The Interaction of Bromine with Benzene and ... - ACS Publications

Bra-A K = (Bn· A)/(Br,)(A) (1). Since in these experimentsthe relative concen- .... tribremide ion displays a major absorption maximum at 266 my,. Vo...
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Oct., 1950

added 1 cc. (1.08g., 0.0106 mole) of redistilled acetic anhydride and 3 cc. of anhydrous pyridine. The mixture was warmed on the steam-bath for about ten minutes, and set aside. Filtration after one day yielded 0.44 g. of The filtrate crystals, m. p. 144144.5' (reported9 144'). was poured onto ice and the pyridine was neutralized with concentrated hydrochloric acid t o yield a n additional 0.68 g. of material, m. p. 141-142', for a total yield of 1.12 g.

(88%). ck-2-Benzamidocyclohexanol.-l6.12 g. (0.0735 mole)

of bu7w-2-benzamidocyclohexanol (powdered in a mortar) was added in small portions t o 15 cc. of thionyl chloride Five cc. of thionyl chloride was added to (cooled t o 0 ') bring a small amount of undissolved material into solution. The mixture was allowed t o warm t o room temperature: And left for three hours. Then the mixture was carefully poured into CU. 400 cc. of distilled water. The resulting aqueous solution was filtered and the filtrate was refluxed for 10 minutes. After refluxing, the solution was cooled in an icesalt-bath, filtered, and potassium hydroxide (6 N) was added t o the filtrate to yield (after drying at 1 mm. over phosphorus tentoxide) 15.08 g. (93.5%) of material, m. p. 180-182 cis-2-Benzamidocyclohexyl Tosy1ate.-Ten grams (0.0457 mole) of cis-2-benzamidocyclohexanol, 10.0 g. (0.0527mole) of p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, and 100 cc. of anhydrous pyridine were warmed on a hot-plate until all the solid material went into solution. The solution was set aside for a day. Then the pyridine solution was poured into ice, and the pyridine was neutralized by adding concentrated hydrochloric acid until the solution imparted a red color t o methyl orange. The precipitate was filtered and taken up in benzene. The benzene layer was dried over potassium carbonate, and cooled to yield 7.92 g. (46.5%) of material, m. p. 162-163' (reportedg m. p.



163-165'). Rate Measurements in Absolute Ethanol.-The stock solution for a run was made up in a 100-cc. volumetric flask and distributed among 13 or 14 ampoules. The ampoules were sealed and inserted in the thermostat. At specified times, ampoules were removed from the thermostat, cooled for one minute in water at room temperature, and opened. A sample (4.723cc.) was pipetted into 25 cc. of distilled water, and titrated with standard aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, using phenolphthalein as in-



dicator. A blank was run t o determine the titration correction. The absolute alcohol used in the rate runs and in all solvolyses in ethanol contained less than 0.01% water as shown by the parailin oil test of Robertson.80 Rate Measurements in Glacial Acetic Acid.-These were performed according to the procedure of Winstein, Grunwald and Ingraham.1

Acknowledgment.-We are grateful to the Research Corporation for a grant-in-aid in support of this work.

Summary Participation of certain so-called neighboring groups in nucleophilic replacement processes is briefly discussed, and qualitative and quantitative comparison between the neighboring benzamido and acetoxy groups is reported. The rate of ionization of trans-Zbenzamidocyclohexyl p-toluenesulfonate is ca. 200 times that of the corresponding acetoxy compound, brief treatment in glacial acetic acid or ethanol sufficing for nearly quantitative conversion to cis2-phenyl-4,5-tetramethyleneoxazoline1 which can be isolated as the p-toluenesulfonate, picrate or free base. The same steric result attends the conversion of trans-2-benzamidocyclohexanol to oxazoline by thionyl chloride. Opening of the oxazolinium salt by aqueous acid or glacial acetic acid solutions gives the same stereochemical results previously observed with neighboring acetoxy. The opening by water, together with the treatment of trans-2-benzamidocyclohexanol with thionyl chloride make up a convenient method of preparation of cis-2-benzamidocyclohexanol. (39) Robertson, "Laboratory Practice of Organic Chemistry," The Macmillan Co., New York, N. Y.,1943, p. 178.




