Received April 3, 1916. The chemical analysis of a soap shows only the con- stituents of which it is composed. The results indi- cate the content of w...
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Aug., 1916

*THE JOC'R-li.4L O F I Y D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y


ing effect of t h e soaps o n t h e fibers by making tensile strength determinations. S U R F A C E TExsIox-In most of t h e theories which have been brought forth t o explain t h e detergent value of soap, surface tension has played a n important part. I n order t o study the relation between surface FOREST P R O D U C T S L.4BORATORY .MADISOX, WISCONSIN tension and concentration, a number of experiments were made b y means of t h e Traube stalagmometer. SOME STUDlES OF SOAP SOLUTIONS Tt7hile the Traube stalagmometer method for surface By VICTOR LENHER A X D MARYV R BUELL tension determinations possesses certain objections, Received April 3, 1916 these errors are of minor rather t h a n major character. The chemical analysis of a soap shows only t h e conIt was found t o suffice in this work. inasmuch as the stituents of which it is composed. T h e results indiresults are comparative. cate t h e content of water, f a t t y acid as soap, unil bulb was blown in t h e stalagmometer so t h a t j saponifiable matter, alkali (combined or free), glyccc. would be t h e quantity delivered, and a device used erin, salt, filler, etc. S o satisfactory method has whereby t h e pressure could b e regulated. T h e whole been proposed for the determination of t h e real value was surrounded b y a water b a t h and t h e outlet' alof a soap, namely, its cleansing power. From t h e lowed t h e drops t o form in t h e air or in a given liquid. timk of Chevreul, one of the first t o s t u d y soap, t o I n t h e measurements made b y this method, t h e numt h e present d a y , considerable literature has accumulaber of drops were counted and t h e time taken when ted on t h e cleansing power of soap. Some of t h e work a definite volume of liquid was allowed t o flow out is experimental, and some is purely speculative, b u t through t h e pipette. with all t h e thought and energy which has been exSodium oleate solutions were prepared from pure pended on this subject i t must be confessed t h a t sodium hydroxide and very pure oleic acid. When we do not possess sufficient d a t a t o explain satisfacsoap solutions are made t o form drops under the surtorily t h e phenomena ordinarily exhibited b y soap face of a n oil or of a liquid immiscible with water, solutions, nor can t h e chemist tell t h e laundry how t h e nufnber of drops formed is much greater t h a n when much soap is required t o remove a definite amount of a n equal volume of water is made t o form drops under dirt or wash a given weight of soiled clothing. similar conditions, t h a t is, t h e surface tension beVarious phases of t h e question as t o how soap tween oil and water is much greater t h a n the surface acts as a detergent have been studied a t different tension between oil and soap solution, or, the surface times. These studies are well summarized b y Bancroft tension is inversely proportional t o t h e number of in his papers on ernulslfication, now running in t h e drops formed. The relation between concentration Journal oj' Physical Chemistry. of soap solutions and their surface tensions toward T h e various methods which have been suggested some liquids immiscible with water is shown in t h e from time t o time for t h e evaluation of soaps, have accompanying curves. I n all cases t h e temperature depended largely on t h e use for which t h e soap is inwas controlled a t 2 j '. tended. Hillyer' divides soaps into two classes: T h e first point on each of t h e curves is not as accurate those used with cold or lukewarm water, such as as t h e others because a t t h e N/IO concentration toilet soaps; and those used with boiling water, as hydrolysis is fairly rapid. The significance of the laundry soaps. His method for determining t h e de- points is t h a t they show the general direction of t h e tergent value of soap is by t h e Traube stalagmometer curves. The error of t h e observations is considered method for determining t h e surface tension of a soap t o be approximately 0 . j per cent. Theoretically, solution against a kerosene which he arbitrarily t h e point of minimum surface tension should be a t adopted as a standard. The number of drops formed t h e point a t which t h e maximum number of drops is in a given length of time is regarded as a measure formed. I n all of t h e cases investigated, with the of t h e amount of soap in solution, t h e emulsifying single exception of t h e experiment with air, t h e surpower of t h e soap, and its cleansing power. The numface tension was lower with the concentrated solutions ber of drops is referred t o a curve obtained b y running t h a n with t h e dilute solutions, and t h e general direcstandard solutions of neutral sodium palmitate through tion of t h e curves is t h e same. standard kerosene and t h e relative efficiency of t h e I t has been observed t h a t t h e surface tensions soap is t h u s approximated. I n testing soaps intended of sodium oleate solutions toward air are increased for use with hot water, t h e whole of t h e apparatus is surrounded b y a water b a t h which is kept a t t h e de- with t h e dilution. The actual surface tensions of various concentrations of sodium oleate solution sired temperature. toward air were found b y t h e Traube stalagmometer Luksch2 attempted t o determine t h e efficiency of a soap b y coloring pieces of chiffon of different method t o be a t z j" as follows, expressed in dynes sizes and washing t h e m under t h e same conditions per centimeter: h7/S0 X/10 N/20 N/40 N/160 N / 3 2 0 N / 6 4 0 N/1280 in a washing machine. T h e results varied I O per cent, 2 8 20 26 21 25 33 24 17 24 77 25.55 41 2 8 24 91 b u t were sufficiently accurate t o show t h e difference By t h e same method water showed 7 1 . 7 8 toward between different soaps, H e also studied t h e weakenair. It is interesting t o note t h a t with N I I O t o W 3 2 0 1 J A m Chem. S a c , 25, 1256 sodium oleate there is such a small variation in t h e 2 Sezfensiedeu-Ztg , 40, 413, 444.

