The Influence of Sulfur on Soil Acidity. - Industrial & Engineering

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1914, 6 (9), pp 747–748. DOI: 10.1021/ie50069a011. Publication Date: September 1914. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem...
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Sept.. 1914


t h a t peanuts contain 37.48 t o 41.63 per cent of oil. Beattie, in Farmers’ Bulletin No. 376, United States Department of Agriculture, says t h a t t h e oil m a y r u n as high as 50 per cent in some peanuts. These results are evidently on t h e peanuts before roasting; after roasting t h e oil would be higher, due t o a corresponding loss in water. Our results on the manufactured peanut b u t t e r d o not show a n y more oil t h a n m a y occur in the roasted peanut. The U. S. standards for peanut, olive and cottonseed oils as given b y Leach are as follows: Refractive index at 25’ C. P e a n u t . . . . . . . . . . 1.4690 t o 1.4707 Olive.. . . . . . . . . . 1.4660 t o 1.4680 Cottonseed.. . . . . 1.4iO0 t o 1.4725

Iodine value (Hiibl) 57 t o 100 19 t o ‘)O 104 t o 110

The iodine value falls well within t h e limits of those given for pure peanut oil. T h e greatest variations are in the refractive index. Considering t h e fact t h a t t h e oils obtained from t h e roasted peanuts give results comparable with t h e manufactured product, one could hardly sa.y t h a t oil h a d been added. T h a t added oil can be detected is seen in t h e lowering of t h e refractive index b y t h e use of olive oil. K A N S A SSTATE AGRICGLTURAL COLLEGE





R.eceived June 2 , 1914

T h e control of parasitic fungi which art: capable of persisting in t h e soil has occupied t h e attention of m a n y scientists and agriculturalists within recent years. T o t h e above t y p e of fungi belongs t h e one causing t h e ordinary scab of t h e potato. Even before this specific organism ( O o s p o r a scabies) h a d been isolated b y Thaxter much work h a d been d0n.e toward devising methods of control. Halstead’ in t h e annual report of t h e New Jersey Experiment Station for 189j reports favbrable results in controlling the potato scab as a result of t h e application of flowers of sulfur t o t h e soil. This work was not continued b y Dr. Halstead, b u t within t h e last year t h e problem has been t a k e n up again. It m a y be well a t this time t o s t a t e some of t h e facts t h a t have been noted on phase of t h e sulfur question relating t o its effect on soil acidity. Researches b y 11. A. Demolon* have shown t h a t on soils of different origin, containing 3 per (cent a n d 2.8 per cent, respectively, of calcium carbonate, there is a great increase in t h e a m o u n t of sulfates due t o t h e addition of sulfur t o t h e soil. He added I per cent of flowers of sulfur t o these soils and incubated t h e m a t z o o C. for forty (days. An analysis of t h e viater extract .gave these relative amounts of sulfates per hundred grams of soil as indicated b y t h e weights of BaSO, given below. Gms. B a s 0 4 XVith sulfur Soil A , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 970 Soil H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 , 6 1 2

Gms. B a s 0 4 XVithout sulfur 0.062 0.047

Experiments b y the same investigator demonstrated t h a t the oxidation of sulfur was accomplished b y bac1


S . J . Exp. Station R e $ , 1895, p . 270. Comfit. r e n d . , 166 (1913). 7 2 5 .


teria in the soil. Brioux a n d Guerbet’ have gone f u r t h e r a n d not only proven the, bacterial nature of t h e action, b u t have furnished d a t a on t h e influence of various substances-calcium carbonate, saccharose, peptone, etc., when added t o the soil in which t h e sulfur was introduced. I n our recent work under field conditions where as much a s 600 pounds of sulfur was applied per acre i t was noticed t h a t a large amount of t h e sulfur was still present in t h e soil a t digging time, apparently in an unchanged condition. In order t o ascertain facts on t h e rate of oxidation of t h e sulfur in t h e soil a series of tumblers containing I O O gram portions of soil were arranged, one-half containing sulfur, t h e other half without i t . Thirty-three mg. of sulfur, equivalent t o 1000 pounds of sulfur per acre foot (3,000,000 pounds), were added. The soils were made up t o t w e n t y per cent moisture content and covered with Petri dishes. B y t h e addition of sterile water once a week t h e moisture content was practically cons t a n t throughout the experiment. One tumbler containing sulfur mixed with the soil and one not containing sulfur were removed each week and tested for acidity. I n this work t h e Jones2 calcium acetate method of determining soil acidity was used. Preliminary tests comparing t h e Jones method with t h e Yeitch method on a number of soils showed a close correlation, a n d as comparative results only were desired, this method was thought sufficiently accurate. I n t h e following table are included the results of t h e analysis of this first series:


Lime requirement in pounds C a 0 per 1 000 000 oounds of soil

Time of incubation Weeks 1



n’ithout sulfur



XVith sulfur 2393

2 3

4 5 6



9 10 11


From t h e foregoing table i t would appear t h a t the sulfur h a d practically all been oxidized within t h e first eight or nine weeks. There is very little change in t h e acidity after t h e seventh week. Assuming t h a t t h e Jones method has given the correct lime requirements i t is interesting t o note how closely t h e above lime requirements check u p with t h e theoretical. .4n average of t h e lime requirements of the two soils from t h e seventh t o t h e eleventh weeks inclusive gives 2431 pounds for t h e check a n d 4177 pounds for t h e sulfured soils. Obviously t h e difference of I 744 pounds of lime is due t o t h e oxidation of sulfur. By means of t h e following proportion 32 : j 6 : : 1000 : x we find t h a t the C a O equivalent t o the 1000 pounds sulfur per acre would be 1 7 j o . Apparently t h e reason t h a t no further increase in acidity takes place after t h e eighth week is due t o the fact t h a t all of the sulfur has been oxidized. The fact t h a t sulfur causes this increase in acidity 1

Comfit. r e n d . , 156 (1913), 14i6.

Reported a t the 30th Annual Convention A . 0. A . C., Washington, D. C . , r\-ovember, 1913. .’

T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L . A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y


under field conditions is shown b y t h e following table i n which are t h e analyses of soils from four old p o t a t o rows t o which sulfdr was applied last year. Samples were t a k e n approximately one year after t h e application. T h e rows were 1400 f e e t long a n d borings 0-3 inches were made about every t w e n t y feet. T h e sulfured rows r a n consecutively b u t 1 2 rows were skipped before samples on t h e check row were t a k e n . T h e sulfured rows were t w o feet eight inches a p a r t . Rate of sulfur application Lime requirement in Lbs. per acre lbs. CaO per acre 1 ...................... 600 3187 300 2590 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 600 3025 4 ...................... 300 2247 5 . . .................... None (check) 883


Rows I a n d z received ammonium sulfate i n t h e fertilizer last year, while rows 3 a n d 4 received sodium nitrate, a fact which would account for a difference i n t h e acidity. Laboratory experiments with a heavy clay loam soil a n d a sandy loam soil show a much more rapid oxidation of sulfur with t h e l a t t e r soil. Soils made u p t o water content ( 2 0 per cent) once each week a n d allowed t o dry did not give as rapid oxidation as those kept covered so a s t o maintain optimum moisture content. T h e influence of texture,, moisture a n d bacterial content will serve as a basis upon which further work o n t h e influence of sulfur o n soil reaction will be carried out. NEW JERSEY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NEW BRUNSWICK


