The Literature of Textile Chemistry - Advances in Chemistry (ACS

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15 The Literature of Textile Chemistry

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M . B U R A S , JR.

Harris Research Laboratories Division, Gillette Research Institute, Rockville, M d . 20850 CARLTON

C. C O N R A D

Information Systems Division, Ε. I. d u Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, D e l . 19898

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he developments since 1952 i n the literature of textile chemistry are based on an expansion of knowledge through chemical research into the nature of the textile materials and the changes w h i c h they undergo. In 1952 the w o r l d textile fiber market stood at 7 5 % cotton (19 billion pounds), 1 0 % wool (2.6 billion pounds), 1 4 % rayon and acetate (3.5 billion pounds), and about 1% noncellulosic synthetics (0.3 billion pounds). B y 1964, although the wool portion of the market had remained nearly static at 9 % (3.3 billion pounds), cotton had lost one-fifth of its market on a percentage basis and was down to 6 3 % of the w o r l d fiber consumption (although its actual poundage i n ­ creased to 25 billion pounds), while the artificial cellulosics had advanced to 1 9 % (7.3 billion pounds) and the synthetic fibers had grown more than ten-fold to about 1 0 % of the total market w i t h an annual production of about 3.7 billion pounds (12). Such rapid growth represents a growth of the chemical industry, too, w h i c h is concerned w i t h converting fiber into finished textile products. T h e largest U . S . chemical companies are also the large fiber pro­ ducers. In fact, of the 16 largest fiber producers (almost a l l of t h e m ) , only three produce fibers exclusively. Literature Sources The literature of textile chemistry reflects the great activity and vigorous growth of man-made fibers. Fourteen years ago at the symposium on the 268 In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






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literature of textile chemistry ( 1 1 ) , some 210 references cited i n four papers (3, 4, 10, 14) referred exclusively to man-made fibers. In the bibliography at the end of this paper, the natural fibers and the man-made fibers are about equally represented. T h e proportionately increasing reference to man-made fibers i n the literature corresponds generally to the changing relative amounts of these fibers i n the world markets. There has been some increase i n specificity of literature resources now available. This period has also seen the appearance of several entirely new services, some new and more specialized journals, and many new specialized books. A s might be expected, some of the familiar earlier journals have either ceased publication or reflected new trends by changes i n organization and name. Most of the books listed i n the bibliography are concerned w i t h phases of textile chemistry that apply broadly to a l l classes of fibers. This approach corresponds closely to that of the textile fiber manufacturers (the chemical companies) as well. Technological attention is no longer confined to a single fiber by either company management or the research scientists, except possibly those of one-fiber trade organizations. Fiber blends are spun, woven, a n d finished as required for each end use. Dacron fiber is used i n D a c r o n / w o o l blends; the nylons are used for the strength and toughness w h i c h they impart to formerly all-cellulosic constructions; rayon is experiencing an upsurge i n the present markets partly because the new chemically modified high modulus rayons can better withstand the chemical stresses placed upon them during finishing w i t h other fibers i n blends. T h e fiber manufacturers have followed suit to meet the demands of their customers—of the 16 fiber producers p r e v i ously referred to, only five devote their entire fiber manufacturing facilities to fibers of a single chemical class (12). E v e n so, it is safe to assume that the research departments of these five manufacturers do not share the same hmitations. Another development is the tremendous acceptance of wash-and-wear finishes and "sensitized" finishes w h i c h enable the fabric to accept "permanent" pressing. W h i l e there are many routes to these finishes, b y far the largest requires chemical treatment of the cloth. Cross-linking agents from formaldehyde to bishydroxyethyl sulfone are consumed b y the tens of millions of pounds. T h e chemical research behind these finishes falls properly to the purely chemical science journals as w e l l as to those oriented toward technology. The over-all effect has been a decided integration of much textile literature into the more general journals. T h e reciprocal change i n editorial content has also taken place among the technology-oriented periodicals. Books A l l of the books included i n the bibliography are not written from the point of view of the chemist a n d do not cover a l l the available literature on man-made fibers; however, they contain information of immediate application i n textile chemistry. Some of them on textile finishing are purely technological, but the presentation of time, temperature, and concentration relations for chemical treatments leads to their inclusion. Excellent reviews of most of the