T h e plant would pay j . j per cent on a n investment of Szjo.ooo without t h e chips and 1 1 . j per cent assuming the chips t o be worth $ 1 . 0 0per t o n for pulp, which is a low estimate since the material would be in condition for immediate pulping.


T H E J O U R N A L O F I N D C S T R I A L AAVD E S G 1 4 E E R I A V G C H E M I S T R Y

surface tension, especially when t h e surface tension is so different from t h a t of mater. The solutions in this range of concentration are the ones which foam so well. When a dilution of -V/640 is attained t h e solutions commence t o t a k e on a milky appearance. T h e fact t h a t t h e foaming is so much more profuse between lV/80 and -Y,’320 affords evidence t o the view t h a t in these concentrations we have t h e soap acting as an emulsifier t o produce t h e foam which is a n ”emulsion of air in soap solution.” While the above obserxTations were taken a t 2 j 0 , a study was made a t temperatures of 20, 2 2 . 24 and 2 j ’, and it was found t h a t within this range of temperature t h e surface tension measurements if plotted as a curve form a straight line, showing t h a t t h e rate of flow is directly proportional t o the temperature. E B I U L S I F Y I K G .4CTIOI\’ O F S O A P

Following the lines of our modern methods of preparing emulsions, t h e emulsifying pon-er of soap was

studied. Emulsions of kerosene and mater were made b y shaking kerosene with a n excess of soap solution in a wide-mouthed, glass-stoppered bottle. After t h e mixtures had stood for a few minutes, t h e excess of soap solution separated out a t t h e bottom of t h e bottle, leaving all of t h e kerosene emulsified in t h e upper layer. These emulsions remained permanent for months. If insufficient soap is present when one attempts t o make a n emulsification of this character. either no emulsification or only partial emulsification takes place. I n order t o study this emulsifying action of the soap with water and immiscible liquids, it is noted t h a t , as with other emulsions, simply a uniform shaking, such as given b y a shaking machine, is insufficient. A shaking machine, even when running a t high speed, gives unsatisfactory results. I n fact, a shaking machine does not give as satisfactory results as does the jerky double motion given by hand. The ap-


8, S O .8

paratus found t o be best adapted for the purpose was a thin stirring paddle made of German sill-er in n-hich a large number of holes were c u t . T h e , paddle was electric motor-driven and t h e jar in which it was revolved was immersed in a. constant temperature bath. Vhenever possible, equal volumes of water and immiscible liquid were used a n d t h e amounts of soap varied. I n the first experiments. t h e object 17-as t o ascertain the minimum quantity of soap which would act as a n emulsifier under definite conditions. An emulsion was considered satisfactory if there was no visible separation of either constituent a t the end of j min.; the time of stirring being j min. This standard is not so arbitrary as it might seem a t first sight, because in most cases if t h e emulsion separates This is a t all. it does so in the first half-minute. especially true of the emulsions produced a t the lower temperatures. A test of the accuracy of t h e method showed t h a t a difference of 0 . I cc. S 20 sodium

oleate solution, corresponding t o o . o o r j g., could be readily detected. I n the results given, t h e accuracy has not been worked out t o such a high degree, b u t is approximately 0 . j cc. N / z o sodium oleate, or, 0 . 0 0 7 j g. The experiments were conducted a t 20’ and t h e water used was highly purified. SODIUM OLEATE X E C E S S A R Y FOR






50 50 cc. Carbon 50 50 cc. C h l o r o f o r m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 50 cc. Benzol.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 2 . 5 g. Vaseline.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50


............... Tetrachloride. . . . . . . .

50 cc. T u r p e n t i n e . .

0.1140 0.7824

0.9804 I , 5200

It is obvious t h a t entirely different amounts ’of soap are necessary t o emulsify under the same conditions t h e same volume of different substances which are immiscible wich water. The experiment with vaseline can hardly be compared with t h e others, nor is its accuracy s o great on account of t h e physical condition of the vaseline, b u t is introduced simply t o show its behavior under these conditions.

Aug., 1916



The effect of the relative amount of water present in emulsions with turpentine was observed. 20 SODIUM TOTAL


cc. 0 25 50


NECESSARY OF cc. 30 18 8


Cc. 30 43 58

I t follows from these results t h a t weak solutions of sodium oleate are more economical in t h e emulsification of turpentine with water t h a n t h e more concentrated solutions. I t is, therefore, apparent t h a t t h e volume of water in which a given amount of soap is dissolved is an important factor in its detergent effect. EFFECTOF TEMPERATURE O N EMULSIFICATION WATER cc. 50 50



50 50 50 50

cc. cc. cc. cc.

