quently gives figures lower than the actual amount. cent. In the same way a. Of Perm loam. The results obtained indicate that if this discrepancy was ...
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June, 1917


(2) combustion with concentrated sulfuric acid , t o which potassium dichromate had been a d d e d ; a n d (3) combustion of t h e residue after moist combustion with cupric oxide in a current of oxygen. Determination of t h e carbonate in t h e soil gave results less t h a n 0.01per cent carbon and this has been ignored as a negligible quantity. I t was originally proposed t o subject t h e residue from t h e treatment with sulfuric acid a n d dichromate after washing and drying t o combustion with cupric oxide, b u t i t was found ‘that this material h a d absorbed a considerable quantity of chromium compounds and gave so much sulfur trioxide on heating t h a t it was not possible t o obtain concordant results for carbon when treated. in this way, and in place another portion of soil was treated with sulfuric acid and potassium sulfate as in a Kjeldahl digestion, heated until all organic matter was destroyed and t h e residue perfectly white, washed, dried and n-eighed. The following results were obtained, all figures being t h e mean of three closely agreeing results. T h e figures obtained on combustion of t h e residue after treatment with sulfuric acid and potassium sulfate m-ere calculated t o original soil.

TOTAL CARBOF Per cent l I o i s t combustion., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.71 Cupric oxide combustion of residue from moist w m bustion, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.12 I n soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cupric oxide combustion.. .........................


quartz grains proceeds slom4y, and if t h e combustion is stopped a t t h e end of t h e period usually adopted, calcite inclusions can still be found under t h e microscope a n d t h e material will give more carbon dioxide on further heating. Theoretically if the soil n-ere ground so fine t h a t all calcite inclusions were exposed t h e carbon dioxide of such calcite would appear in t h e preliminary carbon dioxide determination and no error would be introduced in t h e subsequent combustion b y t h e cupric oxide method, b u t it does seem possible t o accomplish this in practice. I t is evident t h a t t h e inclusions are exceedingly minute, for the carbon dioxide calculated t o carbon in t h e preliminary carbon dioxide deterniination was less t h a n 0.01per cent, while t h a t obtained from t h e calcite inclusions by cupric oxide combustion n-as 0 . 1 2 per cent, working with a soil ground t o pass a sieve of 80 meshes t o the inch. T h e residue from a moist combustion after washing and drying was ground t o pass a sieve 130 meshes t o t h e inch and then leached with hydrochloric acid, and after this treatment calcite inclusions were still abundant when examined under t h e microscope. I t is, of course, apparent t h a t in a n y coniparison of methods all determinations should be made on samples ground t o t h e same degree of fineness.



