The Hypothetical Potassium Polyiodides - The Journal of Physical

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Professor Grinnell Jones' believes in the existence of potassium tri-iodide as a stable solid phase a t z s o , and gives definite reasons for his belief. " Johnson2 evaporated solutions of iodine and potassium iodide over sulfuric acid and obtained lustrous, dark prismatic crystals, some of which were over two inches long, which were proved by analyses to have the composition represented by KI3. He also determined the density of these crystals to be 3.498, which corresponded to a molecular volume of 120.1 cc., whereas the molecular volume of K I is 54.3 cc. and of IBis 51.34 cc., making a total of 105.64 cc. Therefore, unless Johnson made an error of nearly 15c7C in the determination of the density of his crystals, they could not have been a mixture of potassium iodide and iodine. He found the melting point to be 45'C. Rells, Kheeler and Penfield3 also prepared solid K13 and determined the crystal angles and showed that it is monoclinic and determined the melting-point to 38°C. Foote and Chalker4 obtain evidence of the formation of solid K I Bfrom Phase Rule studies of the system KI-12-H20. Clark and Duane5 have prepared solid crystals of K13 and confirm the observation of Wells and Penfield that it belongs to the monoclinic system and have studied the structure of the crystal by means of X-ray analysis with results proving that their crystals were not merely a mixture of K I and Iz. It should be noted, however, that Johnson is the only one of these investigators who reports analyses of the pure crystals. "But in spite of this definite and circumstantial evidence of the existence ~ and of solid KI,, dbegg and Hamburger,6 Parsons and C o r l i ~ s ,Parsons Whitternore,* and Bancroft$ deny the existence of solid KI3 a t zs0C. on the basis of Phase Rule studies of the system KI-Iz-HzO. Abegg and Hamburger and Foote and Chalker state that a higher complex having the formula KIi exists in the solid state a t 25"C., whereas Parsons and his collaborators deny the existence of any solid polyiodides of potassium a t 2 g°C. * The experimental work was done in 1927-1929 and part of it was reported on at the Swampscott meeting of the American Chemlcal Society in 1928. The present article was written in September 1930, after having read the manuscript by Briggs and Geigle: J. Phys. Chem., 34, 2250 (1930). J. Phys. Chem., 34, 684 (1930). * J. Chem. SOC.,31, 249 (1877). 3 Z. anorg. Chem., 1, 442 (1892). Am Chem. J., 39, 561 (1908). J. Opt. SOC.America, 7, 472 (1923). 6 Z. anorg. Chem., 50, 427 (1906). 7 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 32, 1367 (1910). 8 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 33, 1933 (1911). W. D. Bancroft: oral statement before the Division of Fhysical Chemistry at the Swampscott meeting of the American Chemical Society, September 1928.



“Berthelotl obtained crystals which he believed to be KI3 but he found the heat of solution of these crystals to be the same as the heat of solution of equivalent quantities of K I and IBin the same amount of water, which indicates but does not necessarily prove that his crystals were a mixture rather than a compound. (‘There are numerous references in the literature describing complex solid polyiodides* of rubidium, cesium, ammonium, and organic bases. “There is thus an irreconcilable conflict of evidence in the literature as to the existence of solid KI3. There are reports of four independent investigations in which it is claimed that solid KI3 was obtained and in one or more of these researches the chemical analysis, density, melting point, crystal system and crystal angles, and internal structure as deduced from X-ray analyses were determined. On the other hand there are four separate investigations based on Phase Rule studies of the system KI-IB-H~O in which no evidence of the occurrence of K13 was found. The reviewer [Grinnell Jones] gives greater weight to the definite, circumstantial, positive evidence of the existence of solid KI3 than to the negative evidence of those investigators who failed to find it. Rut even if it should eventually be definitely determined that K13 is unstable a t 25’C., this fact-if it be a fact-would merely indicate that the vapor pressure’of iodine from solid KI3 exceeds that of pure iodine at 2 5%; but would not disprove the existence of tri-iodide ions in solution. Evidence as to the existence of solid tri-iodides of cesium, rubidium and ammonium seems to be undenied. On the other hand, SO far as the reviewer is aware, no one claims to have produced solid LiI3 or NaI3.” This is the strongest possible case that can be made out for the existence of potassium tri-iodide as a stable solid phase a t z 5’. The point at issue is whether phase rule methods are more or less reliable than other methods in this particular case. Before taking up that point, it will be well to eliminate the two sets of phase rule investigations which purport to show some such compound as KI;. Professor .Jones gives equal weight to Abegg and Hamburger, to Foote and Chalker, and to Parsons and his collaborators, which indicates an uncritical attitude. Abegg and Hamburger studied the freezing-point curves for potassium iodide and iodine, and also determined the z j o isotherm for the ternary system KI-12-Hz0. Their data for the freezing-point curves are shown in Fig. I , reproduced from t’he article by Briggs and Geig1e.a Abegg and Hamburger found a eutectic a t 80.5’ and then a nearly horizontal branch, along which they assumed arbitrarily that KIi crystallized, because of what they assumed to be a maximum in the curve at or near the composition corresponding to KI;. Since then, the true phase diagram has been determined by Briggs and Geigle and is shown in Fig. 2. Cornpt. rend., 90, 841 (1880). J. W.Mellor: “ A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry,”

2, 609

ff. (1922).

