The greatest blending show on earth is ready to play your plant

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The greatest blending show on

earth is ready to play your plant Just say you want to see it. A n d , suddenly, your plant's a Big Top. Our representative near you will roll in a demonstrator model of our Liquid-Solids Twin-Shell Blender*. And put on the show. A section of the bench. A corner of the plant. A space on your desk. N Any place will do for a ring. (As long as there's an ordinary electric outlet handy.) You'll see what the world's fastest precision blender can do — and can do for y o u : See it awhirl blending solids. Gently, then intensively. Uniformly . . . in just minutes. See it disperse a liquid into a solid. See it agglomerate. See it and you'll understand how it's saved time, materials, labor for hundreds of companies . . . simplified processes, upgraded products.

Read all about it in our new 10-page brochure. Send for it today.

*patented and patents pending