorption curves were obtained with a General Electric Co. recording spectrophotometer. From the transmission curves thus obtained the molar extinction coefficients, E , , were calculated a t 10 mp intervals and at maxima and minima from the equation loglo l o / l = e,Cd where Cis the molar concentration of the dye, d the width



Band em X 104



630 630 630 630

1.84 2.36 2.24 1.25


... ...


630 630 630

1.37 1.69 1.98


OF PINACYANOL CHLORIDE @ Band y Band x(mp) rm X lo4 x(rn@) em XI04

546 546 556

7.33 5.03 2.73


.. ..

e . .

546 -550

6.88 2.72

.. .. ..

... 1 . .




490 486 492 502

2.08 2.34 3.65 3.64



490 488 492 493

1.20 2.41 3.46 3.92

of the cell (0.50 cm.), and 10and I the intensity of the incident and transmitted light. All the absorption curves were obtained a t room temperature (around 22-23 ")


Results The absorption spectra of 2 X M pinacyano1 chloride in water and in 0.02 M solutions of sodium hydroxide, sodium metasilicate and silicates with silica to alkali (NazO) ratios of 2.6 and 4.0 are shown in Fig. 1. The effect of four concentrations, including 0.02 M , of the 3.3 ratio silicate on the absorption spectra of 2 X 10-6 M dye is illustrated in Fig. 2. Table I1 gives the intensities of the band maxima for these solutions. All solutions were diluted fivefold immediately prior to being placed in the spectrophotometer after 7.0 I














X, mcr.

X, mcr.

M Fig. 1.-Molar extinction coefficients of 2 X pinacyanol chloride: 0-0 in HzO, 0-0 in 0.02 M NaOH; in 0.02 M NazSiOo, A-A in 0.02 M Na20.2.6 SiO2, X-X 0 0 in 0.02 M Na20-4.0 SiO?.

Fig. 2.-Molar extinction coefficients of 2 X 10-6 M pinacyanol chloride in varying concentrations of Na10.3.3 M , X-X 2 X SiOg: 0-0 2 X 10-6 M , 0-0 2 X IO-' M , A-A 2 X M.









Vol. 70












1 .o




550 A,





Fig. 3.-Molar extinction coefficients of 2 X M pinacyanol chloride in NazSiOa and Na203.3 Si02 solutions containing the same amount of SiO2: 0-40.02 M NazSiO,, X-X 0.006 M Nan0-3.3 SiO2.

having stood about fifteen hours at the higher concentration. Our absorption curve for pinacyano1 chloride in water is in excellent agreement with that expected by interpolation from the curves given by Sheppard6 for different concentrations of dye. The effect on the dye’s absorption spectrum of increasing the silica to alkali ratio of the 0.02 M silicates is to decrease greatly the intensity of the a band a t about 595 mp, and even more that of the /3 band a t 546 mp. New bands, a‘ a t 630 mp and y a t about 490 mp, appear in the metasilicate solution. The intensity of the y band is about 50% greater in solutions of the higher ratio silicates whereas that of the a’ band becomes progressively less with increasing silica to alkali ratio. The effect of increasing the concentration of the 3.3 ratio silicate parallels that of increasing the silica to alkali ratio a t a given concentration in that the intensity of the a band is greatly decreased and that of the /3 band even more. Their effects differ in that the intensities of both the a’ band, which becomes apparent in a 2 X loFa M silicate solution, and the y band, first being evident in a 2 X M silicate, increase progressively with increase in concentration. Both the a and fi bands appear to have a minimum intensity at a silicate concentration about 2 X loba M . The visual color of the dye solutions changes from (6) S. E. Sheppard. Reu. Mod. Physics, 14, 303 (1942).





X, mr.