J. Phys. Chem., 34,





“AB and B F are the liquidus (or solubility) curves for iodine and potassium iodide, respectively. EF is the boiling point curve for unsaturated solutions of potassium iodide in liquid iodine at approximately one atmosphere (740mm). CBD is the eutectic boundary line and GFH is a similar line for systems consisting of salt, solution and vapor-which must in this case be practically pure iodine since the vapor pressure of potassium iodide is virtually zero a t this temperature. Above the latter line, all mixtures of the two components exist in the form of salt and vapor as coexisting phases, while in the triangular area











FIG.I The System KI-11 according Hamburger



t o Abegg and

EFG the coexisting phases are solution and vapor. The area AEFB, limited by the boundary lines AE, EF, FBI and AB, shows the conditions under which the two components exist as a single liquid phase-viz. as unsaturated solution. The remaining areas have their usual significance. “The diagram as drawn applies, of course, to the system under a pressure of approximately one atmosphere. The lines AB and B F would be essentially the same for the system kept under the (variable) pressure of its own vapor, in which case the line B F could be followed upward either to the melting point of potassium iodide (680’) or to a critical point, the steepness of this line giving one reason to expect the latter. It is unlikely, however, that anything of importance would be learned by completing the diagram a t high pressures and it would be in addition a difficult experimental problem. “It is interesting to compare the present diagram-excluding the upper lines for systems in equilibrium with vapor-with the diagram as given by Abegg and Hamburger and by Kremann and Schoulz (Fig. I ) . These investigators, for the reasons already given, missed entirely the real solubility



curve for potassium iodide, and as the result took part of the eutectic line (BMC in Fig. I ) to be the solubility curve of a compound (K17or KL). They also placed the solubility curve for potassium iodide (the broken line in Fig. I ) in a quite erroneous position, though this was admittedly a pure guess on their part. The work of these investigators is a striking example of the danger of



c I










FIQ.2 Temperature-Composition Diagram for the System KI-I, at approximately I atm.

relying entirely upon temperature arrestg, uncorroborated by other tests, in determining a phase diagram. “The present work is of importance because of its bearing on the extremely controversial subject of the polyiodides of potassium. It proves definitely that there are no such polyiodides as stable phases in equilibrium with melt. Indeed, it may be stated that up to the present no one has presented strictly



trustworthy evidence that a polyiodide of potassium exists as a solid.' In the case of cesium, however, the evidence for the existence of polyiodides* is definite." The three sets of observers, Abegg and Hamburger, Kremann and Schoulz, and Briggs agree that the eutectic temperature for potassium iodide and iodine lies between 80" and 81'. This bars out the observation by Johnson that potassium tri-iodide melts a t 45', and the corresponding observation

Isotherm at

FIG.3 to Abegg and Hamburger.

2 j" according

by Kells, Wheeler and Penfield that i t melts a t 38'. This had already been mentioned by Abegg and H a m b ~ r g e r . ~"It is clear from the curves that no mixtures of iodine and potassium iodide melt below 80". We must, therefore, recognize as false the melting-point determinations of Johnson4 and of Wells and Wheelers for KI,, which gave melting-points of 45' and 38' respectively. Their preparations undoubtedly contained water. I n fact we have observed a melting a t 30' in the capillary for a pure sample crystallized from water, and one can force the melting-point of a potassium iodide-iodine mixture from 80' down to 40' merely by breathing on it." This was probably overlooked by Grinnell Jones. The data of Abegg and Hamburger for the 2 5 ' isotherm of potassium iodide and iodine in water are given in Fig. 3 . Abegg and Hamburger make the two arbitrary assumptions that a new phase occurs along the dotted line and that its composition is KII. There is not a scrap of evidence for either assumption; but people have believed it because hbegg and Hamburger said i t loud and clear. 'Cf. particularly Parsons and Corliss: J. Am. Chem. SOC, 32, 136; (1910); Parsons and Whittemore: 33, 1933 (1911). 2 Cf. Briggs, Greenawald and Leonard: J. Phys. Chem., 34, 1951; Briggs: 2260 (1930). 3Z. anorg. Chem., 50, 435 (1906). J. Chem. SOC.,31, 249 (1877). 6 A m . J. Sei., (3) 43, 4;j (1892).



Abegg and Hamburger' have some experiments with potassium iodide, iodine and benzene which really look as though they had KI7 as solid phase. They started with a concentrated solution of iodine in benzene, and added varying amounts of potassium iodide until the concentration of iodine had fallen to a constant value. Knowing the amount of potassium iodide added and the amount of iodine that had been taken out of the solution, they could of course calculate the composition of the solid phase, which was apparently KIj. They recognized the danger of moisture as introducing a second liquid phase and worked in sealed vessels. Since Dawson2 had shown that iodine does not make potassium iodide soluble in benzene, there is no error on that score. On the other hand it is known that iodine forms a solid solution with benzene. If iodine forms a solid solution with benzene as it may, it is impossible to reason from the behavior in benzene to the behavior in water, because the solid phases would not be the same in the two cases. Since the results of Abegg and Hamburger with benzene do not check those of Parsons and Whittemore and of Scherer with water, and since their results have not yet been checked by anybody, it is safer not to lay too much stress on them for the present. It is very unfortunate under the circumstances that Abegg and Hamburger should have deduced the equilibrium of IiI7 with aqueous solutions from their benzene experiments instead of from the experiments with water. This is the more unfortunate because they were entirely wrong in their melting-point determinations. Foote and Chalker appear to have found IC13 and KI; as solid phases in aqueous solutions and Grinnell Jones says that positive results should be given preference over negative results. That is true in some cases; but there is no evidence of any precautions having been taken by Foote and Chalker. If KI3 and KI; crystallized from their solutions, nobody should have any difficulty in getting these compounds. Apparently they also took no especial precautions to reach equilibrium, whereas Parsons and Whittemore did. Our experiments confirm those of Parsons and Whittemore and consequently we are forced to believe that the data of Foote and Chalker are inaccurate. We can now consider the data obtained by Parsons and \Yhittemore.3 They prepared solutions saturated with either iodine or potassium iodide in the presence of varying amounts of the other. In order to determine the solubility curves and corresponding solid phases for the system potassium iodide, iodine and water, various mixtures were prepared and placed in I O O cc bottles which were rotated in a thermostat at 2 5 ' . From time to time the bottles were removed for analysis and for the addition of more potassium iodide or iodine as the case might require, should examination show that the solid phase had all disappeared. This was continued until equilibrium was reached, some of the bottles being shaken for several months when necessary. IT'hen equilibrium was reached, as shown by duplicate analyses made many days apart, a portion of the solid phase with adhering mother liquor ?