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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books listed have appeared i n the Textile Research Journal, the Journal of the Textile Institute, The Textile Institute and Industry, the American Dyestuff Reporter, and the Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists. These reviews may be consulted for an indication of the contents of each book. The following discussion is intended to provide only the broadest overview. General. The importance of the encyclopedic publications generally has been understated by reviewers. E v e n the most experienced chemist can consult profitably the " K i r k - O t h m e r Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" for a wealth of information on textile chemistry. Furthermore, this unrivaled library of information for the whole chemical industry is now being updated. F o u r teen volumes of the second edition have already appeared. The companion, "Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology," is equally rich i n its scope of textile chemistry and more basically oriented. Written from a somewhat more technological view, but of equally great value to the chemist, is Jack Press's magnificent single volume entitled " M a n Made Textile Encyclopedia." L i m i t e d as its title indicates, it is now 10 years old, but it wears its age exceptionally well. The wealth of data contained i n Harris "Handbook of Textile Fibers," together w i t h the complete references to the original sources, serves almost as a critical review of all the textile test methods and data published before 1955. V o n Bergen's excellent " W o o l Handbook," the ageless "Matthews' Textile Fibers," by Mauersberger, and Ward's "Chemistry and Chemical Technology of C o t t o n " cover processing technology to perfection. Hamby's new third edition of " T h e American Cotton Handbook" is invaluable. Kasweli's latest revision of the "Handbook of Industrial Textiles" represents a complete rewriting of this standard text and strengthens its peerless position. D y e i n g and Finishing. The increased specialization i n books on textile science and technology are exemplified by extended monographs on such rigidly limited subjects as "The D y e i n g and Finishing of Half-Hose and Other Footwear" by Datyner and " W a r p S i z i n g " by Seydel. "Surface-Active Agents and Detergents" by Schwartz et al. and M a r t i n and Fulton's "Drycleaning T e c h nology and Theory" are valuable books in this area. M u c h information may be gained from the booklets and pamphlets issued frequently by each major producer of fibers and textile finishing agents. W h i l e reference is usually made only to the issuing company's fibers or dyestuffs, the information given represents an especially valuable summary of current knowledge (and the results of costly research) i n the technology of the processes described. ,

Properties and Test Methods. Committee D-13 of the American Society of Testing and Materials is occasionally overlooked as a composite author. Their annual " A S T M Standards on Textile Materials" is a bible of test methods. If a textile chemist is to apply his knowledge, the D - 1 3 tests must be used; comparisons must be made with existing materials, and the A S T M Standards stand ready to give precise consultation and instructions on what tests to run and how to interpret the results. The A A T C C "Technical M a n u a l " (1) contains a complete description of many textile test methods w h i c h are more applications-oriented than those of the A S T M . A bibliography of books on textile chemistry is included.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.





