The Ionization Constants of Aci and Nitro Forms of Some Nitroparaffins

David Turnbull, Samuel H. Maron. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1943, 65 .... James R. Keeffe, Scott Gronert, Michael E. Colvin, and Ngoc L. Tran. Journal of the...
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Vol. ti5


d e V-

56 CdHa +

20 30 40 50 rio

100 117 122 127 130 42 CBRB 1




3 9 5 2


.i 2




54 C4Hs



2.6 fi ,0 7 .0 7.2 7.3

30.5 53.0 59.0 61.1 64. 0 41 CaHs


C4H6 *


2.1 11.4 14.9 15.4




51 CiHa


50 +




, .





52 CkHi

I .5


3.3 3 . (5 **3 ti

8.4 10. 5 11 0

39 CsHj+





12.( J



, .

0.7 3. 7 10.1 11.4

27 C2H3'

26 CIH?'





... ...

... ... ... 0.2

... 2.0


.. 16 CHI




4.5 3 % 34 71 41 17.7 (it;. 1 1 16.5 7 . ti 91.1 17 95 85 21.1) 24.5 9 . ij 48 97 95 22 1 98.0 5 % 5U 28.0 10.4 49 98 99 22.8 !IO, 1 . . ... ti0 The relative abundances have been corrected for the presence of C13 in its natural abufldance of 1.1% indicate no measurement was made.


... ...

32(J ;33,5

8.0%, ~ - C ~ H 4.3%) HI I-CkHs 12.7% and i-C4He 14.7y0. This comparison is specifically for 50 volt electrons, but it holds approximately for bombardment by electrons of from 30 to 100 volts energy. I t will be noted that the unsaturates have considerably less tendency to dissociate after ionization by electron impact than do the saturates.

Summary The appearance potentials and relative abundances of a large portion of the ions in the mass




2.9 3.7 The dots

spectrum of butene-1 are reported. The vertical ionization potential of butene-1 is found to be 9.65 * 0.1 e. v., 0.8 e. v. higher than that of isobutylene. The heat of dissociation of the CzH6--CzH3bond is 3.50 f 0.2 e. v. and the ionization potential of the vinyl radical is 9.87 f 0.2 e. v. The mass spectrum of butene-1 is briefly compared with those of isobutylene and the butanes. A summary of the heats of dissociation deduced from electron impact data is included. E.






The Ionization Constants of Aci and Nitro Forms of Some Nitroparaffins BY DAVIDTURNBULL AND SAMUEL H. MARON It is well known that nitroparaffins possessing a hydrogen atom on the a-carbon exist in two tautomeric forms, nitro and aci, both of which exhibit acidic properties. The anions produced in the ionization of the two forms are apparently indistinguishable. The ionization equilibria involved can be represented in general by the equations K-CHN02 4- H20 R--C=-NOI+ Ha0 fi +


l< I /

Aci ion


R-,.C-NO*H R'/ I1 Ac1

+ HpO


where K arid R' may be either hydrogen atoms or alkyl groups. According to the evidence deduced from kinetic studies,1 the equilibrium between the (1) Maron and LaMer, A $ m , N e w X X X I X , 355 (1640)

York Acad



nitro and aci forms appears to be established through the aci ion rather than by direct migration of a proton from the a-carbon to the oxygen. The concentration ionization constant of the nitro form, KN,may be defined by the equation K N = [Aci-] [H80+]/[Nitro]


where the brackets are taken to denote concentrations in moles per liter. In turn, the ionization constant of the aci form, Kaci, is given by the equation K,,, = [Aci-][HaO+]/[H Aci]


On division of ( 3 ) by (2) the tautomeric equilibrium constant, K T , between the two forms follows as K T = [H Aci]/[Nitro] = Kx/K,,,


junel12 determined the "apparent" ionization (21 Juacll, Dissertation, Upsala, Sweden, 3935.