Z. anorg. Chem., 50, 409 (1906). .J. Chem. SOC.,85, 467 (1904). J. .4m.Chem. Soc., 33, 1933 (1911)



was removed and analyzed. The results were plotted as a solubility curve and the prolongation of the lines drawn through points representing the compositions of a solution and the corresponding points representing the compositions of the solid phases with adhering mother liquor meet in a point representing the composition of the solid phase, so long as there is present one solid phase of constant composition, At the quadruple point with two solid phases, solution phase, and vapor phase, the solution can be shown to be in equilibrium with either pure component or with any mixture

FIQ.4 The Mutual Solubility of In and KI in H20.

of them. This work showed that the mutual solubility of potassium iodide and iodine, referred to a constant amount of water, increases with increasing amounts of each, though the percentage composition of potassium iodide in the ternary mixture decreases. At the quadruple point the solution phase contains about two and one-half mols of iodine per mol of potassium iodide. Parsons and Whitternore assume that water does not enter into the composition of the solid phase and they plot their results on ordinary rectangular co-ordinates. There is no need of doing this and we have therefore plotted their data on a triangular diagram, Fig. 4, the numerical data being given in Table I. There is evidently some mistake about the eighth analysis; but all the other data, including the ninth, show that potassium iodide and iodine are the only two solid phases. There is nothing that suggests KI3, even remotely, not even the faulty No. 8. The eighteenth gives a solid phase corresponding pretty closely to K1,-about 16 percent KI instead of about 18 percent; but this happens to be the quadruple point where the apparent composition of the solid phase can be varied at will from IOO percent iodine to IOO percent iodide, It was purely a coincidence that this particular experiment



TABLE I Solubility of Iodine and Potassium Iodide in Water at Analysia of liquid phase

% KI 60.39 54.49 49.05 44.90 38.09 37.60 35.84 29.77* 27.86

16.06 19.64 22.92 23.46 24.83 25.09 25.08


% 11

(a) In equilibrium with KI 39.61 100.00 11.60 33.91 84.92 23.11 27.84 8 5 . 94 31.01 24.09 80.46 44.58 17.33 78.56 45.56 16.84 77.32 49.57 14.59 62.81 7.42 39.99 66.48 5.66 38.78 0.0

(b) 18.47 26.21 36.08 40.51 53.59 63.14 65.98

* [Thisone must be wrong


Analysis of d i d phaae with adherin mother liquor %KI %oI % H z ~



4.05 6.32 10.84 1 5 . 23 16.73


56.10 56.27

3.91 3.95

7.74 8.70

6.21 5.95

In equilibrium with iodine 65.47 54.15 41.00 36.03



11.77 8.94

3.04 4.48 3.70 6.49 8.62 4.82 4.00

85.43 83.87 89.33 83.62 83.81 92.41 94.39


11.65 6.97 9.89

7.57 2.77


far as the solid phase is concerned.]

happened to come out with a composition approximately KI,. Working as people often do, this solution could have been said to be in equilibrium with KII. While these experiments would seem to be absolutely conclusive, there is one possible source of error. Let us assume, for the purposes of discussion, that potassium tri-iodide, though a stable phase, does not form readily and did not form in the experiments of Parsons and Whittemore. In that case a portion of their curve near the tip represents a metastable equilibrium. In that case the true isotherm consists of three branches as postulated by Abegg and Hamburger. This is not probable, because Johnson, Wells and Wheeler, and Foote and Chalker apparently took no particular pains and yet obtained what they called potassium tri-iodide. It is possible, however, and consequently an experiment was made to settle this question, A solution corresponding approximately to the quadruple point on the curve of Parsons and Whittemore was made up synthetically. To this was added more potassium iodide and iodine so as to be certain of having an excess of both substances. The mixture was placed in a thermostat a t z j o 0.1' and left there until the solution was in equilibrium both with the solid potassium iodide and the solid iodine. A titration of the saturated solution




by means of a standard sodium thiosulphate solution showed that the composition of the solution was practically identical with that given by Parsons and Whittemore. That confirmed their result. We then added crystals of Johnson's so-called tri-iodide prepared as he had prepared them. If the solution in the thermostat was in metastable equilibrium] the concentration must change on being seeded with what purported to be crystals of the stable phases. If the solution in the thermostat was in stable equilibrium, addition of Johnson's crystals would cause no change regardless of what they were. After waiting several days the seeded solution was analyzed and was found not to have changed in composition. The solution was analyzed by diluting a weighed portion of the solution to I O O cc with 9;:< alcohol and titrating an aliquot portion of this alcohol solution with a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate, using starch as an indicator. The results are given in Table I1 along with some of the data of Parsons and Whittemore for comparison.

