with. C^Leuxmeters. PRICE US. G9142—Flowmeter, "Rotameter”, ^ 10/30 joints, male inlet, female outlet, covers air flow of 3-170 cc/min and water f...
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MEASUREMENT achieved at new low cost with Flowmeters T h e great response to o u r two inexpensive laboratory " r o t a m e t e r " flowmeters and t h e large n u m b e r of re­ quests for more versatile instruments, has led us to t h e development of a set of rotameters to answer practically all t h e needs of t h e laboratory for t h e ac­ curate and convenient measurement of flow at low cost. By means of t h r e e instruments, each one containing a glass and a stainless steel ball, a range of air flow from 3 to 110,000 c c / m i n is covered. T h e same in­ struments m a y b e used for liquids and will cover a range of water flow from .064 to 3,800 c c / m i n . For those w h o r e q u i r e a n all glass instrument because of extreme corrosive conditions, instruments with a single glass ball also are available. E a c h instrument is sup­ plied with a T ground glass male and female outlet so t h a t all glass connections may be m a d e as well as the conventional r u b b e r t u b e connections. I n s t r u m e n t s are supplied with a complete set of cali­ b r a t i o n curves for air and water and correction charts for determining t h e flow of all other gases and nonviscous liquids for which only the densities need be known and whose viscosities are similar to those of air and water respectively.

PRICE LIST G 9 1 4 2 - f : / o w i t i e f 6 r , "Rotameter", *f 70/30 joints, male inlet, female outlet, covers air flow of 3-J70 cc/min and wafer flow of .064 — 2.8 cc/min. Supplied with calibration and correction curves ea. 1 8 . 5 0 G 9 1 4 2 A - S o m e as G 9 7 4 2 but glass ball only; covers air flow of 3-66 cc/min and water flow of .064— .605 cc/min...ea. 18.50 G 9 1 4 5 - S o m e as G9142 but with 1 * 7 2 / 3 0 joints and covers air flow of 700 — 72,000 cc/min and wafer flow of 2-370 cc/min ea. 1 8 . 5 0 G 9 1 4 5 A - S o m e as G9145 but glass ball only; covers air flow of 700-6,400 cc/min ond wafer flow of 2-730 cc/min ea. 1 8 . 5 0 G 9 1 4 8 - S a m e as G 9 7 4 2 but with Τ 2 4 / 4 0 joints and covers air flow of 7 0 , 0 0 0 - 7 70,000 cc/min and water flow of 350-3,800 cc/min. ea. 1 8 . 5 0 G 9 1 4 8 A - S a m e as G 9 1 4 8 but glass ball only; covers air flow of 70,000-50,000 cc/min ond water flow of 350-7700 cc/min. ea, 1 8 . 5 0

(J)nneipL· 04. OfLLUdiun.

The rotameter is an instrument which measures the

rate of How of a fluid by virtue of measuring the area of a Variable orifice through which the fluid flows under a constant pressure head. For these conditions the rate of flow is very nearly proportional to the area and calibration is a rather simple operation. The instrument proper consists of a spherical float in a vertical tapered tube. As the fluid flows in through the bottom of this tube, it causes the float to rise to a position depending upon the rate of flow. The constant pressure head is given by the weight of the float, and the area of the variable orifice is the annular space between the spherical float and the tapered tube, which is very nearly proportional to the distance along the tube. Thus, a uniform scale on the tube then becomes a direct measure of the rate of flow and the calibration curve for such a scale is very nearly a straight line.