The International Nickel Company, Inc. - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

The International Nickel Company, Inc. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (12), pp 108A–108A. DOI: 10.1021/i650564a785. Publication Date: December 1956...
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R u n a w a y corrosion b y f l u o r i n e now c h e c k e d by M o n e l a n d Inconel e v e n at high temperatures Chemical and petroleum processors handle fluorine today with compara­ tive ease and safety. Even at pressures as high as 800 psi. or at temperatures well over 1000 ° F , spontaneous ignition by elemental fluorine and the "slow burn" of corrosion by its compounds is being held in check. High nickel alloys provide check rein

Monel* nickel-copper and Inco­ nel* nickel-chromium alloys, it has been found, resist attack by fluorine over a -wider range of pressures and temperatures than other commonly used construction materials. In addition, they have excellent physical properties and are easily worked and welded. / \

INCO t..„,


At moderate temperatures . . . in aqueous systems . . . Monel is used

U p to about 900 °F, Monel alloy shows good resistance to fluorine. It also resists liquid fluorine, hydro­ fluoric acid, anhydrous H F , H F steam mixtures and active fluorides. Currently, Monel alloy is widely used in nuclear fuel separation and H F alkylation processes .. · for fluo­ rine generation cells, heat exchang­ ers, scrubbers, process piping, con­ trol instruments and other equip­ ment. When temperatures go up...Inconel

Inconel alloy also provides high resistance to fluorine and other cor­ rosives plus outstanding resistance to heat and thermal shock. A typical

pressures use is in the furnaces where anhy­ drous H F is reacted with uranium oxide to produce uranium tetrafluoride.

Pamphlets summarize new technology T h r e e helpful p a m p h l e t s , "Fluorine Corrosion," "Industrial H a n d l i n g of F l u o r i n e " and "Continuous Disposal of Fluorine," summarize recent de­ v e l o p m e n t s in fluorine control. W r i t e for copies. And for help in solving your specific corrosion prob­ lems, write to Inco's D e v e l o p m e n t and Research Division.

The International Nickel Company, Inc. 67 Wall Street

N I C K E L A L L O Y S . . . Protection A g a i n s t Fluorine


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