Indexes, and Information




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For the most part the earlier standard services, such as the Journal of the Textile Institute: Abstracts; Engineering Index; Applied Science and Technology Index (formerly Industrial Arts Index), w h i c h deals w i t h processing; and Business Periodicals Index, w h i c h covers general topics; Textile Technology Digest, and Chemical Abstracts, remain as major general indexes and standard sources of abstracts. U.S. Government Research and Deveopment Reports (formerly Bibliography of Technical Reports) lists unclassified reports of government-sponsored research and development released by the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. A keyword index is also issued to facilitate reference. Also important are Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports, a semimonthly abstract journal w i t h indexes from National Aeronautics and Space A d m i n i s tration, and Technical Abstract Bulletin, which announces the availability of research, development, test, and evaluation documents acquired by the Defense Documentation Center of the Department of Defense. These abstract services are the keys to U . S. Government research. The specialized abstract service, Natural and Synthetic Fibers, published by Interscience since 1944, ceased publication at the end of 1962. The Natural and Synthetic Fibers Abstracts Service, operated by Information for Industry, Inc., provided monthly or yearly accumulations w i t h indexes through 1966 when it, too, ceased. The Textile Technology Digest, an abstract journal issued monthly by the Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, V a . , has continued; it is supplemented now by a computerized retrieval system. T h e American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists ( A A T C C ) provides information or refers requests to members or member organizations for reply. It maintains a card index of textile dyes and finishes. Patents. Several important sources for current and retrospective searching of patents have become available within the past few years. A number of countries publish official bulletins to announce the issuance of patents or the laying open to public inspection of patent applications. Some of these contain a typical claim or patent abridgment. Others contain only titles, or announce the laying open for inspection only i n the patent office ( B e l g i u m ) . Obviously, patent copies can be obtained quickly i n some instances ( U . S . and C a n a d a ) , but i n other countries, distance, foreign language, delayed publication, and other problems create barriers to prompt access to patent publications. Starting i n 1953, the Derwent Information Service has been offering a continuously expanding current awareness and translation service for patents. A l l of these are printed i n English and are listed i n the bibliography under Abstracting and Indexing and Information Services. British Patents Abstracts issues abstracts for all British patents; German Patents Abstracts are based on the full patent specification; Soviet Inventions Illustrated are translated claims of Russian patent specifications i n three sections. Partial coverage is also given i n Russian Patents Report (translations of specifications relating to chemicals and allied subjects); French Patent Abstracts (summaries from abridgments

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 7, 2013 | Publication Date: January 1, 1968 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1968-0078.ch015




appearing i n the French Official Bulletin, issued three weeks after the Official Bulletin; alternate weekly issues also include abstracts of South African and Indian patents); Japanese Patents Report (includes abstracts of patents of particular interest to the chemical and textile fields as w e l l as others); and Belgian Patents Reports (abstracts from applications available for public i n spection; this service is particularly valuable since the abstracts are issued about four weeks after the patents are available to the public; for Belgium this is some three to six months after filing—a fact that makes Belgian patents w e l l recognized as a source of early information on new inventions). Specialized patent services, such as abstract journals of foreign patents for specialized fields are also published by Derwent. A n important index to a portion of U n i t e d States patents is the Uniterm Index to Chemical Patents, published since 1955. Coverage is restricted to chemical and related patents. The Index comprises both a " d u a l dictionary" look-up device and a separate book of copies of the Official Gazette claims for patents covered. The Uniterm Index now covers the period from January 1, 1950 to date. A n index to expanded titles of U . S. chemical patents for the period 1946-1949 was introduced i n 1962. Also, starting i n 1963, a magnetic tape search edition of the 1950-1961 Index was introduced. This is designed specifically for searching on the I B M - 1 4 0 1 computer but is adaptable to other equipment. This magnetic tape file covers approximately 100,000 patents. It w i l l be updated annually to include the patents of the preceding year as covered i n the Uniterm Index. Another important publication is the National Catalog of Patents covering U . S. patents from 1790 and continuing. Periodicals Publications reporting basic research have changed little i n the past decade. The abstract services mentioned earlier, particularly Chemical Abstracts, usually w i l l provide an adequate route to worldwide literature. The Journal of Applied Polymer Science first appeared i n 1959 as a separate publication of the applications and technology portion of the Journal of Polymer Science, w h i c h now deals exclusively with basic and fundamental polymers studies. A new quarterly, Polymer, dealing w i t h the chemistry, physics, and technology of high polymers, was introduced by Butterworth & Co. i n 1960. In 1968 a new A C S journal, Macromolecules, commenced publications. Textile Organon is the most valuable source of price, production, and consumption statistics (12). This periodical has published a valuable cumulative volume of textile statistics running through 1950. It also publishes an annual directory of man-made fiber producers, w h i c h describes fiber types from producers throughout the world and defines the trademarks for synthetic fiber types. Several of the familiar earlier titles dealing with applied and general information have changed since 1952. The former British Rayon ir Silk Journal is now Man-Made Fibers. Reyon, Zellwolle, und Chemie-fasern has become

