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THE HYDRAZINE DATABANK. Think of it as a unique new tool for getting answers to searching questions. Each year some 10,000 patents and articles on hydrazine derivatives are published. In theory, this flood of information can only help further your hydrazine research efforts. In practice, you can drown in data if you have neither time nor facilities for extensive patent and literature searches. If that's the case, you should be glad to know Olin is doing something to help you. As the leading commercial producer of hydrazine in the U.S., and with even more capacity on stream, it's obviously in our own best interest to do so. That's why we've established the Hydrazine Databank. Information deposited... Olin's Hydrazine Databank is the only one of its kind. An on-line computer system, it's set up according to published uses of hydrazine and its derivatives . It's designed to ease some of the

burden of research by leading you speedily to the published sources that are more likely to be useful in your specific project. Research that would take you hours or days is thus cut to minutes. Our Databank covers patents and articles that have appeared, world-wide, over the past two years. Highly significant materials going back further than that will be added. By monthly updating, this computerized list is kept current. ...and withdrawn Here's how it works. You send us your question. It may be on hydrazine as a corrosion inhibitor. Or on derivatives used by the dye industry. Or on azoles used in chemical polishing. Or on any other use that interests you. We then plug your question into our computer terminal. In moments, the computer riffles through our files and comes back with per-

tinent condensations of Chemical Abstracts covering both patents and published articles. These condensations include the essential reference information, plus significant key words. All of the information is specifically concerned with your area of interest, with all extraneous material eliminated. We pass the condensation on to you, and you take it from there. Let our Hydrazine Databank' help you. Just write your question on your company letterhead, and send it to: Hydrazine Market Manager, Olin Chemicals, Department 61, 120 Long Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06904.