The Interaction of Bromine with Benzene and Certain of its Derivatives BY R. M. REEFER AND L.J. ANDREWS metric methods similar to those used by Benesi and Hildebrandla*bhave been employed to evalurecent publications concerning complex formation ate the equilibrium constants for the formation of of certain aromatic substances with iodine' and bromine addition complexes of benzene and with silver ion.2 Recently it has been reported several of its derivatives in carbon tetrachloride that the ultraviolet absorption spectra of solu- solution. The results are of interest not only tions of bromine3 in certain aromatic compounds because of their relationship to the findings display maxima very similar to those describedla#b of the studies with iodine and silver ion but are for the interaction of iodine and benzenoid sys- also potentially useful in connection with proposed tems. The present investigation was undertaken experiments concerning the mechanism of subto see whether the absorption spectra reported stitution of bromine in the aromatic n u c l e ~ s . ~ by Bayliss3 could be explained by bromineExperimental aromatic complex formation. SpectrophotoMaterials.-All organic compounds were of the best Two interesting examples of the basic nature

of the aromatic nucleus have been considered in

(1) (a) Benesi and Hildebrand, THISJOURNAL, 90, 3978 (1948); (b) Benesi and Hildebrand, ibid., 91, 2703 (1949); (c) Fairbrother, flatu?#, 160, 87 (1947); (d) Fairbrother, f. Ckcm. Soc., 1061 (1948). (2) (a) Andrew8 and Keefer, Tms JOURNAL, 71. 3644 (194Q)t (b) Andnnr and Kedu, tbld,, TS, 8118 (19Wh (8) Barl*r, Numrr, la,704 (1949),

grade available from Eastman Kodak Co. The carbon tetrachloride w a diied over calcium chloride and distilled,

(4) Robertson, f. Chrm. Soc., 988 (19491, hsr pwtulrted a brB. mlne-muitylene Pddltion compound u ma lartrfgUdirte in kbr IW%lM Uma of bromomcrlt~lena.

Benzene, toluene and the xylenes were washed three tinies with concentrated sulfuric acid, with water and dilute sodium hydroxide. After drying, the hydrocarbons were fractionated and samples of the following b. p. collected: benzene (80.2"), toluene ([email protected]"), o-xylene (144.0144.3'), m-xylene (139.1"), p-xylene (137.1'). Chlorobenzene (b. p. 132.0°),bromobengene (b. p. 156.3') arid anisole (b. p. 153.4-163.8")were fractionated after drying over calcium chloride. The iodobenzene (b. p. 188.3") was washed with dilute sodium thiosulfate solution t o remove traces of iodine and was dried and fractionated Mallinckrodt Chemical Worlrs Anal. Reagent F a d e bromine was used in the experiments described. The Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra.--All reagents or solutions were brought to 26.0' before analysis or before dilution to provide the final solutions for spectrum measurement. In general, measured volumes of the aromatic substances or of their carbon tetrachloride solutions of Lcown concentration were mixed with measured volumes of standard solutions of bromine in carbon tetrachloride. Particularly with toluene, the xylenes and anisole it was desirable t o avoid prolonged exposurcs of the aroai:Ltic 7000


moo 4000 3000

2000 d


800 600 400

substances even t o dilute bromine solutions since dow reaction to yield substitution products occurred. The optical densities of the resulting solutions were measured immediately in l-cm. absorption cells over a wave length range of 280-400 mk using a Beckman spectrophotometer. The blank in each case consisted of a carbon tetrachloride solution of the aromatic substance of the same concentration as that of the solution the spectrum of which was being measured. In each case the cell housing was maintained at 25.0' by circulating around it water from a constant temperature bath. In the measurements of solutions of low concentrations of aromatic substance the bromine concentration had to be raised sufficiently high to obtain a measurable concentration of complex 50 that it was necessary to correct the measured optical densities for the absorption due t o the free bromine itwlf. At1 extinction coefficients reported are calculated from the expression d = log10 Io/I = clc where d is the optical density of a solution 1 cm. in length and c is the conrcntr.ttioti of tight absorbing substance in moles/liter.