0.83 0.80



SULFATE It is seen from these figures t h a t there is a reasonably close agreement between t h e total carbon obtained b y By R . F. GARDIXERA X D EDMUND C. SHOREP direct cupric oxide combustion of t h e soil, and t h a t Received February 16, 1917 obtained b y adding together t h a t obtained on moist Muscovite, one of t h e micas, is a mineral frequently combustion a n d cupric oxide combustion of t h e resifound in t h e rocks from which soils are formed and is a due. commonly occurring mineral in soils. I n some soil It has been frequently noted that moist combustion series i t is one of the characteristic or predominating methods have given figures for total carbon i n minerals, for instance in a sample of Gloucester stony soils than those obtained with cupric oxicle, and with loam after mechanical separation t h e sands were found the idea that the latter was an absolute method, it has been held that the moist combustion method fie- t o contain j per cent of muscovite and t h e silt 30 per quently gives figures lower t h a n t h e actual amount. cent. I n the same way a Of Perm loam The results obtained indicate that if this discrepancy was found t o contain 6 per cent of muscovite in the sand is found in t h e case of soils containing calcite included and per cent in the ‘Onsidered One Of the most Muscovite is in quartz. t h e facts are quite t h e contrary so far as total stable of soil minerals. Clark says,* “Muscovite, organic carbon is concerned. under ordinary circumstances, is one of t h e least alterof soils containing calcite I n other lvords, i n the able of minerals. T h e feldspar of a granite may be inclusions, t h e carbon dioxide of such calcite will not appear in t h e ordinary carbon dioxide determination completely kaolinized while the embedded plates Of b u t will appear i n t h e cupric oxide combustion and mica retain their brilliancy unchanged*” AfcCaughey a n d F r y say,3 “The micas are persistent b e calculated t o organic carbon. This is not t h e case with the moist combustion method and it m,ould Seem minerals in soils and show b u t little evidence of alterafair t o assume t h a t in case of soils containing calcite tion, a fraying of t h e edges a t times being quite charinclusions the figures obtained for organic: carbdn by acteristic, If alteration of t h e micas has t a k e n place this method are nlore nearly t h e t r u e value t h a n those i t has not influenced their Optical properties* It mould appear t h a t micas are t h e most stable of t h e b y t h e cupric oxide method. potash minerals found in soils except microline.” It should be stated in this connection that in order Johnstone reports t h a t after suspension of mica for a to obtain all the carbon dioxide in combustion of such soils b y the cupric oxide method the heating must be year in water charged with carbon dioxide very little be discerned.’ prolonged much beyond t h e t i m e ordinarily t a k e n for 1 U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Bull. 122 (1914). t h e oxidation of t h e organic matter. It would seem 2 “The D a t a of Geochemistry,” U. S. Geol. Surz’ny, 616, 1916. t h a t t h e decomposition of t h e included calcite a n d t h e Bureau of soils, u, s, Dept, Agr,, Bull. Bi (1913!. escape of t h e carbon dioxide b y t h e rupture of t h e 4 Qiiarterl)’ J . Geol. Soc. London. 45 (1889).



5 90

T H E J O l - R X A L O F I * V D U S T R I r l L AiVD E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

On t h e other h a n d , Steiger found " t h a t by a very superficial t r e a t m e n t with hydrochloric acid approximately one-third of t h e potassium may be extracted."' I n t h e s t u d y of t h e alteration of soil minerals in this Bureau one of t h e procedures adopted has been t h e subjection of t h e finely ground mineral t o t h e action of solutions of salts, either those known to be present in soils or commonly added t o soils in fertilizers. I n t h e course of this work t h e behavior of finely ground muscovite when treated with a solution of ammonium sulfate was such t h a t while preliminary work only has as yet been done t h e results seem worthy of record. Selected laminae of muscovite f r o m a large sample of this mineral were ground in a n agate mortar t o pass a sieve 1 3 0 meshes t o t h e inch. This material in varying quantities was subjected t o t h e action of I O cc. of a solution of ammonium sulfate varying in concentration from 0 . j t o 1.5 per cent. T h e insoluble material was removed b y filtration a n d t h e total potassium i n t h e solution was determined b y t h e official method for potash i n mixed fertilizers. T h e t o t a l potassium i n t h e original muscovite was determined b y t h e J. Lawrence Smith method. T h e results are shown i n t h e accompanying table. T h e length of t i m e of contact of t h e solution with t h e muscovite was i n all cases 24 hours; I O cc. of t h e a m monium sulfate solution were used i n each experiment. T h e results obtained with orthoclase b y t h e same t r e a t m e n t are also shown. I n additions t o these tests, t w o portions of 0.5 g. of muscovite were heated i n a n autoclave for I hr. a t 160' C., i n one case with water only, a n d i n t h e other with 2 5 cc. of a 4 per cent solution of ammonium sulfate. I n t h e case of water 4.32 per cent of t h e t o t a l potassium as KtO was rendered soluble, a n d i n t h e case of t h e ammonium sulfate t r e a t m e n t 47.3 per cent. I n t h e first three tests, where t h e concentration of t h e 1