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






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Chemiefasern. Skinners Silk {? Rayon Record is now Skinners Record of the Man-Made Fibres Industry, effective with the October 1962 issue. Textile Age has been discontinued. T h e outstanding development i n the periodical literature is the appearance of a great many publications from Eastern Europe, principally the Soviet U n i o n . T h e Soviet textile industry is woefully inadequate, both i n natural and man-made fibers but its research i n the chemistry of textile fibers of a l l classes, plus the synthesis and examination of new polymers, is unsurpassed both i n originality and i n execution (2, 9). T h e highly developed Soviet scientific periodical system, as described by Hoseh ( 7 ) , is comparable w i t h that of the Western world and nearly as voluminous. Conveniently, those periodicals w h i c h are of greatest interest to textile chemists are available i n English translation i n their entirety as are selected portions of the Soviet abstract periodical Referativnyi Zhurnal Khimia. T h e titles of these journals (see the Periodicals list appended) indicate their scope, and their contents compare closely with the similarly titled U . S. publications. F i v e Japanese journals of interest to the textile chemist are available i n English (8). M a n y of these have been available for some time but have remained relatively unknown. One British and six new U . S. periodicals listed i n the bibliography should not be overlooked. M a n y thorough reviews have also appeared during the past decade. A s pointed out b y F r i e d m a n ( 5 ) , i n the Bibliography of Reviews in Chemistry during 1958-1961, there appeared 373 abstracts of review papers on dyes and textiles. This represents 9 . 8 % of the 3803 abstracts of a l l papers appearing in the same section of Chemical Abstracts (CA) for the same four years. A m o n g the 33 sections i n the C A classification arrangement w h i c h prevailed during the survey period, dyes a n d textiles ranked sixth i n percent of review articles. This ranking fits Friedman's generalization that applied areas of chemical literature tend to consist of a larger proportion of review articles than theoretical areas. T h e chemist who seeks information i n textile chemistry should not overlook the many excellent reviews listed i n the newly divided sections of the Chemical Abstracts; a l l appropriate sections are listed i n the bibliography. Periodic Reviews. T h e annual Review of Textile Progress continues, w i t h the latest volumes appearing about 18 months following the end of the year covered. They are a highly useful source for both fundamental and applied phases of textile processing, chemistry, dyeing, and polymer chemistry of interest to the textile chemist. Generally, broad coverage of the world's technical literature, including patents, is provided b y this source. These publications are highly useful for introducing the specialist into new fields and also serve as an excellent annual over-all view for those who find use for this approach. Another annual review series b y the same publisher, begun i n 1961, is Advances in Textile Processing. T h e annual reviews of the Textile Research Journal, to w h i c h , at one time, an entire month's issue was devoted, were discontinued w i t h the 1954 edition.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.






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The literature of textile chemistry has not only greatly enlarged during the past decade, but it has been greatly enriched. The closer union of the textile and chemical industry has introduced considerable fusion of the viewpoints of the scientists involved, and this has been reflected i n their publications, both as periodicals and books. The chemist and the technologist also have profited from this fusion in the past decade—they cannot do less i n the future.