Results The absorption spectra of bromine in benzene and in carbon tetrachloride solutions of some substituted benzenes are given in Fig. 1. In all solutions involving benzene or substituted benzenes and bromine high absorption peaks were obtained in the vicinity of 300 mp which are similar to the absorption peaks obtained with iodine and benzene.Ib For solutions containing iodobenzene and bromine the absorption peak occurs at 310 mp as shown in curve 6 of Fig. 1. Since iodobenzene shows marked light absorption in this range, measurements could be made only (JII solutions of low iodobenzene concentration. Consequently the maximum extinction coefficient i n curve 6 is much lower than that for certain of the other solvents. Measurements on anisole were also restricted to dilute solutions owing to the susceptibility of anisole t o bromine substitution. 'The absorption curve in this case (curve 7) showed no discrete maximum in the neighborhood of 300 rnp, but instead indicated a prmounced absorption, CJVS the wave length range measured. Table I summarizes the wave lengths and extinction coeficients for maximum absorption of the several systems investigated. The values Amax. 293 m p and emax. 6800 for bromine in benzene as reported by Bayliss3 are in good agreement with those reported here. For bromine in toluene and in chlorobenzene Bayliss lists values of Amax 297.5

200 'FABLE



320 A,





Fig. 1.-The absorption spectrum of bromine in variou> solventso: (1)pure benzene. (2) toluene and carbon tetrachloride, N C ~ H Q= H ~0.901, (3)o-xylene and carbon tetrachloride, Nc,H,(cH~), = 0.890, (4)bromobenzene and carbon tetrachloride, NO,R,B.= 0.902,(5) chlorobenzene and carbon tetrachloride, NO,H,CI= 0.9047, (6) iodobenzene and carbon t@ttachiwi&,NC~H,I * 0.01391, (?) anisole and carbon tetwhldde, ( ~ ~ C ~ E I , O C E , )* 0.388,(8) pure carbon t c t r s d ~ a a . "3% tticdecular CxtlnSztllrJrn -EB1*0*a **e

brsrcld a k @ b 1woanea tuwemt,





292 Benzene 1.000 301 0,901 Toluene 313 .890 o-Xylene 312 ,759 m-Xylene 308 ,887 $-Xylene 286 ,905 Chlorobenzene 288 1902 Bromobenzene 310 ,00278 lodobenzene *Molecular extinction coefficients are based hroaaine prercnt I


6880 5980 5490


4940 3240 3940 78 on total


Oct., 1950

mp, emax. > benzene and A,, 296 mp, emax. < benene, respectively. These values are a t variance with the results of'the present investigation. A series of measurements of the spectra of carbon tetrachloride solutions of varying concentrations of bromine and of the several aromatic compounds were made. The results, as were those obtained in the iodine studies,lb may be explained on the assumption that the following equilibrium is established in these solutions, where A represents the aromatic compound. Br1






40 I-


Br2.A K = (Bra.A)/(Br?)(A) (1)

Since in these experiments the relative concentrations of reactants and product are in the order (-1) >> [(Brz) (Br2.A)] the equilibrium constant may be closely approximated by the expression K = (C)/[(Brdi - (C)INA (2) in which (C) and (Br2)i are, respectively, the molar concentrations of Br2.A and of added bromine, and N A is the mole fraction of aromatic substance in the solvent. On the assumption that the absorption maxima of these solutions in the vicinity of 300 mp are characteristic of BryA, (C) may be evaluated from the expression d = ( C ) d , where d is the maximum optical density, e is the molecular extinction coefficient of Br2.A and 1 is the length of the light path in cm. It then follows that


The data as shown in Fig. 2 give straight lines , when (Brz)Z/d is plotted versus ~ / N Aindicating that a 1:l complex is formed through the range of mole fractions used. The values of EC were obtained from the reciprocals of the ordinate intercepts of such plots. The slopes of these lines, which according to eq. 3 are equal to 1/Kc, were measured to evaluate K . The values of Q and K thus obtained are given in Table 11.