Feb., I943





constants of nitromethane and nitroethane a t 0' by measuring with a hydrogen electrode the pH of solutions of these substances in presence of high concentrations of borates or phosphates as buffers. He thus obtained what he called the "apparent'' ionization constants, K ' , defined as K' = [ A c i - ] [ H ~ o + l / [ H Aci

+ Nitro]


However, since it was shown by Maron and LaMer3 and confirmed in this investigation, that the amount of aci form present a t equilibrium is negligibly small compared to the concentration of the nitro form, the K ' s of Junell mu$ be essentially identical with K N . For nitromethane Junell found KN = 2.6 X while for nitroethane KN = 2.7 X The average deviations from the mean amounted to approximately * 10% for nitromethane and =t8% for nitroethane. These appear to be the only available measurements on KN of nitroparaffins, although fragmentary data of Junell on nitroisopropane tend to indicate that the nitro constant for this substance is considerably larger than that for nitroethane. The only available information on the ionization constants of the aci nitroparaffins are Kaci = 6 x for nitromethane and Kaci = 7 x low5 for nitroethane a t 0' due to Junell, and Kac, = 4.09 x 10+ for nitroethane at 23' reported by Maron and Shedlovsky In view of the interest in the effect of substitutions on the kinetics of prototropic isomerizations and its relation to the ionization constants of the substrate, it was decided to determine the nitro ionization constants of several nitroparaffins a t a number of temperatures. At the same time several aci constants were also measured in order to arrive at the tautomeric equilibria. These data are also of interest per se for the light they may throw on the influence of substitution on the constants themselves. In this paper are presented data on the nitro constants of nitromethane, nitroethane, and nitroisopropane, on the aci constants of nitroethane and nitroisopropane, and on the tautomeric equilibrium constants of the last two.

Glass electrode



Na Aci

Saturated calomel electrode


Experimental (a) Chemicals and Apparatus.-The nitromethane and nitroethane used were Eastman Kodak Co. products which were carefully purified by fractional distillation. For nitromethane the fraction boiling at 100.7-101.0" at 748.0 mm. was retained, while for nitroethane the fraction boiling a t 112.8-113.0" a t 740.5 mm. To eliminate (3) Maron and LaMer, THIS JOURNAL, 61, 2018 (1939). (4) Maron and Shedlovsky, ibid., 61, 753 (1929,.

( 6 ) MacInnes, Bclcher and Shedlovsky, ibid., 60, 1098 (1938),



electrode was used. Equilibrium was established very rapidly, within a minute or less even at the lowest temperature employed, 10 To measure K N for nitroethane standard solutions of the aci sodium salt (0.003-0.007 molar) were prepared, placed in the cell, and then various small quantities of standard nitroethane solution (0.045-0.075 molar) were added progressively from a 2.00-ml. calibrated tuberculin type syringe. It was found that about five minutes were required for the establishment of equilibrium after each addition. At the end of this time the e. m. f.'s were steady and reproducible. In the case of nitroisopropane K N was determined by measuring the PH's of solutions made up by the addition of standard sodium hydroxide t o a measured excess of standard nitroisopropane in water (0.05-0.06 molar), Final e. m. f . readings had to be taken twelve to twentyfour hours after each sample was made up, since equilibrium is established here very slowly. To arrive at the aci constants standard solutions of the sodium aci salts (0.003-0.006 molar) were placed in the cell and allowed t o come to equilibrium with the thermostat. Measured quantities of standard hydrochloric acid, corresponding to 4040% of the amount necessary to convert the aci salt to the acid, were then quickly added from a syringe, and the time recorded. Due to the isomerization of the liberated acid, the e. m. f . was found to drift with time. However, within the experimental uncertainty the variation of e. m. f. with time was linear, and hence the e. m. f.'s observed a t various times could be plotted against the time and extrapolated back t o yield the initial PH. This procedure gave concordant results for the PH and satisfactory constants for Ksai. In all K N calculations the aci-ion and nitroparaffin concentrations were deduced from the amounts of standard base and nitroparaffin solutions used, due corrections being made for the hydrolysis of the aci salt. Again, in determining the aci constants the aci acid concentration was taken as equal to the hydrochloric acid added less the amount dissociated as obtained from the PH. This procedure is justified by Junell's2 bromination titrations which show that on addition of mineral acids t o aci salts the initial product is entirely the aci acid. During the K x and K,i measurements on nitroisopropane it was observed that reproducible results could not be obtained when the solution of the aci salt was made up in a separate vessel and then transferred to the cells. Moreover, when this was done the e. m. f. values changed irreversibly by as much as 0.01-0.02 volt on shaking the cell. However, when the solution was prepared directly in the cell, reproducible potentials could be obtained which did not change perceptibly on shaking. I n view of this behavior all nitroisopropane bolutions were made up directly in the cells. Further, it was found necessary to make all measurements on sodium nitroisopropane solutions within twelve to twenty-four hours after preparation, as apparently the solutions are not very stable and show after twent y-four hours sufficient decomposition to affect the results,