TABLE I1 Analysis of Saturated Solution of IC1 and I? G. sol. taken

Aliquot part

w Na:SQ




Solution before adding crystals: Dec. 1 4 2.4986 1/10 '$0.5; 62.7j Jan. r7 3.1762 I:IO 53.29 64.87 Feb. I j 6.2972 I io 106.18 65.191 Mar. 2 3.6352 I,IO 61.29 6j.19! Parsons and Khittemore 68.13


Solution after adding crystals: Mar. 8 Mar. 13

2.3779 1.8783



31.67 Ka2S203=0.30461N I!'IO

65'r8) 6j.19,


There is therefore no potassium tri-iodide as stable solid phase a t z j" any more than there is in equilibrium with the melt. This being so, Johnson, \Tells and Wheeler, and Clark either did not have potassium tri-iodide at all or had a metastable phase. This last does not seem probable. Johnson states that he succeeded in obtaining lustrous, dark blue, prismatic crystals by evaporating slowly over sulphuric acid concentrated solutions of iodine in aqueous potassium iodide, which analysis showed to be the tri-iodide. He determined the K I by gentle heating of the crystals (dried over sulphuric acid) until potassium iodide alone remained. Then "in order to effect a more direct determination of the iodine, the crystals were dissolved in a little water (containing some potassium iodide to prevent precipitation of iodine) and the amount of the latter in excess of that required for the iodide was determined by a standard solution of sodium hyposulphite, starch being


7 73

used as indicator.” The specific gravity of these crystals was found to be 3.498, The same compound has been obtained by Wells and Wheeler’ and its crystallography determined. Johnson describes K13 as “long prisms which are almost black, and exhibit a lustre resembling that of iodine; it is extremely deliquescent, and can be preserved only in an atmosphere dried by sulphuric acid; when it is exposed to ordinary air, a film of moisture is immediately deposited, the gradually increasing thickness of which causes a rapid succession of colors resembling those formed in the tempering of steel. After a short time it becomes a brown liquid. If crystals are exposed to light for even a few minutes, and then again allowed to dry over sulphuric acid, a film of potassium iodide, due to the efflorescence of iodine, forms on their surface, destroying their metallic lustre and after two or three repetitions of such treatment, even producing a whitish crust of that salt, which, however, exerts a protective influence upon the tri-iodide beneath.” Crystals the same as those described by Johnson and by Wells and Wheeler have been prepared according to the methods outlined by these authors. Solutions made by dissolving iodine and potassium iodide in the proportion of 60.4 iodine t o 39.6 potassium iodide in as little water as possible were evaporated slowly over sulphuric acid a t a low temperature. Due to the extremely deliquescent character of the crystals, it is impossible to transfer them from the desiccator to the balance without an increase in weight due to the absorption of moisture. There may also be water or mother liquor contained in minute cavities in the crystals. These crystals were dried from the mother liquor with filter paper, weighed quickly, and analyzed. The weighed crystals were dissolved in dilute aqueous potassium iodide and the free iodine determined by a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate, using starch as an indicator. Another weighed portion of the crystals was heated gently until potassium iodide alone remained and this white residue was then weighed. The analyses showed the crystals to have approximately the composition of KI3, which is in agreement with the analyses of Johnson. The data are given in Table I11 along with some of the analyses of Johnson for comparison. The crystals used for the three samples are from three different crystallizations. The fact that the iodine and potassium iodide percentages do not add up to a hundred shows that the crystals were not perfectly dry. This was recognized by Johnson. Our results agree with Johnson’s theory even better than his own do and much better than they should considering the peculiar properties of the crystals. There was no conceivable reason why Johnson or those who followed him should have questioned the existence of a solid potassium tri-iodide. On the other hand Parsons and Whittemore found that no potassium tri-iodide crystallized along the whole isotherm and our experiments, already ci?ed, showed that there is no stable tri-iodide. Consequently, Johnson’s crystals either represented a metastable phase or there is something wrong ’.4m. J. Sci., (3) 43, 475






TABLE I11 Analyses of Crystals (KIa) grams % grams Sample I Sample 2 Sample 3




0,0393 0.1654 0.0618

37.15 37.19 36.89

0.0695 0.0599 0.0968

Mean Johnson Johnson






0.7 I 7


57.49 57.91 57.70

37.90 36.96



58.94 58.67





in the analyses. It does not seem probable that Johnson’s crystals were metastable, because he says that “the crystals first deposited were darkcoloured cubes, which proved to be potassium iodide, coloured by a little free iodine; but after some days, lustrous dark-blue prismatic crystals, sometimes two inches long, were deposited, which had the composition required by the formula KL.” One would hardly expect a metastable form to come out in presence of potassium iodide crystals. As these crystals came out of solution in long needles in much the same way that potassium iodide crystallizes out of a supersaturated solution of potassium iodide under special conditions, this seemed to tie in with the results of Parsons and Whittemore. If the crystals are really potassium iodide colored with iodine, the question comes up why the crystals should analyze as KI, if they are essentially potassium iodide. The mother liquor is richer in iodine relatively to potassium iodide, which would bring the iodine content too high. The more serious difficulty is that drying between filter paper removes relatively more potassium iodide than iodine. If this is the case, an analysis of wet crystals should show less iodine than an analysis of dried crystals. The data illustrating this are given in Table I\’.

TABLE IV Analysis of Wet Crystals % KI

5% I2

44.1 31 . o 45.2 From Table I11 35.2

Ratio KI/Iz I . 92 2.22

wet wet

I . 00


I . DO


We have here the extraordinary phenomenon that the wet crystals contain less iodine than the dried crystals, even though the mother liquor contains much more iodine relatively than the crystals. It is of course an unfortunate coincidence that the analysis of the dried crystals should have come