0 0


25 100

50 200

75 300


Fig. 2.-The evaluation of eo and K . Curves 1-8 present, respectively, data for benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m-xylene, #-xylene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene and iodobenzene. For curves 1-7 read ordinates on left-hand axis and abscissas using upper series of numerals. For curve 8 read ordinates on right-hand axis and abscissas using lower series of numerals. To (Bra)l/d values for toluene, o-xylene, m-xylene and g-xylene add, respectively, 1, 2, 3 and 4 to obtain the correct readings.

matic substance. The assumptions regarding activities are probably As regards the .third assumption, it should be hoted that the molar extinction coefficient and the wave length of maximum absorption of a compound frequently varies with the solvent used. In fact in the TABLE I1 present series of experiments the position of EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANTS POR THE BROMNF~-AROMATIC maximum absorption was shifted slightly to COMPLEXES (25') IN CARBON TETRACHLORIDE SOLUTIONS shorter wave lengths as N A was decreased. In eo K all calculations the maximum optical density of Benzene 13,400 1.04 the solutions was used.6 Toluene 10,500 1.44 In certain cases where data are not available o-Xylene 8,200 2.29 for solutions more concentrated than N A = 0.1 m-Xylene 10,100 2.16 the accuracy of the recorded K values is further p-Xylene 7,300 2.26 limited by the error inherent in the extrapolation Chlorobenzene 7,300 0.90 process to obtain ec. Thus in the cases of iodoBromobenzene 7,600 1.18 benzene and m-xylene the ec and K values must Iodobenzene 17,000 1.59 be considered as less accurate than those reported for other compounds. Although the spectrum The conformity of the experimental values to the linear plot demanded by eq. 3 is good considering of bromine in m-xylene-carbon tetrachloride the assumptions involved in evaluating the data: solutions was measured over a wide range of namely, that NA is equal to the activity of A; m-xylene concentrations, it was found that the (6)Benesi and Hildebrand, private communication, report that that (C)/[(Br2J - (C)] is equal to the ratio similar shifts in the position of the absorption maximum were obof the activities of Br2.A and Brl; and that in the meaaurementa on the iodine complexes. They Jso remains constant as the solvent is changed from served wed the mdmurd optical deadty rrluu in the c r l c u l d o n 04 K .ad carbon tetrachloride solutions to the pure aro- * d u n for the + m r p h x w .