hf Fig. 4.-Molar extinction coefficients of 2.5 X toluidine blue 0 in water and varying concentrations of Na~O.3.3Si0~: 0-0 in HpO, 0-0 in 5 X lO-’M Na20.3.3SiO2, A-A in 5 X M Na20.3.3Si02, X-X in 5 X 10-1 M Na20.3.3Si02. blue to purple as the silica to alkali ratio or the silicate concentration is increased. The differences in the absorption spectra of 2 X 10-6 M pinacyanol chloride in 0.020 M sodium metasilicate and 0.006 M 3.3 ratio silicate (Fig. 3 ) both of which contain the same amount of silica, show clearly that the silica is in a different form in the two solutions. The differences in the absorption spectra of 2.5 X M toluidine blue 0 in 0.01 M sodium metasilicate and varying concentrations of the 3.3 ratio silicate as compared with that in water (Figs. 4 and 5 ) are similar to those observed in solutions of the polymeric sodium “hexametaphosphate’’? and agar.8 Results with this dye suggest that the addition of small amounts of colloidal electrolytes greatly decreases the intensity of the two only partially resolved bands, a a t 624 my and 0 (which a t this concentration in water occurs a t 600 my), and gradually decreases the wave length a t which the /3 band maxima occurs. A t higher concentrations the intensity of the band a t around 540 my increases, and in “hexametaphosphate” solutions7 goes through a maximum. The effects of the silicates on the intensities of the izI toluidine blue 0 band maxima of 2.5 X solutions are summarized in Table 111. The dye (7) J. M. Wiame, THISJOURNAL, 69, 3146 (1947). (8) L. Michaelis and S. Granick, ibid., 67, 1212 (1845).

July, 1948









15.0 . I



$I X





1.0 5.0


550 600 650 700 750 X, m.u. Fig. 5.-Molar extinction coefficients of 2.5 X 10-6 M toluidine blue 0: 0 4 in H20, X-X in 0.01 M NaSiOt. 450


appears blue in water and in the 5.0 X ill 3.3 ratio silicate solution, but is purple at all other silicate concentrations studied.

550 600 650 700 750 X, mp. Fig. 6.-Molar extinction coefficients of 1 X lo-' Rhodamine 6G and 1 X lo-' M sodium 2,6-dichlorobenzenone indophenol: Rhodamine 6G 0-0 in H20, X-X in 0.01 M Naz0.3.3Si02; sodium 2,6-dichlorobenzenone indophenol 0-0 in H20, A-A in 0 0 1 M Na20.3.3SiO~. 450


TABLE I11 mum in the visible occurring a t 605 mp with a THEINTENSITIES OF BANDMAXIMA IN 2.5 X 10-6 MOLAR molar extinction coefficient of 18.2 X lo4. The addition of 0.010 M NazO.3.3SiOz to this dye proBLUE0 SOLUTIONS OF TOLUIDINE 6 Band am g H (w) X 10' ( m r ) X IO4 6.53 624 3 . 6 9 600 3.59 a Band X rm


HzO 5.0 X 1 .O X 5.0 X 5.0 X 1.0 X

10-4 M Naz0.3.3SiOt 10-1 M Naz0.3.3Si01 10-8 M Nsz0.3.3SiOI 10-2 M Na,0,3.3SiOrb 10-9 M NasSiOl

9 . 4 9 622 9.91 , 10.11 , 11.12 11.96 624


600 546' 546" 538' 1.31 5 . 4 4


. . .. .. , . . .. ..

2.54 1.98

2.00 2.27 1.58

duces practically no change in the color of the solution but increases the intensity maximum 3%. Unlike other dyes used in this investigation, the dye ion in this case has the same charge as the silicate ions and micelles.


The reduction in intensity of the a and fi bands a May be new band. There is a n indication of a new of solutions of pinacyanol chloride and toluidine band at around 640 m.u at this silicate concentration. blue 0 of as much as 50% by silicate solutions as Figure 6 shows the absorption spectra of 1 X dilute as 2 X M is much larger than that M Rhodamine 6G and 1 X low4M sodium observed for ordinary electrolytes. For example, 2,6-dichlorobenzenone indophenol in water and in the height of the main band of methylene blue in 0.010 M solutions of Naz0.3.3SiOz. The addition water is decreased only 5% when the solution is of this concentration of silicate appears to shift made 1M in potassium chloride and somewhat by about 6 mp toward shorter wave lengths, the less with 1M potassium nitrate.s Lewis, et a1.,9 band (or unresolved bands) of Rhodamine 6G oc- suggest that salts increase the formation in aqueous curring from about 460 to 540 mp. The water solution of a colorless form of the dye produced by spectrum is probably somewhat complicated by simultaneous, reversible addition of hydrogen and the dye's fluorescence. Rhodamine 6G is orange hydroxyl ions. It appears that this suggestion and fluorescent in water and red and non-fluores- does not explain the large reductions due to colcent in micellar solutions of anionic detergents loidal electrolytes, especially since, as Lewis and in solutions of various silicates including the states, one must also assume polymerization of metasilicate. the colorless substance in order to explain effects A 1X M solution of sodium 2,6-dichloro(9) G. N. Lewis, 0. Goldschmid, T. T. Magel and J. Bigeleisen, benzenone indophenol has a single band maxi- TEISJOURNAL, 65 1150 (1943).