Results In Table I are shown data obtained in the course of a single titration of nitromethane with sodium

Vol. 65

hydroxide a t 2 5 O , and the values of $KN calculated therefrom. These data are typical of all the K N measurements reported here. In the case of nitromethane it was not possible to obtain reproducible results for K N when the $H of the solution rose above ten. Above this value the ~ J H readings drifted constantly toward lower values and the solution became colored on standing, indicating thus decomposition. However, between $H 8.5-10 no significant drifts in pH or coloring of the solution were observed. TABLE I TITICALDATAFOR DETERMINATION OF K N FOR NITROMETHANE AT 25' 40.00 ml. CHsN02 (0.01788 N ) titrated with 0.1242 N

NaOH. NaOH, ml.

PH 8.871 9,201 9.391 9.521 9.645 9.746


.504 ,756 1.008 1.260 1.512




0.01699 ,01612 ,01528 .01442 ,01359 .01276


10.215 10.224 10.219 10.201 10.205 10.203

.00153 ,00227 ,00301 ,00374 ,00446

As data typical of the K a c i measurements may be taken those shown in Table I1 for nitroethane a t 25'. Finally, in Table I11 is given a condensed summary of all the results obtained in this investigation for K N of nitromethane, nitroethane, and nitroisopropane, a t three temperatures in each instance, while in Table IV is given a summary of the results for Ksci of nitroethane and nitroisopropane. In the case of nitromethane the isomerization of the aci form to the nitro on addition TABLEI1 DETERMINATION OF KaciFOR NITROETHANE AT 25 [Aci]

[H Acil


0 000632 ,000961 ,001420 ,001788

0.00236 ,00229 ,00447 00364

3.834 4.029 3.899 4.101

PKUL 4.408 4.406 4.398 4. -1.10



No. of detns.

hiax. dev.



10.0 18.0 25.0

15 19 16

Nitromethane 3.55 * 0.07 X 10-11 10.450 f. 0.008 -0.019 $09 X 10-11 10.332 .008 .029 4.66 10.211 .009 ,020 6.15 * .12 X 10-1'

18.0 25.0 30.0

4 14 5

Nitroethane 8.490 * 0.004 +0.007 3.24 * 0.03 X 10-9 .a14 3.50 t. .OB X 10-9 8.456 * .008 .oz x 10-9 .005 3.61 8.442 * ,003

25.0 30.0

4 3

f f





Nitroisopropane 7.675 * 0.034 -0.040 2.12 7.634 ,A .009 * .013 2.32



0.15 x 10.05 X 10-8

Feb., 1943





No. of detns.



Max. dev.










Nitromethane 25.0

18.0 25.0 30.0

.. 3 4 4

........... 4.424 4.406 4.407

* 0.001 * ,004 * ,007

..... Nitroethane +O. 003 - .008 - .014

Nitroisopropane 5.112 * 0.003 -0.006 5.107 * .008 .015 5.121 * .004 .008 Calculated from Ksoi estimated a t 0" by Junell.' 25.0 30.0 35.0

4 5 4

+ -

of a strong acid is too rapid to permit determination of Kaci with any reliability. Accompanying the average values of pK found are the average and maximum deviations observed from the mean, and the values of K N corresponding to pK, Moreover, in the last column of Table IV are tabulated the tautomeric equilibrium constants, KT, calculated from KN and Kaci by means of equation (4). It should be remarked that all these results were calculated on the assumption that the pH observed was a measure of the hydrogen ion concelztration, and that no corrections were introduced for variation of the ionic strength. However, these assumptions should introduce no significant error, since in all cases the ionic strength was low, being usually 0.004 and never exceeding 0.007. In fact, the corrections from such low ionic strengths are of the same order of magnitude as the uncertainties of the measurements, and may thus be neglected. The ionic strengths used in this work are in all instances very much lower than those employed by Junel12 or by Maron and Shed10vsky.~ The significant factors affecting the over-all accuracy of the K N values are the uncertainties in the measured potentials and the volumes of reagents delivered from the syringes. Since the e. m. f.'s on any given sample were reproducible to *0.2 mv., the uncertainty in the pH measurements amounts to about +0.007 unit. Adding to this 0.005 pH unit uncertainty in the value of the phthalate buffer employed, the total possible error in the observed pH's may be as high as +0:012 unit. Further,as the uncertainty in the addition of the small quantities of reagents amounted to about 1.0-1.5?&, the over-all ac-