Val. 7'7



It has been observed [see Table 11) that as data for solutions for which A Vwas ~ near unity did riot yield points which fit accurately the straight hydrogens on the ring are replaced by methyl line obtained in the graphical interpretation of groups, the K values for bromine complex formaequation 3. The reason for this discrepancy is tion axe increased. As was noted in connection not clear. I t may in part be ascribed to the with the studies of iodineIb this increase may be occurrence of a slow substitution reaction to form attributed to the electron-donor character of the methyl group relative to hydrogen. In the case bromoxylene. of the silver ion complexesza the methyl group The Structure of the Complexes.--- In discus sing the structures of the iodine aromatic com- effect seems to be counteracted by steric effects plexes Benesi and Hildebrand'"~" have likened when more than one methyl group is substituted the role of the benzene ring in forming A.11 to 1 i i i the aromatic ring. One might anticipate that the substitution of a that of iodide ion in the fonnatioti of triiodide ion. The results of the present study indicate halogen atom on the benzene ring should diminish that bromine can interact with aromatic sub- the tendency for ring-halogen molecule complex stances by accepting electrons from the benzene formation. This was observed in the studies with ring in much the same manner as does iodine. silver ion,2b except in the case of iodobenzene One might predict that bromine in this sense which appears to coordinate silver ion a t the would be a weaker acid than iodine. This belief iodine atom. The K value for the addition of is strengthened by a comparison of the K values bromine to chlorobenzene is slightly smaller for the formation of CsHR.Ieand CeHn.Rr2which than that for benzene. It is possible that the equilibrium constants reported for bromo- and are I .Z1" and 1.04, respectively. [ n a recent publication Mulliken6 has (tis- iodobenzene may account in part for the formacussed several possible structures for the A.12 tion of complexes in which the bromine molecule complexes and has chosen as most likely a type is coordinated with the halogen atom of the haloin which the center of the iodine molecule is on benzenes. 'The spectrum ior the anisole complex is sufthe six-fold symmetry axis of the ring and the axis of the iodine molecule is parallel to the plane ficiently different from those of the other comof the ring. The possible structural resemblance plexes studied in this investigation as to suggest of these complexes to those formed by silver ion that with the aromatic ether L: bromine-ring with benzene and its derivatives should not be complex is not formed uniquely. I t is possible overlooked. These silver complexes have been that a t least a portion of the complex formation described in terms of a structure in which silvex may be described in terms of a coordination of the ion is bonded to the ring from a position on the bromine molecule with the oxygen atom of the six-fold symmetry axis of the ring.'S7 On this ether. However, iodine in diethyl ether does not basis the benzene-halogen complex would be de- show major absorption in the region of 300-400 scribed as a resonance hybrid ( J f the many different mp in which the anisole-bromine solution was investigated.'" Although iodine in ethanol has resonance forms hasecl mi the general formula been reported to display absorption maxima in rC&'): x : :2 I. .. the neighborhood of 290 and 350 it should in which the centers of the benzene ring and the be noted that it has been suggested12 that this two halogen atoms (Xl lie on a straight line. absorption m a v result from impurities in such Mulliken6 regards this as an unlikely structure solutions since he believes that the intense absorption Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to exbands of these complexes in the neighborhood of press their appreciation to Prof. Joel H. Hilde300 mg may in part be explained in terms of a brand and to Dr. Hans A. Benesi for the many loss of symmetry by the benzene ring on forming courtesies extended them during the course of the complex. On the other hand, Baylissa attrib- this research and for their helpful comments in utes this absorption of bromine and iodine in connection with the preparation of this manubenzene around 300 mp to a shift in the strong script transition normally occurring in the free halogen summary molecules below 200 mp. The similarity in the It has been found that solutions of bromine in spectra of these halogen complexes to thats of the aromatic solvents, like those of iodine, display a linear8triiodide ion might be regarded as evidence in favor of the structure preferred a t this writing major absorption peak in the neighborhood of 300 mg. A detailed spectrophotometric study by the present authors. lo of carbon tetrachloride solutions of bromine and (8)Mulliken, THXB J O U R N ~ '?, S, 0 (1950) several simple aromatic compounds has been (7) Winstein and Lucas, Wd., 60,836 (1948). made, and the data have been used to calculate ( 8 ) Custer and Natdson, Anal. Chsn.. 21, 1005 (1949). repart that aqueous triodide solutions show an absorption maximum at equilibrium constants for the formation of one to 280 mfi. emax. 8SwxI with a p a k of leaa intensity at 380 w. one complexes of the type CaHCBrz. (9) Wells,"Structural Inorganic Chamistry," Oxford Univardty I

m M 6 9 *


Prcsr, Amen H o w , E. C. 4, London, Endand, 194h p. 270 m t u ( y l Im indiMt8 th.t h WcrscW r d w O D (10) aibromlde i m dbplays a mkr abrcwptbn smdarurn at 966 w&

(11) Such wmplsxea should be dascly related chloride. (12) Ref. 5, P. COT.


iodobenxenc di-

Oct., 1950


I t has been suggested that these complexes are closely related structurally to those of the complexes formed by silver ion and aromatic substances. At the present time a structure is favored


101 FROM



for the product of interaction of bromine and the aromatic ring in which the centers of the ring and the two halogen atoms lie on a straight line, DAVIS,CALIFORNIA RECEIVED MARCH 6, 1960


Copolymerization. XV. Copolymerization of Acetylene Derivatives with O l e h s . Retardation by Radicals from Acetylenes BY KENNETHW. DOAK