American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, "Technical Manual of the AATCC," Durham, N. C., annual. (2) Buras, E. M., Chem. Eng. News 39, 126 (July 31, 1961); 82 (Aug. 7, 1961). (3) Conrad, C. C., Levin, P. M., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 10, 191 (1954). (4) Crosland, D. M., Cady, W. H., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 10, 200 (1954). (5) Friedman, H. J., J. Chem. Doc. 3, 139 (1963). (6) Gorokhoff, B. I., "Providing U.S. Scientists with Soviet Scientific Information," National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., 1962. (7) Hoseh, M., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 30, 144 (1961). (8) "Japanese Scientific and Technical Serial Publications," Library of Congress, Washington, D. C., 1962. (9) Mark, H., "Soviet Polymer Science," U. S. State Dept., Washington, D. C., 1958. (10) McDiarmid, K., Glass, K., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 10, 219 (1954). (11) Smith, Julian F., et al., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 10, 161 (1954). (12) Textile Organon 33 (6), 105 (1962). (13) "Thesaurus of ASTIA Descriptors," 2nd ed., Armed Services Technical Information Agency, Arlington, Va., 1962. (14) Worner, R. K., Skau, D. B., ADVAN. C H E M . SER. 10, 172 (1954).


Books General and Fundamental, including Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Handbooks Alexander, P., Hudson, R. F., "Wool—Its Chemistry and Physics," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1952. Alfrey, T., Jr., " H i g h Polymers," Vol. V I , "Mechanical Behavior of High Polymers," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1948. American Viscose Corp., "Rayon Technology: Handbook for Textile Mills," 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1953. Baker, W . S., Kaswell, E . R., "Handbook of Fibrous Materials,*' WADD Tech. Rept. 60-584, Part II, U . S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C , 1961. Battista, O. A., "Fundamentals of High Polymers," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1958. Battista, O. A., "Synthetic Fibers in Papermaking," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1964. Bawn, C. E . H . , "Chemistry of High Polymers," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1948.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 7, 2013 | Publication Date: January 1, 1968 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1968-0078.ch015