out so close to K18. The odds are almost anything one pleases against this happening; but it did. The discovery of this remarkable and entirely unexpected error means that the only analyses of the solid phases which have any value show the solid phases to be potassium iodide and iodine. If there is no solid potassium tri-iodide, there must be something wrong with the experiments by Wells, Wheeler and Penfield.‘ They accepted Johnson’s analysis and their melting-point of 3 8’ was seven degrees below that which Johnson found and a t least 4 2 ’ below what seems to be the lowest possible melting point for the system. These are natural errors; but it does not seem possible that they could have slipped up on their crystallographic data, and yet they apparently did. It is also possible that people have overestimated in the general discussion the magnitude of the difference between a cubic and a monoclinic crystal. If the potassium iodide from the iodine solution contains a little iodine in solid solution, as it may well do, that might be enough to change one of the axes slightly. It should be kept in mind that all that Wheeler and Wells have done was to show that the crystals that they examined differed slightly from potassium iodide. They accepted Johnson’s inaccurate analysis without question and without proof. There is really nothing in their work to show that they were studying potassium tri-iodide and we know that they were not. The crystals come out either as columns, which may be cubes in a row, or as needles. Qualitatively similar types of crystals can be obtained from potassium iodide solutions containing no iodine under suitable conditions and the only possible conclusion is that the crystals are potassium iodide colored by iodine and that Wells, Wheeler and Penfield were misled by the assumed analogy with cesium iodide. As a matter of fact, Brig& has shown that Wells3 and his co-workers slipped somewhat in their work on cesium iodide and iodine. “ f e l l s and Penfield stated that cesium tri-iodide melts at z 10’ and ‘whitens’ through loss of iodine a t 330’ when heated in an open tube. It is apparent from the diagram [Fig. 41 that they were right enough about the ‘melting’ point, although the melting of course was not complete. The ‘whitening’ temperature, however, was placed too high, since the iodine may be boiled out completely a t about 303’. “Wells and Wheeler, in describing the higher polyiodide which they took to be CsI5, stated that it melted a t 73’; but they also remarked-and this puzzled them greatly-that m i x t u r e s of iodine and cesium iodide between CsI4 and CsI9 likewise melted a t 73’. It is apparent from the diagram that the temperature referred to as a melting point by Wells and Wheeler is actually the eutectic temperature for iodine and polyiodide as solid phases. Accordingly, their mixtures of the two components could not have melted completely in general as they thought-that is to say, these investigators 2

Am. J. Sci., (3) 43, 475 (1892). J. Phys. Chem., 34, 2260 (1930). Wells and Penfield: Am. J. Sci., (3) 43, 1 7 (1892);Wells and Wheeler: 44, 43 (1892).



made the same mistake that Abegg and Hamburger and Kremann and Schoulz made a t a later date in the case of iodine and potassium iodide. They mistook the eutectic for a melting point. “We can go still farther, in addition, and say with confidence that, since Tells and Kheeler gave 73’ as the melting point of the higher polyiodide, they could not have prepared it pure, They really had a mixture of the higher polyiodide and iodine, and for this reason the analyses which they made in an attempt to establish the formula of the polyiodide are worthless. They do give the clue to the correct formula, however; but it lies hidden in the statement that mixtures on the iodine side of CsI3 melt always at 73’. This is precisely what the present investigation has shown to be the upper limit for the first eutectic and is additional evidence to prove that the higher polyiodide is unquestionably CsI,. I t is most interesting to find this bit of evidence tucked away in the original paper of Wells and Wheeler.” R e have still to consider the X-ray determinations by Clark and Duane.’ “Kith the new method of crystal structure analysis established in its fundamental features by the study of KI, its extension to the more complex structures of secondary valence compounds followed. It seemed logical to select potassium tri-iodide, not only because of its close relationship as a polyiodide to KI, but also because of its great chemical interest and importance in such matters as iodometric analysis, etc. “Splendid crystals of convenient size and thickness for transmission experiment’s separated after very slow spontaneous evaporation in z’acuo from a strong aqueous solution containing theoretical quantities2 of K I and iodine. Without a very careful control of the evaporation, a mud of indefinite composition3 precipitated. Since the vapor pressure of iodine from the compound reaches 760 mm in an enclosed space a t 146’C, it became necessary during the analysis to protect the crystal against rapid loss of iodine by enclosing it in a very thin glass bulb mounted on the crystal table. “The analysis proceeded in exactly the same way as outlined for KI. In the determination of the angles between planes, peak reflections occurred a t angles of almost 90” and 45’ from the peak for the I O O reflections. The angular reading for the I O O peak was 4j048’, and for the I O O peak 0’30’. This slight departure of about 18’ from perfect cubic symmetry verifies the discovery by Kells and Penfield in goniometric measurements that one of the axes is slightly inclined to the plane containing the other two a t right angles. The experiments indicate, therefore, a cube slightly distorted into a monoclinic prism. The critical voltage for the I O O peak produced by transmission through the crystal approxima:ed 11,300 volts a t an angle, 8, of 6’45‘, corresponding to the wave-length 1.09A. Substituting this value in the equation X = z d sin 0, gives dloo = 4.68 x IO-^ cm. The number of molecules per unit, calculated from m = pd3//Xw,where p , the density, is 3.398, TT, the 1 J. Opt. SOC. America, 7, 472 (1923). 2 [Nobody, not even Johnson, has ever claimed that K13 crystallizes first from such a solution I 3 [This cannot be true if K L is a definite chemical compound.]



