THE JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL of the product. In ... - ACS Publications

of this good land of ours a government department has given to the ... government publications which will eventually build ... San Francisco: 307 ...
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of the product. I n this respect alone t h e work furnishes a ready reference book of great value. This is especially true of coal-tar medicinal preparations. For the first time in the history of this good land of ours a government department has given t o t h e chemical industries detailed statistics covering t h e whole field of chemicals in such a specific way as will appeal t o the individual manufacturer and t o all who are interested in learning t h e extent of our economic dependence in chemicals prior t o the war. The volume is t o be considered as t h e forerunner of other government publications which will eventually build up a valuable stock of information which will serve as a sure guide in the development of o u r chemical indust ries. I n the compilation of this material t h e full reports of t h e United States Treasury Department a t each port of entry have been made available. I n t h e prepa’ration of these records a large corps of assistants has been required, and the work has been thoroughly and carefully done. It is t o be expected t h a t in handling so vast a mass of material some mistakes would creep in. It is therefore urged t h a t any suggestions as t o defects in this present volume be promptly mailed t o Chairman of the Import Statistics Committee, AMERICAN CHEMICALSOCIETY,35 East 41st Street, New York City. These suggestions will receive the prompt consideration of the Committee and will be forwarded t o t h e Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Co m me r ce . This volume will prove of value not only t o manufacturers b u t t o every student looking forward t o chemistry as a profession. It is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for $ 0 . 2 5 , and can be obtained likewise at t h e district offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce: New York: 734 Customhouse New Orleans: 1020 Hibernia Bank Boston: 1801 Customhouse Building San Francisco: 307 Customhouse Chicago: 504 Federal Building St. Louis: 402 Third Nat’l Bank Bldg. Seattle: 848 Henry Building

The p a t h t o the final issue of this new volume has been roundabout, beset with many difficulties and discouragements, but t h e first station on t h e road t o better things has been reached. Now let us study carefully t h e facts presented and see how quickly our chemical dependence can be completely eliminated.



No. 6

A call for volunteers is therefore issued. There are some members of t h e SOCIETYwho do not bind their journals, and who because of nearby library facilities do not preserve them. Will not such members help the situation b y contributing these volumes which are now so much needed? To all such i t is requested t h a t these be forwarded t o Harvey F. Mack, Publications Manager, 2 0 7 Church St., Easton, Pa. Reprinting individual numbers is a heavy tax on the finances of the SOCIETY. I n view of the fact t h a t each member of the SOCIETYis now receiving by actual cold calculation $11.50worth of material for t h e ten dollars he pays in dues, it can be readily seen t h a t such contributions will prove the verity of the old adage, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” On t o Easton! NOTES

Madam Skladowska Curie was decorated by King Alphonso with t h e Grand Cross of the Civilian Order of Alphonso XI11 in Madrid on May 5 , 1919. Another step toward independence-word has just been received t h a t in a short while quantitative filter paper, of strictly American make and superior t o former importations, will be on the market. Congratulations t o Col. Bradley Dewey, t o whom the War Department awarded recently its Distinguished Service Medal, in recognition of his effective work in providing gas masks for the Army. The women chemists of the Illinois Steel Company not only made good as chemists b u t showed their fine spirit b y resigning in order t o make places for t h e men returning from war work. Lt. Robert A. Hall has been transferred from t h e Camp Upton Hospital t o General Hospital No. 9 at Lakewood, N. J. Good speed t o his recovery1 He wears a Croix de Guerre with palm and four stars, and. carries on his right sleeve four golden emblems of wounds received while doing his duty.

Some of t h e papers are discussing t h e question of whether Hugo Schweitzer is dead or a t present sojourning in Mexico, directing propaganda. The matter is at least of doubtful importance, for after all t h e FIRST AID TO THE INJURED recent revelations of his traitorous conduct he is cerAn unfortunate accident has befallen the AMERICAN tainly dead t o this country. CHEMICALSOCIETY. I n t h e face of what was conFrancis P. Garvan, Alien Property Custodian and sidered ample prevision t h e onrush of new members this year has been so great (more than 1400) president of t h e Chemical Foundation, Inc., insists t h a t the supply of copies of t h e J o u r n a l of the Amer- t h a t t h e German spy is still in our midst. By way of ica% Chemical Society for January and February confirming his statements: Chemie, a German chemi1919,and of Chemical Abstracts for the same months cal trade daily, published on March I, 1919,an article (Nos. I; 2 , 3 and 4) has been smashed into smith- purporting t o have been sent from New York, describereens by this sixteen-inch shell. Meanwhile new ing t h e steps leading up t o t h e organization of t h e members continue t o come in, as well as subscrip- Foundation and t h e r61e i t is intended t o perform, tions from educational institutions and libraries, many eighteelz days before i t was published ilz a n y A m e r i c a n Izewspaper, sf which desire full volumes for binding.