The Estimation of Transference Numbers in Dilute Solutions from

The Estimation of Transference Numbers in Dilute Solutions from Limiting Ionic Conductances. Benton Brooks Owen. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1935, 57 (12), ...
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Ikc., 1935




The Estimation of Transference Numbers in Dilute Solutions from Limiting Ionic Conductances BY BENTONBROOKS OWEN


ho(= XO+ 2)and T$( = XO+/ho) are all computed from the table of limiting ionic conductances given by MacInnes, Shedlovsky and Longsworth,6 except those indicated with an asterisk. Of these latter, Aa(KBr) is due to Jones and Bickford,6 AO(K1) to Lasselle and Aston,' and Ao(NH4Cl) is given by Longsworth.8 All values have been adjusted to conform to the primary conductance standard of Jones and B r a d ~ h a w . ~ Equation (1) is not in accord with the known permits the estimation of certain transference numbers from limiting conductances alone.8 transference data for silver and potassium ni, ~ calcium4and barium2 chlorides, and for This equation is formally equivalent to that of t r a t e ~for sodium ~ u l f a t e . ~Its failure in this respect is Longsworth, but a comparison of coefficients parallelled by that of the Longsworth] equation, shows that the parameter, A , which Longsworth but the results in Table I indicate that we might evaluated from the transference data for each individual electrolyte, may be replaced by the confidently expect an accuracy of better than one quantity - P \/2(2T: - l)/Ao, characteristic of unit in the third decimal place of the transference the whole group of electrolytes conforming to the number when it is applied to dilute solutions Longsworth equation. Although this replace- (C < 0.15 normal) of uni-univalent electrolytes in ment is accompanied by a loss in precision, there which ionic association i s negzigjble. Precise limitare obvious practical advantages afforded by the ing conductances are already available for a number of electrolytes in this category, includgain in generality. ing the chlorides, bromides, iodides, acetates, TABLEI propionates, chloro substituted acetates, etc., of TESTOF EQUATION (1) AT 25' Electrolyte A0 p+= (T+(Eq. (1)) - T+(Obs.))lO' lithium, sodium and potassium. The accuracy to HCl 426.17 0.8209 -6 -11 -24 be expected in such calculations for the halides of NaC2H302 90.99 .5507 -1 1 4 hydrogen and ammonia, and possibly the hydroxNH*Cl* 149.94 ,4909 -3 - 6 -12 ides of the alkali metals, would hardly be better KCI 149.86 ,4906 0 - 1 2 than two or three in the third decimal place of the KI * 150.29 .4892 2 - 1 -7 transference numbers a t 0.2 normal, but should KBr* 151.63 ,4849 7 2 - 8 NaCl 126.43 ,3963 -2 - 8 4 improve with dilution, because the equation LiCl 115.03 ,3364 -6 -9 5 reduces, in the limit, to the theoretical tangent Concentration (moles per liter), C = 0 . 0 5 0 . 1 0 . 2 derivable from the OnsagerlO conductance equaA b - = 76.31. tion. With proper attention to the above limitaIn Table I are recorded the differences between tions, however, it appears that this equation T+ calculated by Equation (1) and the smoothed might have considerable application in problems experimental values recently tabulated by Longs- involving diffusion and liquid junction potentials, ~ o r t h .The ~ axerage differences are (with in- and in the determination" of the activity coeEcreasing concentration) three, five and eight units cients of salts (the bromides and iodides of lithium in the fourth decimal place of the transference and sodium, for example) a t high dilution. numbers. The maximum individual difference NEWHAVEN, CONN. RECEIVED AUGUST27, 1935 amounts to nearly 0.3%. The necessary values of (5) MacInnes, Shedlovsky and Longsworth, ibid., 64,2788 (1932).

While the known transference data of simple strong electrolytes can be reproduced with high precision by the empirical evaluation of a single parameter in the Longsworth' equation, or by the adjustment of two parameters in the equation of Jones and Dole,2the semi-empirical relation a; = 7-:


(1) Longsworth, TIIISJOURNAL, 54, 2741 (1932). (2) Jones and Dole, ibid., 51, 1073 (1929). (3) The constants ,Y and @ from the Onsager conductance equationla will be taken as 0.2277 and 29.93. respectively (25'), in subsequent calculations. (4) Longsworth, Tsrrs JOURNAL, 6'7, 1185 (1935).

(6) Jones and Bickford, ibid., 56, 602 (1934). (7) Lasselle and Aston, i b i d . , 66, 3067 (1933). (8) This value was obtained by extrapolation from 0.01 normal.4 (9) Jones and Bradshaw, i b i d . , 55, 1780 (1933). (10) Onsager, Physik. Z . , 28, 277 (1927). (11) Brown and MacInnes, THISJOURNAL, 67, 1356 (1935).