molecular weight is 419.86 and w, the weight of the hydrogen atom, is 1.663 X 10-24, comes out 0.51 or 1/2 molecule. Hence the original unit cube of K I with d = 3.532 has expanded to a very slightly distorted cube with an edge length of 4.68 x 10-8 cm and with an extra atom of iodine a t or near the center. “Again, as in the case of KI, the spectrum of the reflection furnished striking configurations and additions. The KI, spectrum duplicates that of K I in that it is characteristic of iodine. The spectra of the former for the loo and O I O planes show the iodine peaks a t almost the same angles. A welldefined first-order peak at the top of the sharp absorption drop appears at 2 ’ 2 I ’ and another, less prominent and incompletely separated, a t 2’39’. As in the case of KI, the center of the absorption drop, the higher and the lower peaks have wave-lengths corresponding, respectively, to the critical absorption, the KP and KO. lines of iodine, The same reflections repeat themselves through 4 orders. Calculating d from 0.388 = 2 d sin (2’21’) and 0.437 = z d sin (2’39’) gives the value 470 X IO+ cm. Considering that the calculation from a wave-lengtb in the continuous spectrum involved an unusually long wave-length, 1.09A, the value of d agrees remarkably well with that calculated from the characteristic iodine wave-lengths.” It is purely a grand-stand play to speak about studying solid potassium tri-iodide because of its importance in iodometric analysis. Solid potassium tri-iodide is not used in iodometry. It is important that iodine is soluble in a potassium iodide solution; but it is quite immaterial whether this is because of the formation of polyhalides or for some other reason. There is nothing in this work of Clark and Duane to show that they had potassium tri-iodide at all. It all goes back to the now discredited analysis published by Johnson in 1877. Their own statements show that their material was impure. Pure iodine has a vapor pressure of 760 mm a t 184.35’ according to Ramsay and Young’ and the dissociation pressure of a stable polyiodide cannot be higher than the vapor pressure of pure iodine. Clark and Duane claim that the dissociation pressure of the alleged compound is 760 mm a t 146O, which is absurd, quite apart from the fact that we now know that there is no stable compound2 between iodine and potassium iodide in contact with the melt. Clark and Duane’s material must have contained water for it to have had the vapor pressure which they give. This is not surprising because we know froin the melting-points that Johnson’s preparations and those of Wells and Wheeler contained water. There does not seem to be any justification for mentioning a vapor pressure of 760 mm a t 146’ without comment, because Regnault had put the boiling-point of iodine a t I 75’ as far back as I 86 2 . Clark and Duane did not determine the density of their material themselves but took the value found by Johnson which we know to be wrong because Johnson’s material was not pure. Consequently Clark and Duane worked with impure material of unknown composition with a false density, J. Chem. SOC., 49, 461 (1886). Briggs: J. Phys. Chem., 34, 2 2 5 0 (1930)



and they calculated their results by means of a formula which did not apply. They resemble the billiard sharp in the Mikado, who played on a cloth untrue, with a twisted cue and elliptical billiard balls. We may seem to be a little harsh on Mr. Clark; but he has had over two years in which to correct the erroneous statement, made a t Swampscott, that he had proved the existence of solid K13; and he has not taken advantage of the days of grace. We are not the only people to criticize Mr. Clark’s conclusions. R. W. G. Wyckoff’ says that “both the data and their treatment are, however, incapable of proving anything definite about the manner of atomic arrangements in crystals with such low symmetry.” Ewald an,d Herma& say that “in these three papers [by Clark and Duane] they have worked with the selective reflection of the iodine radiation in K13 crystals. The results are probably wrong.” Mr. H. M. Southworth of the Department of Physics a t Cornel1 University was good enough to make some X-ray measurements by the powder method on potassium iodide and so-called potassium tri-iodide. The latter crystals were drained, ground, and put into tubes along with some adhering mother liquor. Four spectrographs were made: two each from two tubes. The first pair were over-exposed; but the second, using exposures of I O and 7 minutes respectively, were fairly good. In Table V are given the data read from the latter two films, with the lines for K I as computed for unit cell = 7.052AS for a face-centered cube.4



K I e rnp 7.052 l / n k

3 4 8

4.07 3.53 2.49




2.04 I. 76 1.62 1.58 1.440 1.358 1.247


16 I9 20

24 27



I O rnin.

I1 7 min.




4.07 3.49

4.07 3.49

4.05 3.49



4.05 3.49 2.48





2.04 I . 76 1.62 1.58 1.443 1.358


2.03 I . 76


1.62 1.58 1.443 1.358


1.44 1.353


. 1.44

I .2 5 0

“As is seen from the data, the lines observed check closely with the computed values, in the case of KI,, as well as in that of KI. Except for the last line (n = 32), which was very faint for KI, lines were observed for KI3 “The Structure of Crystals,” 339 (1924). Strukturbericht, 287 (1913-1926). 3 “International Critical Tables,” 1, 345. 4 Clark: “Applied X-rays,” 134.



corresponding to each of the lines for KI, and no other lines for KIs were observed, The lines for K I a were in general fainter than those for KI.” We are not qualified to interpret X-ray data; but we are told that Table V is not an argument for the separate existence of KIs. We express our sincerest thanks to Mr. Southworth. The belief in the existence of a solid potassium tri-iodide, stable at z s 0 , rests on the analysis made by Johnson in 1877-which has since been shown to be wrong-and on the fact that a solid potaasium tri-iodide was a natural thing to expect. I n the paper already cited, Grinnell Jones says that he “gives greater weight to the definite, circumstantial, positive evidence of the existence of solid K13 than to the negative evidence of the investigators who failed to find it.” As a general principle this is perfectly sound; but it happens to be an unfortunate position to take in this particular case. We have duplicated Johnson’s results and anybody can duplicate Johnson’s results. I n fact Wells and Wheeler did and Clark and Duane did. All three sets of people had material which was obviously impure from its properties, and Johnson was the only one who made an analysis. His analysis was made by a method which could not possibly give accurate results with such a substance as the hypothetical potassium tri-iodide. We have duplicated his analysis and have shown that the error was in the method and not in his manipulation. We have confirmed the experiments of Abegg and Hamburger and of Parsons and Whittemore that potassium tri-iodide does not crystallize from these solutions. A better statement by Grinnell Jones would have been that Johnson obtained K13 by an obviously inaccurate method of analysis, whereas Abegg and Hamburger and Parsons and Whittemore found no such compound, when using phase rule methods which are known to be more accurate. The analyses by Scherer confirm those by Parsons and Whittemore. As these last had been made before Grinnell Jones wrote his article, and as he had been told about them, one can hardly praise him for his calm, impartial attitude. While the experiments with benzene by Abegg and Hamburger are puzzling and should be repeated, Parsons and Corlissl have obtained results with aqueous alcohol which agree absolutely with the later work by Parsons and Whitternore with water alone. From the view-point of phase-rule work, it is immaterial whether one uses pure water, pure alcohol, or any mixture of them as the solvent, provided the ratio of water to alcohol is kept constant throughout. If neither water nor alcohol forms part of the solid phases under the conditions of the experiment, the nature of the solid phases must be independent of the composition of the aqueous alcohol used. “In order to obtain the solubility curves and corresponding solid phases for the system, various mixtures were prepared and placed in IOO cc. hardglass bottles, the glass stoppers of which had been carefully ground. The bottles were then rotated in a large thermostat carefully regulated a t 25’. The rotating was started December I , 1909, and the bottles were removed from J. Am. Chem. SOC., 33, 1367 (1910).



