The Manufacture of Deuterium and Its Compounds - C&EN Global

Nov 4, 2010 - ACS eBooks; C&EN Global Enterprise. A; Accounts of Chemical .... The Manufacture of Deuterium and Its Compounds. WELLS A. WEBB...
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F e b r u a r y 20, 1934



The Manufacture of Deuterium and I t s Compounds W E L L S A . W E B B , T h e California I s o t o p e Co., 2319 M c G e e St.,

Berkeley, Calif. THE


D I S C O V E R E D isotope of hydrogen,


which h a s caused so much interest a m o n g scientists is rapidly being m a d e available t o interested purchasers. After six months of research, t h e writer h a s developed a commercially practical method for obtaining deuterium oxide of high p u r i t y . Efe h a s o r g a n i z e d T h e Cali­ f o r n i a I s o t o p e Co., which will b e devoted t o t h e manufacture of deuterium a n d its com­ pounds. S t a r t i n g with t h e e l e c t r o l y t i c method first used successfully b y G. N . Lewis a n d1 Ronald MacDonald, t h e a u t h o r h a s evolved an efficient and rapid process for separating t h e isotope. Heavy ' w a t e r t h a t has been partially concentrated in t h e e l e c t r o l y t i c cells of concerns m a k ­ ing hydrogen gas b y electrolysis is used as t h e raw product. This is p u t into a b a t t e r y of c e l l s a n d b y a p r o c e s s of continual fractional electrolysis t h e concentration ο f H | 0 is increased con­ tinuously until the ulti­ U N I T W H I C H PRODUCES H § 0 m a t e of nearly pure isotopic w a t e r is reached. Although t h e loss of d e u t e r i u m in t h e process is negligible, t h e yield of p u r e HfO is a b o u t 50 per cent less t h a n t h e apparently theoretical yield. This is explained b y t h e fact t h a t i n the heavy w a t e r of low concentration which is used a s r a w material, a p ­ proximately one-half of t h e increase in density is d u e t o t h e con-centration of O 1 8 . Upon continued electrolysis t h e concentration of t h e oxygen isotope remains approximately constant and t h e -concentration of deuterium alone increases. T h u s , while nearly all of t h e deuterium is retrieved a n d obtained in t h e pure state, t h e discharged water or tailings of t h e plant remains "heavy w a t e r . " The increase in density of this waste water is due t o t h e oxygen isotope only. D u r i n g t h e p a s t six m o n t h s t h e writer, assisted b y Laurence T . G r a y , has supplied a small n u m b e r of orders for heavy water i n concentrations u p t o 95 p e r cent. H e has also supplied orders for some compounds of deuterium. Monodeuterium methane, 80 per cent pure, w a s m a d e b y heat­ ing a mixture of 80 per cent deuterio-soda lime with anhydrous p o t a s s i u m acetate. An equilibrium mixture consisting of t h e mono-, di-, t r i - a n d tetradeuterio methanes was m a d e b y passing * a mixture of H £ , H i , a n d carbon monoxide through a hot plati­ n u m catalyzer. T o m a k e deuterium cyanide, " h e a v y " sulfuric acid was b r o u g h t into contact with sodium cyanide. A mixture of t h e deuterium ammonias w a s m a d e b y utilizing t h e isotope reaction of G. N . Lewis. 2 Ordinary ammonia w a s passed into h e a v y water of low concentration, boiled o u t of it, a n d passed i n t o heavy w a t e r of higher concentration. This process was repeated until t h e evolved h e a v y ammonia was 50 per cent pure in «deuterium. T h u s a n equilibrium mixture of t h e mono-, di-, a n d trideuterium a m m o n i a s was obtained. T h e capacity of t h e p l a n t of T h e California Isotope C o . is being built u p t o produce a b o u t 4 grams of pure HgO per week. A t t h e time of writing t h i s article, 95 p e r cent H f O has been produced a n d sold. T h e production for sale of 99.5 per cent h e a v y water will be announced within a few weeks. Orders for t h i s 99.5 per c e n t deuterium oxide h a v e already been accepted a t $ 8 0 per gram.



T H E OLDEST F I R M OF CHEMIST'S T H R O U G H THE C O U R T E S Y of Jerome Alexander, xve a r e able to

reproduce herewith what we believe m u s t b e the advertisement of one of t h e first, if n o t t h e very first, firms of c h e m i s t s in -the United States. D o r e m u s a n d Harris first appeax· in t h e N e w York City Directory of 1849. I t will be interesting to n o t e from what w e reproduce t h e m a n y activities of t h d s firm. Does anyone know of a similar organization wtaich. a n t e d a t e s this one?


ittamtfactiirinji Cljrmists, IMPORTERS OP FOREIGN CHEMICAL APPAR/VTUS, 1 7 9 B r o a d w a y , KTew-YOrk: The undersigned have erected an extensive ami corsiplctelyi»ran­ ged Laboratory, and are prepared to analyze every description of Ores, Soils Mineral Waters, and all articles employed Jntho Arts a n d Manufactures. Having the best facilities they will also in-.lruct students in A m îytical Chemistry on reasonable tenns. In connection with their laboratory, the undersigne*! keep onhiîxid a lull assortment of all descriptions of Chemical ΛρρΛΓ-atus: includisig Berlin Porcelain Crucibles, Evaporating Dishes», lmn;> Furnace?, et-c; Beaker Glasses, Tubcs> Retorts, Flasks, AVoliVs Bot ilea, Cylinders, Reduction Tubes,and Liehig's Organic Analysis Apparatus,complete — all of Bohemian Glass. Crucibles of Platina, Silver-, Porcelain a n d Clay. Luiunc's and Scftrom'e Furnaces ; Bcrzeltuâ' loose's and Mi*· ferlich's Lainps, Blast Lamps, Agate Mortars, etc; .Also, Galvanic Batteries of various descriptions. Also, pine Reagent*, and nil tliu rare metal?, of the purest description, Khudium, I'livtinuin, Indium, Palladium, etc. IX ΛΓ Η- Avili manufacture apparatus to order; the order to be no. companion by drawing and specification of the use to which it is to l>o put. Persons residing at a distance may transmit by letter, =$:unples of or*??, lite, weighing from 150 grains to 1 ounce.

R. OGDEN DOREMUS, Α. Μ.". 1 cctuier cx> Cliemiutry u» llie N. Y. Colle^uo-f Pharmacy.

C. TOWNSEND HARMS, Λ. Μ.,! Lute of the f-uboraUuitv3 of (ilease» «n