3.77 3.93 3.92

* 0.01 x * .04 x * .07 x


* 0.06 x

7.82 7.57

* *

10-6 10-6 10-6

10-6 .15 X 10-6 ,007 x 10-8


8.44 x 10-6 8.91 x 10-6 9.21 X 10-6 2.75 X lo-' 2.97 x 10-8


curacy of the KN values may be considered to be within t0.018 pK unit. This is certainly the maximum possible uncertainty in the pKN values of nitromethane and nitroethane. Due to the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium in the case of nitroisopropane, and due to the fact that solutions of this substance behave essentially as an unbuffered system, the error in the KN values for nitroisopropane may be somewhat greater. It is of interest t o observe here that several determinations of KN colorimetrically using brom thymol blue gave results in agreement with the potentiometric method within the precision of the former. The over-all accuracy of the Kaci constants is not quite as high as that of the KN's. In these experiments the total uncertainty in the pH may have amounted to as much as *0.017 unit, while the uncertainty in the reagent concentrations to 0.008-0.013 pK unit. The accuracy of pKaci should be, therefore, within *0.025-0.030 unit. In Table V are tabulated certain thermodynamic quantities deducible from the data given in Tables I11 and IV. The second column gives the free energies of ionization, AF:, at 25' for the various aci and nitroparaffins, while the third column gives the heats of ionization, AHi for the nitro forms obtained from plots of i!XN vs. 1/T shown in Fig. 1 (A and B). These plots are seen to be linear within the experimental error. Since the aci constants appear to be essentially independent of temperature in the range investigated, no attempt was made to evaluate heats of ionization for these. Finally, in the fourth column are given the standard free energy changes on tautomerization, AF;, while in the last column the heats of these changes, AHT. AH, for nitro-

stants of the nitro compounds is in marked contrast to its effect on the rate of prototropic isomerization, which decreases with the replacement of hydrogens by methyl groupsfi Again, the observed effect of substitution on the nitro ionization constants is hardly that to be anticipated on the basis of inductive effects due to methyl groups, as these groups are considered to be electron re4.04 pulsive and should lead, therefore, to a firmer binding of the protons to the a-carbon. -- l ! , ] l [ j : / / / 4.021 1 1 Utilizing the ionization constant of aci-nitro0.00330 0.00340 0.00350 0.00360 methane suggested by June11 and assuming it to 1,ll'. be independent of temperature, we observe that Fig. 1.-Plot of p K us. 1,'T: A, ~ K for N nitromethane; B, the substitution of one methyl group in aci nitroPKN for nitroethaiie; C, KT for nitroisopropane. methane lowers K,,, by a factor of about fifteen, ethane was determined from the plot of pKT V S . while substitution of a second methyl group 1/T shown in Fig. 1 (C), while that for nitroiso- lowers the constant further by a factor of about propane was calculated from the two available five. The effect of methyl substitution here is points. In view of this Mi and A", for nitro- thus in the same direction as that observed in the isopropane are believed to be less accurate than substitution of methyl groups in the a-position in the other AH values. carboxylic acids, except that the effect with the aci acids is much more marked, involving a factor of TABLE Y THERMODYNAMIC DATAFOR IONIZATION AND ISOMERIZA- about five in passing from aci nitroethane to aci TION A T 25" ( I N CALORIES/MOLE) nitroisopropane, whereas substitution of a methyl Substance afi L\Hi AFT AH,p group in acetic acid to yield iso-propionic acid lowNitromethane 13,930 6220 9500 . . ers the ionization constant by only a factor of 1.4. Nitroethane 11,530 1710 5520 1280 In general, however, substitution shifts the aci Nitroisopropane 10,470 3400 3500 2800 constants in the direction which would be predicted -4ci-nitroethane 6,010 . , .. .. on the basis of the inductive effect of methyl groups hci-nitroisopropaiie 6,970 .. ., . , as contrasted with that of hydrogen atoms. Discussion The results indicate that the ionization conExtrapolation of the log KN V S . 1/T plot for ni- stants of the aci acids are essentially independent tromethane to 0' gives KN = 2.33 X lo-'", which of the temperature in the range 1 8 - 3 5 O . Although compares favorably with Junell's KN = X the precision of the measurements is not suffilo-" considering the uncertainty in the latter ciently high to establish definitely whether the value. For nitroethane extrapolation of a similar constants pass through a maximum analogous plot to 0" yields K x = 2.67 x which is in to the carboxylic acids, nevertheless, the trend of excellent accord with Junell's Kh. = 2.7 X lo-.!'. the data indicates that this may be the case. The value of Kaci= 3.93 X 10-6 for nitroethane From the values of the tautomeric equilibrium a t 25" is, in turn, in good agreement with the constants, KT, i t is apparent that methyl substituvalue K a c i = 4.09 X a t 23' reported by tion greatly increases the stability of the aci form Maron and Shedlovsky.& The latter result was with respect to the nitro in aqueous solutions. obtained a t ionic strengths higher than those em- Thus substitution of one methyl group increases ployed here, and a correction for these would KFrby a factor of 90, while a second methyl group bring the two values even closer together. increases the constant still further by a factor of Comparison of the nitro dissociation con- about 30. 'The tautomerism between aci and stants a t 2.5' reveals that substitution of a methyl nitroparaffins is analogous to the tautomerism group for an a-hydrogen in nitromethane increases between keto and enol forms in carbonyl comthe ionization constant by a factor of about *57, pounds. However, whereas Conant and Thompwhile substitution of a second methyl group in- son7found that in an inert solvent or in the vapor creases the constant still further by a factor of six. (fi) Maron and LaMer, THISJOURNAL, 60, 2588 (1938) This effect of substitution on the dissociation con(7) Conant and Thompson, :bid 54, 4044 (1932). A