Vol. 70

as large as 5%. A more likely explanation (cf. Silicates also produce a shift in the wave length ref. 10) is that the dye and colloidal electrolyte a t which the band maxima appear and causes new interact in such a manner as to restrict free rota- bands to become evident thus producing a visual tion of some part of the molecule involved in the change in the colors of the solutions. The color electronic transitions giving rise to the bands. change of toluidine blue in agar solutions is atThis decreases the number of fully extended tributed to the adsorption of molecular aggregates planar ions suitably oriented per unit time to the of dye larger than the dimer by agar.* In “hexaelectric vector of the light rays. metaphosphate” solutions the color change has Probably sorption of colloidal particles is in- been attributed to a linear complex polymer provolved but the interaction is a t least partially elec- duced by each dye ion reacting with a phosphate trostatic for effects plainly visible to the eye occur g r o ~ p .The ~ color change of dyes in soap soluonly when the charges on the dye ion and colloidal tions is attributed to preferential solubilization of particles are opposite in sign. Precipitation or floc- one form of dye from the equilibrium mixture by culation occurs rapidly a t dye and silicate concen- the soap m i ~ e l l e . Since ~ silicates do not solubilize trations greater than those reported in Tables I1 water-insoluble dyes and still produce comparable and 111; the higher concentrations in these tables color changes, it is evident that the intimate type precipitated after standing a day or two. of interaction producing solubilization is not necThe addition of silicates alters the relative in- essary to give a change in color. A reasonable tensities of the a and /3 band maxima of pinacyanol explanation is that these color changes are also chloride. Thus, the ratio of the maximum molar due to sorption a t the surface of the colloidal extinction coefficients of the a to fl band is 0.81 in silica particle and/or chemical combination of the M Na20.3.3SiO2 and 1.13 dye cation with the ncgative ionic groups of the water, 0.85 in 2 X -%f Na20.3.3Si02. Some investigators colloid. The change in the wave length a t maxiin 2 X regard the a band as characteristic of the mono- mum intensity of the various bands with concenmer dye ion, the @ band as peculiar to a dimer, and tration indicates that the complexes responsible the y band peculiar to high polymers.11~12.13~14 for their appearance vary in composition. Since these bands are generally apparent in organic solvents where there is no evidence of diSummary merization or polymerization it appears more The addition of various sodium silicates to a likely that the /3 and y bands are not new bands pinacyanol chloride solution changes the absorppeculiar to dimers or polymers, but are vibrationally coupled transitions proper to the monomeric tion spectra by decreasing the intensity of the a ions which are, however, enhanced in the dimer or and fl bands to different extents, and by forming polymer.10 Because electrolytes generally in- new a’ and y bands. The visual color change is crease the extent of formation of associated ions from blue to purple. Their addition to a solution in aqueous systems, it would be expected that, if of toluidine blue 0 reduces the intensity of the the first hypothesis is true, the ratio of the intensi- absorption band and shifts the band maxima from ties of the a to @ bands would decrease on the ad- 620 mp to about 540 mp, causing a visual change dition of electrolytes. That the opposite effect from blue to purple. Silicates shifted the band occurs on the addition of both sodium hydroxide maxima of Rhodamine 6G about 6 mp toward the and silicates is evidence that the bands are not violet but did not alter the intensity by more than peculiar to dimers or polymers. That the rela- 2%. This dye was orange and fluorescent in wative intensity of the LY and /3 bands of thionine is ter and red and non-fluorescent in silicate solunot affected by the addition of a chloride14 is a tions. Silicates had little effect on the absorption spectra of the sodium 2,B-dichlorobenzenone indofurther indication. phenol. The silicates used had the molecular (10) S. E. Sheppard and A. L. Geddes, THISJOURNAL, 66, 2003 formulas NazSi03, Naz0.2.6SiO2, Naz0.3.3SiO~ (1944). and Na20.4.OSiO2. Their effects are attributed (11) G. Scheibe, Kolloid Z.,81, 1 (1938). to sorption and electrostatic interaction of the dye (12) W. L. Lewschin, A c f a Physicochim U.R . S. S., 1, 685 (1934). (13) H 0. Dickinson, Trans. Faraday SOL,IS, 486 (1947). ion with the silicate ions and micelles. 68, 69 (14) E. Rabinowitch and L. F. Epstein, THISJOURNAL, (1941). RECEIVED FEBRUARY 11, 1948