Bell, J . W., "Practical Textile Chemistry," National Trade Press, Ltd., London, 1955. Billmeyer, F . W., "Textbook of Polymer Science," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. Bjorksten Research Laboratories, Inc., "Polyesters and their Applications," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1956. Blow, C M . , "Application of Latex to Textile and Allied Materials," Natural Rubber Development Board, London, 1956. Bobeth, W., "Anorganische Textilfaserstoffe," Jurgen Techel., V E B Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1955. Brandrup, J . , Immergut, E . H . , eds., "Polymer Handbook," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1966. "British Rayon and Synthetic Fibers Manual," 2nd ed., Harlequin Press, Manchester, England. 1954. "British Rayon, Silk, and Synthetic Textiles Directory," 2nd ed., Harlequin Press, Manchester, England, 1954. Brown, H . B., Ware, J . O., "Cotton: History, Species, Varieties, Morphology, Breeding, Culture, Diseases, Marketing and Uses," 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1958. Buresh, F. M . , "Nonwoven Fabrics," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1962. Carboni, P., "Silk: Biology, Chemistry, Technology," transl. by K. Walter, Chapman & Hall, L t d . , London, 1952. Carman, P. C , "Flow of Gases through Porous Media," Academic Press, New York, 1956. Carroll-Porczynski, C. Z., "Asbestos: From Rock to Fabric," Textile Institute, Manchester, England, 1956. Carroll-Porczynski, C. Z., "Inorganic Fibers," National Trade Press, L t d . , London, 1958. Carroll-Porczynski, C. Z., "Manual of Man-made Fibers," Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1961. Carroll-Porczynski, C. Z., "Natural Polymer Man-Made Fibers," Academic Press, New York, 1961. "Cellulose Research Symposium II—1958," Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, 1960. Ceresa, R. J . , "Block and Graft Copolymers," Butterworth & Co., London, 1962. Cockett, S. R., Hilton, K. A . , "Basic Chemistry of Textile Preparations," National Trade Press. L t d . . London, 1955. Commonwealth Economic Committee, "Industrial Fibres," H . M . Stationery Office, London, 1955. Cook, J . G., "Handbook of Textile Fibres," Merrow Publishing Co., Watford, Herts., England, 1959. Grewther, W . G., "Proceedings of the International Wool Textile Research Conference," 5 vols., Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, M e l bourne, Australia, 1956. D'Alelio, G . F., "Fundamental Principles of Polymerization: Rubbers, Plastics, and Fibers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1952. Denny. G. G., "Fabrics," 7th ed., J. B. Lippincott Co., New York, 1952. Dury, J . , "Vocabulaire Textile Trilingue," Centre de Recherches de la Bonneterie, France, 1962. Fleming, E., "Encyclopedia of Textiles," rev. by R. Jaques, Zwemmer, L t d . , London, 1958. Flory, P. J . , "Principles of Polymer Chemistry," Cornell University Press, Ithaca, and Oxford University Press, London, 1953. Frith, E . M . , Tucket, R. F., "Linear Polymers," Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1951. Gascoigne, J . A . , Gascoigne, M . M . , "Biological Degradation of Cellulose," Butterworth & Co., London, 1960. Gessner, W . , "Naturfasem: Chemie Fasern," Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 1955. Golding, Brage, "Polymers and Resins: Their Chemistry and Chemical Engineering," D . Van Nostrand Co., Princeton, 1958. Greathouse, G. A., Wessel, C. J . , eds., "Deterioration of Materials, Causes and Prevention Techniques," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1954.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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Hague, D. C , "The Economics of Man-made Fibers," Duckworth, London, 1957. Hall, A. J . , "Standard Handbook of Textiles," 5th ed., Temple Press Books, London, 1965. Hamby, D. S., ed., "The American Cotton Handbook," 3rd ed., 2 vols., Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965-66. Harris, M . , "Handbook of Textile Fibers," Harris Research Laboratories, Washington, D. C , 1954. Harris Research Laboratories, "Research and Development Report," Textile Ser. Kept. No. 37, Quartermaster Research on Water Resistant Textiles, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va., 1952. Hartsuch, B. E., "Introduction to Textile Chemistry," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1950. Haven, G. B., "Handbook of Industrial Fabrics," 4th ed., Textile Book Publishers, New York, 1954. Haynes, Williams, "Cellulose: The Chemical that Grows," Doubleday & Co., New York, 1953. Hearle, J . W . S., Peters, R. H . , eds., "Moisture in Textiles," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1960. Hearle, J . W. S., Peters, R. H . , eds., "Fiber Structure," Butterworth & Co., London, 1963. Hermans, P. H . , "Physics and Chemistry of Cellulose Fibres," Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1949. Hess, K. P., "Textile Fibers and Their Uses," 6th ed., J . B. Lippincott Co., New York, 1958. Hey, D. H . , ed., "Kingzett's Chemical Encyclopedia," 9th ed., Bailliere, Tindall, & Cassell, L t d . , London, 1966. H i l l , R., ed., "Fibers from Synthetic Polymers," Elsevier Press, Houston, 1953. Himmelfarb, D., "Technology of Cordage Fibers and Rope," Interscience Publishers, New York, 1957. Hollen, N . , Saddler, J . , "Modern Textiles—Fibers, Fabrics, Finishes," The Macmillan Co., New York, 1954. Honeyman, J . , ed., "Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Cellulose and Starch," Heywood & Co., Ltd., London, 1959. Hopff, H . , Muller, A., Wenger, F., "Die Polyamide," Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1954. Hopkins, G. E., "Wool as an Apparel Fiber," Rinehard, New York, 1953. Houwink, R., E d . , "Elastomers and Plastomers, Their Chemistry, Physics, and Technology," 3 vols., Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1949. Howell, L . D., "Changes in American Textile Industry," U. S. Dept. Agriculture Tech. Bull. No. 1210, Washington, D. C , 1959. Howell, H . G., Mieszkis, K. W., Tabor, D., "Friction in Textiles," Butterworth & Co., London, 1959. Huggins, M . L . , "Physical Chemistry of High Polymers," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959. Inderfurth, K. H . , "Nylon Technology," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1953. "Industrial Fibers," H . M . Stationery Office, London, 1961. Jones, M . A., " A n Annotated Bibliography of Cotton Research at the Southern Utilization Research and Development Division," U . S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C , 1962. Kaswell, E. R., "Textile Fibers, Yarns, and Fabrics," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1953. Kaswell, E. R., "Wellington Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles," Wellington Sears Co., New York, 1963. Kershaw, S., "Wool—From the Raw Material to the Finished Product," 7th ed., I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 1953. Mark, H . S., McKetta, J . J . , Othmer, D. F., "Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology," 2nd ed., 20 vols., Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963 +. Klare, H . , "Technologie und Chemie der synthetischen Fasern aus Polyamiden," V E B Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1954. Kornreich, E., "Introduction to Fibers and Fabrics," Heywood Books, Ltd., London, 1966. Kresser, T. O. J . , "Polyethylene," Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, and Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, 1960.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

