criminator in the scaler circuit of a detector unit, the Reverter is capable of eliminating higher order reflections in the low element range.
N e w Vacuum Dryer Available
Known as the Rota-Cone, a new vacuum dryer is being made by Paul 0. Abbe, Inc. The conical-shaped apparatus rotates continuously during operation, resulting in fast, uniform drying and thorough blending of a wide range of materials. A high vacuum removes vapor-laden air and reduces vapor pressure, permitting drying to take place at moderate temperatures. The Rota-Cone can be equipped with a condenser when volatile-solvent recovery is essential. The equipment consists of a completely insulated heating jacket, antifriction main bearings, gear guards, and variable speed drive. The Rota-
G r a p h shows determination of low percentage of silicon in steel using the Reverter with a G-E XRD-5S x - r a y diffraction unit, N o . 4 flow counter t u b e , and helium atmosphere spectrometer
The company claims it is an electronic filter, permitting measurement of a chosen wave length band and discrimination or filtration of both higher and lower energy radiation. It fits directly between the pre-amplifier unit and the scaler input sensitivity control of the x-rav diffraction instrument. 14
Cone is available in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, Monel, and bronze. Operating capacities range from 1 to 325 cubic feet. 15 Service Coverage for Scientific Instruments
A unique service and repair plan is being established by the Chicago Apparatus Co. for the users of expensive scientific instruments. Though similar coverage has been available for television sets and office machines, this is the first time such a plan has been offered in the scientific field, covering apparatus costing up to $10,000 per unit, says the manufacturer. A company spokesman says the plan will provide protection against very costly repairs on highly complex instruments. Periodic inspection of equipment by qualified Chicago Apparatus personnel will be part of the new service, and emergency repairs will be scheduled for immediate performance. 16
For further information, see coupon on page 79 A
FORCED DRAFT PORTABLE OVEN For OPERATION from 35° C. to 280 C. ± .5?C This o v e n is especially r e c o m m e n d e d f o r use in l a b o r a t o r i e s w o r k i n g w i t h steel, rubber, f o o d s , chemicals, p h a r maceuticals a n d electronics. • W o r k i n g chamber t e m p e r a t u r e w i t h in 1° C. • N e w m e t h o d o f h e a t convection — Heated air t r a n s m i t t e d t o f r o n t o f chamber a l o n g side w a l l s , then d i rected h o r i z o n t a l l y across shelves t o the back. • No loss o f heat a t d o o r . Static pressure f r o m f o r c e d d r a f t convection prevents i n f i l t r a t i o n o f cooler a i r f r o m outside. • Constructed h e a v y g a u g e enameled steel e x t e r i o r . Treated f o r rust resistance. • • •
Interior chamber o f polished c o r r o sion-resistant stainless steel. Ball b e a r i n g m o t o r silent in o p e r a t i o n . Produces r a p i d heat e x c h a n g e . Three inches of p r e - c o m p r e s s e d , non-settling f i r e p r o o f glass w o o l i n sulation between walls.
SPECIFICATIONS Model No 1303 1302
Interior Size Current Characteristics W. D. H. 110 or 220 V . A C 131/2 1200 Watts U>/2 20 1600 Watts 19V2 Send for complete
THE 5047
No. of Shelves
Ship. Wt. Lbs. 175
Price F.O.B. Phila. $225.00 395.00
Recessed control panel with visi-glas protection. Complete visibility of controls at all times, but transparent control cover prevents accidental or unauthorized a d justment. Panel light illuminates controls at all times.
HEATERS /^gV* The Heater* are, controlled by q four position switch, thereby permitting ace y rate temperature c o r i t r o i . a t ^ 9 C , 180° C. and 280° C , and is adjustable |0 «tt aifier temperatures withI*I. ils -range. • Comes complete with two solid stainless steel shelves and laboratory thermometer. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT . . . Limitstat (over temperature control); Limiter (timer) and glass-viewing door.
3 5,
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