The hot question: Are your products fire proof? - C&EN Global

The hot question: Are your products fire proof? Chem. Eng. News , 1972, 50 (21), Outside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v050n021.obc. Publication Date: ...
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The hot question: Are your products fireproof ?

Safety has always been a good ingredient for a product. These days, safety, and especially flame retardance, is virtually a " m u s t " for many plastics, synthetic fibers, and cellulosics.

is one of the most complete for thermoplastic and thermoset resins, adhesives, latex foams, polyurethane foam, rebonded polyurethane foam, synthetic fibers, and cellulosics.

And as this issue gets hotter, the experience, the products and the know-how of the "firem e n " at Michigan Chemical can be more and more important to you. Over the years, we've developed a technology, a wealth of experience, and a variety of chemical systems to meet the toughest flame-retardance standards for a broad range of materials.

Seeing that your products meet today's—and tomorrow's—rigid flame retardance standards can be the most important step you take to insure their future. Take that step now. Get more information. Write or call:

Michigan's fireMaster^line of flame retardants

Mr. William Bell Michigan Chemical Corporation 351 East O h i o St., Chicago, Illinois 60611 Phone: (312) 828-9500 C&EN-52272

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