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23. 25.

Cellulose and Paper Dyes and Textile Chemistry


23. 25. 31.

Cellulose, Lignin, Paper, and Other Wood Products Dyes and Textiles Synthetic Resins and Plastics


44. 47. 48. 49.

Dyes Plastics Textiles Cellulose, Lignin, Paper, and Other Wood Products


45. 47. 48. 51.

Synthetic High Polymers Textiles Plastics Technology Cellulose, Lignin, Paper, and Other Wood Products


35. 36. 37. 39. 43.

Synthetic High Polymers Plastics Manufacture and Processing Plastics Fabrication and Uses Textiles Cellulose, Lignin, Paper, and Other Wood Products

Derwent Publications, L t d . , Rochdale House, Theobalds Rd., London W C 1 , England. Belgian Patents Reports, fortnightly. British Patents Abstracts, weekly. French Patents Abstracts, weekly. German Patents Abstracts, weekly. Japanese Patents Report, weekly. Russian Patents Report, irregular. Soviet Inventions Illustrated (in 3 sections: Chemical; Electrical; Mechanical and General), monthly.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 7, 2013 | Publication Date: January 1, 1968 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1968-0078.ch015




Engineering Index, Engineering Index, Inc., 345 East 47th St., New York, N . Y. 10017, monthly. Journal of the Textile Institute: Abstracts, The Textile Institute, 10 Blackfriars St., Manchester 3, England, monthly. National Catalog of Patents, Rowman and Littlefield, Inc., New York, N . Y., irregular. Natural and Synthetic Fibers Abstracts Service, Information for Industry, Inc., 1000 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036, monthly, 1963-1966. Natural and Synthetic Fibers Yearbook, Interscience Publishers, 440 Park Ave. South, New York, N . Y. 10016, annual, 1944-1962. Official Gazette of the U. S. Patent Office, Superintendent of Documents, U . S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, weekly. Referativnyi Zhurnal, Khimiya (Abstract Journal, Chemistry), Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Podsosenskii per., 21, Moscow B-62, USSR, semimonthly. Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Superintendent of Documents. Technical Abstract Bulletin, Defense Documentation Center, Cameron Station, 5010 Duke St., Alexandria, Va., semimonthly. Technical Manual and Year Book, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, P. O. Box 886, Durham, N . C. 27702, annual. Textile Technology Digest, Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, Va., monthly. U. S. Government Research and Development Reports, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, order from Superintendent of Documents, monthly. Uniterm Index to Chemical Patents, Information for Industry, Inc., bimonthly. Periodicals Advances in Textile Processing, Butterworth & Co., L t d . , 88 Kingsway, London W C 2 , England, annual. American Dyestuff Reporter (includes Proceedings of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists), Howes Publishing Co., Inc., 44 East 23rd St., New York, N . Y. 10010, biweekly. American Textile Reporter, F. P. Bennett & Co., 286 Congress St., Boston, Mass. 02110, weekly. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Otdelenie Khimicheskikh Nauk), Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York, N . Y. 10011, monthly. Canadian Textile Journal, Canadian Textile Journal Publishing Co., L t d . , 4795 St. Catherine St., W., Montreal 6, Quebec, Canada, fortnightly. Chemiefasern (formerly Reyon, Zellwolle, und Chemie-fasern), Deutscher Fachverlag G m b H , Freiherr vom Steinstrasse 7, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, monthly. Colloid Journal (USSR) (English translation of Kolloidnyi Zhurnal), Consultants B u reau Enterprises, Inc., bimonthly. Doklady Chemical Technology (English translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Chemical Technology Section), Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., b i monthly." Doklady Chemistry (English translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Chemistry Section), Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., bimonthly. Doklady Physical Chemistry (English translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Physical Chemistry Section), Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., bimonthly. Faserforschung und Textiltechnik, Akademie-Verlag, Leipzigerstrasse 3/4, Berlin W8, Germany, monthly. Japan Patent News, Japanese Patent Data Edition, III., Textiles, Interpas' (International Patent Service), P. O. Box 8, Rosmalen, The Netherlands, monthly. Japan Textile News, Osaka Textile Research Co., Ltd., 58, 2-chome, Azuchimachi Higashi-ku, Osaka, Japan. Journal of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036, semimonthly.

