The Effect of Sound Waves on Fractional Distillation. - The Journal of

The Effect of Sound Waves on Fractional Distillation. ... more comprehensive list of citations to this article, users are encouraged to perform a sear...
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FIG.3 . Effect of souncl n:ives oii liquiil i n 1iorizoiit:il t u h e ; sc:rlc i n ccntimetei b

position of \vliirli ( w i l d also lie adjusted for tuning. K i t h proper lighting the t condition of w ~ o i i m ( ' ecould he detected v i s d l y \ r i t h o i ~ tliffic.ulty. Srveral type- of' distillation cxpeikicnts \\-ere carried out \vit,h thcsr d u n i n s . Tlic skimp mixtiire of twnzene (mole fraction 0.71 6) antl c:irhon tetrac~hloiide (mole fraction 0.284) \\-as used throughout. Figiirc 2 shoi1-s t h e result- of four typic:il conseciitiT-e distilhtions made a s nearly a s possi1jk iincler the same conditions;. except t h a t in runs 5 :ind i the o s d a t o r \\-as off' \\.bile in r ~ i ~(i i santl 8 it \\-as operating. Samples of tlistilliite and hoilcr contents \\-ere taken simulaneously at intervals tliwing tlir rrms and \vert analyzed \\-it ti a thcrmostatcd