U. S. Geol. Survey, Part I, Bull 600, 236.

Vol. 9, No. 6

(NHcM0.r SoluPer PER CENT tion Approx . cent Kz0 EXTRACTBD wt. Per Temp. Kr0 in -On Basis ofNO. used, G . cent O o C. Mineral Mineral Total KnO I . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0.15 0.5 20 8.40 1.68 20.00 2 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0.15 1.0 20 8.40 1.67 19.98 3 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 . 1 5 1.5 20 8.40 1.87 22.26 4 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0.15 1.0 40 2.20 34.00 6.47 1.0 40 5 ........ . . . . . 0 . 1 5 6.47 2.20 34.00 6. . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 . 1 5 1.0 40 6.47 3.73 57.65 7 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 . 2 0 1.0 40 6.47 1.55 23.96 8 . ....... . . . . . 0 . 4 0 1.0 40 6.47 1.75 27.05 1.0 40 9 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 . 6 0 6.47 1.65 25.50 10. ....... . . . . . 0.15 1.5 40 6.47 1.87 28.90 1 1 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0 . 1 5 1.5 65 2.07 6.47 21.98 1 2 . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0.15 1.5 2.33 80 6.47 36.01 13. ....... . . . . . 0 . 2 0 1.5 80 2.95 6.47 45.60 14 ..... 0 . 4 0 1 . 5 80 6 . 4 7 2 . 8 0 43.28 15.. ........... 0.60 1.5 80 6.47 2.33 36.01 ... 1 ............. 0 . 2 0 1.5 65 7.78 0.25 3.23 2 ............. 0 . 4 0 1.5 65 7.78 0.13 1.68 3 ............. 0 . 6 0 1.5 65 7.78 0.08 1.03

MINER4 L Muscovite



ammonium sulfate was increased while t h e q u a n t i t y of muscovite a n d temperature remained constant, t h e differences in K 2 0 extracted were slight with n o straight increase with increase of concentration of ammonium sulfate. I n Nos. 4, j, a n d 6, where t h e conditions were approximately t h e same, there was absolute agreement between Nos. 4 a n d 5, with No. 6 very much higher. I n t h e case of Nos. 7, 8, 9 a n d IO, with t h e q u a n t i t y of muscovite variable a n d other conditions constant, t h e differences i n q u a n t i t y of K 2 0 extracted are not significant in view of t h e variation noted where t h e q u a n t i t y of muscovite was constant. T h e remaining tests, while suggestive of increased extraction a t higher temperatures, are suggestive only. Throughout this work t h e temperature control was approximate only a n d i t would appear from t h e results t h a t other factors are operative a n d not sufficiently controlled. T h e only conclusion t h a t stands o u t clearly is t h a t a t temperatures above 20' C. (room temperature) more K 2 0 is extracted b y this t r e a t m e n t . So far no results have been obtained throwing a n y light on t h e chemical changes involved or t h e process b y which t h e potassium is rendered soluble. DIVISION OF CHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU O F SOILS, W A S H I X G T O N , D. c.



T h e development of materials t o t a k e t h e place of platinum i n m a n y of i t s applications has become not so much a m a t t e r of economic desire, as one of actual necessity. T h e present phenomenal activities i n chemical research a n d manufacturing enterprises have resulted i n a continually increasing consumption of this material, while statistics show t h a t t h e world's production has been on t h e decline. At t h e present time a n actual scarcity of metal is a matter of greater importance t h a n its consequent high cost. PRODUCTION-The following figures t a k e n from a report b y t h e United States Geological Survey, "Platinum a n d Allied Metals i n 191j," give estimates of production i n t r o y ounces during t h e period from 1912 t o 1915,for t h e principal mining countries of t h e world.


Borneo and Sumatra.. ............


Canada Colombia ....................... New South Wales and Tasmania.. Russia .......................... United States..



1912 200 30 12,000 778 300,000 721

1913 1914 2,000 50 30 15,000 17,500 1,275 1,248 250,000 241,200 483 570



.. 100 18,000 303 12,400 742

During 1914,t h e United States imported platinum t o t h e extent of a b o u t j 5 , o o o t r o y ounces, a n d i n 1915 about 65,000 ounces. A n additional 65,000 ounces of new metal were recovered b y refiners of gold bullion a n d blister copper, while about 40,000 ounces of metal were derived from refining of various forms of scrap, chiefly from jewelry a n d dental work. MARKET-The price of platinum throughout a period of years has shown a steady increase, a n d there seems small likelihood of a near future r e t u r n t o greatly lowered quotations. T h e following figures give average prices per t r o y ounce for platinum ingots a t various times since 1874.