Much work has been done to determine the relative reactivities, in free radical copolymerization, of various olefinic monomers with different radicals. Mayo, Lewis and Walling2 have established a general reactivity series based on a consideration of monomer reactivity ratios. A polarity series, in which monomers are placed according to their ability to donate or accept electrons, has been established by a consideration of the products of the reactivity ratios. No quantitative data have been determined for the radical copolymerization of acetylene derivatives which would enable this class of monomers to be placed in the reactivity and polarity series for olefins. It was the objective of this work to determine the reactivity ratios for the copolymerization of the representative acetylenes, hexyne-1, phenylacetylene, and diphenylacetylene, with the olefins acrylonitrile and methyl acrylate. The copolymerization of styrene and phenylacetylene was also studied. In order to compare the reactivity of the double and triple bond, hexene-1 was copolymerized with acrylonitrile and methyl acrylate. Since the acetylene derivatives caused marked retardation in most copolymerizations, some experiments were carried out in order to gain some information upon the mechanism of chain termination. The rate of polymerization of three systems was determined as a function of the catalyst concentration, in order to test for the formation of radicals which do not propagate the kinetic chain. Thus, it was shown by Bartlett and Altschula that the rate of polymerization of allyl acetate is proportional to the catalyst concentration, instead of being a squarC root function, as occurs for most polymerizations. This presumably is due to the formation of allyl radicals which do not propagate the chain. The molecular weight of the polymers is independent of the catalyst concentration. Experimental Monomers.-The acetylene derivatives were obtained commercially. The diphenyhcetylene (m. p. 59-61') was used without further purification. Hexyne-1 and (1) This paper was presented at the Atlantic City Meeting of the American Chemical Society, September, 1949. For paper XIV in this series, see Wdling, fumdnps, Briggs and M a y o , Txrs JOITRNAL, T8, 48 (1960). (a) ~ r y ok, r r i ~and Wdling, #bid., 70, 1629 (1948h ( 8 ) Bvtlctt rad Albchul. W d . , W, 816 (1944).

phenylacetylene were carefully fractionated before being used. The physical constants were: hexyne-1, b. p. 71.8-72.0 (760 mm.), @D 1.3993; phenylacetylene, b. p. 75.2 (90 mm.), lZmD 1.5485. Styrene, acrylonitrile and methyl acrylate were commercial samples, redistilled before use. Physical constants closely checked literature values. Copolymerization for Reactivity Ratios.-Copolymerizations were carried out in evacuated tubes, with benzoyl peroxide as catalyst, as previously discussed by Mayo and Lewis.4 The amount of peroxide used was 0.1 mole %, TABLE I COPOLYMERIZATION OF ACETYLENES Time, Polymer ~ hr. analysis Expt. [Ml]on [MI]" [ M Z I O[MzI0 Methyl Acrylate (MI)-Phenylacetylene (MI)

1 2 ' 3 qb

85.22 85.23 40.42 40.62

71.53 71.73 37.68 37.95

14.20 14.32 57.27 55.35

11.25 70 11.38 70 54.72 145 52.72 145

63.66,63.49%C 63.61,63.71 75.97,75.89 76.41,76.44

Srrylonitrile (MI)-Phenylacetylene (MI)


83.46 84.63 39.13 39.58

9 10 11

80.44 50.62 51.02

12 13 14

79.67 50.95 50.91

5 6 7b

76.42 77.54 36.87 37.32

14.09 14.09 64.72 54.99

11.40 97 11.23 97 51.96 145 52.22 145

15.40,15.l9%N 14.96,14.73 7.90 7.88

Acrylonitrile (M~)-Diphenylacetylene(MI)

72.78 20.17 20.03 15 46.48 50.04 49.76 160 47.96 49.85 49.63 160,N 21.56 21.31

Methyl Acrylate (MI)-Diphenylacetylene (MI) 65.58 19.980 19.913 15 56.11,56.26%C

42.48 49.92 49.74 42.07 50.01 49.84

48 48


Acrylonitrile (MI)-Hexyne-l (Md

15 16 17

121.13 114.68 73.74 73.05 120.14 114.27 73.91 73.26 49.94 48.42 45.82 45.61

54 R4


22.6507, i Y 22.51 21.80

Acrylonitrile (MI)-Hexene-1 (Md

18 19

59.29 59.75

20 21 22

50.54 35.59 35.23

23 24 25

50.02 49.66 49 49

44.11 38.02 37.19 47.12 37.97 37.20

3.5 24.30%X 3.5 24.08

Methyl Acrylate (MI)-Hexyne-I (MI)

33.39 46.72 45.35 75 16.51 31.64 29.49 115 14.83 34.72 32.31 115

58.10% C 58.90 39.03

Methyl Acrylate (MI)-Hexene-1 (M?)

18.56 43.41 38.72 17.71 43.27 39.22 18.39 43.32 39.36

4.6 59.59% C 4.5 59.08 4.6 59.09

Phenylacetylene (Homopolymerization)

26b 0



44.28 160

0.2 mole % benzoyl peroxide.