Chloroform Chloroform Olive Oil Olive Oil

50 50

SODIUM OLEATE NECESSARY Gram 0.7828 0.4636 0.6384 0.3040

I t is evident from these observations t h a t a definite amount of sodium oleate will emulsify more of these materials a t high temperatures t h a n a t low temperatures. The emulsions produced are, however, not so stable a t high temperatures as t h e low temperature emulsions. T h e emulsions were, however, permanent for j min. in all cases. For this kind of a study no objection can be raised t o emulsification of this character, inasmuch as in t h e actual process of washing, as soon as t h e emulsion is formed, it is washed away. I t is in general true t h a t sodium oleate solutions wash more efficiently a t high temperatures t h a n a t low. Soaps which are relatively high in oleic acid content are often spoken of as cold water soaps. F r o m this it might be inferred t h a t they wash better in cold water t h a n in hot. This is not t h e case. I t is true t h a t they wash better in cold water t h a n t h e stearate or palmitate soaps, which have only a slighi detergent action in cold water. I n general, t h e oleates wash better in hot water t h a n in cold. E F F E C T O F A G E OK S O A P S O L U T I O N

Strong solutions of sodium oleate decompose on standing with t h e formation of a precipitate which in chemical composition is a n acid soap. This precipit a t e is relatively insoluble and cannot be entirely brought back into solution b y boiling. Experiments were made t o find t h e relative emulsifying power of fresh N / I O sodium oleate solutions, and of N11o solutions in which this precipitate had formed. The solutions were thoroughly shaken in order t o insure t h e precipitate being uniformly suspended through t h e solution. WATERADDED



SCBSTAKCE Cc. 5 0 cc. C h l o r o f o r m . . . . . , . . 5 0 50 cc. Chloroform.. . . , , , , 50 50 cc. Chloroform. . , . , . , 50

AGE Fresh 3 mo 4I/z mo.

ently as well as water in which the soap has been freshly dissolved. COMPARATIVE


SODIUM OLEATE NECESSARY Gram 0,7828 0.7904 0,7965

From these experiments i t is evident t h a t t h e emulsifying power of sodium oleate solutions is impaired only very slightly by t h e hydrolysis. and 'a soap solution which has stood for a long time washes sppar-







NECESSARY Gram 0.4560 0.2736 0.1216


A comparison of t h e emulsifying powers of pure sodium oleate, stearate and palmitate has been made. N/20 solutions of t h e three soaps were prepared from t h e pure f a t t y acids and pure sodium hydroxide. T h e solutions of t h e stearate and palmitate were prepared hot. Both the stearate and palmitate solutions solidify t o a jelly on cooling. I t is obvious t h a t when a sufficient concentration is necessary t o emulsify a n immiscible liquid with water, it is necessary t h a t these soaps be used a t a high temperature. Such liquids as benzol. carbon tetrachloride and chloroform as were used a t lower temperatures were not serviceable a t 100'. Highly inflammable liquids could not be used in our apparatus; hence olive oil was selected as t h e most satisfactory liquid for t h e purpose. The end-points are not as definite a t high temperatures as a t z j '. The oil was well emulsified b y very small quantities of soap, b u t a considerable excess of soap is necessary t o render the emulsions permanent for j min. OLIVE



25 25

Cc. 25 25 25

TEMPERATURE Cc. 100: C. 25 100 1000


REOUIRED FOR EMULSIFICATION 0.1672 g. Sodium Oleate 0.1390 g. Sodium P a l m i t a t e 0 2250 g. Sodium S t e a r a t e

I n this comparison it appears t h a t a t 100' sodium palmitate emulsifies olive oil more efficiently t h a n t h e oleate or t h e stearate. These d a t a are very suggestive as t o t h e relative detergent values of t h e three soaps a t the boiling temperature, b u t more experiments should be made along these lines with various substances before it is possible t o generalize. SUSPEKSIONS

I n studying t h e action of soap solutions with SUSpended matter. such as ferric oxide and manganese dioxide. concentrations of sodium oleate from .VI20 t o A V / ~ 2 8 0were used. 2 5 0 cc. of t h e sodium oleate solutions were shaken u p with t h e sifted minerals and allowed t o stand from j days t o 3 weeks. T h e results with t h e two minerals were of t h e same order, and though it was impossible t o make accurate quantitative measurements, it was noted t h a t t h e maximum suspension invariably occurred with about - V i 3 20 solution. Further studies on soap solutions are in progress in this laboratory. UNIVERSITY OF



VANILLA EXTRACT By J. R. DEANA N D J. 0. SCHLOTTERBECK Received January 3 , 1916

( C o n c l u d e d f r o m our previous i s s u e ) SECOND-GRADE EXTRACTS

The conclusion reached in regard t o the use of alkali was entirely in regard t o a first-class extract where t h e aroma of t h e extract is of t h e greatest importance. I t is often desirable, however, t o prepare second-