Virve A. Karttunen , Mikko Linnolahti , Tapani A. Pakkanen , Janne Maaranen , Päivi Pitkänen. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2007 118 (5-6), 899-913 ...
The global minimum and the first two local minima utilize N9âH and N3 groups of ... Citation data is made available by participants in Crossref's Cited-by Linking service. ..... dimer in the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides
sarin moiety. The energy properties of the twenty sarinrserine conformers revealed in the present study suggest that at least four of the conformers (1r1, 4r1, 4r2, ...
They are categorized into five classes based on the relative orientation of sarin moiety. The energy properties of the twenty sarinâserine conformers revealed in ...
Comprehensive Global Energy Minimum Modeling of the SarinâSerine Adduct. Jing Wang, Szczepan .... Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 2011 , ...
biguanide may be postulated to 0ccu.r by equation 1. NH&14NH + ?;HZC(NH)KHa --+-. KH,C14(NH)KHC (SH)NHZ (1). Certainly, alternate possibilities for the ...
lower is Cdn. (compare sodium and potas- sium oleate at room temperature, or sodium and potassium palmitate at 90'). On the other hand, increasing the mobility of the anion shifts Gin. to higher concentrations, as shown by the plots for the potassium
autoignition temperature (AIT) data are insufficient or unavailable for many liquid rocket fuels in various oxidant-diluent atmospheres and over wide ranges.
through an approximate solution of the Schriidinger equation in imaginary time. The wave function of each particle is represented as a single Gaussian wave ...
Sep 19, 2011 - A particle swarm optimization algorithm with random learning mechanism and Levy flight for optimization of atomic ... Tsung-Wen Yen , S.K. Lai.
The Global minimum of (NH3)-pH2
The ammonia framework has S8 symmetry The overall energy is -0.14711 hartree The para-hydrogen molecule is bound by 0.34 mhartree