time to time for analysis and for the addition of more potassium iodide or of iodine as the case might require, should examination show that the solid phase had all disappeared. Equilibrium was reached most quickly in the more concentrated solutions, which was directly contrary to previous experience in pure alcohol. Many of the bottles had not reached equilibrium on March I after three months rotation. Practically all were in equilibrium by April I ; but the two where pure iodine alone was present in solution still showed slight gains on June I over analyses made some two weeks previously. They were, however, very near to saturation.’’

TABLE VI Solubility of Iodine and Potassium Iodide in Forty Percent Alcohol a t Analysis of liquid phase cc


Analysis of solid phase with adhering mother liquor Ch KI 7; 1% 5; H?O

7: T P :;;H 2 0 (a) In equilibrium with potassium iodide

$ 2 . IO


40.83 38.94 37 41 36.25 35 38 33.26 31.71 30.59 28.56 26.9; 24.52 23.04

3.76 10.09 15.71 20.52


33.62 39.99 44.76 55.30 60.27 65.93 69.93

57.90 55.41 50.97 46.89 43.23 40.15 33.12 28.30 24.6; 16.14 12.78 9.55 7.03



89.21 88.80 88.19 87.04 86.08 83.61 82.06 80.80 7; 90 74.77 72.98 72.35

0.70 1.90 3.02 4.21 5.11 8.41 10.76 12.35 18.63 20.86 23.61 25.04


9.09 9.30 8.79 8.75 8.81 7.99 7.18 6.8;

5.87 4.37 3.41 2.51

(b) In equilibrium with iodine 97.03 62.8; 46.81 34.8; 31.03 25.45 13.91 10.78




97l 28.70 $0.63 49.95 52.95 57.37 66.89 69.10

3.41 4.98 5.60 6.61 8.45 7.08

84.02 83.81 82.96 83.60 85.16 88.81










22.419 .-


76.24 26.14

4.28 4.49


8.45 12.56 15.20 16.02 17.18 19.20





13.64 12.57 11.21

11.44 9.79 6.39 4.11

(c) Quadruple point


6.71 6.69

19.48 69.37

Final analysis June I . Saturation may not have been quite reached. After addition of KI and further rotation.




The data for 40 percent, alcohol are given in Table VI and Fig. j ; and those for 60 percent alcohol in Table VI1 and Fig. 6. In regard to Table VI Parsons and Corliss say: “The analyses given are the final ones after equilibrium had been proven. Their accuracy may be judged from seven analyses given of the most concentrated liquid a t the invariant [quadruple] point No. 2 0 . At this point the liquid was shown to be in equilibrium with iodine, with potassium iodide; and with two mixtures of iodine and potassium iodide. I t

FIG.5 Forty Percent Alcohol Isotherm at



was first found to be in equilibrium with two solid phases, which could from the nature of the curve be only iodine and potassium iodide. For the sake of further demonstration the liquid was separated from the solid, pure iodine added, and further rotated in the thermostat without change in composition. Potassium iodide was now added and it [the solution] was later found to be in equilibrium with this new mixture. It was again separated from the solid and rotated in contact with pure potassium iodide but no change in composition took place. As only two solid phases can co-exist at the invariant [quadruple] point, no polyiodide can be present. It might also be well to call attention to the highest concentration and the interesting fact that a mixture of twenty grams of potassium iodide and 7 2 . 5 grams of iodine can be kept in solution by 7 . j grams of 60 percent alcohol a t 2 jo.” It is rather interesting to note what Parsons and Corliss‘ say about their predecessors in this field. “As usually happens, the literature contains claims for the existence of solid polyiodides of potassium and also evidence of the non-existence at least of the tri-iodide. Johnson* states that he succeeded in 1 2

J. Am. Chem. SOC.,33, 1368 (1910). J. Chem. SOC.,31, 249 ( 1 8 7 7 ) .



TABLE VI1 Solubility of Iodine and Potassium Iodide in Sixty Percent Alcohol a t Analysis of liquid phase

% KI

30.93 29.87 28.39 28.00 27.60 27.00

25.90 24.90 24.40 22.49 21.50

% Iz % Hz0 %KI 7011 (a) In equilibrium with potassium iodide 0.0 69.07 100.00 0.0 4.51 65.69 89.13 0.71 12.48 59.13 86.60 2.27 87.30 3.21 18.60 53.40 21.80 50.60 85.75 4.25 28.00 84.39 6.05 45.00 81.05 10.30 33.58 40.52 52.42 22.68 76.21 16.73 73.20 21.04 58.93 17.67 71.66 24.15 65.75 11.76 70.04 26.42 9.55 68.95

17.72 19.30

(b) 23.04~ 43.05 49.38 55.33 59.26 62.66 69.10 71.90




72.46 72.54 72.44


7.36 10.60 12.44 13.74 15.20


19.98 20.08 20.06 20.05



Anal sis of solid phase with adzering mother liquor

I n equilibrium with iodine 76.96 0.0 100.00 4949 1.40 88.76 40.02 2.50 88.21 32.23 3.72 87.10 27.00 4.41 86.60 22.14 5.80 85.20 13.18 7.15 85.49 7.45 88.96 8.80 (c) Quadruple point 7.38 7.5' 21.84 7.41 7.58 7.40 7.41 20.61







