The Kinetics of the Reaction of Sulfite and Bromate1-2 - Journal of the

Frank S. Williamson, and Edward L. King. J. Am. Chem. ... Rachel E. McIlwaine, Hayley Fenton, Stephen K. Scott, and Annette F. Taylor. The Journal of ...
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Oct. 20, 1957

measured down to -196O, but a t 20°K. the magnetization of a hydrogenized sample was found to be about the same as prior to the admission of hydrogen. It was surmised that this effect might be due to a reversal of electron transfer leading to the formation of hydride ions on the nickel surface. Whatever may be the explanation, the existence of the effect is confirmed by the present work (Fig. 5), in which a small but definite increase of magnetization was found to occur. The attribution of this effect to hydride ion formation receives some support from the results of hydrogen adsorption on a CO-treated U.O.P. sample. Such a sample, containing a relatively small fraction of the nickel in large particles, was found to have less than half the ability (per g. of nickel) to adsorb hydrogen as com-




pared with the original U.O.P. sample. This peculiar effect could be attributed to the larger size of hydride ions and hence to the diminished number which could be accommodated on a surface, as compared with hydrogen atoms. The fact t h a t the 1% of nickel which is ferromagnetic a t room temperature, in the CO-treated U.O.P., gives a negative change of magnetization on exposure to hydrogen is, of course, of no significance in this discussion. Acknowledgment.-This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research. Acknowledgment also is gratefully made for the Sinclair Research Fellowship (E. L. L.) and the Visking Fellowship (J. A. S.). EVANSTON, ILLINOIS


The Kinetics of the Reaction of Sulfite and B Y FRANK s. WILLIAMSON3 AND EDWARDL. KING RECEIVED APRIL 1, 1957 The oxidation of sulfur(1V) by bromate results, very largely, in the formation of sulfate; a deviation of the stoichiometry from t h a t corresponding to sulfate production suggests the formation of a small amount of sulfur(V), presumably dithionate ion. The rate of disappearance of sulfur(1V) has been determined over the pH value ranges 3.4-7.4 a t 25' and 1.7-4.5 at 0'. The rate d a t a indicate t h a t in the PH range studied t h e reaction proceeds via two different transition states with the nHzO] and [SO*.BrOamHnO] compositions [HS03.Br03'




The oxidation of ~ u l f u r ( 1 V )by ~ bromate ion in neutral or mildly acidic aqueous solution proceeds a t a conveniently measurable rate a t 25.0". Among the facets of this reaction which are of interest is the pH dependence of the rate. The reported acid dissociation constant for sulfurous acid are Klo = 1.72 X and Kzo = 6.24 X lo-* a t 2 5 O . j These values, although not valid for a medium with r6 equal to 4.20 (the value for most of the solutions studied in this work), do allow the establishment of the approximate hydrogen ion concentration limits in which each of the sulfur(1V) species are predominant. * T h u s the equations for the net reactions producing sulfate, the principal product of the oxidation of sulfur(IV), are7


+ BrO3- + 3HS04- + Br- + 3 H + at KI > ( H f ) > K z , 3HS03- + Br03- --+3S04' + Br- + 3 H + and a t K Z > ( H + ) , 3s03' + BrOl- + at (H+) > K I , 3HzSOs


+ Br-

(1) (3)


Over a significant fraction of the hydrogen ion concentration range studied, hydrogen ion is produced in the reaction; since the rate is hydrogen ion dependent, buffers were used to maintain the hydrogen ion concentration approximately constant during the course of a kinetic run. Because of the high rate of reaction, kinetic studies were not made in the region (H+) > K1 (eq. 1). The reaction has been found to be first order in bromate ion, first order in total sulfur(1V) and exhibits a hydrogen ion dependence which indicates that the reaction proceeds via two different activated complexes. The rate law is a four parameter equation

(1) Taken in part from t h e Ph.D. thesis of Frank S. Williamson, University of Wisconsin, 1954; presented before the 126th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society a t New York City, N. Y., Sept. 1954, (2) Supported in part by grants from t h e Research Committee of t h e Graduate School, University of Wisconsin, and t h e U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. (3) Department of Chemistry, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. (4) In this paper, sulfur(1V) refers t o t h e equilibrium mixture of sulfur(1V) species while sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid, hydrogen sulfite (4) ion and sulfite ion refer t o t h e individual species. These species are in equilibrium with one another. Although the hydration of SO1 the parameters and being identified as the has a measurable rate ( l I / * r 10 - 8 sec., from work of G. v. Bunau and first and second ionization quotients for sulfurous M. Eigen, 2. p h y s i k . Chem. (Frankfurll, 7 , 108 ( 1 9 5 6 ) ) , it is large acid. compared t o the rates under consideration in this work. (5) H. V. Tartar a n d H. H. Garretson, THISJ O U R N A L , 63, 808 Experimental (1941). (6) T h e ional concentration r is defined, r = ZCiZiz. where Ci is t h e Reagents.-All solutions were prepared using doubly molar concentration of i-th species and Zi its charge. T h e ional condistilled water, the second distillation being carried out in centration differs by a factor of appi,oximately two from the ionic the presence of alkali and permanganate froni Pyrex glass strength, the difference being only approxiinate because t h e ionic apparatus. Reagent grade chemicals were used without strength involves t h e molal concentration scale. further purification with the exception of the sodium perchlorate which was C.P.grade aud was recrystallized froin ( 7 ) Since K? for sulfuric acid is approximately equal t o K1 for sulfilrous acid, ttirer eqiiati