Feb., 1933


phase substitution of alkyl groups on the a-car- ion is a resonance hybrid of the A and B forms. bon of a carbonyl compound shifted the equilib- If the A form does not pass over completely into rium in favor of the keto form, substitution in the the B form, there is evidently some of it present case of the nitroparaffins is again in marked con- in solution along with B, and the concentrations trast and favors the aci form. I t seems very of aci ions used in the evaluation of K N and Kaci questionable that this effect of substitution can in the present investigation must obviously be the sums of the concentrations of A and B. be accounted for by solvent effects alone. In terms of the formulation given in (7) we may I t should also be observed that temperature increase favors the aci form in aqueous solution, define the primary dissociation constant of the as is evidenced by the results on KT of nitroethane nitro form, K&, as and nitroisopropane. Kfi = [H80+][A]/[Nitro] (8) From the standpoint of the Bronsted theory of that of the aci form, Kici, as general base catalysis and the relation of the cataS&i = [HaO+][B]/[HAci] (9) lytic constants to the basic strength of the catalyst, the above described and generally accepted and the equilibrium ratio of B to A as behavior of the nitroparaffins presents another K = [BI/[Al (10) difficulty. If the aci and nitro acids ionize to Insertion of these new definitions into equations yield the same anions, then when such anions are ( 2 ) , (3) and (4) readily reveals that used as bases what is the basic constant, l/KN or KN = Kk(K 1) (11) 1/KaCi? Obviously it cannot be both, nor can it Kaci = KAoi((K 1)/K) (12) be decided a @riori whether it will be one or the and other. As a matter of fact, in view of the diffiK T = K N / K , , ~= (Kfi/KAci)K= KGK (13) culties and anomalies pointed out, it is questionable whether the formulation of the nitroparaffin where Kk = Kk/KLci. From these equations equilibria, as expressed in equation (l),is correct. it is apparent that KN and K,i as given in this The unusual effect of substitution on the nitro paper are not the direct ionization constants, but constants can be explained, and the base strength are related to these through the constant K . dilemma of the anions of the nitro and aci acids Further, it follows from this formulation that the can be resolved if we postulate that the anions of basic constants of A and B are different, and that the nitroparaffin acids exist not in one form, in any base catalyzed reaction in which these R-C=NO,-, but in two tautomeric forms in equi- may be used the behavior anticipated is to be not R‘/ that of a single catalytic anion, but of a mixture librium, R-C---NOZ and R-C=NCh-; i. e., that of two anions of different basic strengths. R’/ R’/ Before the effect of substitution on K N can be the equilibrium between the aci and nitro forms explained some decision with respect to the magis not established according to equation (l),but nitude of K is necessary. All indications are that according to K is large. First, because of the presence of the R-CH-NO~ H,O 1_ R - C ~ N O ~ + Haof J_ electron on the carbon rather than on oxygen, as R’/ R’/ A in B, the anion A can hardly be expected to be very stable with respect to B. Again, in all probability the anion B exists in two resonating structures which would further enhance its stability. This suggestion is in accord with the kinetic evi- Both of these factors, therefore, point to a much dence’ that the carbanion A is the first product of larger concentration of B over A in solution a t the removal’of a proton in the neutralization of a equilibrium, and hence a large value of K . nitroparaffin. Shriner and Younp attributed the If K is large, then equations (11)and (12) reduce optical activity shown by the sodium salt of 2- essentially t O K N = (KLK) and = I&. In the nitro-octane in alcoholic solution a t low tempera- latter instance the effect of substitution of methyl tures to the presence of a solvated carbanion groups for hydrogen should lead to a more or less formed from A. Hammettg proposes that the aci normal decrease in K,,, with substitution, and (8) Shriner and Young, THIS JOURNAL, 62, 3332 (1930). such is actually the case. With KN, however, two 19) Hammett, “Physical Organic Chemistry,” McGraw-Hill Book inductive effects of substitution must be considL o , Inc., New York, N. Y.,1940, p. 67.