At t h e j 3 r d ( 1 9 0j ) meeting of t h e American P h a r m a ceutical Association, one of us, with T. M. P r a t t , presented a paper on a rapid estimation of caseine i n milk based o n precipitation of t h e casein with a n excess of a solution of ferric alum of known t i t e r , estimation of t h e unused iron i n t h e filtrate a n d t h e n calculating t h e a m o u n t of iron used b y t h e caseine i n t h e a c t of precipitation. This paper was published i n t h e Proceedings of t h e American Pharmaceutical Association, 53 ( 1 9 0j ) , 2 7 5 , a n d i n t h e American Journal of Pharmacy, 78 (1906), 1 2 1 , b u t a s our attention has been called t o t h e fact t h a t these t w o publications are not always conveniently accessible t o t h e general chemical worker a n d as t h e paper was frankly a preliminary one, i t seemed advisable t o report further work on t h e topic a n d t h a t i n a strictly chemical journal. I n t h e previous paper was presented t h e method of manipulation a n d figures showing influence of t e m p e r a t u r e , of presence of f a t ( b u t t e r ) , of presence of sugar a n d , lastly, a few parallel experiments comparing t h e ferric alum figures with t h e Kjeldahl figures of t h e same sample of milk. These l a t t e r figures, t h e a t t e m p t t o express t h e value of I cc. of ferric alum solution i n t e r m s of nitrogen a n d of caseine, were n o t sufficiently exact nor were t h e number of assays performed sufficient for 1 Presented a t the 48th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Rochester, September 8-12, 1913.

Vol. 6, N o . 9

a positive s t a t e m e n t of t h e ferric alum factor. While t h e process i n t h e empiric commercial milk testing work for which i t was devised proved entirely satisfactory, proof of i t s scientific accuracy was yet t o be shown; a n d this has been t h e aim of our experiments during t h e past winter. Since t h e publication of our prior paper, VanSlyke & Bosworthl have published a titration method based o n use of tenth-normal alkali. This plan has n o t proved as satisfactory in our hands as t h e ferric alum method b u t t h e fact has n o bearing on our investigation, since there is room for more t h a n one simple estimation of caseine. T H E F E R R I C ALUM E S T I M A T I O K

Since t h e publication of our previous paper, several modifications of t h e process a s originally published have suggested themselves a n d have been tried o u t . I n all t h e work we have used as t h e s t a n d a r d iron solution, a ferric a l u m containing 4 8 . 2 2 2 4 g. F e ( N H 4 ) (SO4)2.12H2O t o t h e liter, standardizing this solution b y t h e usual method of volumetric ferric estimat i o n ; adding potassium iodide a n d hydrochloric acid a n d titrating t h e liberated iodine with tenth-normal sodium thiosulfate. One cc. of our s t a n d a r d solution, therefore, liberates 12.692 mg. iodine which i n t u r n requires I cc. tenth-normal sodium thiosulfate for decolorization. I n our previous work, in a n a t t e m p t t o dispense with t h e use of t h e rather costly potassium iodide, we have repeatedly tried estimation of t h e iron solution b y titration with tenth-normal alkalis, noting e n d of reaction b y use of phenolphthalein a s indicator. I n this case t h e ferric alum solution ( 4 8 . 2 2 2 4 g. t o 1000 cc.) was standardized b y titration against tenth-normal sodium hydroxide, I cc. of ferric alum solution taking 3 cc. tenth-normal aIkali for complete neutralization. This, we found a n easier procedure t h a n would seem a t first glance, as a f t e r a little experience, i t is not difficult t o note t h e red t i n t of t h e alkaline phenolphthalein combination i n t h e supernatant liquid a b o u t t h e ferric hydroxide precipitate. T h e figures of such a line of assays i n which t h e excess of ferric alum was estimated with N / I O alkali are given below. COMPARISON







I n this a n d all other experiments described i n this paper, t h e ferric alum solution employed was one containing 48.2224 g. FeNH4(S04)212H20 t o t h e liter a n d I cc. of this solution represented I cc. N sodium thiosulfate solution or 3 cc. N sodium hydroxide solution a n d in t h e rest of this paper this solution will be called t h e s t a n d a r d ferric solution. Five cc. of milk were mixed with j cc. of t h i s s t a n d a r d ferric alum solution, t h e mixture filtered, t h e precipitate washed free from water-soluble iron a n d a m o u n t of iron i n t h e filtrate a n d washings were estimated either with tenth-normal thiosulfate or with tenth-normal alkali. T h e results of such parallel assays from same samples of milk are here tabulated. ( a ) Five cc. milk with j cc. ferric alum a n d t h e 1

THISJ O U R N A L , 1 (1909), i 6 8 .