THE INTERNATIONAL ELECTROLYTIC PLANT CO. LTD. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (5), pp 124A–124A. DOI: 10.1021/i650581a804. Publication Date: May ...
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NEW EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS be remotely adjusted to any de­ sired weight by turning a knob on the control panel. A " b a t c h - q u a n ­ t i t y " selector enables the operator to change the batch size without resetting the weights of individual components. Dept. IEC, Toledo Scale Corp., Toledo IS, Ohio. 91


EQUIPMENT Blenders. New Falcon sanitary-design ribbon blenders are engineered for fast, efficient mixing of powders, granulars, pastes, or liquids according to latest bulletin. Dept. IEC, Falcon Manufac­ turing Division, First Machinery Corp., 211 Tenth St., Brooklyn IS, Ν. Υ. 92 Cooler. A completely self-contained method replacing both shell-and-tube cooler and cooling tower is described. Bulletin ISO, Dept. IEC, Niagara Blower Co., Ifi5 Lexington Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 93 Cyclones. Performance data of all models of cyclones are included in brochure 1157. Dept. IEC, Heyl & Patterson, Inc., 66 Fort Pitt Blvd., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. 94

Batching system control panel





Demineralizers. Enlarged bulletin, WC-IIIA, deals with most important phases of water treatment for process or boiler use. Dept. IEC, Graver Wa­ ter Conditioning Co:, 216 West 14th St., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 95 Diaphragm Control Valves. New 4page bulletin gives details of construc­ tion of three-way control valves. Both single- and double-seated designs for mixing or diverting service are covered. Dept. IEC, Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Valve Division, Fort Washington, Pa. 96 Diaphragm Pump. Heavy-duty dia­ phragm pump designed for safe feed­ ing of corrosive fluids is described in this bulletin. Bulletin has numerous photographs, tables, performance curves, and installation diagrams. Dept. IEC, %Proportioneers, Inc.%, 34S Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. I. 97

Fittings. Stainless steel fittings de­ signed to permit engineers to take full advantage of new light-weight wall tubing are discussed. Catalog 60.0, Dept. IEC, Vanion Pump & Equip­ ment Corp., Hillside, N. J. 98 Forged Steel Valves. Literature de­ scribing a new line of forged steel gate valves is available from manufacturer. Dept. IEC, Lunkenheimer Co., Cincin­ nati, Ohio. 99 Furnaces, Tempering. Bulletin 58 covers features of tempering naces, gas-fired or electric. Dept. Ipsen Industries, Inc., 217 South St., Rockford, III.

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99.95% PURE Glassed Pumps. "Facts" booklet out­ lines history of the development of glassed centrifugal pumps and gives answers to over 30 of the most fre­ quently asked questions about the pump by chemical and process engi­ neers. 16 pages. Dept. IEC, Goulds Pumps, Inc., 4® Black Brook Rd., Seneca Falls, Ν. Υ. 101

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