ered, that on K& and on K . As far as KL is concerned, the firmer attachment of protons to the a-carbon may be expected to result again in a decrease in K& on passing from nitromethane to nitroethane to nitroisopropane. On the other hand, the stronger affinity for protons resulting from replacement of hydrogens with methyl groups is equivalent to a decrease in electron affinity of the carbon, and hence substitution should favor form B over A with a resultant increase in K . As the increase in K may well outweigh the decrease in K k , KP\'may increase appreciably with substitution, as has been observed here. This explanation would account also for the large increase in the tautomeric equilibrium constants KT observed here on going froni nitromethane through nitroethane to the isopropane. Summary

1. Xitro ionization constants have been de-



Vol. 65

termined for nitromethane, nitroethane and nitroisopropane, and aci ionization constants for nitroethane and nitroisopropane a t several temperatures. 2 . From these constants have been calculated the nitro-aci tautomeric constants for nitromethane, nitroethane and nitroisopropane. 3. Values of AFo and A H for ionization and tautomerization as ascertained from these data are given. 4. The effect of substitution on the constants is discussed. It is shown that assumption of LC common anion for the nitro and aci forms leads to inconsistencies in the influence of substitution on the nitro constants, and yields an anion with two basic strengths. 3. An alternate formulation of the nitro-aci relations in the nitroparaffins is presented which resolves these anomalies. CLEVELAND, OHIO



The Thermodynamics of Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride at Temperatures from 15-45' from e . m. f. Measurements on Cells with Transference BY G. J. J A N ZAND ~ A. R. GORDOK The investigation described here of the electromotive force of the cell with transference

tional independent check on the accuracy of all the measurements.

Ag, AgCl/NaCl(rnl)//NaCl(?n2)/AgCl, Ag


The cell, the electrodes and general experimena t temperatures from 15 to 45' was undertaken as a natural complement to that recently reported2 tal technique were the same as in the measurefrom this Laboratory giving the corresponding ments with potassium chloride; the true reversidata for potassium chloride solutions. Brown ble e. m. f. was determined both by the electrode and MacInnes3in their classic investigation of this reversal procedure of Brown and MacInnes and cell were restricted to measurements a t 25', but by static bias potential measurements before and since transference numbers4 are now available for after a run with both electrodes in the same soluthe whole temperature range, it is now possible tion (see ref. 2). The sodium chloride was British Drug Houses to compare the results of the e. m. f. measurements with the thermal data; fortunately, for sodium Analar, twice recrystallized from conductivity chloride solutions the latter are unusually com- water. The solutions-were made up gravimetriplete. Finally, the accompanying paper5 gives cally from the salt, which had been fysed in platithe results of an isopiestic comparison of sodium num in an atmosphere of dry carbon dioxide-free and potassium chloride solutions a t concentrations nitrogen, and conductivity water (specific conducless than tenth molal and thus provides an addi- tance 1.0-1.2 X lo-"); after preparation, the solutions were swept out, immediately before be(1) Canadian Industries Limited Fellow in Chemistry. (2) W. J. Hornibrook, G . J. Janz and A. R Gordon, THIS JOURing forced into the cell, with carbon dioxide-free NAL, 64, 513 (1942). air which after going through the potassium hy(3) A. S. Brown and D. A. MacInnes, ibid., 67, 1356 (1933) (4) R. W. Allgood and A. R . Gordon, J. Chem. P h y s , 10, 134 droxide bubblers had passed through a further (1942). bubbler containing conductivity water. I11 cal(6) A K Gordon, Taxs TOURNAL. 66, 2 2 1 (194.5)