74.64 __

%Hz0 0.0

IO.16 11.13

9.49 I O .00

9.56 8.65 7.06 5.76 4.19 3.54


9.84 9.29 9.18 8.99 9.00 7.36 4.59

3.52 -

89.81 74.09


2.79 5.30 -



obtaining lustrous, dark-blue crystals by evaporating concentrated solutions of iodine in both aqueous and alcoholic potassium iodide, which analysis showed him to be the tri-iodide. As all the mixed crystals obtained from these strong solutions have much the same appearance and can not be separated from the mother liquor, his conclusions are not to be relied upon, especially as analysis is no criterion whatever of the formula of a substance unless its identity as a single compound is proven by other means. The more recent 1

Final analysis June Analysirc April 12.


saturation point may not have been quite reached.



work of Abegg and Hamburger’ upon solutions of iodine in aqueous potassium iodide is extensive, and they conclude that no polyiodide of potassium exists of less complexity than KI7. A difference of opinion may be held as to whether the solid phase they analyzed as near to K17 waa in reality homogeneous. Foote and Chalker2 give results which, if correct, prove the existence of KI, and K17. They are in direct opposition to our own and both cannot be right. We must leave the judgment to others. We can only suggest that possibly

FIQ.6 Sixty Percent Alcohol Isotherm at



equilibrium was not attained, that the analyses of the solutions supposed to be constant are not in sufficient agreement to prove constancy of composition and that in these concentrated solutions the potassium iodide content of the solid phase, after pressing between filter paper, is alone no real criterion of its true composition. Furthermore, we are unable to plot their results on any semblance to a solubility curve.” It is difficult to believe that Grinnell Jones read the papers by Parsons and Corliss, and Parsons and Whittemore either sympathetically or understandingly. He has quite overlooked what everybody knows, that the man who challenges the work of his predecessors has usually taken some pains to satisfy himself that his work is right. He should receive a t least as much consideration as the man who never knew that anybody was going to question his data. It is quite certain that Foote and Chalker would have taken more pains if i t had occurred to them that their data would be challenged. Most people would also have noted that nobody has attempted to controvert the data published by Parsons more than twenty years ago. Z. anorg. Chem., 31, 249 (1906). * A m . Chem. J., 39, 561 (1908). 1



The fact is that the only evidence for the existence of solid potassium triiodide is the analysis by Johnson in 18; j of an admittedly impure product by an admittedly inaccurate method. The experiments of \Yells and \Yheeler were made with an impure product-as shown by the melting-point-which they did not analyze. There is nothing in their results inconsistent with the assumption that their product was essentially potassium iodide which had taken up enough iodine to change one of the axes slightly. Clark and Duane worked with an impure product-as shown by the boiling-point-which they did not analyze. There is nothing in their results inconsistent with the assumption that their product was essentially potassium iodide which had taken up enough iodine to change one of the axes slightly. The phase rule studies by Abegg and Hamburger, Foote and Chalker, Parsons and Thittemore, and Scherer show no signs of potassium tri-iodide as a solid phase at 2 5 ' , while Briggs has shown that no polyiodide exists in stable equilibrium with the melt. The evidence against the existence of potassium tri-iodide as a solid phase stable a t 25' is overwhelming. On the other side there is one inaccurate set of analyses, made before any doubt had been cast on the existence of solid potassium tri-iodide. The work of Parsons and Corliss with aqueous alcohol confirms the results of Parsons and Whittemore. The work of Abegg and Hamburger with benzene appears to prove the existence of solid KI;. The general results of this paper are as follows:I . I n 1877 Johnson analyzed impure crystals from a potassium iodideiodine solution and seemed to prove that the solid phase was KI3. Johnson's experiments have been duplicated by Scherer who got the same results as Johnson; but who showed that these results were wrong. Wells and Wheeler did not analyze their product but relied on John2. son's analysis which has now been discredited. The melting point of their product shows it to have been impure. 3 . Clark and Duane did not analyze their product but relied on Johnson's analysis which has now been discredited. The boiling-point of their product shows it to have been impure. 4. Abegg and Hamburger, Foote and Chalker, and Parsons and Whittemore found no evidence of the existence of solid potassium tri-iodide a t 2;". Their line of attack was sound theoretically, while Johnson's was not. I t must be remembered that Johnson's method was the only one known at the time he did his experiments. 5 . The experiments of Wells and Wheeler show nothing for or against the existence of solid potassium tri-iodide. Their results are consistent wit'h the assumption that their product was potassium iodide which had taken up enough iodine to change one crystal axis slightly. 6. The experiments of Clark and Duane show nothing for or against the existence of solid potassium tri-iodide. Their results are consistent with the assumption that their product was potassium iodide which had taken up enough iodine to change one crystal axis slightly.



7 . The X-ray measurements by Mr. H. M. Southworth of the Department of Physics show no signs of the presence of potassium tri-iodide. 8. The experiments of Briggs prove that no polyiodide of potassium can exist in stable equilibrium with the melt.

9. Our experiments prove that those of Parsons and Whittemore are not vitiated by presence of a metastable phase. IO.

Solid potassium tri-iodide does not occur as a stable phase a t


Parsons and R'hittemore are right in saying that potassium iodide and iodine are the only solid phases which can be stable at 2 jo. 11.

I 2. The experiments of Parsons and Corliss with aqueous alcohol confirm those of Parsons and Whittemore.

'13. The experiments of Abegg and Hamburger appear to prove the existence of solid K17. Since this does not exist, there is something wrong about the experiments, possibly the assumption that iodine crystallizes pure from benzene. 14. Professor Grinnell Jones is right in saying that the non-existence of potassium tri-iodide as a solid phase stable a t 25' proves nothing either way as to the existence or non-existence of potassium tri-iodide in solution. It is interesting, however, to note the lengths to which people have gone in trying to foster the belief that solid potassium tri-iodide does occur as a solid phase stable a t 2 5 ' . Cornell L'nirerszty.