In Literature of Chemical Technology; Smith, J.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1968.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 7, 2013 | Publication Date: January 1, 1968 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1968-0078.ch015






Journal of Applied Chemistry of the USSR (English translation of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii), Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 12 nos. a year. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, N . Y. 10016, bimonthly. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (formerly Journal of Colloid Science), Academic Press, Inc., I l l Fifth Ave., New York, N . Y. 10003, monthly. Journal of the Faculty of Textile and Sericulture, Series D: Arts and Sciences, annual; Series B: Textile Engineering, annual; Series C: Chemistry, irregular; Shinshu U n i versity, Ueda, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Journal of General Chemistry of the USSR (English translation of Zhurnal Obschchei Khimii), Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc., 12 nos. a year. Journal of Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society, monthly. Journal of Polymer Science (in 3 sections: A, General Papers; B, Polymer Letters; C, Polymer Symposia), Interscience Publishers, 440 Park Ave., South, New York, N . Y. 10016, monthly. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, The Society of Dyers and Colourists, 19 Piccadilly, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, monthly. Journal of the Textile Institute (in 3 parts: Abstracts, Transactions (monthly), Proceedings (irregular)), The Textile Institute, 10 Blackfriars St., Manchester 3, England. Kolloid Zeitschrift &• Zeitschrift fiir Polmere, Steinkopf Verlag, Holzhofallee 35, Darmstadt, Germany, monthly. Macromolecules, American Chemical Society, bimonthly. Makromolekulare Chemie, Hiithig & Wepf Verlag, Eisengasse 5, Basel, Switzerland, irregular. Man-Made Textiles (incorporating British Rayon &• Silk Journal), Harlequin Press, Old Colony House, South King St., Manchester 2, England, monthly. Melliand Textilberichte, Melliand Textilberichte K . G . , Rohrbacherstrasse, 76, Heidelberg, Germany, monthly. Modern Textiles Magazine, Rayon Publishing Corp., 303 Fifth Ave., New York, N . Y. 10016, monthly. Papers of the American Association of Textile Technologists, Fairchild Publications, Inc., Book Division, 7 East 12th St., New York, N . Y. 10003, quarterly. Polymer, Butterworth & Co. Ltd., monthly. Polymer Science (USSR) (English translation of Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya), Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th St., New York, N . Y. 10022, quarterly. Rusta-Rayonne, 61 Ave. Jean-Jaures, Paris 19e, France. Ceased 15(4), April, 1940. Review of Textile Progress—A Survey of World Literature, Butterworth & Co., Ltd., annual. Russian Chemical Reviews (English translation of Uspekhi Khimii), Cleaver-Hume Press, L t d . , 31 Wright's Lane, London W8, England, monthly. Skinners Record of the Man-Made Fibres Industry (formerly Skinners Silk